Quantitative Aptitude Formulas

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Quantitative aptitude

Time, Speed and Distance Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and
Prepare for companies tests and interviews
Important Formula and Equations
1. Speed, Time and Distance:
Speed = Distance / time
Time = distance /speed
Distance =speed*time
2. km/hr to m/sec conversion:
x km/hr =[x*5/18] m/sec
3. m/sec to km/hr conversion:
x m/sec =[x* 18/5] km/h
4. If the ratio of the speeds of A and B is a : b, then the ratio of the times taken by them
to cover the same distance is 1/a:1/b or b : a
5. Suppose a man covers a certain distance at x km/hr and an equal distance at y
km/hr. Then, the average speed during the whole journey is [xy/(x+y)] km/hr
Key Note:
Caution average speed should not be calculated as average of different speeds, i.e.,
Ave. speed ?(Sum of speed / No. of different Speed)
There are two different cases when average speed is required.
Case I
When time remains constant and speed varies :
If a man travels at the rate of x km/h for t hours and again at the rate of y km/h for
another t hours, then for the whole journey, his average speed is given by
Average speed= Total distance/ Total time taken = (xt+yt)/(t+t)
= (x+y)/2 kmph
Case II
When the distance covered remains same and the speeds vary :
When a man covers a certain distance with a speed of x km/h and another equal
distance at the rate of y km/h. then for the whole journey, the average speed is given by
Average speed =2xy/(x+y) km/h.
Velocity :The speed of a moving body is called as its velocity. If the direction of motion
is also taken into consideration
Velocity = (Net displacement of the body)/(Time taken)

Relative speed:
a) Bodies moving in same direction
When two bodies move in the same direction, then the difference of their speeds is
called the relative speed of one with respect to the other.
When two bodies move in the same direction, the distance between them increases (or
decreases) at the rate of difference of their speeds.
b) Bodies moving in opposite direction
The distance between two bodies moving towards each other will get reduced at the
rate of their relative speed (i.e., sum of their speeds).
Relative speed of one body with respect to other body is sum of their speeds.
Increase or decrease in distance between them is the product of their relative speed
and time.
Key notes to solve problems
When a moving body covers a certain distance at x km/h and another same distance at
the speed of y km/h, then average speed of moving body during its entire journey will be
A man covers a certain distance at x km/h by car and the same distance at y km/h by
bicycle. If the time taken by him for the whole journey by t hours, then Total distance
covered by him is equal to 2txy/(x+y) km.
A boy walks from his house at x km/h and reaches the school ' t1 ' minutes late. If he
walks at y km/h he reaches ' t2 ' minutes earlier. Then, distance between the school and
the house
= ((xy)/(y-x))* (t1+t2)/60 km
If a man walks with (x/y) of his usual speed he takes t hours more to cover a certain
distance, then the time to cover the same distance when he walks with his usual speed,
(xt)/(y-x) hours.
If two persons A and B start at the same time in opposite directions from the points and
after passing each other they complete the journeys in 'x ' and ' y ' hrs. respectively,
then A's speed: B's speed=speed=y:x

If the speed is (a/b) of the original speed, then the change in time taken to cover the
same distance is given by Change in time = ((b/a)-1)*original time
Key notes to solve problems on Trains
The time taken by a train in passing a signal post or a telegraph pole or a man standing
near a railway line = (Length of the train)/ (speed of the train)

The time taken by a train passing a railway bridge or a platform or a tunnel or a train at
rest= (x+y)/Speed where, x = length of the train, y = length of the bridge or platform or
standing train or tunnel
Time taken by faster train to pass the slower train in the same direction= (x+y)/(u-v);
where, x = length of the first train ; y = length of the second train ; u = speed of the first
train ; v = speed of the second train and u > v
Time taken by the trains in passing each other while moving in opposite direction
Time taken by the train to cross a man = x/(u-v) where, both are moving in the same
direction and x= length of the train; u= speed of the train and v= speed of the man.
Time taken by the train to across a man running in the opposite direction= x/ (u+v)
If two trains start at the same time from two points A and B towards each other and after
crossing, they take a and b hours in reaching B and A respectively. Then, A's speed:
B's speed= b: a
A train starts from a place at u km/h and another fast train starts from the same place
after t hours at v km/h in the same direction. Find at what distance from the starting
place both the trains will meet and also find the time of their meeting.
Distance= uvt/(v-u) km
Time=ut/(v-u) hours
The distance between two places A and B is x km. A train starts from A to B at u km/h.
One another train after t hours starts from B to A at v km/h. At what distance from A will
both the train meet and also find the time of their meeting
Time=(x-ut)/ (u+v) + t hours
Distance from A = u(((x-ut)/(u+v))+t) km
Two trains starts simultaneously from the stations A and B towards each other at the
rates of u and v km/h respectively. When they meet it is found that the second train had
traveled x km more than the first. Then the distance between the two stations
(i.e., between A and B) is x(u+v)/ (v-u) km

