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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing [2]

1. Historical development of Lean Production
The person given credit for initiating many of the methods of lean
production was a Toyota chief engineer named Taiichi Ohno (19121990). In the post-World War II period, the Japanese automotive industry
had to basically start over. Ohno visited a U.S. auto plant to learn
American production methods. At that time, the car market in Japan was
much smaller than in the U.S., so a Japanese automotive plant could not
afford the large production runs and huge work-in- process inventories
that we had here. (As it turns out, our plants cannot afford them any
longer either.) Ohno knew that Toyota's plants needed to be more
flexible. Also, space was (and is) very precious in Japan. These
conditions, as well as Ohno's apparent aversion to waste in any form
(muda, as the Japanese call it), motivated him to develop some of the
basic ideas and procedures that have come to be known as lean
production. Over the next several decades, he and his colleagues
perfected these ideas and procedures, which included just-in-time
production and the Kanban system of production control, smoothed
production, setup time reduction, quality circles, and dedicated adherence
to statistical quality control.
Ohno himself did not coin the term "lean production" to describe
the collection of actions taken at Toyota to improve production
efficiency. In fact, he titled his book, The Toyota Production System:
Beyond Large Scale Production [13].The term "lean production" was
coined by researchers at MIT to describe the activities and programs that
seemed to explain Toyota's success: the efficiency with which they
produced cars and the quality of the cars they produced.
The MIT research project came to be known as the International
Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP). Included in the research was a survey of
87 automobile assembly plants throughout the world. The research was
popularized by the book The Machine that Changed the World [18]. In
the subtitle of the book was the term "lean production."
Lean production is a term that embraces many of the topics that we have
covered in earlier chapters, topics such as flexible manufacturing,
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

minimizing work-in-process, "pull" systems of production control, and

setup time reduction. The term itself was coined by MIT researchers to
describe the collection of efficiency improvements that Toyota Motors
undertook to survive in the Japanese automobile business after World
War II. Because of its origins at Toyota Motors, the same collection of
improvements has also been called the "Toyota production system".
2. Definition of lean production
Let us provide two definitions of lean production. Our first
definition is a summary of two of the authors of The Machine that
Changed the World. Womack and Jones define lean as:
" doing more and more with less and less-less human effort, less
equipment, less time, and less space-while coming closer and closer to
providing customers with exactly what they want".
We are taking some liberties in using this quote. It comes from
their book titled Lean Thinking (p. 15), and they use these words to
define "lean thinking," which is lean production but expanded in scope to
include distribution and other functions beyond the factory.
Lean production can be defined as an adaptation of mass
production in which workers and work cells are made more flexible and
efficient by adopting methods that reduce waste in all forms. According
to another author of The Machine that Changed the World, lean
production is based on four principles:
1. Minimize waste
2. Perfect first-time quality
3. Flexible production lines
4. Continuous improvement
A simple comparison between lean production and, mass
production is summarized in the table below:
Comparison between lean production and, mass
Mass production
Lean Production
Inventory buffers
Minimize waste
Just-in-case deliveries
Minimum inventory
Just-In-Time deliveries
Acceptable quality level Perfect-first-time Quality

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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

Lean Systems is defined by (Krajewski, 2016), as an: operations systems

that maximize the value added by each of a companys activities by
removing waste (Muda) and delays from them. Eight types of waste or
Muda are found in literature, these are;
1. Overproduction
2. Inappropriate Processing
3. Waiting
4. Transportation
5. Motion
6. Inventory
7. Defects
8. Underutilization of Employees
3. Deadly Types of Wastes or Muda.
The core idea of lean manufacturing is eliminating waste from the
manufacturing process. So, what is waste? It can take many forms, but
the basic idea is to eliminate anything and everything that does not add
value from the perspective of your customer. Traditionally, lean identifies
seven key areas of waste, recently some literature consider identifies
eight key types typically referred to as the Seven Deadly Types of
Wastes or Muda. These are described below;
(1) Production of more than the number of items needed
(Overproduction): Making something before it is truly needed. This
is a particularly serious form of waste because it leads to excess
inventory that is often used to mask other underlying problems and
inefficiencies. Countermeasures for Overproduction include;
- Pace production so the rate of manufacturing matches the
rate of customer demand (Takt Time).
- Use a pull system to control how much is manufactured
- Reduce setup times so that smaller batches can be
economically manufactured (SMED).
(2) Waiting (Workers waiting, work-in-process waiting): Time when a
resource is waiting for a next step in production (no value is being
added). Countermeasures for waiting include;
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

