Academic Portal: Synopsis of Major Project

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Regd. No. 1003001

Under the supervision of

(Internal Supervisor)
Dr. Ashu Gupta,
Assistant Professor,
Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus,

(External Supervisor)
Er. Pertik Garg
Project Manager,
Royal Technologies,




It is an academic portal for student and faculty members.

This website works an interface or bridge between the faculty and students.

Through this website, administrator can create department.

Departmental head can create the subjects semester wise

HOD can upload their assignments, old question papers

The assignments and question papers downloaded by the students

Students can view notices on notice board of portal updated by the head of department

This site helpful to the college to maintain academic record subject wise

This portal is based on authentications, different type of users have different privileges

This site helps the student to download videos and presentation tutorials uploaded by
their respective HODs

Academic Portal has been involved in various programmes, to bridge the gap between campus and
corporate. It provides the connectivity with students, faculty and the institutes to greater heights.

What is .NET ?
.NET is Microsoft's strategy of software that provides services to people any time, any place, on
any device. An accurate definition of .NET is, it's an XML Web Services platform which allows
us to build rich .NET applications, which allows users to interact with the Internet using wide
range of smart devices which allows to build and integrate Web Services and which comes with
many rich set of tools like Visual Studio to fully develop those applications.

What are Web Services?

Web Services are the applications that run on a Web Server and communicate with other
applications. It uses a series of protocols to respond to different requests.

What is .NET Built On?

.NET is built on the Windows Server System to take major advantage of the OS and which
comes with a host of different servers which allows for building, deploying, managing and
maintaining Web-based solutions. The Windows Server System is designed with performance as
priority and it provides scalability, reliability, and manageability for the global, Web-enabled

.NET Framework
.NET is a "Software Platform". It is a language-neutral environment for developing
rich .NET experiences and building applications that can easily and securely operate within .The
components that make up the .NET platform are collectively called the .NET Framework.
The .NET Framework is a managed, type-safe environment for developing and executing
applications. The .NET Framework manages all aspects of program execution like, allocation of
memory for the storage of data and instructions, granting and denying permissions to the
application, managing execution of the application and reallocation of memory for resources that
are not needed.
The .NET Framework is designed for cross-language compatibility. Cross-language
compatibility means, an application written in Visual Basic .NET may reference a DLL file
written in C# (C-Sharp). A Visual Basic .NET class might be derived from a C# class or vice

The .NET Framework consists of two main components:

Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Class Libraries

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

The CLR is described as the "execution engine" of .NET. It provides the environment within
which the programs run. It's this CLR that manages the execution of programs and provides core
services, such as code compilation, memory allocation, thread management, and garbage

Class Libraries
Class library is the second major entity of the .NET Framework which is designed to
integrate with the common language runtime. This library gives the program access to runtime
environment. The class library consists of lots of prewritten code that all the applications created
in VB .NET and Visual Studio .NET will use.

Common Language Specification

The CLS describes a set of features that different languages have in common. The CLS
defines the minimum standards that .NET language compilers must conform to, and ensures that
any source code compiled by a .NET compiler can interoperate with the .NET Framework.

Some reasons why developers are building applications using the .NET

Improved Reliability

Increased Performance

Developer Productivity

Powerful Security

Integration with existing Systems

Ease of Deployment

Mobility Support

XML Web service Support

Support for over 20 Programming Languages

Flexible Data Access

Minimum System Requirements to Install and Use Visual Studio .NET


A new member of visual studio family, c# is a descendent of the c language. Its much like
c++, but designed with greater simplicity and ease of use in mind. Although c# isnt
necessarily as easy to learn as visual basic, its far easier than c++ and provides nearly all
of the power available to c++ developers. It also doesnt require you to manage the
allocation and deallocation of memory, as c++ does. Because c#, like visual basic.NET,is
a managed language, all of the memory management is taken care of the CLR.


The .NET Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application development in
the highly distributed environment of the Internet. The .NET Framework is designed to fulfill the
following objectives:

To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object code is

stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed, or executed

To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and

versioning conflicts.

To provide a code-execution environment that guarantees safe execution of code,

including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party.

