10 Halamang Gamot
10 Halamang Gamot
10 Halamang Gamot
Sambong roots and leaves are used as herbal treatment for fevers, sambong leaves and roots
are pounded then dissolved in cold water. Applied with a soft cloth over the nape, forehead,
underarms and other body parts to bring down the body temperature.
Sambong roots and leaves are also used as herbal medicine treatment for rheumatism.
Sambong roots and leaves are pounded and applied as poultice on the affected body part.
Sambong roots and leaves may also be boiled and are applied as warm compress onto affected
Sambong is also used to treat headache, sambong leaves are pounded and applied as a
poultice over the forehead.
Sambong tea are also used as herbal medicine for colds and coughs.
Sambong tea are also used for herbal treatment of diarrhea and stomach spasms.
Sambong juice are also used for treatment of cuts and wounds.
Sambong tea preparation:
Sambong poultice
pound in a mortar
Akapulko (Cassia alata) is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in the tropical
climate of Philippines. Akapulko is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. The
akapulko leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat fungal infections, like
ringworms, scabies and eczema.. Akapulko leaves are also known to be sudorific, diuretic and
purgative, usedto treat intestinal problems including intestinal parasites. Akapulko is also used as
herbal medicine to treat bronchitis and asthma. Because of Akapulkos anti-fungal properties, it
is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The Philippine
Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for
a akapulko herbal medicine lotion.
Akapulko is an erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves. Akapulko leaves have
orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets. Akapulko produces an axis of golden yellow flowers that
has 4-winged pods containing 50-60 flattened, triangular seeds. Akapulko flowers are enclosed
by yellow-orange bracts that are later shed in time.
Akapulko is used as herbal medicine for the following skin diseases
Tinea infections,
insect bites,
scabies and
Yerba buena (Clinopodium douglasii) is a rambling aromatic herb of the mint family that is
known and used as herbal medicine worldwide.
Yerba Buena is a perennial plant that grows up to 1 meter in height with oblong shaped leaves
with toothed margins. Flowers are hairy and the color is bluish to purplish with axillary head like
Yerba Buena are grown throughout the world from North America to Asia. The plant takes the
form of a sprawling, mat-forming perennial, and is especially abundant close to the coast.
Yerba Buena is more popular for its culinary application because of its minty flavor. Used in
salads and as flavor for cooking foods. Yerba buena aroma is also used for scents and fragrances.
Yerba Buena tea used as body pain reliever . Good for headache, stomach ache and
tooth ache.
Yerba Buena poultice used for Rheumatism, arthritis and headache crush the
fresh leaves squeeze sap. Massage sap on painful parts with eucalyptus.
Yerba Buena tea for cough and colds . Drink as tea. Acts as an expectorant.
Yerba Buena as mouth wash for swollen gums and tooth aches steep 6 grams of
fresh plant in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Use solution as gargle.
Yerba Buena tea for menstrual and gas pain . Drink infusion. It induces menstrual
flow and sweating.
Yerba Buena minty scent for nausea and fainting crush leaves and apply at nostrils
of patients.
Yerba Buena leaves for Insect bites crush leaves and apply juice on affected part or
pound leaves until paste-like. Then rub this on affected part.
erba buena herbal tea is widely used as a popular health drink for its various health benefits.
Yerba buena tea can be prepared by using dried Yerba buena leaves or chopped fresh leaves.
How to make dried Yerba buena leaves as tea
The following details the preparation of Yerba buena herbal tea from dried leaves
eugenol, tannin, saponins, amydalin, phenolic acids, malic acid, ash, aldehydes, catequinic
components and flavonoids.
Bayabas or guava is used in herbal medicine as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic,
antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-allergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough,
antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic.
Bayabas or guava tree grows 3 to10 meters tall with greenish to red-brownish smooth bark.
Bayabas produce a round globular bayabas fruit that starts as a flower. The bayabas fruit is green
and turns yellowish-green and soft when ripe. Bayabas fruit has many small hard seeds contained
in a yellowish pulp. Bayabas fruit is usually eaten while still green and hard.
How to use Bayabas as an antiseptic and astringent
Boil one cup of Bayabas leaves in three cups of water for 8 to 10 minutes.
Fresh Bayabas leaves can also be chewed for the treatment of toothache and gum swelling.
To hasten wound healing, fresh Bayabas leaf poultice may be applied to the wound.
If symptoms persist or aggravates, stop use and consult your doctor.
5. Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a large native shrub that grows in the Philippines
and has been traditionally used as herbal medicine. The Philippine Department of Health has
conducted research and study for Lagundi and has suggested that the lagundi plant has a number
verifiable therapeutic value
Lagundi is an erect, branched tree or shrub, that grows to as much as 5 m high. Lagundi has a
single thick, woody stem like a trunk and is usually seen in swamps of the Philippines. Lagundi
leaves appear palmately, in the form of five pointed leaves which splay out like the fingers of a
hand. Lagundi leaves are 5-foliate, rarely with 3 leaflets only. Lagundi leaves are 4-10 cm long,
slightly hairy beneath. The lagundi flowers are blue to lavender, 6-7 mm long bearing fruit
globose of about 4mm in diameter that turns black when ripe.
6. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)
Health benefits of juice extract from ampalaya fruit.
Used to treat stomach problems such as colitis, dysentery and intestinal parasites
Used to treat mild cough, heal wounds, and to treat rheumatism and gout.
