Business Strategy of Amul

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Business Strategy of Amul:

AMULs business strategy is driven by its twin objectives of


long-term, sustainable growth to its member farmers

Value proposition to a large customer base by providing milk and other
dairy products a low price.
A typical strategy map is given below:

Its strategy, which evolved over time, comprises of elements described

below. Simultaneous Development of Suppliers and Customers: From the
very early stages of the formation of AMUL, the cooperative realized that
sustained growth for the long-term was contingent on matching supply
and demand. Further, given the primitive state of the market and the
suppliers of milk, their development in a synchronous manner was critical
for the continued growth of the industry. The organization also recognized
that in view of the poor infrastructure in India, such development could
not be left to market forces and proactive interventions were required.
Accordingly, AMUL and GCMMF adopted a number of strategies to assure
such growth. For example, at the time AMUL was formed, the vast
majority of consumers had limited purchasing power and was value
conscious with very low levels of consumption of milk and other dairy
products. Thus, AMUL adopted a low price strategy to make their products
affordable and guarantee value to the consumer. The success of this
strategy is well recognized and remains the main plank of AMUL's strategy
even today. The choice of product mix and the sequence in which AMUL
introduced its products is consistent with this philosophy. Beginning with
liquid milk, the product mix was enhanced slowly by progressive addition
of higher value products while maintaining desired growth in existing
products. Even today, while competing in the market for high value dairy

products, GCMMF ensures that adequate supplies of low value products

are maintained. On the supply side, as mentioned earlier, the membersuppliers were typically small and marginal- farmers had severe liquidity
problems, were illiterate and had no prior training in dairy farming. AMUL
and other cooperative Unions adopted a number of strategies to develop
the supply of milk and assure steady growth. First, for the short term, the
procurement prices were set so as to provide fair and reasonable return.
Second, aware of the liquidity problems, cash payments for milk supply
was made with minimum of delay. For the long-term, the Unions followed
a multipronged strategy of education and support. For example, only part
of the surplus generated by the Unions is paid to the members in the form
of dividends. A substantial part of this surplus is used for activities that
promote growth of milk supply and improve yields. These include
provision of 12 veterinary services, support for cold storage facilities at
the village societies etc. In parallel, the Unions have put in place a
number of initiatives to help educate the members. To summarize, the
dual strategy of simultaneous development of the market and member
farmers has resulted in parallel growth of demand and supply at a steady
pace and in turn assured the growth of the industry over an extended
period of time. Cost Leadership: AMULs objective of providing a value
proposition to a large customer base led naturally to a choice of cost
leadership position. Given the low purchasing power of the Indian
consumer and the marginal discretionary spending power, the only viable
option for AMUL was to price its products as low as possible. This in turn
led to a focus on costs and had significant implications for managing its
operations and supply chain practices (described later). Focus on Core
Activities: In view of its small beginnings and limited resources, it became
clear fairly early that AMUL would not be in a position to be an integrated
player from milk production to delivery to the consumer23. Accordingly, it
chose a strategy to focus on core dairy activities and rely on third parties
for other complementary needs. This philosophy is reflected in almost all
phases of AMUL network spanning R&D, production, collection,
processing, marketing, distribution, retailing etc. For example, AMUL
focused on processing of liquid milk and conversion to variety of dairy
products and associated research and development. On the other hand,
logistics of milk collection and distribution of products to customers was
managed through third parties. However, it played a proactive role in
making support services available to its members wherever it found that
markets for such services were not developed. For example, in the initial
stages, its small and marginal member farmers did not have access to
finance, veterinary service, knowledge of basic animal husbandry etc.
Thus to assure continued growth in milk production and supply, AMUL
actively sought and worked with partners to provide these required
services. In cases where such partnerships could not be established,
AMUL developed the necessary capabilities and provided the services.
These aspects are elaborated later in this section. Managing Third Party
Service Providers: Well before the ideas of core competence and the role

of third parties in managing the supply chain were recognized and

became fashionable, these concepts were practiced by GCMMF and AMUL.
From the beginning, it was recognized that the core activity for the Unions
lay in processing of milk and production of dairy products. Accordingly,
the Unions focused efforts on these activities and related technology
development. Marketing efforts (including brand development) were
assumed by GCMMF. All other activities were entrusted to 13 third party
service providers. These include logistics of milk collection, distribution of
dairy products, sale of products through dealers and retail stores, some
veterinary services etc. It is worth noting that a number of these third
parties are not in the organized sector, and many are not professionally
managed. Hence, while third parties perform the activities, the Unions and
GCMMF have developed a number of mechanisms to retain control and
assure quality and timely deliveries (see the sub-section on Coordination
for Competitiveness later in the paper for more details). This is
particularly critical for a perishable product such as liquid milk. Financial
Strategy: AMULs finance strategy is driven primarily by its desire to be
self-reliant and thus depend on internally generated resources for funding
its growth and development. This choice was motivated by the relatively
underdeveloped financial markets with limited access to funds, and the
reluctance to depend on Government support and thus be obliged to cede
control to bureaucracy. AMULs financial strategy may thus be
characterized by two elements: (a) retention of surplus to fund growth
and development, and (b) limited/ no credit, i.e., all transactions are
essentially cash only. For example, payment for milk procured by village
societies is in cash and within 12 hours of procurement (most, however,
pay at the same time as the receipt of milk). Similarly, no dispatches of
finished products are made without advance payment from distributors
etc. This was particularly important, given the limited liquidity position of
farmer/suppliers and the absence of banking facilities in rural India. This
strategy strongly helped AMUL implement its own vision of growth and
development. It is important to mention that many of the above
approaches were at variance with industry practices of both domestic and
MNC competitors of AMUL.

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