Arcane Specialities Rules Option v1

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This optional rule allows a mage (as well as rogues and warriors via the Arcane Adept talent,
see below) to gain easy to use minor magics called cantrips or to gain other unusual arcane
influenced benefits. The mage replaces the Arcane Blast ability gained at level 1 with the Arcane
Specialties ability instead, which allows them to learn a single specialty of their choice. Arcane
Blast itself becomes one of the available specialties that a character can learn although they are
no longer forced to take it if they dont wish to. Regardless of the specialty selected, almost none
of the powers require magic points to cast or use and thus only a select few are mage only.
Many however do involve a hand gesture or the use of an arcane device when casting.

A mage using the Arcane Specialties Optional Rule can select one specialty at level 1 to replace
the Arcane Blast ability and then gain a second at level 6 to replace the Spell Blast ability and a
third at level 10 to replace the Power Blast ability. Choose from the following list:

Arcane Blast: As per the Arcane Blast (rounded down) yourself as well. It costs a
description p.20 Fantasy Age Basic Minor action to activate and maintain this
Rulebook. aura each turn.

Arcane Ward: You can will a magical Beguiler Cantrip: With a magical hand
barrier about yourself that protects you sign you can influence the minds of others.
from certain harm. As a free action you can When using this cantrip as a Minor action
spend a single Magic Point when struck by you gain +1d6 bonus to the next
a damaging attack to increase your current Communication test you undertake.
Armor Rating by 1d6 for that attack alone.
Chaos Magic: When you generate
Aura of Thorns: You can release a combat or spell stunt points you may
magical aura that injuries everyone within 3 choose to spend them on stunts from the
yards of your person. Anyone within that Chaos Stunts table listed on p.88 of the
range, friend or foe, takes your Willpower Titansgrave book instead. However the
in Penetrating damage at the start of your power is damaging to the mind and so you
turn. You also take half this damage

lose 1 point of Intelligence permanently Eldritch Lance: This cantrip can be taken
upon taking this power. with or without the Arcane Blast power. If
used on its own it allows the caster to make
Cleanse Cantrip: With a touch and a
a special Ranged Attack that channels
wiping motion you can clean any item, such
magical energy into a lance of power
as dirty clothes, rusty metal or grimy
without the need for an Arcane Device. It is
surfaces, making them appear shiny, new
a normal ranged attack using an Accuracy
and free of foul filth and odors.
(Arcane Blast) test and does 1d6 +
Alternatively you can cleanse water or food
Willpower damage up to 10 yards.
making it pure by removing toxins, poisons
Alternatively the Eldritch Lance can be
or germs.
combined with a traditional Arcane Blast to

Counterspell: When an enemy casts a increase its power significantly. Thus if

used with the Arcane Blast power, Eldritch
spell at you, you can use a Minor action to
Lance increases the damage of that attack
make a Counterspell hand gesture. Doing
by an extra 1d6 per blast.
so lets you resist their Spellpower roll with
a +2 bonus. If holding your Arcane Device
Familiar: You possess the arcane
while gesturing the bonus is increased to +3.
knowledge to summon a familiar to do your

Curse Cantrip: By pointing your Arcane bidding. It takes 1 hour to perform this
ritual and costs 50 sp in components. When
Device at an enemy and saying words of
finished you gain the service of a familiar
power you can place a curse upon that
such as a regular small animal, a winged
target that will last until the end of an
imp or an artificial mechanical creation.
encounter or the target dies. It takes a Minor
This creation acts independently of you but
action to cast this Hex and you must be able
it always obeys your commands. It never
to see the target when you do. Any attacks
makes rolls of its own but can give you a + 2
you make against this opponent gain +2 on
bonus on any test where it is capable of
your attack or casting rolls and inflict a
giving you aid. It may or may not be able to
further +3 damage on the target. You can
talk depending on your wishes. If you
however, only have one Curse active at a
possess magic points you can spend 1 point
to see through its eyes for up to 10 minutes
Defensive Cantrip: By holding forth but your real body is deaf and blind while
your Arcane Device in a self-protective doing so. You can only have one familiar
gesture with a minor action, you give summoned at a time. However you can
yourself + 2 Defense bonus. You can still dismiss your familiar at any time, but to
perform a major action in addition to this summon it again you must cast this ritual
cantrip using your free hand. again. Otherwise the effects of this power

are permanent and even if killed the armor. You can wear light leather or heavy
familiar can be summoned back anew. leather (or scout armor from Titansgrave)
without suffering the effects of Strain when
Gun Mage: You can choose a black casting spells.
powder weapon (or blaster if you are in
Titansgrave) as an arcane device. You are Magic Sense: You can sense if an object is
considered trained when using it. Further magical just by touching it. This power does
the gun now counts as a magic weapon and not tell you what the object does or how it
it allows you to substitute Willpower for works, only that it contains magical power
Perception when inflicting damage. of some kind. No roll is required to use this
power; the GM will inform you it is magical
Hidden Secrets: Through hidden arcane when you touch such an object.
formulas you have unlocked the knowledge Alternatively you can spend 1 magic point
to acquire something that is normally if you possess them to increase your Magic
beyond your area of expertise to learn. Sense to a range of 5 yards. The effects of
Upon taking this power you choose one this amplified range last for 1 minute.
talent (including those from Specializations)
and regardless of its class restrictions you Magic Sight: You gain Dark Sight, which
gain the ability to learn this talent. However allows you to see up to 20 yards in darkness
you are still required to meet the talents without a light source.
Requirement restrictions. Note that Hidden
Secrets does not let you take the talent itself; Overchanneled Spells: When you cast
it only gives you the ability to take it when spells that deal damage you gain a +2 bonus
you reach a level that lets you select a new to the total damage inflicted.
Power Blast: As per the Power Blast
Healing Hands Cantrip: You can description p.21 Fantasy Age Basic
perform the Heal action with but a touch Rulebook.
that releases a burst of soothing magic. You
Scourge of Alecto: You can assault a
do not require bandages or other aids to
single target with a magical blast that
perform the heal action and when you do
suppresses their fury and power. As a
heal it is for an amount of Health equal to
Major Action you can make an opposed test
the Stunt Die + your Intelligence + your
of your Willpower (Self-discipline) vs the
Willpower as well.
targets Willpower (Courage). If you win,
Learned: Gain 2 focuses of your choice. the target of your attack is unable to face
you on a subconscious level and so cannot
Mage Armor: You have trained long and initiate any hostile actions against you
hard to cast magic while encumbered by unless you attack them first.

