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@JK Business School

Special Issue, Vol.1 No.2, May 2018
Pages: 01-07
ISSN 2581-7337

Role of Analytics in Acceptance and Implementation of

E Commerce in Healthcare Organizations:
A Literature Review

Sanjay Kumar and Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Research Scholar, Associate Professor Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab


Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about that information. Data analytics is
important because it helps businesses optimize their performances. Many of the techniques and processes of data
analytics have been automated into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human
consumption. Big data is a field that treats ways to analyse, systematically extract information from, or otherwise
deal with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing application
software. Analytics can improve the patient-based service, to detect spreading diseases earlier, generate new
insights into disease mechanisms, monitor the quality of the medical and healthcare institutions as well as provide
better treatment methods. Purpose: The main objective of the present study is to understand the influence of
Analytics in Acceptance and Implementation of E-Commerce in Healthcare Organizations. Big data analytics in
E-commerce and tried to find out how E commerce in healthcare supply chain can help to standardize healthcare
data, how standardization of data can help to use Big Data Analytics in healthcare segment to replicate the
benefits achieved by other segment of industry and vice versa. Methodology:- Present study is based on secondary
data which has been collected from Journals, E-journals, books and other publications. Findings: Analytics helps
healthcare service providers to track and manage healthcare more effectively, helps to improve patient care more
efficiently, and helps to deliver more precisely in personalized manner. Every decision will be taken under real
time scenario accessing big data and analysis. Executives have understood the importance of big data and
analytics tool. They under stood the importance of quantitative analytics and how these tool can give them edge
over the other in achieving their goals of ROI, response time, providing real time access to their customers, better
costing, quick service, better quality of service, involved service and many more.

Key Word: Data Analytics, Algorithms, Health care, Medical, Health Industry


Dynamic life style change and aging population is emphasizing tremendous pressure on Healthcare
Service Providers around the world. Aging population pose increasing demand for hospital emergency
services and putting cost and quality service are pressure on healthcare system and country GDP.
Because of advancement in technology and option availability, healthcare industry is under tremendous
pressure to improve treatment quality and cost managing their revenue and overall satisfaction among
patient. Big data analytics have tremendous possibilities and potential to revamp healthcare sector in
almost every segment. Real time decision making can help the decision maker assignment more quick
and realistic with assured results.
Traditional logistics in healthcare, poor spending on IT, non-standard nomenclature, poor data
sharing at domain expert level, introvert approach towards new concepts and technologies lags
healthcare organization are to take mileage out of Big Data Analytics. Nonstandard nomenclature
generates heterogeneous data in healthcare organization. Data generated within and outside healthcare
organization is non uniform. Huge non uniform data is being generated by healthcare organization.
Every organization has their own nomenclature. Even in some cases, data generated within the
organization or in their branches is not uniform. Huge patient data is generated in healthcare
organization which can be used to reduce healthcare cost and improve healthcare services. Every
individual patient generates up to 4 terabyte data (e.g., a 3D CAT scan generally take 1GB, single human
genome takes about 3 GB data and MRI and PET CT takes even more data). By 2020, up to 73.5
Role of Analytics in Acceptance

zettabytes data will be produced, which was 2.52 zettabytes in 2010, an exponential growth of 4300
percent in data generation is expected. E-Commerce in healthcare can help healthcare organization to
generate standardized data. Adopting e-commerce in healthcare will help internal and external
healthcare associates to work under real time scenario improving their trust level, involvement,
association and ownership working towards the same goal. This intern help healthcare organization to
deliver better, accountable, affordable, acceptable and cost effective healthcare services to patients
taking mileage of big data analysis using their homogeneous data. E commerce in healthcare
organization will help healthcare organization to generate quality homogeneous data which intern will
help healthcare organization to analysis big data. Big data analytics is outcome of two technical
evaluations, first big data and second analytics which includes predictive analytics, data mining,
Statistics, Neural Network, artificial intelligence and many more. Cortada et al. 2012, is of the view that
fact based decision making in healthcare planning, management, measurement and learning can be
achieved using healthcare Analytics. Healthcare Analytics means fact based decision making
understanding business insight using big data applying analytics, e.g. statistical, contextual,
quantitative, predictive, cognitive and other model. Big data and Analytics give critical insight to
management, executives and managers and help them to take decision under real time scenario to
achieve organizational goal and competitive advantages. Analytics fulfil every one requirement in the
organization providing analytics information subject to their domain requirement to take fact based
decision. March 2015, emphasized that big data analysis not only improves profits and cut down waste.
It has ability to predict epidemics, cure diseases, improve healthcare services, improves quality of life
and reduces preventable death. Winters- Miner. 2014, believed that predictive analysis is next revolution
both in Statistics and Medicines.


