The Dead Zone - Season 1 Writers' Guide

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Although we want stories in which Johnny helps people, we dont want this to
become Touched by an Angel. We must find interesting, unique and fresh
ways to tell stories. No preaching please. Find the unexpected twist.

Dont pitch stories out of the book. Well be integrating elements of the novel
into character development for the first season. (i.e., Dont come in and pitch
Johnny meets candidate Greg Stillson.)


Dont leave a Sarah-Walt subplot out of your pitch.


Dont pitch story arcs that run multiple episodes. What we need from you are
self-contained stories.

1. We love mysteries. Letting Johnny see a fragment of an image and trying to
figure out what it might mean while a clock is ticking will work well for us.
Johnnys visions do not have to be as clear as they were in the pilot (and the
book); they can be obscure and create puzzles for him to solve. Note: Do not
confuse mysteries with crime solving. We do not want to see Johnny solving a
new crime every week.

Id love to find a story told from Sarahs point of view.


Well always embrace new and interesting ways for Johnny to use his powers.
(As well as new ways to visualize those powers on screen.)


Wed love a humorous episode in the first thirteen.


Youll make a good impression with the boss if you bring us a story that is about
something. We intend to explore the world in which we live through this series.
Smart pitch technique: begin with, this is a story about... and then tell us the
theme you want to explore (i.e. This is a story about mass paranoia and the
dangers of mob rule, a la the Salem Witch hunts. It begins when Johnnys car
breaks down in a small Maine town and...)


Every series defines itself during the course of its first season, and this series wont be
any different. But we have a huge advantage in my opinion: we have Stephen Kings
novel to guide us.
Thus, we will use the novel as our tentpole to the first season. Each episode, however,
needs to have beginning, middle, and end.
Creatively, that means two things will be happening: in each episode, Johnny will use his
powers to solve mysteries, resolve a central dramatic conflict, and often help someone.
But at the same time, Johnny will evolve during the first season in a classic hero's arc. As
he explores the breadth and meaning of his powers, so will the audience. To this end, we
will continue to follow the relationships and conflicts introduced in the pilot that form the
basis of the novel.
We are dedicated to satisfying the very smart and very demanding Stephen King fan
base. The way to do this, we believe, is to treat Kings vision with a reverence they will
appreciate. At the same time, well bring enough new elements and twists to our episodes
that will not only keep it fresh for King fans, but will also broaden our audience appeal.
This is a serious genre piece, and we want to give the audience a thrill every week. But,
and this should be underlined so Ill underline it, humor is an important component of
this series. We want to maintain the dry wit and sense of irony that is common to all of
Stephen Kings work. The humor should never undermine the credibility and it should
always come out of character.
We believe one of the most crucial elements of success, and one of Kings signatures, is a
continuing sense of lurking danger. There should be a driving tension throughout each
episode. We feel there is a power to the combination of idyllic New England life and the
strange supernatural underpinnings of Johnnys experience.
We want stories that will appeal to women as well as men, and believe that can be best
accomplished by clearly placing the franchise elements into an emotional and personal


The powers are the franchise. We can go anywhere with this series. However, we are far
more interested in telling character-driven stories than big sci fi, super hero ideas.
What are his powers? Although were trying to avoid a label, Johnnys powers can best
be understood in a psychic context. Some of the standard descriptions that would apply
would include: Psychometry (sensing images, histories and impressions from holding an
object); Clairvoyance (visions of the past, present or future sometimes foggy also
coming out in dreams); Clairsentience (sensing what has occurred in a room, house, field,
etc.); Precognition (sensing events in the future); and Retrocognition (seeing things from
the past).
In Johnnys case, the powers are initiated by touch. He either touches someone or touches
an object that someone has recently touched. And it doesnt always work. He never
knows when it will and when it wont or why it does when it does. But when it does,
theres usually a certain emotional urgency involved.
In general, his visions of the past and present are clearer than his visions of the future. He
can actually explore the past within the parameters of a persons specific memories (but
hes not really there, hes only in the memory, so he cannot change the past). Future
visions are often more difficult for him to comprehend and process.
It might also be helpful to tell you some powers he does not have (at least for the
foreseeable future). He cant read someones thoughts per se, he cant move objects
telepathically, hes not a firestarter, hes not a healer.
He may very well prove to be unusually empathic (senses emotions in others), and in rare
cases may be able to sense the recent dead (i.e., his mother in their house), but it would
be a mistake to consider him a medium.
We encourage you to do research into psychic phenomena.
Since there is a book and a pilot, Im not going into the backstories here, but will provide
a brief sketch of where we find each of them after the pilot:

