Basic Fantasy Adventuring Supplement r8

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Release 8
Copyright 2015 Sean D. Spencer and
All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the terms of the
Open Game License version 1.0a

A Basic Fantasy RPG Supplement

Basic Fantasy Website:

This supplement additional adventuring rules for player and non-player characters for use with the Basic Fantasy RolePlaying Game rules. If you do not already have a copy of the Basic Fantasy RPG rules, please visit the website and
download a copy.

Using These Rules

The Game Master must choose which, if any, of these
rules apply in his or her game.

Outdoor Scale and Direction

Core Rules reminder: outdoors movement, missile, and
spell range is in yards (feet x 3) instead of feet. This is due
to more room and better vision. Spell area of effect
outdoors remains in feet, however.
See Core Rules, Wilderness Movement Rates
See Core Rules, Becoming Lost

Encounter Distance
The distance of a wilderness encounter may depend upon
local terrain; a monster seen coming out of a ravine that is
only 20 yards away is encountered at that distance. If
uncertain how far away the monster is, roll 4d6 and
multiply the result by 10; this number, 40-240 is the
distance in yards at which the monster is first
Wilderness encounters that occur at night use dungeon
encounter distances instead.

Outdoor Surprise
This is handled in the same way as in the Core Rules,
except that if either group is surprised, the encounter
distance is 1d4x10 yards. If three or more creatures
surprise a party, they may have moved into a circle
around the party.
See also Core Rules Evasion and Pursuit

Effects of Weather
In rain or a downpour unprotected bow and crossbow
strings become damp and cannot be used until dried out.
Rain can reduce both visibility and movement rates, as
shown on the table below:




No effect



400 yards


2+ Days Rain

100 yards


2+ Days Downpour

100 yards


The rates are in addition to the adjustment in the Core

Rules, Overland Travel.
Wind: The strength of the wind affects missile weapons.
In a wind all missile ranges are increased by one band for
purposes of accuracy: short range becomes medium,
medium becomes long and no long range fire is possible.
In a gale all missile weapons are limited to short range
only but are fired at -1 to hit.

Range (Short, Medium, Long)

No Wind







Short (-1 to-hit)


Effects of Terrain (Optional)

Other environmental elements could have varying effects.
For example, in a dense forest, dense fog, or snow, a GM
may wish to limit missile range or movement rates
accordingly. The method by which this is done is entirely
up to the GM. Here are some examples:
1. The GM might apply a simple AC bonus per
Partial Cover in the Core Rules. For example,
moderate forest, jungle, or fog may effect line of
fire, providing targets at a distance partial cover.
2. If faced with really dark and dense terrain, the
GM might refer to the guidelines on blindness or
invisibility, or even limit outdoor movement to
dungeon movement (feet instead of yards) and
limit missile range to, say, 100 feet.



3. Difficult terrain such as marshes, swamps, kneedeep water heavy sand or snow terrain may call
for limiting movement rates (1/2 or 2/3 rate.)
4. The GM might even reduce the band of range,
such as the case in the effects of weather (see

Chases in the Wilderness (Optional)

If one party retreats combat and manages to become out
of sight, the other party may have a reason to chase.
Playing this out could involve the pursued party members
making attempts to hide, or the pursuing party making
attempts to track (follow trails of blood or foot prints.)
Characters have limited endurance while running.
See the Core Rules section on Running.
Here are examples of various elements to consider:

If the character fails at any of the above, there is a chance

the character underwater may drown. Per the GM's
discretion, this could be a percentile chance depending on
circumstances (typically 90% for heavy encumbrance.)
At the GM's option, a character underwater may be
allowed Constitution check every round. Once he fails a
check, he has drowned.
If a character deliberately attempts holding his breathe,
consider the characters total CON score for number of
rounds or ability rolls.

When characters are climbing in a difficult or tense
situation, the GM can require a DEX ability roll. Note that
only thieves are able to climb extremely steep and high
surfaces, due to their special training.
Generally heavily encumbered characters and character
in metal armor will not be able to climb well. This may
call for a DEX ability roll with a penalty (such as -5) or a
percentile chance (50% or less.)

