Reasoning, Communication and Connections

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Chapter 1

Reasoning, Communication and Connections

in Mathematics: An Introduction
Berinderjeet KAUR

TOH Tin Lam

This introductory chapter provides an overview of the chapters in

the book. The chapters are organised according to three broad
themes that are central to reasoning, communication and
connections. The themes are mathematical tasks, classroom
discourse and connections within and beyond mathematics. It ends
with some concluding thoughts that readers may want to be
cognizant of while reading the book and also using it for reference
and further work.

1 Introduction
This yearbook of the Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) in
Singapore focuses on Reasoning, Communication and Connections in
Mathematics. Like two of our past yearbooks, Mathematical Problem
Solving (Kaur, Yeap, & Kapur, 2009) and Mathematical Applications and
Modelling (Kaur & Dindyal, 2010), the theme of this book is also shaped
by the framework of the school mathematics curriculum in Singapore,
shown in Figure 1. The primary goal of school mathematics in Singapore
is mathematical problem solving and amongst the processes specified
explicitly for nurturing problem solvers are reasoning, communication
and connections. In elaborating the framework, for both the primary and
secondary students, the Ministry of Education (MOE) (2006a, 2006b),
syllabus documents clarify that:

Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics

Mathematical reasoning refers to the ability to analyse mathematical

situations and construct logical arguments. It is a habit of mind that
can be developed through the application of mathematics in different
contexts. Communication refers to the ability to use mathematical
language to express mathematical ideas and arguments precisely,
concisely and logically. It helps students develop their own
understanding of mathematics and sharpen their mathematical
thinking. Connections refer to the ability to see and make linkages
among mathematical ideas, between mathematics and other subjects,
and between mathematics and everyday life. This helps students
make sense of what they learn in mathematics. (Ministry of
Education, 2006a, p.14; 2006b, p.5)

Figure 1. Framework of the Singapore school mathematics curriculum

The fourteen peer-reviewed chapters in this yearbook address

various aspects of reasoning, communication and connections. All the
chapters arose out of the keynote lectures and workshops conducted
during the Mathematics Teachers Conference 2011 which was jointly
organised by the Association of Mathematics Educators and the
Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group at the
National Institute of Education in Singapore. The authors of the chapters

An Introduction

were asked to focus on evidence-based practices that school teachers can

experiment in their lessons to bring about meaningful learning outcomes.
In the following sections we briefly outline how the chapters contribute
towards reasoning, communication and connections respectively.
2 Mathematical Tasks
Central to all mathematics lessons are mathematical tasks. A
mathematical task is defined as a set of problems or a single complex
problem that focuses students attention on a particular mathematical
idea (Stein, Grover, & Henningsen, 1996). From the TIMSS Video Study
(NCES, 2003), in which Australia, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Japan,
Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States participated, it was
found that students spent over 80% of their time in mathematics class
working on mathematical tasks. According to Doyle (1988), the work
students do, defined in large measure by the tasks teachers assign,
determines how they think about a curricular domain and come to
understand its meaning (p. 167). Hence different kinds of tasks lead to
different types of instruction, which subsequently lead to different
opportunities for students learning (Doyle, 1988).
Mathematical tasks with high cognitive demand often require
students to make explicit their thinking. These tasks are necessary for the
advancement of reasoning, communication and connections during
lessons. In chapter 2, Rahim, Hogan, and Chan report research on the
status of epistemic framing of mathematical tasks in secondary three
mathematics classes in Singapore. The findings reported in the chapter
indicate that teachers provided students with relatively substantial
opportunities to acquire procedural and metacognitive knowledge but not
conceptual and epistemic knowledge. As the intellectual quality of
knowledge work depends substantially, although not exclusively, on the
nature and quality of tasks that teachers provide their students to work
with, it is apparent that teachers need knowledge of such tasks
Boston and Smith (2009) report that research has consistently
indicated that teachers selection of instructional tasks is largely based on

Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics

lists of skills and concepts they need to cover. Textbooks are often the
main source of such tasks (Doyle, 1983; Kaur, 2010). As noted by
Valverde, Bianchi, Wolfe, Schimdt, and Houang (2002) textbooks are
often good guides for content but lack emphasis on processes such as
problem solving or communication. In this book there are several
chapters that provide teachers with insights on how to modify textbook
type of mathematical tasks into ones that incorporate reasoning and
facilitate communication in the lesson. In chapter 3, Thompson presents
a variety of specific and general strategies that may be used to modify
typical textbook exercises to incorporate reasoning and communication
into the primary mathematics classroom. In chapter 4, Kaur introduces
primary teachers to four What strategies that may be used to create
tasks from textbook questions or student work so as to advance reasoning
and communication in the primary school mathematics classrooms. The
strategies are: What number makes sense?, Whats wrong?, What if?, and
Whats the question if you know the answer? In the chapter how one
primary 1 teacher enacted the strategy Whats the question if you know
the answer is also presented to demonstrate that even primary one
students can participate in lessons that call for reasoning and
communication provided they are given the opportunity to do so. In
chapter 5, Thompson draws on a framework from textbook research and
shows how typical algebra and statistics textbook type of exercises may
be modified to engage secondary school students in reasoning and
justification. The framework has six components of proof-related
reasoning, viz-a-viz finding counterexamples, investigating conjectures,
making conjectures, developing arguments, evaluating arguments, and
correcting mistakes in reasoning.
Lew and Jang, show in chapter 6 that project-based LOGO
programming activities may be used to improve reasoning,
communication and problem solving skills of high ability Year 6 students.
These activities appeared to provide students with opportunities to
activate and promote reasoning strategies such as analogy, generalisation,
progressive and critical thinking and debugging based on visualisation
and empirical inference. In chapter 7 Toh illustrates with appropriate
examples, from the Advanced Level Mathematics curriculum for Years
11 and 12, how reasoning, communication and connections may be

An Introduction

infused into the teaching of mathematics for advanced learners of

mathematics. Toh demonstrates that for mathematical reasoning,
elementary mathematical proofs and derivation of results by first
principles are good opportunities to transcend procedural emphasis of
traditional teaching to higher level mathematical reasoning. He also
illustrates that connections can be achieved by several means such as
facilitating students to connect across different mathematical ideas,
across other disciplines and to daily life.
Lastly, in chapter 8, Lowrie uses assessment tasks to make the case
that visual and spatial reasoning plays an important role in
communicating mathematical ideas. Furthermore he emphasises that the
increasing reliance on graphics in todays society require students to
acquire different spatial-reasoning skills so that they consider all the
elements of a task, including specific features of a graphic and the
surrounding text, when solving mathematical tasks.
3 Classroom Discourse
Mathematical tasks mediate classroom discourse between teachers and
students, and between students and students. As stated in the Professional
Standards for Teaching Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, 1991), the discourse of a classroom the ways of
representing, thinking, talking, agreeing, disagreeing is critical to what
students learn about mathematics as a domain of human inquiry with
characteristic ways of knowing (p.34). Teacher questions are a key
element of classroom discourse. Such questions provide students
interactive opportunities for learning. Hogan, Rahim, Chan, Kwek and
Towndrow in chapter 9 report research on the kind of teacher questions
that teachers focus on in mathematics lessons and the relationships
between different kinds of teacher questions. Their research is based on
survey data from students in secondary three mathematics classes in
Singapore. The findings of the research show that there is a relatively
high prevalence of performative questions arising from the IRE [teacher
initiate (I), student respond (R), and teacher evaluate (E)] talk structure
in the mathematics classes. This suggests that mathematics classrooms in

Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics

Singapore provide limited opportunity for students to engage in rich

classroom conversations.
Analogical reasoning draws on pre-existing knowledge to make
relational and structural similarity in objects and construct mathematical
knowledge. Lee in Chapter 10 shows that analogical reasoning can
facilitate rich discourse, both teacher initiated and student initiated,
between the teacher and students. Student errors and misconceptions are
often outcomes of classroom discourse where students fail to clarify their
thinking or teachers adopt recipe like procedures that are not
conceptually sound. Pang and Dindyal in chapter 10 studied students
reasoning errors in proofs by mathematical induction. The errors made
by the Year 12 students mainly arose from their inability to grasp that in
the mathematical statement P(n) n must be an integer and that the set of
numbers generalised by n can be ordered. Also, many students regard the
induction step solely as proving the P(k + 1) statement and not proving
that if P(k) is true then P(k + 1) is true. It is apparent that the errors
were a result of perception that mathematical induction is a procedure
and not a coherent deductive system of logical steps of a proof.
4 Connections Within and Beyond Mathematics
Among the aims of mathematics education in Singapore schools are:

Acquire the necessary mathematical concepts and skills for

everyday life, and for continuous learning in mathematics and
related disciplines;
Recognise and use connections among mathematical ideas, and
between mathematics and other disciplines.
(Ministry of Education, 2006a, p. 2; 2006b, p. 11).

It is apparent from the above that connections within and beyond

mathematics are an essential part of the school curriculum. Teachers
must provide students with opportunities to experience connections in
the mathematics they learn. This is possible through links between
conceptual and procedural knowledge, connections among mathematical

An Introduction

topics and equivalent representations of the same concept (Coxford,

1995). Similarly, teachers must also provide students with opportunities
to experience connections between mathematics and other disciplines of
the school curriculum and daily life needs.
Leong in chapter 12 provides a portrait of mathematics classroom
instructional practice in which mathematics is presented as skills and
concepts that are closely connected to each other. Here, students are
encouraged to see school mathematics as situated and connected to a
wider context of mathematical knowledge. Leong discusses ways in
which this alternative portrait of mathematics instruction can be enacted,
drawing upon examples that include findings from a research project. In
school education, numeracy is a fundamental component of learning,
discourse and critique across all areas of the curriculum. In chapter 13,
Kissane discusses the nature of numeracy and some recent work in the
Australian primary and secondary curriculum that involves numeracy.
According to Kissane, at the primary levels, situations that demand
mathematical thinking arise in all aspects of the curriculum and thus
provide opportunities for numeracy to be developed and at the secondary
levels, mathematics is important for learning in other subjects.
Kemp in chapter 14, asserts that mathematics teachers often find that
resources for teaching and learning, such as standard textbooks, do not
connect well to the everyday worlds of students in their classes. In the
chapter, Kemp shows that there are many opportunities in the classroom
to make connections between school mathematics and the everyday
world using the example of health. Lastly, Aslaksen in chapter 15 shows
how astronomy and culture may be connected to mathematics learning in
classrooms of students from primary schools to university.
4 Some Concluding Thoughts
The performance of students from Singapore in the Trends in
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1995, 1999, 2003
and 2007 and the Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA) 2009 has been outstanding. This affirms that the basics of
mathematical content knowledge are sound. However, the research

Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics

reported in this book on the epistemic framing of mathematical tasks and

classroom talk in secondary three mathematics classes in Singapore show
that the quality of knowledge work to facilitate mathematical practices in
the classrooms were lacking. As, so aptly, stated by Ball (2003):
Mathematical practices involve more than what is normally thought
of as mathematical knowledge. This area focusses on the
mathematical know-how, beyond content knowledge, that constitutes
expertise in learning and using mathematics. The term practices
refers to the specific things that successful mathematics learners and
user do. Justifying claims, using symbolic notation effectively,
defining terms precisely, and making generalisations are examples of
mathematical practices. Another example of mathematical practices
is the way in which skilled mathematics users are able to model a
situation to make it easier to understand and to solve problems
related to it. Those skilled individuals might use algebraic notation
cleverly to simplify a complex set of relationships, or they might
recognise that a geometric representation makes a problem almost
transparent, whereas the algebraic formulation, although correct,
obscures it. (p. xviii)
Although, it is apparent from the Singapore school mathematics
framework (shown in Figure 1) that the intended curricula places
emphasis on processes such as reasoning, communication and
connections, thinking skills and heuristics, and applications and
modelling for the development of practices that Ball (2003) refers to,
there appears to be lack of emphasis on these in lessons. To improve the
quality of knowledge work to facilitate mathematical practices, teachers
need to engage their students in rich mathematical tasks and classroom
The several chapters in the yearbook provide readers with ideas on
how to improve the quality of knowledge work in mathematics
classrooms through reasoning, communication and connections. We
suggest you read the chapters and contextualise the ideas within the
larger context of teaching and learning mathematics. We also like you to
note that reasoning, communication and connections are not isolated

An Introduction

sub-components of Processes in the framework, rather they work in

tandem with other components of the framework. For example, the
use of appropriate questioning techniques, modification of textbook
questions to engage students in reasoning and communication, use of
visual and spatial reasoning for solving mathematical problems also
help students regulate their learning and engage in reflection i.e.
metacognition. Similarly, when teachers make connections across
different mathematical ideas and disciplines of the school curriculum
students get an opportunity to see the application and relevance of the
mathematics they learn. This may help to nurture positive attitudes
towards the learning of mathematics for some students.
Lastly, we like to offer a word of caution for readers who are often
overwhelmed by yet more ideas in the book in view of their already
content-heavy curriculum. We urge the readers to read the chapters
carefully and try some of the ideas in their classrooms and convince
themselves that these ideas offer a means of infusing reasoning,
communication and connections in their lessons and engage students in
meaningful mathematical practices.


Ball, D.L. (2003). Mathematical proficiency for all students: Towards a strategic
research and development program in mathematics education. Santa Monica: Rand.
Boston, M.D. & Smith, M.S. (2009). Transforming secondary mathematics teaching:
Increasing the cognitive demands of instructional tasks used in teachers classrooms.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40(2), 119156.
Coxford, A.F. (1995). The case for connections. In P. A. House & A.F. Coxford (Eds.),
Connecting mathematics across the curriculum. Reston, VA: National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics.
Doyle, W. (1983). Academic work. Review of Educational Research, 53, 159199.


Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics

Doyle, W. (1988). Work in mathematics classes: The context of students thinking during
instruction. Educational Psychologist, 23, 167180.
Kaur, B. (2010). A study of mathematical tasks from three classrooms in Singapore
schools. In Y. Shimizu, B. Kaur & D. Clarke (Eds.), Mathematical Tasks in
Classrooms around the World (pp. 1533). Sense Publishers.
Kaur, B. & Dindyal, J. (2010). Mathematical applications and modelling. Singapore:
World Scientific.
Kaur, B., Yeap, B.H., & Kapur, M. (2009). Mathematical problem solving. Singapore:
World Scientific.
Ministry of Education, Singapore (2006a). Mathematics syllabuses Primary. Singapore:
Ministry of Education, Singapore (2006b). Mathematics syllabuses Lower secondary.
Singapore: Author.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991). Professional standards for
teaching mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
NCES (National Center for Educational Statistics). (2003). Teaching mathematics in
seven countries: Results from the TIMSS video study. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education.
Stein, M. K., Grover, B., & Henningsen, M. (1996). Building student capacity for
mathematical thinking and reasoning: An analysis of mathematical tasks used in
reform classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 33, 455488.
Valverde, G. A., Bianchi, L. J., Wolfe, R. G., Schmidt, W. H., & Houang, R. T. (2002).
According to the book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into
practice through the world of textbooks. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.

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