IDR 69596 Profile of Efinaconazole in The Treatment of Onchomycosis 060115

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Efinaconazole in the treatment of onychomycosis

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:

Infection and Drug Resistance
1 June 2015
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Shari R Lipner
Richard K Scher
Department of Dermatology, Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York,

Abstract: Efinaconazole 10% topical solution is a new triazole recently approved for the
treatment of onychomycosis. It inhibits fungal lanosterol 14-demethylase in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, has potent antifungal activity against dermatophytes, as well as activity against
Candida spp. and non-dermatophyte molds, and showed promising results in clinical trials. This
review summarizes the mechanism of action, in vitro and in vivo data, clinical trials, safety, and
quality-of-life data of efinaconazole as it applies to the treatment of onychomycosis.
Keywords: efinaconazole, Jublia, onychomycosis, fungal infection, nail infection


Correspondence: Shari R Lipner

Department of Dermatology, Weill
Cornell Medical College, 1305 York
Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA
Tel +1 646 962 3376
Email [email protected]

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail unit caused by dermatophytes, yeasts,

and non-dermatophyte molds. It is a common disease, with a prevalence of 10%12%
in the US.1,2 It may cause both physical and psychological problems, as some patients
present with pain, difficulty wearing shoes, secondary infection, and problems performing everyday functions due to the resulting nail dystrophy or unacceptable cosmetic
appearance. The treatment objective is to eradicate the fungus and produce a normal
nail. The therapeutic innovations both in the 1990s and this past year have led to superior
efficacy, more rapid treatment courses, and fewer drugdrug interactions. However,
despite these improvements, approximately 20%25% of patients will not respond to
treatment,3 and relapse rates are high (10%53%).4
There are four approved classes of antifungal drugs for the treatment of
onychomycosis: the allylamines, azoles, morpholines, and hydroxypyridinones.5 The
allylamines (eg, terbinafine) inhibit squalene epoxidase, a step in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway.6 Oral terbinafine (250mg daily) taken for 6weeks for fingernails
and 12weeks for toenails is considered the current systemic treatment preference in
onychomycosis therapy7 with a complete cure rate of 38% in 12-week studies, and
mycological cure rate of 70%.8,9
The second class of drugs is the azoles, which inhibit lanosterol 14-demethylase,
another step in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway.5 Two members of this class that
are widely used in treating onychomycosis are oral itraconazole10 and off-label oral
fluconazole.11 The approved dose of oral itraconazole is 200mg daily for 3months
(or an alternative pulse regimen) with a reported complete cure rate of 14% and
mycological cure rate of 38%.10 Although fluconazole is not US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) approved for the treatment of onychomycosis in the US, it is
used extensively in other countries and to some extent off-label in the US. In a study


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Lipner and Scher

of 362 patients with fingernail onychomycosis treated with

oral fluconazole, complete cure rates were 48% in patients
who received 450mg weekly, 46% in those who received
300 mg weekly, and 37% in those who received 150 mg
weekly for up to 9months.11
Another class of antifungals is the morpholines including
topical amorolfine, which is approved for use in Europe but
not in North America.12 Amorolfine inhibits 14-reductase
and 7-8-isomerase in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway,
thus depleting ergosterol.13 In one randomized controlled
study, the combination of amorolfine nail lacquer and oral
terbinafine compared to oral terbinafine alone resulted in a
higher clinical cure rate (59.2% vs 46%); complete cure rate
was not reported.12
Finally, the hydroxypyridinone class includes topical
ciclopirox, which has a poorly understood mechanism of
action but may involve iron chelation or oxidative damage.14,15
The FDA-approved ciclopirox 8% nail lacquer in 1999 for the
treatment of mild-to-moderate onychomycosis of fingernails
and toenails without lunula involvement, due to Trichophyton
rubrum in immunocompetent patients. Complete cure rates are
5.5%8.5%, and mycological cure rates are 29%36% with
monthly nail debridement and removal of residual lacquer.16
Until recently, ciclopirox had been the only FDA-approved
option in the US for patients who had contraindications to oral
antifungal agents, or preferred a topical treatment to avoid
blood monitoring and potential for systemic side effects.
Based on the potential drugdrug interactions and systemic side effects of oral agents and the poor-efficacy and
time-consuming treatment courses of topical drugs, it is
clear that there is a need for alternative and novel therapies.
There has been a greater emphasis on topical agents due to
their more favorable side-effect profile and lower risk for
drugdrug interactions. Efinaconazole, a member of the
azole class, previously called IDP-108 and KP-103, has
potent antifungal activity against dermatophytes comparable
to that of terbinafine and amorolfine, higher activity against
Candida spp. than itraconazole, and has been comparable to
terbinafine and more effective than amorolfine, ciclopirox,
and itraconazole against non-dermatophyte molds.17 Triazoles
(such as fluconazole and itraconazole) had been used orally
previously but not topically for the treatment of onychomycosis. Their appeal derives from their moderate antifungal
activity but broader spectra than allylamines and morpholines.18 Efinaconazole is the first azole FDA approved in the
USA to be used topically in the treatment of onychomycosis.
This review summarizes the mechanism of action, in vitro
and in vivo data, clinical trials, safety, and quality-of-life