Speed , time & distance

Model question & answer
Exercise questions
1. Train A traveling at 60 km/hr leaves Mumbai for Delhi at 6 P.M. Train B traveling at
90 km/hr also leaves Mumbai for Delhi at 9 P.M. Train C leaves Delhi for Mumbai at 9
P.M. If all three trains meet at the same time between Mumbai and Delhi, what is the
speed of Train C if the distance between Delhi and Mumbai is 1260 kms?
A) 60 km/hr
B) 90 km/hr
C) 120 km/hr
D) 135 km/hr
2. Two trains A and B start simultaneously from stations X and Y towards each other
respectively. After meeting at a point between X and Y, train A reaches station Y in 9
hours and train B reaches station X in 4 hours from the time they have met each other.
If the speed of train A is 36 km/hr, what is the speed of train B?
A) 24 km/hr
B) 54 km/hr
C) 81 km/hr
D) 16 km/hr
3. A man moves from A to B at the rate of 4 km/hr. Had he moved at the rate of 3.67
km/hr, he would have taken 3 hours more to reach the destination. What is the distance
between A and B?
A) 33 kms
B) 132 kms
C) 36 kms
D) 144 kms
4. A man driving his bike at 24 kmph reaches his office 5 minutes late. Had he driven
25% faster on an average he would have reached 4 minutes earlier than the scheduled
time. How far is his office?
A) 24 km
B) 72 km
C) 18 km
D) Data Insufficient
5. A man and a woman 81 miles apart from each other, start traveling towards each
other at the same time. If the man covers 5 miles per hour to the women's 4 miles per
hour, how far will the woman have travelled when they meet?
A) 27
B) 36
C) 45
D) None of these.

6. The speed of a motorboat itself is 20 km/h and the rate of flow of the river is 4 km/h.
Moving with the stream the boat went 120 km. What distance will the boat cover during
the same time going against the stream?
A) 80 km
B) 180 km
C) 60 km
D) 100 km
7. I travel the first part of my journey at 40 kmph and the second part at 60 kmph and
cover the total distance of 240 km to my destination in 5 hours. How long did the first
part of my journey last?
A) 4 hours B) 2 hours C) 3 hours D) 2 hours 24 minutes
8. By walking at 3/4th of his usual speed, a man reaches office 20 minutes later than
usual. What is his usual time?
A) 30 min
B) 60 min
C) 70 min
D)50 min
9. A passenger train covers the distance between stations X and Y, 50 minutes faster
than a goods train. Find this distance if the average speed of the passenger train is 60
kmph and that of goods train is 20 kmph.
A) 20 kms
B) 25 kms
C) 45 kms
D) 40 kms
10. Ram covers a part of the journey at 20 kmph and the balance at 70 kmph taking
total of 8 hours to cover the distance of 400 km. How many hours has been driving at 20
A) 2 hours
B) 3 hours 20 minutes
C) hours 40 minutes
D)3 hours 12 minutes

Answer Key
1.C; 2.B; 3.B; 4.C; 5.B; 6.A; 7.C; 8.B; 9.B; 10.D

Numbers Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations

Prepare for companies tests and interviews
1. A number is divisible by 2 if it is an even number.
2. A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.
3. A number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4.
4. A number is divisible by 5 if the units digit is either 5 or 0.
5. A number is divisible by 6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
6. A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by the last three digits is divisible by
7. A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9.
8. A number is divisible by 10 if the units digit is 0.
9. A number is divisible by 11 if the difference of the sum of its digits at odd
places and the sum of its digits at even places, is divisible by 11.