- Design processes so that the flow is continuous and there are

minimal (or no) buffers between steps in production
(Continuous Flow).
- Use standardized work instructions to ensure that a
consistent method and consistent times are used for each step
of production (Standardized Work).
(3) Unnecessary transport of resources (Transport): Unnecessary
movement of raw materials, work-in-process or finished goods.
Countermeasures for Transport include;
- Design a linear, sequential flow from raw materials to
finished goods (Value Stream Mapping).
- Make sure work-in-process is not placed into inventory
(Continuous Flow).
- Avoid continual changing of job priorities (Theory of
(4) Unnecessary movement of people (Motion):
movement of a resource (movement that does not add value).
Countermeasures for Motion include;
- Ensure that work areas are logically organized (5S)
- Consider alternate arrangements of equipment that reduce
motion (Value Stream Mapping).
(5) Unnecessary processing steps (Overprocessing): More processing
than is needed to produce what the customer requires.
Countermeasures for Overprocessing are;
- Compare customer requirements to manufacturing
specifications (Kaizen).
- Look for potential simplifications to the manufacturing
process (Kaizen).
(6) Unnecessary inventories (Inventory): quantities of raw materials,
work-in-process, or finished goods that go beyond supporting the
immediate need. Countermeasures for Overprocessing are;
- Bring raw materials in only as they are needed (Just-InTime)

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- Reduce or eliminate buffers between steps in production

(Continuous Flow)
- Refer to Overproduction countermeasures (Takt Time,
Kanban, and SMED).
(7) Production of defective parts (Defects): Production that is scrap or
requires rework. Countermeasures for Overprocessing are;
- Design processes so they are less likely to produce defects
- Design processes to detect abnormalities so they can be
immediately corrected (Jidoka)
- Look for the single most frequent defect and determine why
it occurs (Root Cause Analysis)
- Create work instructions that provide a consistent method of
manufacturing the part. (Standardized Work).
(8) AN EIGHTH DEADLY WASTE: An extremely important form of
waste that is not represented within the Seven Deadly Wastes is
unused human potential (Underutilization of Employees). This
form of waste results in all sorts of lost opportunities (e.g. lost
motivation, lost creativity, and lost ideas).
One of the reasons that this from of waste is often
underemphasized or even ignored at companies is that
responsibility for it lies squarely on the shoulders of management.
Unused human potential often results from management policies
and management styles that diminish employee contributions. By
way of contrast, developing strong coaching skills for managers
can be very effective in strengthening employee contributions.
4. Perfect First-Time Quality.
In the area of quality, the comparison between mass production and lean
production provides a sharp contrast. In mass production, quality control
is defined in terms of an acceptable quality level or AQL.
This means that a certain level of fraction defects is sufficient, even
satisfactory. In lean production, by contrast, perfect quality is required.
The just-in-time delivery discipline used in lean production necessitates a
zero defects level in parts quality, because if the part delivered to the
downstream workstation is defective, production stops. There is
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