To provide a code-execution environment that eliminates the performance problems of

scripted or interpreted environments.

To make the developer experience consistent across widely varying types of applications,
such as Windows-based applications and Web-based applications.

To build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based on the .NET
Framework can integrate with any other code.

The .NET Framework has two main components: the Common Language Runtime and the
.NET Framework class library. The common language runtime is the foundation of the
.NET Framework. You can think of the runtime as an agent that manages code at execution
time, providing core services such as memory management, thread management, and
remoting, while also enforcing strict type safety and other forms of code accuracy that ensure
security and robustness. The class library, the other main component of the .NET Framework,
is a comprehensive, object-oriented collection of reusable types that you can use to develop
applications ranging from traditional command-line or graphical user interface (GUI)
applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by ASP.NET, such as
Web Forms and XML Web services.


ASP.NET is Microsofts latest Web development platform. Although ASP.NET has some
similarities with the previous version, named ASP (Active Server Pages), ASP.NET has been
completely redesigned based on the .NET Framework. Web Forms is the design component of
ASP.NET that allows you to create and manage Internet user interfaces, commonly called Web
pages or (in a more comprehensive sense) Web applications. By using Web Forms, you can
create a Web application that displays a user interface, processes data, and provides many of the
commands and features that a standard application for Microsoft Windows might offer. However,
the Web application you create runs in a Web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator, and its stored on one or more Web servers, which display the correct Web pages and
handle most of the computing tasks required by your Web application. This distributed strategy
allows your Web applications to potentially run anywhere on the Internet while residing
physically in one manageable location on the Web server, on which rich data resources can also
be stored.
To create a Web application in Visual Basic .NET, you create a new ASP.NET Web Application
project in the Visual Studio development environment, and then use the Web Forms Designer to
build one or more Web Forms that will collectively represent your program. Each Web form
consists of two piecesa Web Forms page and a code-behind file. The Web Forms page contains
HTML and controls to create the user interface. The code-behind file is a code module that
contains program code that stands behind the Web Forms page. This division is conceptually
much like Windows Forms youve been creating in Visual Basictheres a user interface
component and a code module component. The code for both of these components can be stored
in a single .aspx file, but typically the Web Forms page code is stored in an .aspx file and the
code-behind file is stored in an .aspx.vb file.
Web Forms is a new programming model for Internet user interfaces based on ASP.NET, the
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Framework component designed to provide state-of-the-art
Internet functionality. Web Forms is a replacement for Web Classes and the DHTML Page
Designer in Visual Basic 6, and its distinct from the Windows Forms components that youve
used for most of the projects. Although a complete description of Web Forms and Microsoft

ASP.NET isnt possible here, theres enough in common between Web Forms and Windows
Forms to allow you some useful experimentation right awayeven if you have little or no
experience in Internet program. ASP.NET provides a programming model and infrastructure that
offers the necessary services for programmers to develop web-based applications. Because
ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, programmers can use the managed Common
Language Runtime (CLR) environment, type safety, inheritance, etc. to create web-based
applications. You can develop your ASP.NET web-based applications in any .NET-compliant
language, such as Visual Basic, Visual C#, or JScript.NET. ASP.NET code is compiled rather
than interpreted, which permits early binding, strong typing, and just-in-time (JIT) compiling to
native code.
In ASP.NET, deployment is as simple as copying a component assembly to its desired location.
ASP.NET configuration settings are stored in XML-based files, which are human-readable and
-writable. ASP.NET automatically applies new configuration settings to web resources whenever
it finds any changes to configuration files, without rebooting the server.
There are two core programming models when developing an ASP.NET application:

Web forms

Web Services

ASP.NET Compatibility
ASP is a Microsoft Technology
To run IIS you must have Windows NT 4.0 or later
To run PWS you must have Windows 95 or later
Chili ASP is a technology that runs ASP without Windows OS
Instant ASP is another technology that runs ASP without Windows

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful relational database management system catering to high-end
users with advanced needs. Along with Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server is widely regarded as one
of the two main full-featured database systems on the market today. The structured query
language is an industry-standard language used for manipulation of data in a relational database.
The major SQL commands of interest to database users are SELECT, INSERT, JOIN and