JOHNNY SMITH - Johnny is an everyman man pulled between an ordinary life and
an extraordinary life... struggling to fit into this world with his new talents. How
would you or I (or a member of the viewing audience) adjust to our lives if we were
suddenly given magical powers thats at the heart of Johnnys dilemma and one of
our continuing themes. For example, Johnnys abilities will force him to live in the
glare of unwanted public attention and celebrity. He will often wonder if hes been
blessed or cursed. But through it all, Johnny never loses his natural ability to find
humor in even the darkest of circumstances.

SARAH AND WALT BANNERMAN - As the series continues, the relationships

between Sarah, Johnny and Walt (her husband, the sheriff of Penobscot County) will
evolve in complex and unexpected ways. Sarah will be in love with both men. The
guys will come to respect, even like and yet fear one another. In time, they may all
decide to have the most unconventional three-way love affair ever seen in prime time.

BRUCE LEWIS - Bruce will become a best friend and a continuing source of comic
relief and inspiration to Johnny.

While the plots we tell may be astonishing, it is his relationships with Bruce, Walt and
Sarah that keeps Johnny human and real to audiences.

REVEREND GENE PURDY - Purdy, who is legally Johnnys guardian and

controls his mothers estate, remains an antagonist to Johnny during the first season
but should not be treated as a master villain in every episode. To begin with, Purdy is
a man who genuinely believes in what he preaches and in his own mind is the hero of
our story. He is no fraud. Yes, he craves power and money, but its the power to
influence people and the money to bring God into their lives through his university.
For a time at least, he sees that Johnny can help achieve his goals.

GREG STILLSON - We think the story of this evil politician will begin towards the
end of the first season. Stillson will be introduced to the storyline through Reverend
Purdys right-wing political organization.

DANA BRIGHT - Dana, an attractive but deeply cynical female reporter will be
introduced in episode two. Later, she will be recruited by Purdy to induce and
perhaps even seduce Johnny to serve Purdys goals. But as Johnny makes a powerful
difference in her life, she becomes dedicated to him. She is a potential love interest
for Johnny who suffers when she sees how much Johnny still loves Sarah. (And
Sarah may become jealous of her as well.)

DR. SHARON WEIZAK - Johnny will seek, in vain, a cure to his condition. We are
exploring the potential of a character, to be introduced early in the first season, who is
a leading expert in her field and could help Johnny understand and harness his
powers. Like so many of the women he meets, she will be profoundly affected by and
attracted to Johnny.

As previously noted, while our character arcs continue during the life of the series, we
will do episodes that stand on their own.
In your pitches, please be prepared to tell us in the broadest strokes, the beginning,
middle and end to your story. Try to describe the arc that one of our central characters
moves through during the episode (i.e. Walt begins the episode as a pure skeptic, but by
the end of the story has to acknowledge that Johnny has helped the investigation.)
Please dont work out all the details of your pitch I dont like to sit through a long scene
by scene description. If we like your idea, well break down the structure together after
we buy it. This is important. Keep it simple. Sell us on your passion for the idea.
The guest star should never drive the story. Johnny has to be active not reactive.
I encourage all writers to literally think outside the box I dont want to do traditional
television here. Our ambition is to make each hour a classic of the genre that audiences
will want to watch over and over again.
Come and help us meet the challenge.

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