minimum inventory in a lean system to act as a buffer. In mass

production, inventory buffers are used just in case these quality problems
occur. The defective work units are simply taken off the line and replaced
with acceptable units. However, the problem is that such a policy tends to
perpetuate the cause of the poor quality. Therefore, defective parts
continue to be produced. In lean production, a single defect draws
attention to the quality problem, forcing corrective action and a
permanent solution. Workers inspect their own production, minimizing
the delivery of defects to the downstream production station.
5. Flexible Production Systems (FMS) and Manufacturing Cells
Mass production is predicated largely on the principles of Frederick W.
Taylor, one of the leaders of the scientific management movement in the
early 1900s (Historical Note 2.1). According to Taylor, workers had to be
told every detail of their work methods and were incapable of planning
their own tasks. By comparison, lean production makes use of worker
teams to organize the tasks to be accomplished and worker involvement
to solve technical problems. One of the findings reported in The Machine
that Changed the World was that workers in Japanese "lean production"
plants received many more hours of training than their U.S. counterparts
(380 hours of training vs. 46 hours). Another finding was the lower
number of job classifications in Japanese lean plants. The study showed
an average of 11.9 job classifications in Japanese plants versus an average
of 67.1 in U.S. plants. Fewer job classifications mean more cross-training
among workers and greater flexibility in the work force, Countermeasures
for that are; Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) and Cellular
Manufacturing CM.
FMS is a method for producing goods that is readily adaptable to changes
in the product being manufactured, in which machines are able to
manufacture parts and in the ability to handle varying levels of
production. FMS gives manufacturing firms an advantage in a quickly
changing manufacturing environment. While an FMS has many
advantages, it may not always be the most cost effective method of
manufacturing due to the high cost of developing the system and
obtaining sophisticated machinery. An FMS may be able to make up for
this high cost with greater efficiency and less down time. For example, a
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

traditional manufacturing system may need to halt if a key machine

breaks down. However, an FMS may be able to adapt and keep
production going during repairs.
Sets of machines that are grouped by the products or parts they
produce in a lean manufacturing environment. This system is used in the
CM concept, which is distinct from the traditional functional
manufacturing system in which all similar machines are grouped together.
The use of manufacturing cells improves material flow and is especially
suited for batch production, even in relatively low volumes.
6. Continuous Improvement
In mass production, there is a tendency to set up the operation, and if it is
working, leave it alone. Mass production lives by the motto: "If it ain't
broke, don't fix it." By contrast, lean production supports the policy of
continuous improvement. Called Kaizen by the Japanese, continuous
improvement means constantly searching for and implementing ways to
reduce cost, improve quality, and increase productivity. The scope of
continuous improvement goes beyond factory operations and involves
design improvements as well. Continuous improvement is carried out one
project at a time. The projects may be concerned with any of the
following problem areas: cost reduction, quality improvement,
productivity improvement, setup time reduction, cycle time reduction,
manufacturing lead time and work-in-process inventory reduction, and
improvement of product design to increase performance and customer
appeal. In mass production, the goal is to maximize efficiency. This is
achieved using long production runs of identical parts. Long production
runs tolerate long setup changeovers. In lean production, procedures are
designed to speed the changeover. Reduced setup times allow for smaller
batch sizes, thus providing the production system with greater flexibility.
Flexible production systems were needed in Toyota's comeback period
because of the much smaller car market in Japan and the need to be as
efficient as possible.
7. Lean tips, tools, and techniques
Another way to look at lean manufacturing is as a collection of tips, tools,
and techniques (i.e. best practices) that have been proven effective for

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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

driving waste out of the manufacturing process. The following table

summarize some important lean tools.
Some Important Lean Tools
Just-In-Time (JIT)
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
Kanban (Pull System)
6 Sigma (6)
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Bottleneck Analysis
Line Control
Six Big Losses
Standardized Work
Continuous Flow
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
Toyota Production System (TPS)
Gemba (The Real Place)
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Heijunka (Level Scheduling) Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Root Cause Analysis
Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing)
Muda (Waste)
Takt Time
Visual Factory
Value Stream Mapping
Jidoka (Autonomation)
Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)
Autonomous Maintenance PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
8. Agile Manufacturing
As an observed "system of doing business," Agile manufacturing came
out after lean production yet shares many aspects, as we shall see when
we compare the two. Agile manufacturing can be defined as
(1) An enterprise level manufacturing strategy of introducing new
products into rapidly changing markets and
(2) An organizational ability to succeed in a competitive
environment characterized by continuous and sometimes
unforeseen change.
9. Historical development of Agile Manufacturing
In 1991, an industry-led study was accomplished under the
sponsorship of the Iacocca Institute at Lehigh University. The study was
sponsored by the United States Navy Mantech Program and involved 13
U.S. companies. Companies participating in the 21st Century Manufacturing
Enterprise Study were: Air Products & chemicals, AT&T, Boeing, Chrysler, FMC,
General Electric, General Motors, IBM, Kingsbury Corp., Motorola. Texas
Instruments, TRW, and Westinghouse
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

