Basic Telepathy: Contact Telepathy

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Basic Telepathy : Contact Telepathy

Having learned how to keep the body subdued and the mind as free of thoughts
as possible, it is necessary to sensitize the mind and body, to practice
recognizing mental and physical impressions other than your own. To be
successful in telepathy, one must develop hyperacuity (heightened sensitivity)
that can be achieved through “Contact Telepathy”. Many years ago, when the
Society for Psychical Research in London first began investigating “mind
reading” they discovered Contact Telepathy.

Contact Telepathy, as the name would imply, involves touching the person
whose mind you want to read. If you use this method discreetly, after much
practice, it is possible to pick up thoughts with unbelievable clarity.

The skin as an electrical conductor of sound

The reason is simple. Sound waves that are emitted from our body (visual
impressions, too) are nowhere near strong enough to be heard without special
preparation. Subvocalized words, perhaps, but not thought-sounds (which are
equivalent to radio signals before they reach your radio). A radio has
condensers and other equipment to strengthen the weak radio waves it
receives in the air and make them discernible.

By sensitizing the skin with Contact Telepathy, you get a similar effect. The
surface area of our body (which also has millions of nerve ends or antennae)
becomes extremely sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, and to electrical
impulses within within the atmosphere.

Receiving thought through touch

It begins with muscle reading, and is the process whereby tiny muscle
movements and eventually actual thoughts are detected by touching another

Contact Telepathy is basically quite easy. One system is for the demonstrator to
grip the subject’s wrist, right upon left, or vice versa. Another is for the
demonstrator and the subject to lock arms rather loosely, either left to right or
vice versa. Still another way is for the mind reader to have contact with two
subjects, each concentrating on the same thought, whose mind he will read.
After some practice, it will no longer be necessary for you to have a willing
subject on whom to practice.
You should eventually reach the point where the instant you touch someone on
the shoulder, for example, you will receive his thoughts. Contact Telepathy is a
fascinating pastime. One simple way for you to appreciate it is to try it

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