Important formulas
i. ( a + b )( a - b ) = ( a 2 - b2 )
ii. ( a + b ) 2 = ( a2 + b2 + 2 ab )
iii. ( a - b )2 = ( a2 + b2 - 2 ab )
iv. ( a + b + c ) 2 = a2+ b2 + c2 + 2 ( ab + bc + ca )
v. ( a3 + b3 ) = ( a + b )( a2 - ab + b2 )
vi. ( a3 - b3 ) = ( a - b )( a2 + ab + b2)
vii. Sum of natural numbers from 1 to n

viii. Sum of squares of first n natural numbers is =

ix. Sum of cubes of first n natural numbers is A

x. HCF= (HCF of the numerators)/(LCM of the denominators)

xi. LCM= (LCM of the numerators)/HCF of the denominators
xii. Product of two numbers = Product of their H.C.F. and L.C.M
Note: When a number N is raised to any integral power m, the digit in the units
place of the resulting value can be determined without actually evaluating the
power. The digits when raised to powers will give values in which the digits in
the units place follow a cylindrical pattern. Following is the pattern to calculate
the digit in the units place of any derived power.

HCF models:If N is a composite number such that N = ap. bq .cr .. where a, b, c are prime factors
of N and p,q,r .. are positive integers, then
(a) The number of factors of N is given by the expression (p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1)
(b) It can be expressed as the product of two factors in 1/2 {(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1)..}
(c) If N is a perfect square, it can be expressed
(i)as a product of two DIFFERENT factors in 1/2 {(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1).. -1} ways
(ii)as a product of two factors in 1/2 {(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) .+1} ways
(d) Sum of all factors of N = (ap+1 1 / a 1) . (bq+1 1 / b 1) . (cr+1 1 / c 1)..
(e) The number of co-primes of N (< N), (N) = N(1 1/a) (1 1/b) (1 1/c) .
(f) Sum of the numbers in (e) = N/2 .(N)
(g) It can be expressed as a product of two factors in 2n-1, where n is the number of
different prime factors of the given number N.

Exercise Questions
1. 117 * 117 + 83 * 83 = ?
a) 20698
b) 20578
c) 21698
d) 21268
2. (1/4)3 + (3/4)3 + 3(1/4)(3/4)(1/4 + 3/4) =?
a) 1/64
c) 49/64
3. The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller,
we get 6 as quotient and 15 as reminder. What is the smaller number ?
a) 240
b) 270
c) 295
d) 360
4. The 7th digit of (202)3 is
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 6
5. H.C.F. of two numbers is 16. Which one of the following can never be their L.C.M
a) 32
b) 80
c) 64
d) 60

6. What is the remainder when 9^1+ 9^2 + 9^3 + .... + 9^8 is divided by 6?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 0
7. The sum of the first 100 natural numbers is divisible by
a) 2, 4 and 8
b) 2 and 4
c)2 only
d)none of these
8. For what value of 'n' will the remainder of 351n and 352n be the same when divided
by 7?
a) 2
9. Let n be the number of different 5 digit numbers, divisible by 4 with the digits 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 6, no digit being repeated in the numbers. What is the value of n?
a) 144
b) 168
d)none of these
10. Find the greatest number of five digits, which is exactly divisible by 7, 10, 15, 21 and
a) 99840
b) 99900
d) 99990

Answer Key:
1.B; 2.D; 3.B; 4.C; 5.D; 6.C; 7.C; 8.B; 9.C; 10.C

Exercise s

Number System-Exercise Questions

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Exercise Questions
1. The binary equivalent of the decimal number 125 is




2. The hexa decimal equivalent of the decimal number 128 is





3. The decimal number 1356 expressed in octal system equals





4. The decimal conversion of the binary number (1111)2 is..





5. The sum of (101101)2 and (111011)2 is





6. The square root of (2011)5 is





7. The sum of (6E)16 and (3B)12 is





8. The decimal equivalent of hexa-decimal number (ABC)16





9. The decimal fraction 0.75 in the binary system equals





10. The octal equivalent to the binary (11010)2 is





Answer &Exaplanations
1. Ans: (b).

2.Ans: (c).

3.Ans: (a).

4.Ans: (b)
(1111)2 = 1*23 + 1*22 + 1*21 + 1*20 = 8+4+2+1 = 15
5.Ans: (b).

