Finding Structure in A Meditative State: 1 Early Encounters

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Finding structure in a meditative state

Bas Rasmussen
November 14, 2016
I have been experimenting with meditation for a long time, but just recently I seem to have come across another being in there. It may just be me
looking at me, but whatever it is, it is showing me some really interesting
arrangements of colored balls. At first, I thought it was just random colors
and shapes, but it became very ordered. It was like this being (me?) was
trying to talk to me but couldnt, so was showing me some math in pictures.
I have gone in many times now and am trying to write things down here.
Has anyone else ever seen this? My best guess so far is he is showing me a
machine that might be useful to rapidly factor integers. I detail this in the
analysis below. There is a lot of extra structure that I am currently disregarding, but is probably also something interesting. I will report more when
I know more.

Early encounters

I saw objects sort of like molecules, balls of different colors joined by bars.
Pairs of objects were placed in some kind of machine with four buttons, labeled ?, 4, 5 and . After the pressing one of the buttons the original objects

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Figure 1: The white ball.


Figure 2: Two white balls in the machine produced a red ball when the
button was pressed.

Figure 3: A white and a red ball in the machine produced a blue ball when
the button was pressed.
were gone, replaced by a new object. He showed me many demonstrations
of this, pressing different buttons, with differently colored balls coming out
connected in various ways. It was clear that he we trying to show me what
this machine did, the look on his face said you see, yes? I tried to write
down as much as I could afterwards, hoping that he would show me more
next time. The colors definitely have meaning, there is a structure there.
Two white balls make a red ball when you push and a red and white ball
make a blue ball when you push (whether you put white in the first or
second slot does not appear to matter). He showed me a few with the ?
button as well. A red and blue ball with ? makes just joins the balls by a
black bar.
I thought I was starting to see the pattern, but then he showed me that a

Figure 4:

Figure 5:

white and blue ball with ? gives just a blue ball. Then things started to get
really weird, with new ball colors appearing with no immediately apparent
pattern. He showed me more images than I can readily reproduce without it
becoming overwhelming.

Possible patterns?

After four or five more encounters with this being, I was starting to have some
guesses at some basic rules he was trying to communicate through all these
examples. Pressing the buttons appears to start some sort of reaction inside
the machine that combines the two objects. So, it makes sense to view ? and
as binary operations. In all the examples I have seen, these operation have
nice properties in that they are both associative and commutative. Actually
based on the complete structures, they are not quite commutative, but if
we consider two objects the same if they have the same number of balls of
each color, then the operations are commutative. There is further structure
in how the balls are connected by bars that does not behave commutatively,
but I dont yet have enough information to even guess at how the operations
work with this structure. For now, I am going to call two objects the same
if they have the same number of balls of each color.
Definition 1 A ball sequence is a sequence of natural numbers. Each slot
gives the number of balls of a given color in order (white,red,blue,green,yellow,cyan,magenta,

is associative
is commutative
is distributive
? is associative
? is commutative

a (b c) = (a b) c
a ? (b c) = (a ? b) (a ? c)
a ? (b ? c) = (a ? b) ? c

Figure 6: Some plausible rules I will assume until proven wrong.

...). Of course, these are just approximations of the colors I saw and there
were many more. We will add to the list as needed.
Conjecture 1 The only ball sequence with a white ball is (1, 0, 0, 0, . . .).
Conjecture 2 The ball sequence (1, 0, 0, 0, . . .) has no effect when using ?,
that is (1, 0, 0, 0, . . .) ? b = b for all ball sequences b. In the absence of white
balls, ? button just adds the values in each slot. That is,
(0, a2 , a3 , . . .) ? (0, b2 , b3 , . . .) = (0, a2 + b2 , a3 + b3 , . . .).
In particular, ? never creates new colors.

The button is sort of like nuclear fission

The operation appears much more complicated than ?. I have seen applications of produce many balls from just a few. Figure 3 shows an example
of this. It is almost as if the red balls are the simplest element and breaks
down cyan and yellow balls into many more red balls somehow. I dont know
how the machine is performing , but I have a conjecture as to what it is
doing. The idea doesnt account for the extra structural properties I mentioned before that make not actually commutative. But, if we forget about
that extra structure for now, I think he might be showing me numbers, or
rather factored numbers. Here is the idea: interpret the white ball as 1, the
red ball as 2, the blue ball as 3, the green ball as 5, the yellow ball as 7 and
cyan ball as 11. Now the ? operation is multiplication and is addition. Let
me do it more formally.
Conjecture 3 The ball sequence (1, 0, 0, . . .) represents the number 1. A ball
sequence (0, a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , . . .) represents the number 2a1 3a2 5a3 7a4 11a5 .
The ? button multiplies the two numbers and the button adds the two numbers.

Figure 7: Some sort of splitting?

This works for all the demonstrations I can remember (disregarding the
non-commutative structure). I have seen massive objects put into the machine and the operations always seem to be instantaneous. For a lot of these
larger demonstrations, I dont remember the objects precisely, so I cant
check the conjecture. But if the conjecture is true and the machine is using
some efficient physical operation to do , I think we could use the machine to
do fast integer factorization. The universe can factor efficiently using Shors
quantum algorithm, so maybe the machine is doing something similar? I am
working on trying to get the being to let me give him objects to try in the
machine, but no luck yet. It would be rather amusing to break encryption by
going into a deep meditative state and using this beings machine to factor

The other buttons

The experiments he has shown me that use the 5 and 4 buttons appear to
be doing greatest common divisor and least common multiple, respectively.
That is, assuming we really are dealing with factored integers here. Figure
8 and Figure 9 show examples of these.

What else could it be?

Still disregarding the non-commutative structure seen with for now, is there
something else this machine could be doing besides adding and multiplying
factored integers? I guess, clearly yes, since I have only seen finitely many
examples, there are infinitely many binary operations I could make satisfy all

Figure 8: greatest common divisor

Figure 9: least common multiple

the examples Ive seen. But are there other interesting/natural binary operations that do this? I imagine operations on these ball sequences with similar
properties have been studied before in different language. Yeah, definitely, we
are talking about commutative rings here. Now the non-commutative nature
of needs more research. My best guess is that when he pushes the button,
the machine is performing a binary operation in a larger non-commuatitive
ring, the image of this operation in the projection down to the integers is
addition. So, maybe the universe can do more than just factor efficiently.

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