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(QoL) data of efinaconazole as it applies to the treatment of


Mechanism of action
Fungal cell membranes are composed of the structural
compound ergosterol, which maintains membrane fluidity, creates a permeability barrier, and is essential for
fungal cell viability. It is believed that loss of ergosterol
affects cell membrane integrity and function and inhibits
fungal cell growth.19,20
Using an ergosterol biosynthesis assay, it was shown
that efinaconazole inhibited ergosterol biosynthesis in both
Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Candida albicans, and
was more active than two comparator drugs, itraconazole
and clotrimazole. T. mentagrophytes hyphal morphology
exhibited changes that were dependent on the efinaconazole
concentration (Table 1). The authors concluded that the
mechanism of action of efinaconazole is through inhibition
of the ergosterol pathway, likely via 14-demethylase, with
secondary degenerative changes.21

Chemistry and formulation

Efinaconazole was synthesized as an azoleamine derivative
by Kaken Pharmaceutical Co, and its chemical names are
1-piperidineethanol, and -(2,4-difluorophenyl)--methyl4-methylene--(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-, R,R-, or
(2R,3R)-2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(4-methylenepiperidin-1yl)-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol.18 Its molecular formula is C18H22F2N4O with a molecular weight of 348.39.22 It
was FDA-approved in the US for the topical treatment of toenail onychomycosis due to T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes
in June 2014, and its trade name is Jublia. The treatment
course is once daily for 48 weeks, using a flow-through
brush applicator with application to the affected toenail
and its undersurface, nail folds, nail bed, and hyponychium.
Two drops are needed for the great toenails, and one drop
Table 1 Hyphal morphology changes with efinaconazole
Efinaconazole concentration:
0.0010.01 g/mL

Efinaconazole concentration:
0.110 g/mL

Shortening of interseptal
Globular swelling

Nonuniform widths and flattening

of hyphae
Separation of plasma membrane
from the cell wall
Accumulation of electron-dense
granules between the cell wall and
the plasma membrane
Discontinuity of the plasma membrane
Degeneration of organelles

Thickening of the cell

Notes: Data from Tatsumi et al.21

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8


is needed for other affected toenails. No debridement is

necessary. It is formulated as a 10% solution, containing
100mg of efinaconazole per gram of a clear, colorless to pale
yellow solution. Inactive ingredients are alcohol, anhydrous
citric acid, butylated hydroxytoluene, C12-15 alkyl lactate,
cyclomethicone, diisopropyl adipate, disodium edetate, and
purified water.23 It has low surface tension, which aids in
penetration and spreading, and is sparingly soluble in water.24
The drug accesses the site of infection by both transungual
delivery25 and spreading through the subungual space.26 It
is supplied in 4mL or 8mL bottles and should be stored at
room temperature. While not published by manufacturer,
judging from patient use, there are approximately 80 drops
in a 4mL bottle. Since there have been no studies of the drug
in pregnant women, it is labeled pregnancy class C, with a
warning that it should be used during pregnancy only if the
potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. With
repeated subcutaneous administration, efinaconazole was
found in milk of nursing rats; however, it is unknown if efinaconazole is excreted into human milk. Therefore, the FDA
states that caution should be exercised when efinaconazole
is prescribed to women who are breastfeeding.23

In vitro and in vivo studies

In vitro studies showed that efinaconazole had potent activity
against C. albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus
fumigatus, and T. mentagrophytes, similar to other synthesized azoleamine agents.18 Since the activities of many
antifungal drugs are inhibited with keratin binding,27 efinaconazoles activity was tested against T. mentagrophytes in
the presence of keratin. Efinaconazole demonstrated less
deactivation than its comparators in the presence of keratin,
which was attributed to its 4-methylenepiperidino group. In
addition, it showed the highest efficacy compared to other
drugs against T. mentagrophytes in a guinea pig model of
tinea corporis and showed better penetration via both the
transfollicular and transepidermal routes.18
Efinaconazole was subsequently shown to have excellent
in vitro activity against T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes,
surpassing that of the reference drugs neticonazole and
clotrimazole but less so than lanoconazole and butenafine.
A similar effect was seen for the organisms, Trichophyton
violaceum, Trichophyton ajelloi, Microsporum canis,
Microsporum gypseum, and Epidermophyton floccosum.
Efinaconazole was also more active against C. albicans, other
Candida spp., and Malassezia furfur than the reference drugs.
In addition, efinaconazole was the only agent whose activity
against T. mentagrophytes was unaffected by the presence