The main objective of the present study is to understand the influence of Analytics in Acceptance and
Implementation of E-Commerce in Healthcare Organizations. Columbus. 2014, is of the view that Big
Data Analytics improved the growth of 56% firms in United States (USA) to 10% or more. Kiron et al.
2014 is of the view that this growth encouraged 91% of Fortune 1000 companies of USA to invest in
Big Data Project. Riggins 1999, is of the view that e commerce helps organizations to take this dynamic
advantage analyzing Big data (e.g., real-time customer service, dynamic pricing, personalized offers or
improved interaction). Analytics of healthcare data allow domain expert and other professional to work
and take decision under real time scenario. Ease of operation and taking all present and future decision
under real time scenario helps the acceptance and implementation of E –Commerce in Healthcare
organizations. Use of Analytics helps the top management, domain expert and professionals to
understand the tangible and intangible benefits of E- Commerce in healthcare organizations. E-
commerce in healthcare helps to get these dynamic advantages of Big Data Analysis by standardization
of healthcare data which is one of the basic requirements of big data analysis. Healthcare organizations
are generating big data but of no use. Poor quality heterogeneous generated in healthcare world is of no
use. Self-explanatory homogeneous data that have the capability to speak and hand shake with in the
healthcare segment is the need of the hour. There is big scientific saying that “garbage in garbage out”,
standardization of healthcare data is the need of hour to get mileage out of Big Data Analytics, which
is possible by the implementation of e commerce in healthcare segment. E-Commerce can help the
organization to integrate their internal and external operations helps to generate quality homogeneous


Present study is based on secondary data which has been collected from Journals, E-journals, books and
other publications. Literature from 2002-2017 has been studied in chronological order to understand
and analyze the Role of Analytics in Acceptance and implementation of E-Commerce in Healthcare
sector. Researcher has gone through literature related to Big data and analytics in healthcare, Healthcare
Industry Improvement with Business Intelligence, E Commerce in Supply Chain Management,
Healthcare Supply Chain Management, literature related to the use of internet and technology in supply

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Role of Analytics in Acceptance

chain management, Big data analytics in E-commerce and tried to find out how E commerce in
healthcare supply chain can help to standardize healthcare data, how standardization of data can help to
use Big Data Analytics in healthcare segment to replicate the benefits achieved by other segment of
industry and vice versa.


Devaraj et al. 2002; Williamson 1981, emphasis that e commerce firms can improve their profits
improving their managerial transaction cost, time cost, market transaction cost and response time with
better exploration of big data.
Rajmanohar, 2004; is of the view that big data having feature as clean, clear, complete, correct,
consistent and currently is need of the hour having double digit growth and helps the organization to
gather better market and competition insight.
Davenport and Harris, 2007; explains that big data analysis helps e commerce organization to explore
loyal and profitable customer, pricing, customer care, quality policy, inventories and track and trace of
their product and services.
Walter, 2008; emphasized that channel partner relationship, data sharing within and outside channel
partners and multidirectional supply chain integration contributes to E-Commerce in supply chain
Bose 2009; is of the view that Big data analytics as “group of tools” used to extract, analyses interpret
information to get insight of data and predict the possible outcomes of decisions.
Davenport, 2010; is of the view that Business analytics creates facts based decision making culture is
the organization and considers to be high business performance tool having utility in almost every
segment of the organization. Big data analytics helps every segment of the organization to take decision
under real time scenario in the light of big data analytics. Quantitative analysis, predictive models and
statistical tool helps the organization to get insight of the data allowing maximum mileage out of it.
Davenport, 2010; further emphasized that Big Data Analytics helps organizations to improve their
decision making and problem solving under the light of Big Data and Business Analytics tools (e.g.
Quantitative analysis, predictive models and statistical tool). Gartner, 2011 defined that analysis of big
data is complex because of three dimensions of big data, i.e., Variety, Velocity and Volume.
‘Variety’ means big data is composition of heterogeneous non-uniform data from many sources both
structured and unstructured. Big data is made up of Physician’s Notes, Clinical Data, Electronic Medical
Records, CT, MRI and other Medical Images, Machines generated data, Machine’s sensor data, Hospital
Information System data, Pharmaceutical, R&D, Clinical Trial, Journal Articles, Insurance companies
data, Social Media (Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, healthcare communities, web pages) and other
(Raghupathi and Raghupathi 2014).
‘Velocity’ refers to receiving or transmission of real time big data at very fast pace and reaching in burst
than at constant rate.
‘Volume’ means, big data or extremely large data is generated. For example a 3D CAT scan generally
take 1GB, single human genome takes about 3 GB data and MRI and PET CT takes even more data.
Gobble, 2013; is of the view that Big data analytics is next big thing in innovation.
Manyika et al., 2011 elaborated big data and business analytics as the next big thing for innovation,
competition and productivity.
Ann Keller et al., 2012; opined that Big Data Analytics has revolutionized science and technology.
Cortada et al., 2012; is of the view that fact based decision making in healthcare planning,
management, Measurement and learning can be achieved using healthcare Analytics. Healthcare
Analytics means fact based decision making understanding business insight using big data applying
analytics, e.g. statistical, contextual, quantitative, predictive, cognitive and other model.
Gantz and Reinsel., 2012; elaborated that Big data, Big Data Analytics, and the presentation of
analyzed data to get insight of opportunities and problem area for decision making are three main
characteristics of big data analytics that allows the creation of business value in terms of new products
or services ideas and innovations.
Koirala 2012; is of the view that e-commerce firms are the early adaptor of big data analytics to remain
on top of the business giving competitive edge to competition.
McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012; is of the opinion that Big data analytics has become big buzz for