Sap or juice of leaves used to treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, leprosy
and scabies
Infusion of leaves used as mouthwash to treat tooth ache and other mouth problems
How is it taken?
Green fruit of ampalaya and young leaves are cooked, taken as food and is included in diet
during treatment.
Juice extract from bitter melon fruit or leaves are taken spoonful for adults and teaspoonful for
children. 3 times a day until symptoms improve.
Decoction prepared by boiling 50 grams of chopped fruits, seeds, leaves and/or roots of
ampalaya to a liter of water, taken as ampalaya tea three times a day until symptoms improve.
Tsaang Gubat is used as herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in the tropical climate
of Philippines. Tsaang gubat is widely used in the Philippines as herbal medicine. The tsaang
gubat were studied for possible anti-allergic substances to counter the histamine release from
mast cells that cause type-1 reactions. The tsaang-gubat, contains rosmarinic acid and
microphyllone which is attributed for its efficacy to control allergy. Tsaang gubat studies also
shows it has antibacterial, antinocicpetive and anti-inflammatory properties. Study of tsaang
gubat leaves showed a mixture of triterpenes a-amyrin, -amyrin and baurenol and a wide range
of bioactivity. The tsaang gubat showed analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal and
antibacterial activities. Tsaang gubat is commonly prepared in pills capsules and in herbal tea
bags form.
Tsaang gubat is an erect, shrub with green compound leaves. The tsaang gubat shrub grows to
about 1 to 4 meters high and can be found in secondary forest in low and medium altitude.
Tsaang gubat leaves grows in clusters on short branches, 3-6 cm long, somewhat toothed or
lobed near the apex and pointed at the base, short stalked and rough on the upper surface. Tsaang
gubat bears small white flowers, axillary, solitary, 2 or 4 on a common stalk. It bears yellow
fruits when ripe about 4-5 mm in diameter, fleshy, with a 4-seeded stone.
Tsaang Gubat is used as herbal medicine for the following stomach problems
Stomach pains
Intestinal motility
Preparation and application of tsaang gubat herbal medicine for treatment of stomach problems
Pound or cut a cup of tsaang gubat leaves into manageable sizes then let it seep in boiling water
for 10 to 15 minutes to create a tsaang gubat herbal tea. Let it cool and drink a cup three times a
day. The potency of tsaang gubat herbal tea is good to last for one day. Make new tsaang gubat
herbal tea as needed. When symptoms persist or irritation occurs stop the use and consult your
Eye inflammation,
Sore throat,
Prostate problems
Skin boils,
Skin inflammation,
Abdominal pains
Renal problems
Expels Intestinal Worms and Parasites. The seeds of Niyog-niyogan are dried and taken orally.
Recommended dosage is 4 to 7 seeds for Children while 8 to 10 seeds for Adults.
Caution: Adverse reactions - diarrhea, abdominal pain, distention and hiccups more likely if
nuts are eaten in consecutive days or when fresh nuts are eaten.
Luya - Vomiting, Motion sickness, nausea, Luya or Ginger's has been known and used widely
for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting associated in motion sickness.
chemotheraphy, morning sickness and has been known to be safe even for pregnant women and
Luya - Anti infectious: Antibacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic. Luya or Ginger's effects
against infection have also been confirmed by laboratory science to kill cold viruses at a
concentration of less than one part per million. Ginger contains a chemical called zingibain that
kills and dissolves parasites and their eggs.
Luya - Anti inflammatory and antioxidant activity when included in diet. Luya or ginger may
also be applied externally to support inflammation related to arthritis, rheumatism, menstrual
cramps, sprains and lumbago.
LUya - Cholesterol control, Heart Disease: Luya or Ginger has shown to inhibit cholesterol
production in the liver. Studies suggest ingestion of Luya or Ginger has beneficial effect to
decrease the activity of platelet-activating factor (PAF), PAF causes platelets to aggregate
(clotting) and blood vessels to dilate. With decreased PAF, blood clotting is likewise reduced
which is a cause of stroke or heart attack
Luya or Ginger - Anti-allergy and anti-inflammation: Studies shown that high platelet
activating factor stimulates inflammation in allergy and bronchial constriction associated in
asthma. Luya or ginger's ability to decrease PAF would suggest that it may also help as remedy
for allergy and asthma.
Luya or Ginger - Colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis; Nasal
congestion, Ginger or Luya tea are widely known for the treatment of colds, cough, sore throat,
hoarseness even for asthma and bronchitis. It is also taken as ginger ale.
Luya or Ginger - Rheumatism and arthritis, Ginger or Luya has been used to alleviate
inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism.
(Cassia alata)
Topical Ointment
(Cassia alata)
Topical Ointment
(Cassia alata)
Topical Ointment
For fungal infections and itchiness.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from
Prepared by: PCDS BSN - II
(Cassia alata)
Topical Ointment
For fungal infections and itchiness.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Oral Prepared
Syrup by: PCDS BSN - II
For cough, colds, and fever.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from
(Vitex negundo)
Oral Syrup
For cough, colds, and fever.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from
Prepared by: PCDS BSN - II
(Vitex negundo)
Oral Syrup
For cough, colds, and fever.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from
Prepared by: PCDS BSN - II
(Vitex negundo)
Oral Syrup
For cough, colds, and fever.
Expiry Date: 4/2016
Store in(Zingiber
a cool, dry place.
Keep away from