1 02152 Aquaflex-Roof-Hr en

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Fibre-filled liquid membrane in water emulsion with
high solar reflectance and thermal emittance with a
solar reflectance index (SRI) of 105

▪ Protection against UV rays and heat for existing waterproof systems made from a distilled-bitumen/polymer
▪ Protecting and waterproofing concrete surfaces, cementitious screeds, screeds made using special binders
(such as Topcem, Topcem Pronto), ceramics or stone coatings.

Aquaflex Roof HR is a ready-to-use waterproofing, white product, with high solar reflectance and thermal
emittance, with a solar reflectance index (SRI) of 105, for external applications made from synthetic resins in
water dispersion, and when dry forms a continuous, flexible waterproofing membrane.
Aquaflex Roof HR is resistant to all atmospheric conditions and UV rays, and guarantees long-lasting
protection for the substrate.
Aquaflex Roof HR is easy to apply using a long-piled roller, brush or spray on horizontal, sloping or vertical
surfaces. Once dry, Aquaflex Roof HR forms a strong, flexible, tack-free dry surface, suitable for occasional
light foot traffic.
Thanks to its flexibility, Aquaflex Roof HR will withstand normal expansion/contraction stresses caused by
temperature variations and vibrations.
Thanks to its high reflectance index, Aquaflex Roof HR helps lower the working temperature of roofs and
guarantees good energy performance properties of all the layers of the roof.
Aquaflex Roof HR lowers the surface temperature of the roof by more than 50% compared with a dark-
coloured covering.
Thanks to its SRI value of 105, Aquaflex Roof HR helps qualify for LEED credits by reducing the heat island
effect of roofs.
Aquaflex Roof HR complies with the principles defined in EN 1504-9 (“Products and systems for the
protection and repair of concrete structures: definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of
conformity. General principles for the use of products and systems”) and the requirements of EN 1504-2
coating (C) according to principles PI, MC and IR (“Surface protection systems for concrete”).

▪ Do not apply Aquaflex Roof HR if the temperature is lower than +5°C or higher than +35°C, or if it is about to
▪ Do not apply if there is any dew on the substrate.
▪ Do not apply Aquaflex Roof HR on wet substrates or on substrates with rising damp.
▪ Apply Aquaflex Roof HR on surfaces without depressions or hollows and, where required, with the correct
amount of slope.
▪ Do not apply Aquaflex Roof HR on weak or dusty substrates.
▪ If it rains between one coat and another of Aquaflex Roof HR, wait at least 12 hours before applying the next
coat, and always until there is no residual moisture; adhesion between the two coats could be affected.
▪ Do not apply on painted metal surfaces.
▪ Do not use on bituminous membranes that have only recently been applied (< 6 months). Always wait until
the surface to be treated has completely oxidised.

Preparation of the substrate
All substrates, whether new or old, must be sound, clean, dry and free of all traces of oil, grease, old paint, rust,
mould and any other material which could affect adhesion.
Carefully clean the existing bituminous membrane to provide a clean, dry substrate. Apply Aquaflex Primer by
brush, with a roller or by airless spray.
Concrete and mineral substrates in general must be sound and dry with no rising damp. Any loose parts must
be removed.
All wax, water-repellent treatments, etc. must be removed from the surface of ceramic substrates with a
suitable detergent and/or by sanding.
Any hollows in the surface must be repaired with Mapeslope. Fill any gaps between ceramic floor tiles with
Adesilex P4 before applying Aquaflex Roof HR. Apply Eco Prim Grip Plus on non-absorbent ceramic
substrates, while on any other type of substrate apply Aquaflex Roof HR used as primer diluted with 10%
Before applying Aquaflex Roof HR, pay particular attention to the expansion joints and the fillets between
horizontal and vertical surfaces, which must be waterproofed using Mapeband Easy, rubber tape sandwiched
between two layers of non-woven fabric or Mapeband SA, self-adhesive butyl rubber tape, or by bonding
Mapetex 50 (h 20) to the substrate with Aquaflex Roof HR. Structural joints must be waterproofed with
Mapeband TPE bonded in place with Adesilex PG4. Use a suitable kit from the Drain range to seal any drains.
Preparation of the product
The product is supplied ready-to-use, but mixing before use is recommended so that it is perfectly blended.
Application of the product
Aquaflex Roof HR must be applied with a long-piled roller, brush or by airless spray. Apply two dry coats of
Aquaflex Roof HR around 0.4-0.5 mm thick each. Wait until the first coat is completely dry before applying
the next coat. The second coat must be applied crossways with respect to the previous coat.
The dry thickness of Aquaflex Roof HR must never be less than 0.8-1 mm.
If the substrate has micro-cracks, insert Mapetex 50, non woven polypropylene fabric between the two layers
of Aquaflex Roof HR.
Spread a generous coat of Aquaflex Roof HR on the substrate, and while gradually applying the product,
immediately lay Mapetex 50 and go over the surface with a flat spreader or spiked roller to ensure it is
perfectly wetted.
When the first coat is completely dry, spread on a second coat of Aquaflex Roof HR to cover completely
Mapetex 50.
Protect the Aquaflex Roof HR membrane from rain until it is completely dry.