The objective of the study was to consider what the characteristics

will be that successful manufacturing companies will possess in the year
2006. By the time the study was completed, more than 100 companies
had participated in addition to the original 13. The report of the study was
entitled "21st Century Manufacturing Enterprise Study". The term "agile
manufacturing" was coined to describe a new manufacturing paradigm
that was recognized as emerging to replace mass production. Key
findings of the study included the following:
1. A new competitive environment is emerging that is forcing
changes in manufacturing systems and organizations.
2. Agile companies that can rapidly respond to demand for
customized products will have competitive advantage in this
3. Agility requires integration of: (1) flexible production
technologies, (2) knowledgeable work force, and (3) management
structures that encourage cooperative initiatives internally and
between firms.
4. The American standard of living is at risk unless U.S. industry can
lead the transition to agile manufacturing.
Three of the principals involved in the 1991 study went on to write a
book that is generally recognized as the definitive work on agility. Their
book is titled Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations, published in

The 1991 study identified four principles of agility. The four

principles, as we have called them here, are referred to as the four
dimensions of agility. Manufacturing companies that are agile
competitors tend to exhibit these principles or characteristics. The four
principles are:
1. Organize to Master Change"An agile company is organized in a
way that allows it to thrive (succeed) on change and uncertainty." In a
company that is agile, the human and physical resources can be
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

rapidly reconfigured to adapt to changing environment and market

2. Leverage the Impact of People and Information In an agile
company, knowledge is valued, innovation is rewarded, authority is
distributed to the appropriate level of the organization. Management
provides the resources that personnel need. The organization is
entrepreneurial in spirit. There is a "climate of mutual responsibility
for joint success."
3. Cooperate to Enhance Competitiveness"Cooperation-internally
and with other companies-is an agile competitor's operational strategy
of first choice." The objective is to bring products to market as
rapidly as possible. The required resources and competencies are
found and used, wherever they exist. This may involve partnering
with other companies, possibly even competing companies, to form
virtual enterprises.
4. Enrich the Customer"An agile company is perceived by its

customers as enriching them in a significant way, not only itself." The

products of an agile company are perceived as solutions to customers'
problems. Pricing of the product can be based on the value of the
solution to the customer rather than on manufacturing cost.
As our definition and the list of four agility principles indicate, agile
manufacturing involves more than just manufacturing. It involves the
firm's organizational structure, it involves the way the firm treats it
people, it involves partnerships with other organizations, and it involves
relationships with customers. Instead of "agile manufacturing," it might
be more appropriate to just call this new system of doing business
'In support of the agility term rather than agile manufacturing, it is
interest to note that the company incorporated to promulgate the agility
movement throughout U.S. industry was initially called the "Agile
Manufacturing Enterprise Forum." This name was ultimately officially
abbreviated to "Agility Forum."
10. Market Forces and Agility

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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

A number of market forces can be identified that are driving the evolution
of agility and agile manufacturing in business. These forces include:
Intensifying competitionSigns of intensifying competition include
(1) global competition, (2) decreasing cost of information, (3) growth in
communication technologies, (4) pressure to reduce time-to-market, (5)
shorter product lives, and (6) increasing pressures on costs and profits.
Fragmentation of mass marketsMass production was justified by
the existence of very large markets for mass-produced products. The
signs of the trend toward fragmented markets include: (1) emergence of
niche markets, for example, different sneakers for different sports and
nonsports applications; (2) high rate of model changes; (3) declining
barriers to market entry from global competition; and (4) shrinking windows of market opportunity. Producers must develop new product styles
in shorter development periods.
Cooperative business relationshipsThere is more cooperation
occurring among corporations in the United States. The cooperation takes
many forms, including: (1) increasing inter-enterprise cooperation, (2)
increased outsourcing, (3) global sourc-ing, (4) improved labor
management relationships, and (5) the formation of virtual enterprises
among companies. One might view the increased rate of corporate
mergers that are occurring at time of writing as an extension of these
cooperative relationships.
Changing customer expectationsMarket demands are changing.
Customers are becoming more sophisticated and individualistic in their
purchases. Rapid delivery of the product, support throughout the product
life, and high quality are attributes expected by the customer of the
product and of the company that manufactured the product. Quality is no
longer the basis of competition that it was in the 1970s and 1980s.
Today's products are likely to have increased information content.
Increasing Social PressuresModern companies are expected to be
responsive to social issues, including workforce training and education,
legal pressures, environmental impact issues, gender issues, and civil
rights issues.
Modern firms are dealing with these market forces by becoming agile.
Agility is a strategy for profiting from rapidly changing and continually
fragmenting global markets for customized products and services.
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

