PP Module
PP Module
PP Module
A.3 Definitions from RA 9266 "An Act To Regulate The Practice Of Architecture In The Philippines:
the scientific, aesthetic and orderly coordination of all the processes which enter into th
production of a complete building or structure performed through the medium of unbiase
preliminary studies of plans, consultations, specifications, conferences, evaluation
investigations, contract documents and oral advice and directions regardless of wheth
the persons engaged in such practice are residents of the Philippines or have the
principal office or place of business in this country or another territory, and regardless
whether such persons are performing one or all these duties, or whether such duties a
performed in person or as the directing head of an office or organization performing them
A.4 Number of Registered Architects (RAs) and Registered & Licensed Architects (RLAs) as of 0
March 2011:
Per information issued by the PRC Registration Division on 08 March 2011, there are alread
26,608 registered architects (RAs), with only 10,103 (37.97%) of said RAs as actu
registered and licensed architects (RLAs) i.e. RAs who renewed their PRC ID card
(representing the 3-year license to practice), over the 3-year period March 2008 throug
February 2011.
To lawfully practice architecture in the Philippines, a RA must also be a RLA i.e. possessin
both the valid PRC Certificate of Registration and the PRC ID card.
A.5 The Not-So Recent Past: (Adapted from a Philippine Star article Philippine architecture in th
1950s by Paulo Alcazaren September 07, 2002)
A Century Of Professional Architectural Practice:
The first Filipino architect with an academic title to practice in the country was Felix Roxas
Arroyo (GMAs relative?). Don Felix studied in London and returned in 1858. He served a
municipal architect of Manila from 1877-1880.
The first academic school to train maestros de obras (master builders) wa
theEscuelaPractica y Professional de Artes y Oficios de Manila, which was established
1890. Among the first graduates of this school was Arcadio Arellano, elder brother of Jua
who later became active in city politics in the early part of the American period.
The first professional architectural organization and precursor of the Philippine Institute
Architects was the Academia de Arquitectura y Agrimensura de Filipinas. It was founded o
September 14, 1902. Architects have been organized here in the Philippines for over
century, just a few years after the Americans established their own AIA and well ahead
any country in Southeast Asia.
Recognition, Recovery And Renaissance:
Architects had difficulty in the early years in terms of recognition from government, clien
and the general public. Competition for what they did came from the civil engineers wh
were more recognized and acknowledged by the public. It was only in 1921 that th
National Assembly passed a law to recognize engineers and architects. In that year, 3
architects were officially registered. Registration No. 1 was given to Tomas Mapua, followe
by Carlos Barreto (the first pensionado architect) and Antonio Toledo. There were 2
Filipinos, seven Americans, two Germans and one Spaniard registered to practic
architecture in the country. By 1941, this number reached close to a hundred. A new la
with a separate statute for architects was about to be passed then but the war got in th
The countrys post-war recovery was helped to a great extent by Filipino architects, wh
quickly reorganized just four months after "liberation." The organization changed its nam
to the Philippine Institute of Architects to reflect the groups maturity and stature. The fir
post-war board included Fernando Ocampo as president, Gines Rivera as vice president an
members including Juan Nakpil, Carlos Barreto, Luis Araneta and Gabriel Formoso.
The 1950s was the decade that Filipino architects sought to emerge from the constraints
post-war difficulties. Modernism in architecture took a while to reach these shores due
lack of building materials, technology and opportunity. But the increasing econom
recovery of the later 50s saw an equivalent increase in building both in quantity, quality an
quirkiness. Experimentation in cast concrete led to faades, massing and buildin
silhouettes never before seen. Locsins UP chapel, Concios Protestant Chapel (also in UP
and Marcos de Guzmans saucer house are prime examples.
A.6 Important Issues and Concerns: (Adapted from PRBoA www.architectureboard.ph)
RA 9266 prescribes that ONLY registered and licensed architects (RLAs) shall practic
architecture for ALL buildings on Philippine soil.
