TDS - Emaco CP 60

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High-performance anode for concrete
cathodic protection
EMACO CP 60 is a unique anode system that has been
developed specifically for reinforced concrete applications.
The material comprises highly-conductive coated fibres, tridimensionally distributed throughout a polymer modified
cementitious mortar.
The electro catalytic coating on the fibres has a very low
consumption rate and anode interfacial reactions are
uniformly distributed throughout the entire body of the
material, which results in long, maintenance-free life.
EMACO CP 60 is a two-component system. Part 1 is a
powder component which contains a blend of Portland
cement, graded silica, electro catalytic coated fibres and
special additives. Part 2 is a liquid polymer component. The
product is applied using wet-spray concrete techniques at
8mm thickness.


long life and maintenance-free

efficient current distribution

high conductivity

excellent adhesion

impact and abrasion resistant

water vapour permeable

Thin layer application

less dead load on the existing structure

Easy to apply

wet-spray applied, low rebound

no mesh anode required

single application

Environmentally friendly

cement based, contains no toxic elements

EMACO CP 60 is a highly durable anode for impressed

current cathodic protection (CP) of steel-reinforced

structures. Suitable applications include the control of active
corrosion in highway structures, car parks and buildings,
also the prevention of corrosion in structures at risk.

EMACO CP 60 is supplied pre-packed;
Part 1 is in 25kg sacks and Part 2 in 20 litre pails.
Part 2 can be made available in 220 litre drums or 1000 litre
containers, for larger projects.


Product data
Anode characteristics
Maximum current density
(concrete surface area)
Bulk resistivity

20 mA/m
< 1

Typical physical properties(a)

Maximum particle size
Mechanical strengths (28 days)
Freeze / Thaw resistance (SS13 72 44)
Impact resistance (NF P 18854)
Ambient cure


Sea water ponding
Motor oil ponding
After freeze / thaw
: typical values. All tests were carried out under temperature
controlled conditions of 21C.

Tests and approvals

EMACO CP 60 has been tested by the Swedish National

Testing and Research Institute:

Freeze/Thaw resistance: SP, Sveriges Provnings-och
Forkningsinstitut, No. 95B4, 1845
Adhesion and compressive strength: SP, Sveriges
Provnings-och Forkningsinstitut, No. 94B4.5018A

Substrate quality:
In order to cathodically protect steel-reinforced concrete,
electrical continuity of the steel is required. For existing
structures a condition survey should be undertaken to
establish the suitability of the structure for CP.
Reference should be made to the draft CEN standard
Substrate preparation:
Preparation of the concrete substrate is vital to achieve
optimum performance and long service life from the cathodic
protection installation. Remove all surface coatings,
defective renders, foreign matter, formwork treatments,
laitance, algae and other contaminants that may adversely
affect the bond. Use abrasive blasting or high-pressure
water jetting. Do not use vibrating or high-impact methods;
such methods increase the risk of inducing micro cracks that
may affect the adhesion and the long-term durability of the
anode system.
The prepared substrate should have a pull-out strength of at
least 1.5N/mm.
Spalled or delaminated areas and cracks should be repaired
with approved THORO CP concrete repair products. Hairline
cracks may be left untreated. Under no circumstances
should any cracks be injected with materials which will
insulate areas from the CP system. Areas of low cover and
exposed steel must be treated or the cover built up to that
Primary anode (b):
A primary anode is an essential requirement for a EMACO
CP 60 system. The required number and configuration for
correct current distribution will be project specific and is,
therefore, a CP design decision. As a guide for a plane
surface, primary anodes should be placed at 2m centres
(maximum) with a 1m clearance from the edges of the
anode zones. The primary anode should be fixed to the
prepared substrate by plastic anchors.
The configuration should allow the connection to the rectifier
to be made outside the anodic zone and in duplicate as a
Suitable primary anode materials will normally involve
surface-activated Titanium ribbon, e.g. Elgard Anode Ribbon
by Eltech, or Lida Grid by DeNora Permelec. Appropriate
companies should be contacted for advice.
contact your local MBT office for advice
Wet density
Pot life (at 21C)
Mixing liquid :

