Com 1165 Unit Plan
Com 1165 Unit Plan
Com 1165 Unit Plan
Unit Overview
Cluster: Media, Design, & Communication Arts
MDC provides students with the flexibility to adapt to various situations relating to design,
communication, and fashion. This cluster includes courses related to art and culture, such as
the performing arts, film and video, broadcasting, journalism, writing, creative design, fashion,
libraries, and museums.
Module Description:
Students are introduced to basic layout and design techniques as well as to various print
reproduction processes using a positive or negative master such as digital, offset, screen, vinyl
plotting, wide format and laser cutting.
Access to layout tables, tools and materials and/or computers with graphic layout capabilities,
and to one or more types of printing equipment/facilities. Access to Microsoft Publisher, Adobe
Fireworks CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6, and the Internet.
Students will:
Create a visual presentation displaying your knowledge of:
design elements- line, shape, form, pattern, space, texture, colour
design principles- proportion, balance, contrast, rhythm, harmony, unity
typography - type style and size, type face, justification, spacing, and leading
Professional printing methods
Finishing methods (binding)
Create a portfolio that includes rough layouts, mechanics, and master.
During this module, the students will put design and printing techniques into practise
through real-world tasks. They will apply their skills to specific contexts in order to produce
professional products. Because they are rooted in real world applications, these tasks will be
engaging and thought provoking. Students will have the opportunity to be creative and
accumulate a portfolio displaying their design skills and accomplishments.
Learning Outcomes
1. identify the basic characteristics and applications of layout, medium and 6. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines
printing methods 6.1 demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture,
1.1 identify appropriate design techniques for various output media positioning of hardware and furniture
typically used in the print industry; e.g., digital, offset, screen, vinyl 6.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and
plotting, wide format, sublimation and laser cutting personal work
1.2 use appropriate technical terminology in describing equipment, 7. demonstrate basic competencies
techniques, processes and procedures 7.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
1.3 examine a minimum of three standard printing techniques; e.g., 7.1.1 communicate
digital, offset, screen, vinyl plotting, wide format and laser cutting 7.1.2 manage information
2. apply design and printing techniques used in the production of graphic 7.1.3 use numbers
project(s) 7.1.4 think and solve problems
2.1 select appropriate finished media; e.g., paper, plastic, ceramic, wood, 7.2 demonstrate personal management skills to:
cloth 7.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
2.2 apply basic design principles 7.2.2 be responsible
2.3 create an appropriate design meeting criteria dictated by selected 7.2.3 be adaptable
output media 7.2.4 learn continuously
2.4 reproduce the graphic using appropriate methods; e.g., silkscreen, 7.2.5 work safely
offset press 7.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to:
3. demonstrate a working knowledge of Workplace Hazardous Materials 7.3.1 work with others
Information System (WHMIS) safety standards and responsible environmental 7.3.2 participate in projects and tasks
and workplace procedures; e.g., personal protective equipment (PPE), chemical 8. make personal connections to the cluster content and processes to
handling inform possible pathway choices
4. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice 8.1 complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values,
5. present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience beliefs, resources, prior learning and experiences
5.1 discuss work regarding: 8.2 create a connection between a personal inventory and
5.1.1 how the elements and principles of design help facilitate occupational choices
good composition in his or her work
5.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality,
5.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
5.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate
5.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
5.2 participate in peer/teacher assessment
5.3 add the selected work to a portfolio
Learning Activities
Lesson Key Questions Learning Activities Assessment
What information is You will study the information on the class website to gain background information on the following
Background required in order to topics:
Information design and print a - Typography Vocabulary, Printing Methods, The Design Process, Text and Font, Design Elements,
finished product? Design Principals (Balance, Contrast, Proportion, Rhythm, Unity, Harmony)
You will create a one page billboard advertisement for any product you like. You may want to check out
the following sites:
How can the design (Layout and Design)
process be applied (typography in shapes)
to billboard design?
Assignment Use the design planning process to develop a draft to be submitted. This includes the surrounding
#1: Billboard environment and message of the billboard. 15%
What are the
Design Create a new file in Fireworks with the dimensions of 10 inches by 7 inches and 72 dpi. Make sure you
consider and include the following:
requirements of a
- Draft that attends to design planning process, Headline, Sub- headline, Body Copy (optional),
Graphics (min of 2), Use of design principles, use of 2 or more types faces in appropriate
manner, Overall attendance to font rules
What information In this assignment, you will create a program for an upcoming school event that you will be part of
needs to be (sport, performance, etc.) You may create a fictional event.