6.Ans: (b).
(2011)5= 2*53 + 0*52 + 1*51 + 1*50 = 250+5+1= (256)10
The square root of (256)10 = (16)10 = (31)5

7.Ans: (a)
(6E)16 = 6*161 +14*160 = 96 + 14 = (110)10
(3B)12 = 3*121 + 11*120 = 36 + 11=(47)10
(110)10 + (47)10 = (157)10
8. Ans: (b)
(ABC)16 = 10*162 + 11*161 + 12*160 = 2560+176+12 = 2748.
9.Ans: (a)

10.(11010)2 = 1*24 + 1*23 + 0*22 + 1*21+0*20 = 16+8+2 = (26)10

Logical reasoning
Interview patterns
Coding - Decoding Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations
Prepare for companies tests and interviews
Coding is a method of transmitting a message between the sender and the receiver that
no third person can understand it. The coding and decoding ones ability of deciphering
the rule and breaking the code to decipher the message will be tested to know.
1) Observe alphabets or numbers given in the code keenly.
2) Find the sequence it follows whether it is ascending or descending.
3) Detect the rule in which the alphabets/numbers/words follow.
4) Fill the appropriate letter/number/word in the blank given.
Letter coding: Alphabets in a word are replaced by other alphabets according to a
specific rule to know its code. So the common rule should de detected first. Some
examples are given below:
1) ZYXW as coded as ABCD then STUV is coded as...........
Answer: Z A, Y B, X C, W D
V E, U F, T G, S H
Answer = HGFE
Rule= front alphabet= back alphabet.
2) bcd is coded as def then True is coded as..........
Answer: b d (+2)
c e (+2)
d f (+2)
+2 letters are considered in this code.
True Vtwg
Answer = Vtwg.
3) Hyderabad is coded as Ixedszcze then Chennai is coded as..............
Answer: H I (+1)
Y X (1)
D E (1+)
E D (1-)
R S (1+)

A Z (1)
B C (1+)
A Z (1 )
D E (1+)
Here if we observe alternatively the letter increasing and one letter decreasing.
Chennai =dgfmozj
Answer = dgfmozj
Number coding: In this each alphabets or words are assigned to the numeric values we
should observe the given letters and the assigned values and use the same rule to find
the value to of given code. Some examples are given below:
1)Apple is coded as 25563, Rung is coded as 7148. Then purple is coded as

PURPLE 517563
Answer = 517563.
2)In a language A is coded as 1, B is coded as 2, .. then FACE is coded as

Then FACE = 6135

Answer = 6135.
3)PUSH is coded as 1234, ROUGH is coded as 65274. Then SOUP is coded as

SOUP = 3521
Answer = 3521.
Substitution: In this section an object names are substituted with different object names.
We should carefully trace the substituion and answer given question. Some examples
are given below:
1)book is coded as pencil, pencil is coded as mirror, mirror is coded as book. Then
what is useful to write on a paper?
Answer: Pencil is coded as mirror
Answer = mirror.
2)man is coded as woman, woman is coded as girl, girl is coded as boy, boy is
coded as worker then 6 years female is known as?
Answer: 6 years female = girl, but girl is coded as boy.
Answer = boy.

3)Reds are blues, blues are whites, whites are yellows, yellows are oranges,
oranges are pinks, then what is the colour of the sky?
Answer: Sky is blue, but blues are whites
Answer = white.
Exercise questions
1.In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in
the same code ?
Ans: Option d
The letters of the word are written in reverse order and expect the first and the last letter
all other letters are
move one step forward
2.In a code language, A is written as B, B is written as C, C is written as D and so on,
then how will SMART be written in that code language ?
Ans: Option c
The letters are coded by moving them 1 step forward.
3.In a certain code , RIPPLE is written as 613382 and LIFE is written as 8192. How is
PILLER written in that code?
Ans: Option a:
Word : R I P P L E L I F E P I L L E R
Code : 6 1 3 3 8 2 8 1 9 2 3 1 8 8 2 6
4.In a certain code FLOWER is coded as 36 and SUNFLOWER is coded as 81, then
how to code FOLLOWS?
a) 42