If one party has more members than the other, it

will be easier for the smaller party to hear the
general whereabouts of the larger party.

Low visibility terrain, such as woods, misty

swamps, night, rain, fog, or snow would increase
the chances of the pursued party being able to
ability to evade or hide. A monster that is
familiar with a certain area or terrain may know
of good places to hide.

See also Core Rules Falling Damage

If one party is faster than the other, then the

chances of out running or catching up to the
other party should be factored in. If each party's
speed is matched, then consider which group has
heavier load. A simple DEX or CON check could
be used for resolving breakaway.

Means of flight, such as a pegasus which flies by flapping

its wings, or a continuously moving land vehicles, are
considered continuously unsteady.

It is assumed that every (humanoid) character knows how
to swim. Movement rate while swimming is at 1/2.
The GM might require an ability check versus STR (if
battling high seas) or CON (against exhaustion from long
distance swim); upon failure the character goes
underwaterand cannot breathe there.
Heavily encumbered characters will be dragged
underwater. In that case, the character must either
remove armor, drop equipment or treasure (enough to
reach light encumbrance), or be rescued (pulled to the

Combat from a Mount

Sometimes a mount or platform is continuously unsteady.
Firing a missile or throwing a weapon from such a
platform has a -4 penalty to hit.

The fly spell and flying magical items (flying carpets, ships,
etc.) are considered steady platforms. Attackers using
missile weapons suffer no special attack roll penalties
when firing from such platforms.
Spellcasting requires a steady platform.
Any missile weapon can be used from a mount.
However, longbows may be too unwieldy while on
horseback. Crossbows remain subject to Core Rules,
Missile Weapon Rate of Fire.
If movement is not continuous and the character is able to
slow and stop between turns, such as on horseback, then
a penalty normally need not be applied.
However, per the GM's discretion, a to-hit penalty may be
applied, or a DEX ability roll required, when attacking
from a mount, depending on the character's background,
proficiencies or specialties, such as Riding skills.



While guiding a warhorse to attack, the mounted

character cannot attack or cast spells, but can take other
actions (such as changing weapons or drinking a potion).
When not ridden, a war horse will defend itself.

If characters go without food, see Core Rules, Dungeon


Any race/class can ride a warhorse. However, halflings

are too small to properly wield a lance from horseback.

Characters will often find a need to camp out at night,

since there is no civilized place to stay.

Riding horses, on the other hand, are likely to bolt or rear

in the face of danger. In that case, or in the case of other
Riding maneuvers, may require a DEX ability roll (See
also Ride in Secondary Skills supplement.)

The party will need to decide whether or not to light a

fire. While a fire is useful for light, warmth and scaring off
wild animals it is also likely to attract humanoids that are
active at night. Keen players might choose a camp site
with an eye to defense, if possible, allowing only one or
two lines of approach, so that the party is not attacked
from all sides at once.

Forced March
Core Rules reminder, see Overland Travel

Food in the Wild

Characters may forage or hunt while traveling, but with
rate adjustments and chance of finding enough food for
the day (optionally, GM may make this equal 1d6
provisions), as shown in the tables below; your GM will
make the necessary roll. The rates are in addition to the
adjustment in the Core Rules, Overland Travel.
Foraged food includes nuts, berries, and possibly small
game. If you spend a day without moving, normal
foraging is automatically successful, and you might (1-2
on a d6) encounter some animals which may be hunted
for additional food (optionally 1d6 provisions.) While
hunting, there will be one Wandering Monster check,
from the table appropriate for the terrain.

Foraging Chances


1 on d6


1-2 on d6


1-4 on d6

Spend the Day

Automatic. plus 1 in 3 chance hunting, plus

Wandering Monster check.