Tools must be cleaned with water immediately after use.

Waterproof membrane: at least 2 kg/m².

Protective finish on bituminous membranes:

▪ approx. 0.5 kg/m² on smooth membranes;
▪ approx. 0.9 kg/m² on mineral-filled membranes.

The consumption rates indicated are for a seamless film on a flat surface and could be higher on uneven
substrates and depending on the absorbency of the substrate.

20 kg drums.

Aquaflex Roof HR may be stored for up to 24 months in its original packaging in a dry place. Protect from


Instructions for the safe use of our products can be found on the latest version of the Safety Data Sheet,
available from our website www.mapei.com.

TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)

Aquaflex Roof HR: fibre-filled liquid membrane in water emulsion with high solar reflectance and
thermal emittance with a solar reflectance index (SRI) of 105. Complies with the requirements of EN
1504-2 coating (C) principles PI, MC and IR

Consistency: paste
Colour: highly reflective white
Density: 1.35 g/cm³
Dry solids content: 61.4%
Brookfield viscosity: 19,000 mPa·s (# 6 - 10 rpm)

Application temperature: from +5°C to +35°C
▪ between Aquaflex Primer and 1st coat: approx. 5-6 h;
Waiting time at +23°C and 50% R.H.:
▪ between two coats of Aquaflex Roof: approx. 8 h
Ready for use at +23°C and 50% R.H.: approx. 48 h

Elongation at failure (ISO 37): 200%
Tensile strength (ISO 37): 1.5 N/mm²

FINAL PERFORMANCE (thickness 1.0 mm)

Requirements according to EN Performance
Performance characteristics Test 1504-2 coating (C) principles PI, figures for
method Aquaflex Roof
MC and IR
Adhesion to concrete - after 28 days at EN 1542 1.3 N/mm²
+20°C and 50% R.H.:
Thermal compatibility to freeze/thaw EN Flexible systems with no traffic: ≥
cycles with de-icing salts, measured as 13687-1 0.8 ≥ 1 N/mm²
Thermal compatibility to thunder EN ≥ 1 N/mm²
showers measured as adhesion: 13687-2
Static crack-bridging at +23°C EN class A1 (0.1 mm) to class A5 (2.5
expressed as maximum crack width 1062-7 mm) Class A4
Static crack-bridging at 0°C expressed Class A4
as maximum crack width (mm):
Dynamic crack-bridging at 0°C class B1 to class B4.2
expressed as resistance to cracking Class B2
Permeability to water vapour – EN ISO class I: SD < 5 m (permeable to SD = 1.38 Class
equivalent air thickness SD: 7783-1 vapour) m I
Impermeability to water, expressed as EN < 0.1 kg/m²·h0.5 0.02 kg/m²·h0.5
capillary absorption: 1062-3
Permeability to carbon dioxide (CO₂) – EN
diffusion in equivalent air layer 1062-6 > 50 m SDCO2 = 400 m
thickness SDCO2:
After 2000 hours of artificial bad
▪ no swelling according to EN
ISO 4628-2 No swelling,
▪ no cracking according to EN cracking or
Exposure to artificial atmospheric EN
agents: 1062-11 ISO 4628-4 flacking.
▪ no flacking according to EN Slight colour
ISO 4628-5 variation
Slight colour variation, loss of
brightness and crumbling may
be accepted
Reaction to fire: EN Euroclass B-s1-d0
External fire exposure class: EN - Broof t1

Other performance characteristics Test method

SRI (Solar Reflectance Index)*: ASTM E1980 105
Solar reflectance*: ASTM E903 83%
Emittance*: ASTM C1371 91%

* Value certified by the EELab, Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia

Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this product data sheet correspond to the
best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case, be taken as merely
indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application; for this reason, anyone who
intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application. In every
case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product.
Please refer to the current version of the Technical Data Sheet, available from our website

The contents of this Technical Data Sheet (“TDS”) may be copied into another project-related
document, but the resulting document shall not supplement or replace requirements per the TDS in
force at the time of the MAPEI product installation.
The most up-to-date TDS can be downloaded from our website www.mapei.com.
Mapei S.p.A.
Via Cafiero, 22, 20158, Milano

+39-02-376731 www.mapei.com [email protected]

2152-4-2024 en (IT)

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