Shadow Step: When you step into in Health levels and anything that reduces
shadows you can use a Major action to this to zero forces you to change back to
become invisible until you move or take humanoid form (although your normal
another action. health levels are unaffected by that attack).
To change forms takes a Major Action.
Shapeshift Bird: You can transform While in this form you can only make
yourself and your belongings into a type of brawling attacks, your speed is 8 + dexterity
bird of your choosing. You cannot cast (though you can slither into hard to reach
spells or even talk while in this form but places) and you can make a poisonous bite
you can shapeshift back at will. You have a as a brawling attack that slows a target
total of 5+ your Constitution in Health reducing their Speed Rating by 5 until the
levels and anything that reduces this to zero end of the encounter (the effects arent
forces you to change back to humanoid cumulative from successive bites).
form (although your normal health levels
are unaffected by that attack). To change Smite Cantrip: You can channel your
forms takes a Major Action. While in this mana into your melee attacks. When
form you can only make brawling attacks, making a melee attack you can spend 2
but you do gain a flying speed of 8 + Magic Points to increase the damage by 1d6.
willpower. You must possess Magic Points to be able to
have this cantrip. Casting this cantrip is a
Shapeshift Canine: You can transform free action. If using a weapon that is also
yourself and your belongings into a canine your Arcane Device you gain +1 to the
such as dog or wolf. You have a total of 8 + attack roll as well.
your Constitution in Health levels and
anything that reduces this to zero forces you Spell Binding: You can bind a single
to change back to humanoid form (although weapon of your choice so that it can be
your normal health levels are unaffected by summoned to your hand or dismissed as
that attack). While in this form you can only you desire. You can cast this binding on a
make brawling attacks, your speed is 12 + single weapon (or perhaps even
dexterity and you can perform the Set Up ammunition such as an arrow or battery) of
combat stunt at will as a free action without your choice. It takes 1 hour to perform this
having to spend stunt points. ritual and costs 50 sp in components. Once
cast you can summon the weapon to your
Shapeshift Snake: You can transform hand or dismiss it out of existence as a
yourself and your belongings into a large Minor action. It can be dismissed at any
snake. You cannot cast spells or even talk range even if you can no longer see it. If the
while in this form but can shapeshift back at weapon is destroyed you can dismiss it and
will. You have a total 8 + your Constitution when it is summoned back it will return

undamaged like it was at the time of casting the target is struck with the telekinetic force,
this binding. You can cast a spellbinding on hit by the object or has the flung object
up to a maximum of three separate strike them. You can only manipulate one
weapons or pieces of ammunition. object at a time using this power.

Spell Blast: As per the Spell Blast Weapon Training: You choose to forgo
description p.21 Fantasy Age Basic some magical training to instead undertake
Rulebook. marital training. Gain a single Weapon
Group of your choice that you do not
Spell Mastery: When you cast spells the possess.
Magic Point cost is reduce by 1 to a
minimum of 1 to cast any spell.

Taunting Whispers Cantrip: With a NEW TALENT

wave from your Arcane Device you can
force an opponent to hear a barrage of
vicious voices that taunt and mock them. Classes: Mage, Rogue and Warrior.
When you cast this cantrip you can inflict Requirements: Intelligence 2 or higher
upon this target the Taunt combat stunt at You have grounded your learning in the
will without having to spend stunt points, basics of Arcane magic.
though you must still make a
NOVICE: Gain 1 Arcane Specialty of your
Communication (Deception) vs Willpower
choice. Further gain the Arcane Device
(Self-Discipline) test as normal but you gain
ability if you do not possess it. If you
+3 to the test. Casting this power costs a
already have the Arcane Device ability gain
Minor action to perform.
+ 5 Magic Points instead. You can now
Telekinetic Magic: You can project your attune a new arcane device by spending 5
will out to 15 yards and mentally control health levels instead of magic points if you
objects as though you were using your wish.
hands. You can manipulate any object you
JOURNEYMAN: Gain 1 Arcane Specialty
can see, moving the object in the air,
of your choice.
opening or closing it, operating it or even
striking or throwing it. However the object MASTER: Gain 1 Arcane Specialty of your
is limited only to those you would normally choice.
be able to interact with or be able lift with
your own hands. If you use this power to
strike an opponent directly or with an object
or throw something at them you make an Written by A. GITTOES.
Improvised Weapon attack and if successful

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