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Role of Analytics in Acceptance

organizations, researchers and e-commerce organizations. He is of the view that big data analytics
importance is catalyzed by the fact that e- commerce companies introduced big data analytics in to their
operation and decision making process experiences 5-6% higher returns than their counterparts.
McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012 emphasis that Big Data Analytics is the next frontier for innovation,
productivity, competition and management revolution.
Miller, 2012 identified that advancement in technology resulted generation of huge patient data, average
4 terabyte data per patient. This data includes genomics – driven data and other patient’s electronics and
digital data (patient pathology and radiology diagnosis report, electronic health record, insurance
records, pharmacy data, patient feedback and follow-up data).
Smith, et al., 2012 opined that healthcare supply chain becomes more complex and logistic process is
the key driver of cost and quality of healthcare delivery. Author conducted survey of healthcare supply
chain professionals to investigate efficiencies and improvement opportunities with in healthcare supply
chain management and are of the view that data standardization is lacking across the healthcare supply
chain. They came out with benefits and limitations of data standardization. Author further elaborated
the barriers to data standards implementation (Lack of Resources, Information Technology, Supply
Chain Partners, Lack of Knowledge, Low Priority, System Diversity, Universal Acceptance, Data issue,
Management Buy in, Cultural Resistance) and gave relative importance of these barriers.
Strawn, 2012 identifies big data as the fourth paradigm of science.
Fulgoni, 2013 is of the view that big data analytics will give boost to short term decision making culture.
He further elaborated that big data analytics gives opportunity to organization to set their goal,
accordingly they will gather evidence based information, will explore possible options, get insight of
possible options, accordingly decide best possible option and take action, under the presence of fact and
figures review the action.
Gobble, 2013; emphasized big data as next big thing in innovation.
Jao 2013; emphasized that big data analytics further intensify its use in e commerce providing critical
insight of the problem to take informed decision.
Jao 2013; further explains that big data analytics helps the e commerce organization to track and
understand the buyer behaviour and allow them to design their offers and pop up to convert them repeat
Miller 2013; is of the view that big data analytics allows e commerce organization to get better insight
of their data, higher conversion rate, improves decision making, improves data exploration and
empower customers.
Tweney, 2013; emphasize that big data analysis improves overall customer experience.
Columbus, 2014; is of the view that 56% organization that make big data analytics part of their
management process system got 10% or more growth.
George et al., 2014; is of the view that big data analytics helps organization for real time process
measurement and monitoring for better quality management, logistics and order fulfilment cycle. Big
data analytics helps real time diagnosis and detection of process issues, helps facility automation
reducing delays and down time.
Harvard business review, 2014; emphasize that healthcare cost and quality can be improved providing
accurate and fast information to all concerned. Worldwide governments and healthcare service
providers are looking for economical way out to reduce healthcare burden on their GDP and patient out
of pocket expense. Patients are looking non-traditional options of healthcare and treatment e.g. tele
medicine, mobile healthcare, at home healthcare and treatment services, remote healthcare centre,
clinics at pharmacy stores and other. By the use of smart phone application attaching any device or with
the use of video conferencing people are performing blood and urine tests at home, getting their
prescription sending digital photo of their wound or BP report or ECG or body rash or skin problem to
remote physician. They are getting their chemotherapy done at home getting rid of costly hospitalization
bills. They are getting their stitches or staples removed from clinic at nearby pharmacy store and any
more. This facility is also helping physician and healthcare service providers to serve more and more
patient using these high tech devices and IT and telecom arrangements. Big data, analytics, IT and
internet helps to optimize cost, quality, time, frequency and comfort of healthcare service. Big data
improves the possibilities of working under real time scenario exploring more possibilities of new R&D
providing better patient care with more comfort and greater efficiency.
Kiron et al., 2014; elaborated that fact based real time decision making under the light of data insight