d) 36
Ans: Option b
The word FLOWER has 6 letters . 62 is 36
The word SUNFLOWER has 9 letters. 92 is 81
Like FOLLOWS has 7 letters. So 72 is 49
5.In a certain code ,'il be pee' means 'roses are blue','sikhee' means 'red flowers' and
'pee mithee' means 'flowers are vegetables', How is 'red' written in that code?
d)cannot be determined
Ans: Option b
Code Sentence
Il be pee roses are blue
Sikhee red flowers
Pee mithee flowers are vegetables
In II and III code hee stands for flowers. So sik stands for red
6.In a certain code language : dugohuimulzo stans for work is very hard huidugobaki
for Bingo is very smart; nanomuldugo for cake is hard; and mulkigu for smart and
hard Which of the following word stand for Bingo ?
a) Jalu
b) Dugo
c) Ki
d) Ba
Ans: Option d
Code Sentence
1.dugohuimulzo work is very hard
2.huidugobaki bingo is very smart
3.nanomuldugo cake is hard
4.mulkigu smart and hard
From second code and its sentence neither ba is repeated nor is Bingo.
7.If rain is called water, water is called air, air is called cloud, cloud is called sky, sky is
called sea, sea is called road, where do the aeroplanes fly ?
a) Water
b) Road
c) Sea
d) Cloud

Ans: Option c
Aeroplanes fly in sky and as per given codes sky is sea
8.If Orange is called Lemon, Lemon is called Flower, Flower is called Fish, Fish is called
Tail and Tail is called Pen, what is Rose ?
a) Pen
b) Lemon
c) Flower
d) Fish
Ans: Option d
Rose is a flower and as per given codes flower is fish.
9.In a certain code language $#* means Shirt is clean, @ D# means Clean and neat
and @ ? means neat boy, then what is the code for and in that language
a) #
b) D
c) @
d) Data inadequate
Ans: Option b
Code sentence
$#* Shirt is clean,
@ D# Clean and neat
@ ? neat boy
Here # stands for clean and @ stands for neat. D stands for and
10.If A stands for +, B stands for -, C stands for x, what is the value of (10C4)(A)
(4C4)B6 ?
a) 60
b) 50
c) 56
d) 46
Ans: Option b
(10C4)(A) (4C4)B6 = (10 * 4) + (4*4) 6 = 50

Questions & answers......
Coding and Decoding-Exercise Questions
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More Related Content
1. In a certain code language if the word MUSEUM is coded as LSPAPG, then how
will the word PALACE be coded in that language?
2. If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be
a. 5279431
b. 5978213
c. 8251896
d. 8543691
3. In a certain code language, if the number 1 is assigned to all the letters in odd
numbered places in the alphabet and the remaining letters are assigned the number 2,
than what is the code for theword DANCE?
a. 21211
b. 12121
c. 22111
d. 21121
4. In a certain code language, if the value of CONTRACT = 56 and GROWTH = 30,
then what is the

a. 130
b. 132
c. 140
d. 142
5. In a certain code language, if the value of BLOCK = 13 and CURTAIN = 27, then
what is the value of the word SCIENCE?
a. 32
b. 36
c. 38
d. 34
6. In a certain code language, if the word DISTANCE is coded as EDCINSAT, then
how will you code ACQUIRE in that language?
7. In a certain code language, if the value of 28 + 14 = 50 and 36 + 43 = 63, then what
is the value of 44 + 52 =?
a. 54
b. 56
c. 58
d. 62
8. In a certain code language, if the value of 14 x 15 = 25 and 26 x 42 = 64, then what is
the value of 73 x 31 = ?
a. 100
b. 110
c. 90
d. 120

9. In a certain code language, kewxashumadeko means she is eating apples;

kewtepo qua means she sells toys and sullimdeko means I like apples. Which
word in that language means she and apples?
a. xas&deko
b. xas&kew
c. kew&deko
d. kew&xas
10. These questions are based on a certain code language. Understand the logic in the
coding and answer the following questions.
PROCESSOR is coded as D4F3C5C1E1S1S1E3C6
Answer & Explanations
1. Exp: Word: M
Logic: -1
Code: L
Similarly, the code for PALACE is
Word: P
Logic: -1
Code: O


2. Exp: The alphabets are coded as follows:

7 3 5 4 1 8 2 9 6
So, in CALICUT, C is coded as 8, A as 2, L as 5, U as 9 and T as 6. Thus, the code
for CALICUT is 8251896.
3. Exp: The code for the word DANCE is 21211.
4. Exp: Number of letters in the word CONTRACT = 8 and 8 x 7 = 56.
Number of letters in the word GROWTH = 6 and 6 x 5 = 30.
Similarly, DISTRIBUTION => 12 and 12 x 11 = 132.