Becoming agile is certainly not the only objective of the firm. There are
important other objectives, such as making a profit and surviving into the
future. However, becoming more agile is entirely compatible with these
other objectives. Indeed, becoming agile represents a working strategy for
company survival and future profitability.
How does a company become more agile? Two important approaches are:
(1) to reorganize the company's production systems to make them more
agile and (2) to manage relationships differently and value the knowledge
that exists in the organization. Let us examine each of these approaches in
a company's operations as it seeks to become an agile manufacturing
11. Reorganizing the Production System for Agility
Companies seeking to be agile must organize their production operations
differently than the traditional organization. Let us discuss the changes in
three basic areas: (1) product design, (2) marketing, and (3) production
Product Design. Reorganizing production for agility includes issues
related to product design. As we have noted previously, decisions made
in product design determine approximately 70% of the manufacturing
cost of a product. For a company to be more agile, the design engineering
department must develop products that can be characterized as follows:
Customizable. Products can be customized for individual niche
markets. In some cases, the product must be customizable for individual
Upgradeable. It should be possible for customers who purchased the
base model to subsequently buy additional options to upgrade the
Reconfigurable. Through modest changes in design, the product can be
altered to provide it with unique features. A new model can be developed
from the previous model without drastic and time-consuming redesign
Design modularity. The product should be designed so that it consists
of several modules (e.g., subassemblies) that can be readily assembled to
create the finished item. In this way, if a module needs to be redesigned,

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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

the entire product does not require redesign. The other modules can
remain the same.
Frequent model changes within stable market families. Even for
products that succeed in the marketplace, the company should
nevertheless introduce new versions of the product to remain competitive.
Platforms for information and services
For more explanation see chapter 27 in " Mikell P. Groover,
Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing,
2nd edition, prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-089546-6".

12. Agility versus Mass Production

Like lean production, agility is often compared with mass production. In
this comparison, we must interpret mass production to include all of the
requisites that made it successful, such as the availability of mass markets
and the ability to forecast demand for a given product in such mass
markets. Our comparison is summarized in Table 27.4. Let us elaborate
on the items listed in the table.
In mass production, companies produce large quantities of
standardized products. The purest form of mass production provides huge
volumes of identical products. Over the years, the technology of mass
production has been refined to allow for minor variations in the product
(we call it "mixed-model production"). In agile manufacturing, the products are customized. The term used to denote this form of production is
mass customization, which means large quantities of products having
unique individual features that have been specified by and/or customized
for their respective customers. Referring to our PQ model of production
in Chapter 2 (Section 2.3).
In mass production, Q is very large, P is very small, and in mass
customization, P is very large, Q is very small (in the extreme Q = 1),
Where P = product variety (number of models), and Q = production
quantity (units of each model per year).
Along with the trend toward more customized products, today's
products have shorter expected market lives. Mass production was
justified by the existence of very large markets for its mass-produced
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

goods. Mass markets have become fragmented, resulting in a greater level

of customization for each market.
In mass production, products are produced based on sales forecasts.
If the forecast is wrong, this can sometimes result in large inventories of
finished goods that are slow in selling.
Comparisons of Mass Production and Agile Manufacturing
Mass Production
Agile Manufacturing
Standardized products
Customized products
Long market life expected
Short market life expected
Produce to forecast
Produce to order
Low information content
High information content
Single time sales
Continuing relationship
Pricing by production cost
Pricing by customer value
Agile companies produce to order: customized products for individual
customers. Inventories of finished products are minimized. Products
today have higher information content than products of yesterday. This is
made possible by computer technology. Think of the many products
today that operate based on integrated circuits. Nearly all consumer
appliances are controlled by 1C chips. Modern automobiles use engine
controllers that are based on microprocessors. The personal computer
market relies on the ability of the customer to be able to telephone an 800
number for assistance. The same is true of many appliances that are
complicated to operate for example, video cassette recorders (VCRs).
Manufacturers of these appliances keep adding more and more features to
gain competitive advantage, further complicating the products.
Single time sales was the expectation of the merchandiser before agility.
The customer bought the product and was not expected to be seen again.
Today, companies want to have continuing relationships with their
customers. Automobile companies want their customers to have their new
cars serviced at the dealer where the car was purchased. This provides
continuing service business for the dealer, and when the customer finally
decides that the time is right to purchase a new car, the first logical place
to look for that new car is at the same dealer.
Finally, pricing of the product is traditionally based on its cost. The
manufacturer calculates the costs that went into making the product and
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Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