Most large-scale databases use the structured query language (SQL) to facilitate user and
administrator interactions. This language offers a flexible interface for databases of all shapes
and sizes. The first important point to make is that database transactions are made in SQL,
whether you realize it or not. Nowadays, there are a large number of graphical user interfaces
(GUIs) that simplify database administration tasks. If you're a SQL Server user, you may be
familiar with tools like Enterprise Manager.
There are also quite a few third-party applications that interact with
different databases (in fact, many of these can work with multiple database platforms
simultaneously.) Did you ever wonder how these applications work? Thats right! They use SQL!
The front-end translates your mouse clicks and text entries into SQL and then speaks to the
database in the universal language of SQL.
SQL commands can be divided into two main sub languages. The Data Definition Language
(DDL) contains the commands used to create and destroy databases and database objects. After
the database structure is defined with DDL, database administrators and users can use the Data
Manipulation Language (DML) to insert, retrieve and modify the data contained within it.

Data Definition Language

The Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to create and destroy databases and database
objects. These commands will primarily be used by database administrators during the setup and
removal phases of a database project. Let's take a look at the structure and usage of four basic
DDL commands:
Primary Keys
The first type of key well discuss is the primary key. Every database table should have one or
more columns designated as the primary key. The value this key holds should be unique for each
record in the database. For example, assume we have a table called Employees that contains
personnel information for every employee in our firm. Wed need to select an appropriate
primary key that would uniquely identify each employee. Your first thought might be to use the
employees name.
This wouldnt work out very well because its conceivable that youd hire two
employees with the same name. A better choice might be to use a unique employee ID number
that you assign to each employee when theyre hired. Some organizations choose to use Social
Security Numbers (or similar government identifiers) for this task because each employee
already has one and theyre guaranteed to be unique. However, the use of Social Security











once you decide upon a primary key and set it up in the database, the database
management system will enforce the uniqueness of the key. If you try to insert a record into a
table with a primary key that duplicates an existing record, the insert will fail.

Foreign Key
The other type of key that well discuss is the foreign key
.These keys are used to create relationships between tables. Natural relationships exist between
tables in most database structures. Returning to our employees database, lets imagine that we
wanted to add a table containing departmental information to the database. This new table might
be called Departments and would contain a large amount of information about the department as

a whole. Wed also want to include information about the employees in the department, but it
would be redundant to have the same information in two tables (Employees and Departments).
Instead, we can create a relationship between the two tables. Lets assume that the Departments
table uses the Department Name column as the primary key. To create a relationship between the
two tables, we add a new column to the Employees table called Department. We then fill in the
name of the department to which each employee belongs. We also inform the database
management system that the Department column in the Employees table is a foreign key that
references the Departments table. The database will then enforce referential integrity by ensuring
that all of the values in the Departments column of the Employees table have corresponding
entries in the Departments table

Definition: Stored procedures are precompiled database queries that improve the security,
efficiency and usability of database client/server applications. Developers specify a stored
procedure in terms of input and output variables. They then compile the code on the database
platform and make it available to application developers for use in other environments, such as
web applications. All of the major database platforms, including Oracle, SQL Server and My
SQL support stored procedures. The major benefits of this technology are the substantial
performance gains from precompiled execution, the reduction of client/server traffic,
development efficiency gains from code reuse and abstraction and the security controls inherent
in granting users permissions on specific stored procedures instead of the underlying database

Precompiled execution.

Reduced client/server traffic.

Efficient reuse of code and programming abstraction.

Enhanced security controls.


Stored procedures are extremely similar to the constructs seen in other programming languages.
They accept data in the form of input parameters that are specified at execution time. These
input parameters (if implemented) are utilized in the execution of a series of statements that
produce some result. This result is returned to the calling environment through the use of a
record set, output parameters and a return code. That may sound like a mouthful, but you'll find
that stored procedures are actually quite simple.
Example Heres the SQL code:
@location varchar (10)
SELECT Product, Quantity
FROM Inventory
WHERE Warehouse = @location

Work Plan for Project


M1 M2 M3 M4

Feasibility Study
Requirement Analysis
Maintenance and Implementation


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