In May 2005, the 2004 Revised IRR of the NBCP (which echoed RA 9266s requirement th
only RLAs can sign & seal architectural documents) took full effect. Immediately afterward
the civil engineers through the PICE secured a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and a W
of Preliminary Injunction (WPI) in a Manila Court to stop its full implementation.
These temporary restraining orders (TROs) and the injunction secured by the PICE we
based on the intercalated (and wrongly worded) text of Sec. 302 of P.D. No. 1096 whic
purported that CEs can sign and seal ARCHITECTURAL PLANS/ documents;
On 29 January 2008, the injunction was LIFTED/ DISSOLVED through a Decision promulgate
by the Court (Manila RTC Branch 22) which was further affirmed by a Court Order on 04 Ma
2009. Despite the executory nature of the Decision & Court Order, the DPWH and LGU
refused to comply;
While it may be true that the PICE has filed a notice of appeal with the Court of Appea
(CA), there is apparently NO TRO/ injunction issued by the CA as of 09 December 2009;
The UAP-IAPoA Report delivered on 05 Sep 2009 mentioned the Cities of Davao and Butua
(Mindanao); Tacloban and Iloilo (Visayas); and Legaspi and Vigan (Luzon) and The Province
Cavite (Luzon) as the only LGUs which are fully implementing & enforcing RA 9266.
As of 09 December 2009, the DPWH apparently continues to resist not only the Court Ord
but also fail to implement/ enforce R.A No. 9266 and even the NBCP itself, the very law th
DPWH is supposed to fully implement/ enforce.
The Architect creates mans environment through his awareness and sensitive handling
spaces that fit the scale of human experience. The resulting quality of the form-envelop
manifested as a structure or building gives rise to mans appreciation of beauty and order
his physical world.
The Architects deliberation determine how people will be placed in relationship one
another, how whole societies will work, play, eat, sleep, recreate, travel, worship, or in sho
how people will live in consonance with their culture and national aspirations.
His objective is to bring order to mans environment to cause it to function properly within
structure that is safe and healthful and to impart to the whole a beauty and distinction th
is appropriate to our time.
The Architect's services extends over the entire range of activities that proceed from th
time the idea is conceived, transformed into sets of space/ design requirements, translate
into structure through design, built, used and become a permanent feature of the man-mad
property which enter into the production of different levels and sophistication of ma
made structures and environment.
The Architect, in the process of translating abstract ideas into meaningful concre
terms,produces documents in the form of a data base report, an architectural program,
feasibilitystudy, a market study, an appraisal report, an impact analysis report, a spac
organizational set-up report, a site planning analysis and evaluation report, an operation
programming report,building programming and scheduling report.
Aside from these, the Architect can prepare the post construction managementdocument
the operating manual, the maintenance manual and other forms of written andgraphic
documentations necessary for the effective and efficient functioning of the ma
madestructures and environment.
An appreciation of this scope of services of the Architect will bring into focus the crucialro
that the Architect assumes in the realization of abstract ideas into tangible an
meaningfulterms.Between abstract ideas and the physical world, stands the Architect.
R.A. No. 9266 (The Architecture Act of 2004) & its 2004 IRR (governing the practice of th
regulated profession of architecture and architectural interiors, as implemented by the PR
and the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture/PRBoA);
P.D. No. 1096 (The 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines/ NBCP) & its 2004 Revise
IRR (governing the minimum site planning, architectural and architectural interior standard
to be satisfied in the architectural, engineering and allied planning and design of building
(structures for human habitation), as implemented by the DPWH through the LGU Offices
Building Officials/ OBOs); the 2004 Revised IRR is in full effect.