adds a markup to determine the price (Example 2.8). But some customers
are willing and able to pay more. The product may be more valuable to
them, especially if it is customized for them. The marketplace allows
different pricing structures for different customers. Instead of standard
prices for everyone, different prices are used, according to the value to
the customer. The airline industry is a good example of multi-level
pricing structure. Tourists who fly and stay over Saturday night pay
sometimes one third the airfare of business travelers who travel round trip
during the same week. Automobiles produced in the same final assembly
plant on the same body frame can vary in price by two-to-one depending
on options and nameplate. In the higher education industry, we have
different tuition rates for different students. We use a different lexicon for
the lower rates than other industries use: We give a discount on the
tuition price and call it a scholarship.
13. Comparison of Lean and Agile
Lean production and agile manufacturing are sometimes compared, and
in this final section we attempt such a comparison. Are lean and agile
really different? They certainly use different statements of principles. The
four principles of lean production are compared with the four principles
of agility in Table 27.5. We also compare the main features of the two
systems in Table 27.6. The emphasis in lean seems to be more on
technical and operational issues, whereas agility emphasizes organization
and people issues. Lean applies mainly to the factory. Agility is broader
in scope, applicable to the enterprise level and even beyond to the
formation of virtual enterprises. One might argue that agility represents
an evolutionary next phase of lean production. Certainly the two systems
do not compete. If anything, agility complements lean. It extends lean
thinking to the entire organization. Agility is to lean as manufacturing
resource planning is to material requirements planning.
If there is a difference between these two production paradigms, it
is in the area of change and change management. Lean tries to minimize
change, at least external change. It attempts to smooth out the ups and
downs in the production schedule. It attempts to reduce the impact of
changeovers on factory operations so that smaller batch sizes and lower
inventories are feasible. It uses flexible production technology to
minimize disruptions caused by design changes. By contrast, the
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Introducing Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Mohammad D. Al-Tahat

philosophy of agility is to embrace change. The emphasis is on thriving in

an environment marked by continuous and unpredictable change. It
acknowledges and attempts to be responsive to change, even to be the
change agent if it leads to competitive advantage.
Is this distinction in the way change seems to be viewed in the two
systems a fundamental difference? This author would argue that although
there may be a difference in viewpoint and perhaps strategy with regard
to change, there is no difference in method or approach. The capacity of
an agile company to adapt to change or to be a change agent depends on
its capabilities to have a flexible production system, to minimize the time
and cost of changeover, to reduce on-hand inventories of finished
products, and to avoid other forms of waste. These capabilities belong to
a lean production system. For a company to be agile, it must also be lean.
Four Principles of Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing
Lean Production

Agile Manufacturing

1. Minimize waste

1. Enrich the customer

2. Perfect first-time quality

2. Cooperate to enhance competitiveness

3. Flexible production lines

3. Organize to master change

4. Continuous improvement

4. Leverage the impact of people and


Comparison of Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing Attributes

Lean Production
Agile Manufacturing
1. Enhancement of mass
2. Flexible production for product
3. Focus on factory operations

1. Break with mass production;

emphasis on mass customization
2. Greater flexibility for customized
3. Scope is enterprise wide

4. Emphasis on supplier
5. Emphasis on efficient use of

4. Formation of virtual enterprises

6. Relies on smooth production


5. Emphasis on thriving in
environment marked by continuous
unpredictable change
6. Acknowledges and attempts to be
responsive to change

[2]. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, production systems, and computer

integrated manufacturing, 2nd ed., prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-089546-6.
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