Big Data Assignment

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Big Data Assignment

This Big Data Assignment report described optimized methods for collection of data, use of
big data tool in health care industry and role of big data in solving problems.


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Present age is considered as information enabled wherein
information pertaining to particular subject is available
through different sources.This information is being used by
the decision makers in order to making decision regarding
particular situation. Role of data analysis tools becomes
important when there is high amount of information
available pertaining to particular area. Decision making tool
would help in analyzing available information so that
decision makers can easily reach to the solution which they
are desire to attain.The aim of present essay is to look into
the role of increasing information and data analysis tools so
as to present the proper trends in data (Hamish, 2013). Role
of Big Data1 would be analyzed in order to resolve problems
faced in present world.A view of the solutionism term would
be considered which suggests that higher amount of data
enables the ability to resolve issues pertaining to particular
context.Present essay would be based on the health industry
and related issues so that data collection and analysis can be
based on the problems faced in the health industry by
several organizations involved into health sector.

Role of Big Data in solving problems

Big data is the blanket terminology used in order to collect high
amount of data pertaining to particular field and the volume of

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data would be such that it cant be practically managed by the

traditional data processing tools deployed in organizational
contexts.There would be several issues faced with high data and
traditional tools such as capturing the data, searching the data,
storage of data and most importantly analysis of data.Traditional
tools would not be able to provide the proper analysis reflect by
particular data set and entire purpose for collecting data would
fail in that case.
Health care industry is one of the vital enabling elements for
world economies and there is requirement of high amount of
data in order to resolve issues pertaining to the specific problems
encountered in health care (Darwin & Iron, 2013).There are
basically three aims for which requirement of Big Data can be
emphasized in case of health care industry and these three
aims would include improvement in healthcare status,
improvement in care for the patients and reduction in cost of the
analysis pertaining to data collected in healthcare
industry.Health care practices and policies around the world
differ a lot from other countries and the three issues are vital
around the world in health care industry.Patient experience
pertaining to healthcare department need to be improved as
quality of care and satisfaction gained by the patient from their
treatment would need to be enhanced.The first aim of big data
would be to improve quality by collecting higher data and
analyzing the same pertaining to specific problems.Similarly
patient need to be provided with specific information in their
illness and treated with higher expertise so that they are having
the higher level of satisfaction with services provided to them.

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Deployment of big data in health care industry would also

improve the overall health status of population at large as higher
amount of data would be able to understand the major issues
faced by most of the population and reason for such issues.
Further possible solutions can also be developed by collecting of
large amount of data pertaining to the patients. At present large
number of patients belongs to lower income range and income
can be considered as one of the key issues in availing health care
services (Graham, 2012). Despite of several efforts from
national and international organizations to provide the financial
aid to these people there is issues for availing health care
services due to high cost of health care. Development of the big
data in field of healthcare would allow reduction in per capital
health care cost allowing large number of lower income people
to avail health care services.
The three objectives for health care industry can be attained by
deploying Big Data but there need to have implementation of
several aspects which would change the field of healthcare and
three major areas requiring change for accommodating
objectives of healthcare would include promise for value based
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health care system, tracking higher number of aspects for health

care and finally to have higher patient engagement in order to
make them active consumers.The major reason for requirement
of Big Data in healthcare industry is that in healthcare more than
80% of the data in unstructured and cant be used for decision
making towards the issues faced in health care industry.
The data is collecting in different sections in health care industry
such as EMR, physical notes, labs, imaging systems, CRM
systems and finance system as well.It is important that this data
need to be properly factored and used for clinical data analysis
so that data can get significant value and helps in decision
making pertaining to particular aspects of healthcare domain in
the organizational context.Health care organizations have their
aim to implement Big Data tool by collecting higher amount of
information pertaining to a patient so that complete care can be
extended to the patient.Successful implementation of Big
Data in field of health care would allow accomplishing three
major aims which are development of sustainable health care
system, improvement in care and increasing access to the
healthcare system for people at large.
Health care industry worldwide is facing pressure due to
increase in cost for healthcare and to manage resources with
high efficiency.There are several aspects due to which there is
transformation in health care industry and these factors are
pushing access for health care industry, increasing number of
chronic diseases and mobile technology etc.Several health
organizations have implemented the big data enabled health
analytics tools in order to understand the patient and their issues
faced. Premier health care alliance has been developed with
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IBM in order to develop a sustainable health care system