R.A. No. 9514 & its 2009 IRR (Fire Code of the Philippines, as implemented by the DILG th
the LGU Fire Marshals);
B.P. No. 344 & its IRR (Law on Accessibility for Disabled Persons), as implemented by variou
agencies. (Assign class to download a copy of Amended IRR of BP344)
Book II Property,
(Articles 414 711)
The engineer or architect who drew up the plans and specifications for a building is liab
for damages if within fifteen years from the completion of the structure, the same shou
collapse by reason of a defect in those plans and specifications, or due to the defects
the ground. The contractor is likewise responsible for the damages if the edifice fal
within the same period, on account of defects in the construction or the use of materials
inferior quality furnished by him, or due to any violation of the terms of the contract. If th
engineer or architect supervises the construction, he shall be solidarily liable with th
Acceptance of the building, after completion, does not imply waiver of any of the cause
action by reason of any defect mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
The action must be brought within ten years following the collapse of the building.
Architects responsibility to society is to make sure that not the structure alone but als
its physical environment can enhance the lives of all people. Architects relate n
only to purely design & build professions but to allied professions as well, to achiev
totality in design.
Architects must also be engineers, for they must be able to construct structurally stab
Architects must take into account four basic and closely interrelated necessities: technic
requirements, use, spatial relationships, and content.
Architects have a lot to offer to a changing world. Architects can apply their creativ
problem solving skills for wider developmental benefit in concert with other bu
environment professionals.
An architect has to look at all scales of human interaction understanding the smallest deta
to the big picture.
Architecture involves much more than buildings. Architects take the clients vision and giv
it form, explore its possibilities, raise it to new levels, and then integrate it into the buildin
site and the community at large. Architects bring not only design, but solutions.
(From Wikipedia) Small firms with less than 5 people usually have no formal organization
structure, depending on the personal relationships of the principals and employees
organize the work. Medium-sized firms with 5 to 50 employees are often organize
departmentally in departments such as design, production, business development, an
construction administration. Large firms of over 50 people may be organize
departmentally, regionally, or in studios specializing in project types.
Association: any formal grouping of two or more architects or architectural firms working
joint venture on aproject basis.
Architects must ensure the occupantshealth & well-being;&mitigate the effects of natur
phenomenon such as earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis &flash flooding.
Human behavior aside, fire is the most complicated phenomenon that the archite
encounters. Structure, plumbing, and ventilation are all tame, well behaved, and qui
predictable. But fire, as a combination of physics, chemistry, geometry, structure, an
materials that are intimately connected with human behavior, is perhaps the least we
defined common occurrence. And fire relates to nearly all elements of a buildings design
Fire safety has specific effects and raises specific concerns for each building element, fro
site placement through alarm systems, structural design, environmental controls, an
aesthetics. To produce a functional building, it is necessary to understand the impact
fire safety considerations on all of these areas.
RA 9266 Section 28 requires all practicing architects shall maintain a program of continuin
professional development to promote public interest and to safeguard life, health an
property. The integrated and accredited professional organization shall have th
responsibility of developing acontinuingprofessional development program for architects.
The IAPOA UAP requires continuing professional development for renewal and continuatio
of membership.
In many countries, professional bodies have also been established for the advancement
architecture, for the promotion of knowledge, and to protect the public interest b
ensuring that their members perform to a known standard.
A code of ethics and conduct establishes a professional standard of behavior that guid
architects in the conductof their practices. Architects should observe and follow the code
ethics and conduct for each jurisdiction in whichthey practice.
Rules of ethics and conduct have as their primary object the protection of the public, carin
for the less powerful andthe general social welfare, as well as the advancement of th
interests of the profession of architecture.
Section 1. Traits of Architects. - The profession of Architecture calls for men and women
the highest integrity, responsiveness, business acumen, sensibility, as well as artistic an
technical ability.
Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities. - The Architect's honesty of purpose must be beyon
reproach; acts as professional adviser to Clients and provides unprejudiced advice; charge
with the exercise of mediation and conciliation functions between Client and Contractor an
must act with entire impartiality; has moral responsibilities to professional associates an
subordinates; and engaged in a profession which carries with it grave responsibilities to th
public. These duties and responsibilities cannot be properly discharged unless motive
conduct, sense of moral values, sensitivity, and ability are such as to command respect an
++ End of Module 1 ++