11 Grade U.S. History Syllabus: Course Description

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11th Grade U.S.

History Syllabus
Mr. Baquera

Contact Information

2016-2017 School Year

Phone (602)206-6021

Middle High School

Email [email protected]

Room 201

Office Hours 250pm-330pm

Course Description
In this course we will cover U.S. History from early civilization to modern times. Following the
Arizona approved state standards, this class will follow a specific curriculum designed to
introduce all important events in U.S. History. This class will be supplemented by the textbook
American History.
Course Goals and Objectives
My goal for this class is for every student in the classroom to leave at the end of the year with the
knowledge of U.S. History and its importance to this country. I expect all my students to find a
meaningful and relevant topic in this class that will enhance their learning. Additionally, students
will enhance their writing and reading abilities by completing assignments that will challenge
them. By the end of this class students will be able to:

analyze historical texts and annotate them

write essays with a clear thesis and purpose
research information using primary and secondary sources

Detailed Course Calendar

1st Quarter

Research Skills for History

Early Civilizations
Exploration and Colonization
Revolution and New Nation

2nd Quarter

Westward Expansion
Civil War and Reconstruction
Emergence of the Modern United States

3rd Quarter

Great Depression and World War II

Postwar United States

4th Quarter

Contemporary United States

Course Requirements
In order to successfully pass this course, a research paper must be completed. No student will be
required to purchase any materials for this classroom other than pencils and paper, all other
needed materials will be provided by myself.
Evaluation Specifics
In addition to in class assignments and occasional homework, there will be several larger key
assignments that will be assigned.

Primary and Secondary Source Paper

Argumentative Essay #1
Reflection Journal #1
Argumentative Essay #2
Research Paper Declaration and Thesis
Argumentative Essay #3
Reflection Journal #2
Research Paper

90 100%
80 89%
70 79%
60 69%
59% and


Late Assignment Submissions

Late assignments will be accepted however, assignments that are late will receive a point
deduction appropriate to the number of days the assignment is late.
Extra Credit Opportunities
There will be two extra credit opportunities available to all students. Students may choose an
approved novel to read and write a book review on. Additionally, students may watch an
approved film and write a film review. All resources and materials needed will be provided for.
Reading Choices for Book Review

Remarque, Erich Maria. 1987. All Quiet On the Western Front. Ballantine Books.

Wiesel, Elie and Marion Wiesel. 2006. Night. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, a division
of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Choices for Film Review

Glory. 1989.
Letters from Iwo Jima. 2006

Course Policies
Attendance and class participation policies
Attendance is essential for maximum student understanding of this course. For official school
attendance policies please refer to the student handbook.
Class Etiquette and Behavior
All students will be respectful to both the teacher and the other students. All opinions will be
respected and no student will be harassed for them. A first offense by a student will be a warning
from the teacher. A second offense will be either after school or lunch detention. A third offense
will result in a phone call to a parent/guardian and a referral to the front office. Again for official
school policy on this matter please refer to the student handbook.
Academic Dishonesty
Any student found guilty of any form of plagiarism will receive an automatic zero percent on the
assignment in question. Students will have the chance to appeal the decision by the teacher.

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