wherein high efficiency would be gained in resource utilization.
With higher degree of personalization and customer engagement
in health care industry it is imperative to enhance the care
quality given to patients.With higher regulatory policies it has
become important for the health organizations to understand risk
pertaining to the patients and manage these risks for improving
overall degree of quality of car extended to the patients. For
example Premier has developed a warehouse in order to collect
information pertaining to patient from more than 86000 health
care service providers in order to improve upon the quality of
health care system.High numbers of patients are facing chronic
disease such as diabetes & heart failure and these patients are
not able to gain access to health care services due to high cost.
Big data has the tendency to resolve issue of high cost and
provide access to health care for patients (Lampitt, 2013).
Big dat are several capabilities which Big Data can manage in
order to provide solution pertaining to specific problems
pertaining to the area of health care industry and these
capabilities would include hadoop system, stream computing,
management of content, integration for information and data
management & warehouse. The first capability for Big Data
tools is to manage the data and store the same in warehouses.
There would be lower requirement for storage of data and cost
for data storage would also be reduced by deploying Big Data in
healthcare domain. Work load optimization can be done and cost
of analytics would improve in the health care domain by
implementation of tools such as Big Data.

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Power of Apache Handoop can be given with the help of Big

Data wherein capabilities such as security features, accelerators,
analysis techniques and performance evaluation can be managed
with the Big Data tools.Real time decisions to be taken in
organizational context can be supported through stream
computing techniques wherein real time analytics tools can be
deployed in the organizational context.Stream computing
techniques deployed in the health care data analysis domain
would allow health care organizations to store lesser amount of
data and get better analysis from the available data so as to have
efficient decision making process in organizational context
(Jason, 2013).
Comprehensive content management and documentation
management process can be implemented with the help of Big
Data tools in organization.There is ever evolving content in the
field of health care and this content need management tools
which are exclusively designed in order to cater the healthcare
industry.Development of content management tools would help
in improvement of the security, stability and scale of health care
services provided to the patient by various health care
organizations pertaining to marketplace (Hill, 2013).It is
important that information which is collected in the healthcare
organization through several sources gets integrated with other
department.Integration of information collected from different
department would help in collecting lesser information and
making better decision with available information only.In
addition to the collection of data and analysis pertaining to the
particular information better information governance can be
established through implementation of tools such as Big
Data.Data governance is of prime importance for the health care
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industry in current age wherein there are issues faced pertaining

to security of data in health care and misuse of data.Big Data
would ensure the application of several data governance tools so
that data is properly managed in health organizations and no
legal consequences are faced by health care organization with
loop holes in data management practices.There are five major
developments which have been done by Big Data pertaining to
healthcare domain and these developments include getting a 360
degree view of patient, developing security systems, maintaining
operational analysis tools, exploration for big data and
modernization techniques implementation for warehouses of
data through Big Data platform (Harford, 2014).Hence overall
Big Data would change the health care domain in order to
resolve various critical issues which are faced in the industry
such as access for primary health care, lower costing and higher
resource efficiency.

Present essay has helped in order to understand the importance
of increasing information with special reference to healthcare
domain.Application of data collection, storage and analysis tool
named Big Data has been analyzed in the present context.Big
Data tool would be helpful for health care industry wherein three
major aims need to be achieved by implementing Big Data in
organizational context and these aims are to provide access to
health care service, to lower down cost of health care services
and to enhance organizational efficiency for health care
organizations. Hence Big Data has capability to resolve the
issues faced in health care domain by properly managing and
analyzing data so that decision making can be strengthened.
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