5. Exp: In this product of the digits in the place-values of the letters as per the alphabet
is obtained first and then added i.e, BLOCK
=> B = 2
L = 12 => 1 x 2 = 2
O = 15 => 1 x 5 = 5
K = 11 => 1 x 1 = 1
Now (2 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 1) = 13.
So, BLOCK = 13.
Similarly, SCIENCE = 38.
6. Exp: In this coding, the letters from either end of the word are written, first a letter
from the right end and then a letter from the left end of the word and so on. Hence
Similarly, ACQUIRE is coded as EARCIQU.
7. Exp: It is given that 28 + 14 = 50 => (2 + 8) x (1 + 4)
=> 10 x 5 = 50 and 36 + 43 = 63 => (3 + 6) x (4 + 3)
=> 9 x 7 = 63 then 44 + 52 => (4 + 4) x (5 + 2) => 8 x 7 = 56.
8. Exp: 14 x 15 = 14 + 15 = 29 and 29 4 = 25.
26 x 42 = 26 + 42 = 68 and 68 4 = 64.
Similarly, 73 x 31 = (73 + 31) 4 = 104 4 = 100.
9. Exp: In the first and second statements, the common code word is kew and the
common word is
she.So, kewstands for she.
In the first and third statements, the common code word is deko and the common
word is
apples. So, dekostands for apples.
10. a. Exp: PROCESSOR =>
P = 16 and D4 => 4 x 4 = 16 = P
R = 18 and F3 => 6 x 3 = 18 = R
O = 15 and C5 => 3 x 5 = 15 = O and so on.
Hence, PROFESSOR is coded as D4F3C5C1E1S1S1E3C6.
QUADRANT is coded as Q1C7A1B2F3A1B7E4.
b. Exp: WINDOW is coded as W1C3B7B2E3W1.

Height & distance........

Angle of Elevation:
Suppose a man from a point O looks up at an object P, placed above the level of his
eye. Then, the angle which the line of sight makes with the horizontal through O, is
called the angle of elevation of P as seen from O.
Angle of elevation of P from O = <AOP.
Angle of Depression:
Suppose a man from a point O looks down at an object P, placed below the level of his
eye, then the angle which the line of sight makes with the horizontal through O, is called
the angle of depression of P as seen from O.
1.Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angle of
elevation of the top of the lighthouse is observed from the ships are 30 and 45
respectively. If the lighthouse is 100 m high, the distance between the two ships is:
A.173 m
B.200 m
C.273 m
D.300 m
2.The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 60 and the foot of the
ladder is 4.6 m away from the wall. The length of the ladder is:
A.2.3 m
B.4.6 m
C.7.8 m
D.9.2 m

Probability Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations

Prepare for companies tests and interviews
Probability is a measure of how likely a particular outcome to an event is to happen.It
ranges from 0 to 1. A probability of 0 means that the outcome cannot happen.A
probability of 1 means that the outcome will definitely happen.And in between 0 and 1
means that the outcome may happen.
Example with a coin.
When a coin is tossed the outcome (or event) can be heads or tails. What is the
probability it is tails?
Since each outcome, heads or tails, is equally likely we can say that the probability of
each is 0.5.
p(coin toss is tails)= 1/2
Basic rule of probability
More generally we can say that where there are n equally likely outcomes then the
probability of each of these possibilities will be 1/n. So we can say that
p(outcome)= (number of ways it can happen)/(total number of possible outcomes)
This is the basis of all probability questions in the GMAT
Example with die
What is the probability of rolling a 6 when you throw a 6 sided die.Each number from 1
to 6 is equally likely to be thrown and only one of those outcomes is a 6 so using the
general rule we can say that
p(throw a six)= 1/6
Example with cards
If you pick a card at random from a deck of cards what is the probability that it is an
There are 52 cards in a pack and those there are 4 aces so
p (an ace)= 4/52 - 1/13
The probability two outcomes for independent events both occur can be found by
multiplying their probabilities.
p(A and B)- p(A)*p(B)
Example with coins
What is the probability of throwing two heads in a row when tossing a coin?
This is the same as asking what the probability that the first coin tossed will be head
AND the second coin tossed will be a head.
So the probability that of tossing two heads in a row is 1/4
Example with a jar
A jar contains 2 red balls and 4 green balls. What is the probability that two balls
selected at random from the jar are both green?