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Role of Analytics in Acceptance

and possible options and their timely review benefits helps 91% Fortune 1000 companies to invest in
Big Data Analytics projects, 85% increase to last year.
Winters- Miner, 2014 believed that predictive analysis is next revolution both in Statistics and
Dutta and Bose, 2015 elaborated that big data improves fraud reduction, supply chain innovations and
implementation of just in time recommendations.
Dutta and Bose., 2015; visualized that big data analytics give detailed insight of the business problem
and developed a culture of data driven decision making.
Loebbecke and Picot, 2015; emphasis that big data analytics improves organization growth by
improving productivity, customer surplus and employment growth.
Marr, 2015 emphasized that big data analysis not only improves profits and cut down waste. It has
ability to predict epidemics, cure diseases, improve healthcare services, improves quality of life and
reduces preventable death.
Cheng et al., 2016; is of the view that big data analytics helps organization to improve their decision
making, customer relationship, risk management and operational efficiency.


The findings of the above review conclude that good quality homogeneous data which can speak and
hand shake in healthcare segment is the need of the hour. To get the advantage of Big Data Analytics,
good quality homogeneous data is very basic requirement. Big Data Analytics can help healthcare
organization in acceptance and implementation of E Commerce and vice versa. E Commerce in
Healthcare will help healthcare organization to integrate their operations to generate standardize data.
Flow of uniform data in healthcare organization will help healthcare organization to get mileage of Big
Data Analytics, which intern allow healthcare organizations to work under real time scenario having in-
depth insight of present situation to predict future in more better and scientific manner. Big data and
Analytics give critical insight to management, executives and managers and help them to take decision
under real time scenario to achieve organizational goal and competitive advantages. Analytics fulfil
every one requirement in the organization providing analytics information subject to their domain
requirement to take fact based decision. It helps physicians, researchers, management, executives,
service providers, insurance companies and other to evaluate, analyses and correlate ROI and
performance analysis, disease management, patient segmentation, health plan analysis, multi resource
planning, treatment outcome analysis, evidence based medicine, drug recall, track and trace of medical
product, prevention of fraud and abuse, real time patient monitoring, determination of co-payment rates,
prevention of claim rejection, process tracking and real time decision making and many more in more
scientific and analytic way under real time scenario. To create more value in healthcare business
executives are driving great push from big data by providing preventive care and many more. It helps
healthcare service providers to track and manage healthcare more effectively, helps to improve patient
care more efficiently, and helps to deliver more precisely in personalized manner.


Complexity and advancement in healthcare technology resulted generation of 4 terabyte data per patient
which includes genomics – driven data and other patient’s electronics and digital data (patient pathology
and radiology diagnosis report, electronic health record, insurance records, pharmacy data, patient
feedback and follow-up data). Healthcare organization has realized that Information democracy can be
achieved with the help of Big Data analytics. Good quality homogeneous data can be generated with
the implementation of e commerce in healthcare. Healthcare organization has realized that with the help
of Big Data Analytics they can get the insight of every problem before taking any decision. Every
decision will be taken under real time scenario accessing big data and analysis. Executives have
understood the importance of big data and analytics tool. They under stood the importance of
quantitative analytics and how these tool can give them edge over the other in achieving their goals of
ROI, response time, providing real time access to their customers, better costing, quick service, better
quality of service, involved service and many more. Under real time scenario you make customer, part
of your decision making process and he feels involved, informed and satisfied. Healthcare organizations

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have realized that Big Data Analytics helps to accept and implement E Commerce in healthcare
organization which intern helps not only to improve profits and cut down waste. It has ability to predict
epidemics, cure diseases, improve healthcare services, improves quality of life and reduces preventable
death. Hence E commerce and Big Data Analytics in healthcare will help healthcare origination in
achieving their goals of ROI, response time, providing real time access to their customers, better costing,
quick service, better quality of service, involved service and many more.


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