Camping and Keeping Watch

Characters can be on guard throughout the night in order

to watch if anything approaches the camp and to alert the
other adventurers if it does. In order to avoid exhausting
those on watch, it is usually necessary to share the task
between the group, with 3-4 changes of watch. Spell
casters need to get enough sleep to regain their spells in
the morning.
The use of structures or tents will help protect equipment
and characters from weather (see Effects of Weather
Characters will always need to find a way to tether
animals at night, as they may wander off, and if attacked,
they are likely to bolt.
For Wandering Monsters: See Core Rules, Wilderness

Sleeping in Armor (Optional)

Character who sleep in normal metal armor get less than
the required amount of sleep, see Core Rules Healing
and Rest.

Days spent in a forced march or resting cannot be spent

foraging or hunting.
Some characters may have a background in survival
(often rangers); if so, or if the campaign is using
secondary skills like Survival or Hunting, these characters
forage automatically without movement penalty.
Rate per Day


Forage w/ Successful Survival Skill


Spend the Day

(no movement)

On the other hand, a character can don metal armor

(donning) per the Armor and Shields supplement rules
(e.g. within 10 rounds minus DEX bonus.)
If it suites the campaign the GM may take this one step
further. If the weather conditions are intolerable its very
cold, windy and wet, for instance and the characters
decide not to take any actions to counter this (such as
making a fire), the GM may decide that they simply can
not get a good nights sleep, with the particular effects
discussed elsewhere.
See Camping and Keeping Watch



Poison (Optional)
The GM may choose not to allow player characters to use
poisons in the campaign; it may be assumed that it is not
generally possible to envenom a weapon because the
poison will not readily adhere to a blade or because fresh
poison will become useless shortly after it is exposed to
air. However, if poison is allowed, here are suggestions:
The GM may consider using poisons that cause damage
instead of death. Or only allowing poisons of lesser
power, such as intoxication or slight damage.
See Save vs Die Poison in the Core Rules.
Some natural plants have saps or leaves that if boiled
could produce mild poison; however; such preparation is
not common knowledge.
Because of its dangers, poison may be declared illegal by
local or regional rulers. Warn players that, if they want
their characters to use poison they risk breaking laws, and
intelligent monsters may use them as well.
A character has a 1 in 20 (or higher) chance of exposing
himself to a poison whenever he applies it to a weapon or
otherwise readies it for use. This is because those

inexperienced with poison may receive a nick or

accidentally expose himself in other ways for lack of
proper handling; this includes attempts at harvesting from
a creature's poison gland, assuming the gland is intact (a
rare thing after a sword-fight, although if successful,
suggest 1 to 3 doses per creature.) Additionally, a
character who rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with a
poisoned weapon exposes himself or a friend (with save.)
Per the GM's discretion, assassins may be exempt from
these penalties.
As a general rule, a poisoned weapon or object retains its
venom until the weapon scores a hit or the object is
touched; one dose affects just a single target.
However, if the GM deems it necessary for game
purposes, poison might denature over time (a few hours
after application or 1d6 days if stored); reagents may be
used as a preservative but it will dilute the potency.
For game purposes, one dose affects just one weapon or
a single bullet at a time, regardless of size.
Alternatively, potion of poison may be purchased from an
alchemist or an assassin; however these specialist may be
hard to find and charge a steep price per the specialist
section of the Core Rules.



Open Game License

Combat Options: A Basic Fantasy Supplement (hereinafter the Supplement)
is based on the System Reference Document v3.5 ("SRD"), which is Open
Game Content. The text of the Open Game License itself is not Open Game
Content. Instructions on using the License are provided within the License itself.
Designation of Open Game Content: The entire text of the Supplement
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likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and
other visual representations, including the eye logo, which is the personal
mark of Chris Gonnerman for his various products, and which is Copyright
2002 Chris Gonnerman, and the Scribbled Dragon, which is Copyright 2005
Erik Wilson; (C) logos and trademarks, including any trademark or registered
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identity, and which specifically excludes the open game content.
More information on the Open Game License can be found at:
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright 2006 Chris Gonnerman.
Combat Options:

A Basic Fantasy Supplement Copyright 2007 Chris

Adventuring: A Basic Fantasy Supplment Copyright 2014 Sean D. Spencer


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