Each ball is equally likely to be selected from the jar so we can work out the probability
of the first ball selected being green.
Here is where we need to be careful, once we have taken 1 green ball out of the jar, the
jar contains only 3 green balls ans 2 red balls so Now we can say that,So the probability
that of picking out two green balls is 2/5.
Total Probability Formula.
P(A) = P(AjH1)P(H1) + + P(AjHn)P(Hn):
Total probability
Events H1;H2; : : : ;Hn form a partition of the sample space S if
(i) They are mutually exclusive (Hi Hj= ;; i 6= j) and
(ii) Their union is the sample space S; i=1 Hi=S;
The events H1; : : : ;Hn are usually called hypotheses and from their definition follows
that P(H1) + + P(Hn) = 1 (= P(S)):
Let the event of interest A happens under any of the hypotheses Hi with a known
(conditional) probability P(AjHi): Assume, in addition, that the probabilities of
hypotheses H1; : : : ;Hn are known. Then P(A) can be calculated using the total
probability formula.
Total Probability Formula:P(A) = P(AjH1)P(H1) + + P(AjHn)P(Hn):
The probability of A is the weighted average of the conditional probabilities P(AjHi) with
weights P(Hi):
Bayes Formula:
Let the event of interest A happens under any of hypothesesHi with a known
(conditional) probability P(AjHi): Assume, in addition, that the probabilities of
hypotheses H1; : : : ;Hn are known (prior probabilities). Then the conditional (posterior)
probability of the hypothesis Hi; i = 1; 2; : : : ; n, given that event A happened, is
P(HijA) = P(AjHi)P(Hi) P(A) ; where P(A) = P(AjH1)P(H1) + + P(AjHn)P(Hn):
Assume that out of N coins in a box, one has heads at both sides. Such two-headed
coin can be purchased in Spencer stores. Assume that a coin is selected at random
from the box, and without inspecting it, flipped k times. All k times the coin landed up
heads. What is the probability that two headed coin was selected?
Denote with Ak the event that randomly selected coin lands heads up k times. The
hypotheses areH1-the coin is two headed, and H2 the coin is fair. It is easy to see that
P(H1) = 1=N and P(H2) = (N 1)=N.
The conditional probabilities are P(AkjH1) = 1 for any k, and P(AkjH2) = 1=2k:
By total probability formula,
P(Ak) = (2k + N- 1)/2kN and
P(H1jAk) = 2k/(2k + N- 1)

Conditional Probability
Problem: A math teacher gave her class two tests. 25% of the class passed both tests
and 42% of the class passed the first test. What percent of those who passed the first
test also passed the second test:
Analysis: This problem describes a conditional probability since it asks us to find the
probability that the second test was passed given that the first test was passed. In the
last lesson, the notation for conditional probability was used in the statement of
Multiplication Rule 2.
Multiplication Rule 2:
When two events, A and B, are dependent, the probability of both occurring is P(A and
B)= P(A).P(B|A)The formula for the Conditional probability of an event can be derived
from Multiplication on Rule 2 as follows.
Step1: P(A and B)=P(A).P(B|A) start with multiplication rule 2.
Step2: P(A and B)/P(A) = (P(A).P(B|A))/P(A) Divide both sides of the equation by P(A)
Step3: P(A and B)/P(A) = P(B|A) Cancel P(A)s on right-hand side of the equation
Step4: P(A and B)/P(A) = We have derived the formula for conditional probability
Problem: A math teacher gave her class two tests. 25% of the class passed both tests
and 42% of the class passed the first test. What percent of those who passed the first
test also passed the second test?
Solution: P(Second|First) = P(First and Second)/P(First)= = 0.25/0.42 = 0.60 = 60%
Simplification Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations
Prepare for companies tests and interviews
I. 'BODMAS' Rule: This rule depicts the correct sequence in which the operations are to
be executed, so as to find out the value of a given expression. Here, 'B' stands for
'Bracket', 'O' for 'of', 'D' for Division', 'M' for 'multiplication', 'A' for 'Addition' and 'S' for
'Subtraction'. Thus, in simplifying an expression, first of all the brackets must be
removed, strictly in the order (),{} and []. After removing the brackets, we must use the
following operations strictly in the order:
(i) of (ii) Division (iii) Multiplication (iv) Addition (v) Subtraction.
Eg: (-5)(4)(2)(-1/2)(3/4)=?
-5*4*2*-1/2*3/4= 15
II. Modulus of a Real Number: Modulus of a real number a is defined as
a|= a, if a>0 or
|a|= -a, if a<0
Thus, |5|= 5 and |-5|= -(-5)=5

