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Carbon Nano Tubes

The discovery of carbon nanotube by Lijima, is considered to be one of the most significant
achievements of contemporary science carbon nanotubes are fullerene-related structures which consists of
graphene cylinders closed at either end with caps containing pentagonal rings they were discovered in
1991 by the Japanese electron microscopist SumioLijima who was studying the material deposited on the
cathode during the arc-evaporation synthesis of fullerene he founded that the central core of the cathodic
deposited contain variety of closed graphitic structures including nanoparticles and nanotubes, of a type
which had never previously observed a short time later Thomas ebbsen and pulickel ajayan from Lijimas
lab ,showed how nanotubes produced in bulk quantities by varying the arc evaporation conditions a major
event in the development of carbon nanotubes was the synthesis in 1993 of single layer nano tubes The
standard arc evaporation method produces only multi layered tubes. It was found that addition of metals
such as cobalt to the graphite electrodes resulted in extremely fine tube with single-layered walls.
An alternative method of prepared single walled nanotubes was described by Richerd Snalleys
group in 1996 Like the original method of preparing C60, this involved the laser-vaporization of graphite
and resulted in a high yield of single walled tubes with unusually uniform diameter. These highly uniform
tubes had a greater tendency to form aligned bundles nanotubes ropes. Initial experiments indicated that
the rope samples contained a very high proportion of nanotubes with a specific arm chair structure
subsequent work has suggested that rope samples may be less homogenous than originally thought
Nevertheless, the synthesis of nanotube ropes gave an important boost to nanotube research and some of
the most impressive work has been carried out on these samples.
Carbon nanotubes are allotropes of carbon with cylindrical structures. Nanotubes have been
constructed with length to diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, significantly larger than for any other
material. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for nano
technology electronics optics and other fields of material science and technology.

Types of Carbon Nanotubes:


Single walled
Multi walled
Nano bud
Three dimensional carbon nanotube architectures
Graphite carbon nanotubes
Nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes
Cup stacked carbon nanotubes
Extreme carbon nanotubes

CNTs are having novel properties such as small dimensions, strength and remarkable physical properties
which allow them to be potentially useful in a wide range of applications in nanotechnology such as
engineering, electronics, chemical, optics, biological medicine
CNTs are classified into two types

Single walled and Multi walled Carbon Nanotubes

SWCNTs are generally manufactured by using arc discharge technique. Their purity range is about 95-98
Wt % and Include roughly 92-95 Wt % of carbon nanoparticles. SWCNTs diameter range is about 0.7 to
2 mm and form a bundle which measures 8 mm. It require


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