2.20 kg/dm
30 minutes

4.7 (4.1 5.3) litres EMACO CP 60

Part 2 / 25 kg of Part 1 powder.
It is essential that the temperature of both components of
EMACO CP 60 is at least 15C before mixing.
Use a power mixer (no tumbling motion) adding the powder
to the liquid. Mix until the powder is wet throughout and
maximum dispersion of all ingredients has been obtained.
Allow the mix to fatten for 5 to 10 minutes. Re-mix adding a
little additional liquid or powder when required, without
exceeding the maximum of 5.3litres / 25kg.
Do not overmix.
The ambient and surface temperature should be above 5C
during application and for at least 24 hours thereafter. Apply
EMACO CP 60 when no rainfall is expected or take the
necessary protective measures using, for example, plastic
Under extremely hot or windy conditions it is advised that
hot substrates are cooled with potable water and that the
application should take place between sunset and sunrise.
Use sunlight-reflecting pump lines, provide wind protection
and clean equipment frequently.
EMACO CP 60 should be applied to surfaces that have
been well dampened but which are free from standing water.
EMACO CP 60 has been designed for spray applications
only, using wet-spray concrete techniques. Suitable spray
equipment, essential for successful application, includes
hand-held hopper guns and worm-driven equipment (such
as the Putzmeister S3 or Power Sprays PS1000). Other
types of equipment may be suitable; contact your local MBT
office for advice.
The application is carried out in two stages. Spray the first
coat to a thickness of 1 to 2mm. Immediately after spraying,
and while still wet, broom the material into the concrete
surface. Spray the second coat immediately onto the first
(still wet) coat to the recommended thickness of 8mm.
Apply to a limited area only to prevent drying of the first
coat. If, for whatever reason, the first coat has dried, apply a
new broom coat before building up to the 8mm thickness.
EMACO CP 60 is self-curing. Under poor conditions, e.g.
where rapid drying may occur (hot and/or windy conditions),
protect by covering the EMACO CP 60 with plastic sheets or
by broadcasting dry silica sand onto horizontal surfaces after
the surface film has formed.
After the final spray application, the following curing times
should be used as a guide before EMACO CP 60 is
subjected to foot traffic:
Temperature, C

Time (min.), hours


EMACO CP 60 can be overcoated with approved THORO

CP products in order to enhance the performance in
aggressive environments or for aesthetic purposes.
Preferentially this is done 7 days after the application of
Clean Up and spillages:
Not hardened material may simply be removed with water.
Cleaning of equipment and tools should be carried out as
soon as practicable well away from the application area.
Operation maintenance of the CP installation
To achieve cathodic protection of the reinforcement and
optimise the service life of the CP system, especially the
anode, it is essential that suitable design, commissioning,
monitoring, control and maintenance procedures are
Reference should be made to the draft CEN standard

Coverage is dependent upon various factors, including the
method of working and substrate condition.
The recommended applied thickness of EMACO CP 60 is
1.79kg EMACO CP 60 Part 1 and appr. 0.36 litres Part 2 will
be required for 1mm/m.

All materials are to be stored under cover, clear of the ground
and stacked not more than 6 sacks or 2 pails high. Protect the
materials from all sources of moisture and frost. Preferably
store at above 15C as this will ease the distribution of the
fibres during mixing. Rotate stock in order not to exceed the
shelf life of 6 months for sacks and 12 months for pails.

Health and safety

EMACO CP 60 Part 1 is based on cement and thus can be
irritating to the skin and eyes. Gloves and eye protection
should be worn. The use of dust masks is recommended.
EMACO CP 60 Part 2 is non toxic, but should not be ingested
as it is based on acrylic polymers.
Accidental splashes of the material to the skin or eyes should
be immediately washed off with clean water. In the event of
prolonged irritation seek medical advice. In the case of
ingestion give water or milk to drink and treat symptomatically.
Medical advice should be sought.
Material Safety Data Sheets are available on request.
04/2001 MBT-ME

Degussa Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8851000

Fax: +971 4 8851002

e-mail: [email protected]

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and

represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or
implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or
distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour
involved in the application are beyond our control.

Certificate No.

As all Degussa technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

Certificate No.

Certificate No.

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