Social Geography Lesson 1
Social Geography Lesson 1
Social Geography Lesson 1
Key Questions:
What are Albertas physical regions?
What are the parts of a map?
What physical characteristics
distinguish each of Albertas regions?
Written/Performance Assessments:
Web Quest Worksheet
Map Assignment
Student participation
Resource #1: Alberta Grade 4 English Social Studies Program of Studies
Resource #2: Our Alberta (Book #1)
Resource #3: Learn Alberta (Zooming In Albertas Regions)
Circulate the classroom and observe students to make sure they are on task.
Make sure they understand the assignment and give assistance when
Learning Activity #2: Web Quest Activity
Do: Put the students into partners and ask them to grab a Chromebook. Put
the Zooming In Albertas Regions link up on the projector. Have the
students type in the link.
Say: Now we are going to use this website to learn more about Alberta and
the regions. While you learn about each region, you need to fill in the blanks
on this worksheet (show the worksheet).
Do: Watch the introduction video together. Demonstrate how to go through
each of the regions online. Hand out the worksheet.
Do: Give the students time to complete their worksheets in pairs or
Do: If time allows, go over the worksheet as a group.
Circulate the classroom and observe students to make sure they are on task.
Make sure they understand the assignment and give assistance when
Sponge Activity:
Alberta Word Search If the students finish early, give them a copy of the
word search to work on independently.
Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Do: Collect students worksheets and maps. Remind them to put their names
on them.
Feedback From Students:
Ask: Can anyone name one of Albertas regions?
Feedback To Students:
Say: Great job today everyone. You worked really hard on your assignments.
Transition To Next Lesson:
Tomorrow we are going to learn more about the physical regions of Alberta.
Parkland Region
Parkland regions are found only in
___________ ____________________.
Parkland covers less than _______ of
the province.
Most of Albertas __________
population lives here.
There is limited space for __________
and _______________.
It is known as the ________
of North America because of its
nesting grounds.