OSI Model

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Application Layer DATA No addressing

Away - Layer 7 - Application (Email, web browsers, file sharing services,

print servers, network driver, twitter, Facebook, etc.)
o Protocols
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
TFTP (Trivia File Transfer Protocol
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SSH (Secure Shell)
DNS (Domain Name Service)
Pizza Layer 6 - Presentation Layer ((Configure data) Encryption,
compression, translation for the application to understand)
Sausage Layer 5 - Session Layer (Control communication) Login rights
(Passwords), Permissions (read / write), Rights ( are you an admin, normal
user, super user))
o HTTPS would flow through here due a required authentication
o SSH would also be here for authentication
Makes decisions to forward data or not
o Application Layer Gateway (ALG) make decisions based on the content
(Spam blocker)
Transport layer SEGMENT (UDP is DATAGRAM) Addressing is PORTS
Throw Layer 4 Transport (Guarantee end to end transmission, Error
checking, Verification of data delivery)
o TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
Guarantees end to end delivery through a handshake
o UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Send in Pray hopefully it arrives (can be faster)
Can be effected by collisions and errors present in the data
Relies on Session and Data link layer for error checking
Data is broken up into Segments which use PORTS to identify services
o HTTP uses PORT 80
o HTTPS uses PORT 443
o TELNET uses PORT 23
o FTP uses PORT 20 and 21
o DNS users PORT 53
Clients are Dynamically assigned ports from 8000 to 65535
o One webpage might have a specific port, trying to access the web
server on port 80
Devices examine segments to forward or not
o Firewalls (make decisions based on the port number)
Internet Layer PACKET Addressing is IP ADDRESSES
Not Layer 3 Network Layer (Finds the shortest path to the destination
network. It uses reliability, hop count, congestion, etc.)
o IP (Internet Protocol)
o Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) - Ping is a command we use
and it is under this protocol
o Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - Maps IP addresses to physical
IP packets use this addressing scheme
o Dot decimal 32 bit address (Each section is 8 bits)

Routers examine the packets and decide whether or not to forward or

Network Access Layer Addressing is PHYSICAL (MAC)
Do Layer 2 Data Link Layer FRAMES (Decides whose turn it is to talk,
Finds the device on the network)
o Devices make the DECESIONS based on physical address of the
source/destination address
Decide to forward the frame or not
Bridges (a switch is a multiport bridge)
Please Layer 1 Physical Layer BITS (Cables, voltages, frequencies,
connectors, transfer rates, etc.)
o Microwave, Ethernet, Fiber optic, T1, Wifi
o Devices on this layer extend the LAN (cable length typically 100m
unless fiber (1000m))
Multiport repeater (HUB)
Mostly uses Ethernet Frames (Ex. Physical address attached to Ethernet
o 00-12-F4-AB-0C-82 | 0012.F4AB.0C82 | 00.12.F4.AB.0C.82
o Each pair is 1 byte or 8 bits
o 48 bit hexadecimal number
o Media Access Control (MAC) address

TCP/IP vs OSI Model

4 Layers
Application Layer

7 Layers
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Layer
Network access Layer
Data Link Layer
Protocol Data Units (PDU)
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Segments or Datagrams
Internet Layer / Network Layer
Network Access Layer
Frames (Data layer) and Bits (Physical
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Ports (HTTP: 80, DNS: 53, Telnet 23)
Internet Layer / Network Layer
IP addresses (
Network Access Layer
Physical Addresses (MAC addresses
Application Layer
Application Layer Gateway (ALG)
Spam blocker
Transport Layer
Firewalls (port blocker)
Internet Layer / Network Layer
Routers and Layer 3 Switches
Network Access Layer
Data Link Layer Bridges and Switches
Physical Layer Repeaters and Hubs

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