Assignment included in an event This assignment will be completed in Microsoft Publisher using a template. You must have a front and
#2: School program? back cover and a minimum of two pages of programming information. 20%
Program - Customize your program to include: Paper draft (may be done in word), Timeline of events, 4
How can layout other graphics, Headlines, Captions, use of principles of design, A masthead, Headlines, Sub-
enhance info? headlines, Body Copy, Enhanced Text, Use of colour
You will recreate a magazine cover of Time or National Geographic using your own image.
Using Adobe Fireworks create file that has the dimensions of 8 inches X 10 inches with resolution of 72
Assignment Look for fonts that match your magazine (
How can design
#3: Be sure that you include:
draw attention to a 20%
Magazine - The magazine title
magazine cover?
Cover - Vector tools to create a graphic boarder
- A headline, subheadline, and body copy (same font and style as magazine)
- The volume and issue number, bar code, and price as per the magazines style
- Elements of design and design principles
In this assignment, you get to create a unique and personal logo from scratch.
You want people to recognize you, your company, or your products. Remember your logo can consist of
graphics, images, and text.
Open a new Fireworks file with the dimensions of 10 inches X 16 inches and 300 dpi.
Be sure to include:
How design help a Interesting fonts, graphics, and images
logo portray your Adherence to concepts of colour, unity, and harmony
#4: 20%
purpose, name, and Think of a theme and/or product. Create 3 completely different logos based on your theme or product.
product clearly? Narrow down your selection to 1 logo, using feedback from class mates. Import and save your three
original logos to a word document titled (LastNameFirstNameDraft).
For hints and ideas try out:
Your task is to create new Griffin and Bulldog logos. Using a variety of Vector and Bitmap tools, design a
Assignment How can design Griffin and Bulldog logo from scratch. Note, we already have a head Bulldog logo and a body Griffin
#5: New tools be used to logo. Do the opposite. Create a full body Bulldog logo and a head Griffin logo. Do not take any graphics
Logo Design update pre-existing from the internet.
Contest logos? - You may wish to create a Swatch of our current logos. See this tutorial:
You are to take the knowledge you gained in the module and design a board (Snowboard, Surfboard,
Skateboard, Longboard, Wakeboard).
What design You may use Adobe Photoshop Elements or Macromedia Fireworks to create a file 16 inches X 8 inches,
features can help a 100 dpi, and white background. You may use different dimensions to suit your board.
Assignment product stand out? You and include in your final project:
#6: Board - Vector tools (to curve your board) 20%
Design How can design be - The purpose of this assignment to for you to incorporate all the information you learned in the
used to portray a module and compile it into one final project. Look back through the PowerPoint to refresh
specific message? yourself.
- Graphic treatments such as logos (maybe you want to incorporate your T-shirt logo), graphic
objects, images of borders or hills.
Assessment Plan
Assessment Task Overviews
Billboard School Magazine Board
Title T-Shirt Logo Design
Design Program Cover Design
Purpose / Type
Pre-Assessment / Diagnostic, Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative
Formative, Summative
Process, Competencies, Process, Process, Process, Process, Process, Product,
Growth/Development, Growth, Growth, Growth, Growth, Growth, Performance
Product, Performance Task, Product, Product, Product, Product, Product, Task,
Quiz / Test
Do Do Do Do Do Do
Write, Do, Say
Self, Teacher Self, Teacher Self, Teacher Self, Teacher Self, Teacher Teacher
Self, Peer, Teacher
Exemplar, Anecdotal Notes,
Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric Rubric
Checklist, Rating Scale,
Conversation, Rubric
Weighting 15% 20% 20% 20% 5% 20%
1. identify the basic
characteristics and applications
of layout, medium and printing
2. apply design and printing
techniques used in the
production of graphic project(s)
x x x x x x
3. demonstrate a working
knowledge of Workplace
Hazardous Materials Information
System (WHMIS) safety
standards and responsible
environmental and workplace
procedures; e.g., personal
protective equipment (PPE),
chemical handling
4. identify copyright restrictions
and permissions and put them
into practice
x x x x x x
5. present a selection of work
completed in this course to an
x x x x x x
6. apply consistent and
appropriate work station
x x x x x x
7. demonstrate basic
competencies x x x x x x
8. make personal connections to
the cluster content and
processes to inform possible x x x x x x
pathway choices