III. Virnaculum (or Bar): When an expression contains Virnaculam, before applying the
'BODMAS' rule, we simplify the expression under the Virnaculum.
Exercise Questions
1.((469 + 174)2 - (469 - 174)2)/(469 x 174) = ?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 295
d. 643
Answer: Option b
Explanation: Given exp. = ((a + b)2 - (a - b)2)/ab
=4ab/ab = 4
2. David gets on the elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57
floors per minute. At the same time, Albert gets on an elevator at the 51st floor of the
same building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue
travelling at these rates, then at which floor will their paths cross ?
a. 19
b. 28
c. 30
d. 37
Answer: Option c
Explanation: Suppose their paths cross after x minutes. Then, 11 + 57x = 51 - 63x =>
120x = 40
Number of floors covered by David in (1/3) min. = (1/3)*57= 19
So, their paths cross at (11 +19) i.e., 30th floor.
3. A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of
feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be:
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 26
Answer: Option d
Explanation: Let the number of hens be x and the number of cows be y.
Then, x + y = 48 .... (i)
and 2x + 4y = 140 => x + 2y = 70 .... (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii) we get: x = 26, y = 22.
Therefore, The required answer = 26.
4. In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are
8. A man gets Rs. 2.40 per hour for regular work and Rs. 3.20 per hours for overtime. If
he earns Rs. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for ?

a. 160
b. 175
c. 180
d. 195
Answer: Option B
Explanation: Suppose the man works overtime for x hours.
Now, working hours in 4 weeks = (5 * 8 * 4) = 160.
Therefore, 160 * 2.40 + x * 3.20 = 432
=> 3.20x = 432 - 384 = 48
=> x = 15.
Hence, total hours of work = (160 + 15) = 175.
5. One-third of Rahul's savings in National Savings Certificate is equal to one-half of his
savings in Public Provident Fund. If he has Rs. 1,50,000 as total savings, how much
has he saved in Public Provident Fund ?
a. Rs. 30,000
b. Rs. 50,000
c. Rs. 60,000
d. Rs. 90,000
Answer: Option C
Explanation: Let savings in N.S.C and P.P.F. be Rs. x and Rs. (150000 - x)
respectively. Then,
(1/3)x= (1/2)(150000-x)
x=75000*6/5= 90000
Therefore, Savings in Public Provident Fund = Rs. (150000 - 90000) = Rs. 60000
6. A sum of Rs. 1360 has been divided among A, B and C such that A gets 2/3 of what
B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets. B's share is:
a. Rs.120
b. Rs. 160
c. Rs.240
d. Rs.300
Answer: Option C
Explanation: Let C's share = Rs. x
Then, B's share = Rs. x/4; A's share = Rs.2/3 * x/4= Rs. x/6
Therefore x/6 + x/4 + x = 1360
17x/12 = 1360
x= 1360*12/17= Rs.960
Hence, B's share= Rs.960/4= Rs.240

7. If a-b= 3 and a2+b2=29, find the value of ab

a. 10
b. 12
c. 15
d. 18
Answer: Option A
Explanation: 2ab = (a2 + b2) - (a - b)2
= 29 - 9 = 20
=>ab = 10.

8. If 45-[28-{37-(15-*)}]= 58, then * is equal to:

a. -29
b. -19
c. 19
d. 29
Answer: Option c
Explanation: 45-[28-{37-(15-*)}]= 58 =>
45-[28-37+15-*]=58 => 45[43-37-*]=58
45-[6-*]=58 => 45-6+*=58
39+*=58 => *=58-39
= 19


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