Munoz V Del Barrio, 51 OG 5217 (1955)
Munoz V Del Barrio, 51 OG 5217 (1955)
Munoz V Del Barrio, 51 OG 5217 (1955)
NO. In the maltreatments complained of in this case, the respondent only used at
most his bare fists or hands and desisted from giving further chastisement after the
first blows were given at the spur of the impulse.
Reasoning: y Under Art. 97, par. 2 a petition for legal separation may be filed for an
attempt by one spouse against the life on the other. The case was only brought to
court after the alleged maltreatment of September 1951 and not upon 1) 2) 3) 4) y
the effectivity of the Civil Code on August 30, 1950, so the maltreatments before
their separation in 1947 must not have amounted to husband s attempt on the life
of his wife. An attempt on the life of a person implies that the actor in the attempt is
moved by an intention to kill the person. Said maltreatments as given by
testimonies cannot constitute attempts on the life of appellant. Jovita Faustino
(apartment tenant fist blow on face), Faustino Mallari (patrolman crying, scratches
on brow and cheeks, (certain points of the neck were blackened ecchymosis)) Atty.
Manuel Macias (appellant s counsel boxed in abdomen, pulled hair, twisted neck) It
is absolutely necessary that the homicidal intent be evidenced by adequate acts
which at the time of their execution were unmistakably calculated to produce the
death of the victim. The presumption, in acts of violence, is that the actor intended
the natural consequence of his acts. (Francisco, RVP II, 2nded). It is argued that
being a civil case, the appellant is only bound to prove her right of action by
preponderance of evidence and not by evidence beyond reasonable doubt. The
Court may agree to a certain extent, but intent to kill must be established with clear
and convincing evidence. Petitioner-appellant herself should not have been so sure
of her evidence when instead of the present action she dared not to cause the
prosecution of her husband for attempted parricide as a means of establishing her
right to secure legal separation. y y Dispositive: Judgment affirmed, without
pronouncement as to costs. Relevant Provisions: Art 97(2), CC Art 55 (1), FC *If this
case is to be decided after the effectivity of the FC, the decision would be different
because Art 55(1) considers physical violence as a ground for legal separation.