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8

Efinaconazole and onychomycosis

of serum or keratin. In vivo, topical efinaconazole achieved

mycological cure in 80% of guinea pigs with experimental
cutaneous candidiasis caused by C. albicans, but the reference drugs (clotrimazole, neticonazole, and lanoconazole)
were ineffective in even decreasing the counts of fungi in
the infected sites. In addition, in a guinea pig model of tinea
pedis infected with T. mentagrophytes, 10 days of topical
efinaconazole led to a dose-dependent therapeutic effect,
which was almost maximal at a drug concentration of 1.0%
and achieved negative culture results for all infected feet.
This effect was considerably better than that of neticonazole
and equal to that of lanoconazole and butenafine. The authors
concluded that while the antidermatophytic activity of efinaconazole was similar to that of neticonazole and inferior to
butenafine and lanoconazole, the drug might have superior
efficacy in vivo due to its pharmacokinetics in infected skin
Based on these earlier findings, efinaconazoles efficacy
was analyzed in guinea pig models of T. mentagrophytes
interdigital tinea pedis and tinea corporis, as well as its
ability to prevent relapses following treatment. The 1%
efinaconazole solution resulted in a dose-dependent therapeutic effect in both infections, with all affected sites being
culture negative. In the tinea pedis model, 30days after the
end of treatment (day 49 postinfection), relapse occurred in
only 4/20 treated feet, while in the untreated control group,
the infection continued without spontaneous healing. In the
tinea corporis model, relapse occurred in only 3/10 animals
treated with efinaconazole 9days following treatment (day
21 postinfection), while the infection continued without
spontaneous healing in the untreated group. In addition,
when topical efinaconazole was applied 2496hours prior
to T. mentagrophytes inoculation of skin in the tinea corporis model, the number of culture-positive animals 14days
postinfection was reduced. While this prophylactic effect was
observed at all the recorded time points, the maximal effect
was seen at 24hours and 48hours. Furthermore, when the
binding capacity of efinaconazole was analyzed in an in vitro
model, it was much lower (60.3%) than either lanoconazole
(94.9%) or butenafine (99.4%). Finally, efinaconazole was
released more readily from keratin when washed with saline
(84.7% released) than lanoconazole (31.3% released) and
butenafine (5.2% released). The investigators concluded that
efinaconazole has the potential to achieve mycological cure
in tinea pedis and tinea corporis infections and to prevent
Investigators sought to overcome the problem with
evaluating the treatment efficacy in animal models due

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Lipner and Scher

to drug carryover in the treated tissues associated with

conventional culture techniques. To do this, they developed
a modified recovery culture method to remove antifungal
drugs from treated tissue using stepwise dialysis with water,
trypsin digestion, and phosphate-buffered saline rinses.
Using this new method, in a guinea pig model of tinea
pedis in which drug was applied topically for 10days and
then evaluated 5days after the last application, they found
that 20/20 lanoconazole-treated feet were culture negative
with the conventional culture method, but only 3/20 were
culture negative with the newer method. In contrast, culturenegative rates were 19/20 and 17/20 in efinaconazole-treated
feet with conventional and modified methods, respectively.
Furthermore, using this updated method, they found that on
posttreatment day 30, 14/20 of the infected feet treated with
efinaconazole were culture negative, while the two reference
drugs neticonazole and lanoconazole could not even diminish
the fungal burden.30
In another study, it was shown that amorolfine and terbinafine were tightly bound to keratin and less active against
dermatophytes in the presence of keratin, while efinaconazole
is less tightly bound and exhibits better pharmacokinetics
against fungi. It was also shown that efinaconazole was
released more readily when bound to keratin than the other
reference drugs. In addition, in a guinea pig model, while
amorolfine and terbinafine reduced or eradicated the fungal
burden in plantar skin tissues, these drugs were unsuccessful
in reducing fungal burden in nails, likely via inactivation by
keratin. On the other hand, efinaconazole was effective in
both reducing the fungal burden in nails and curing infections in plantar skins, likely due to its lower affinity for
In another report, the authors found that efinaconazole
had a sevenfold higher free-drug concentration in the presence of keratin than both ciclopirox and amorolfine, and that
this lower affinity for keratin was associated with faster nail
penetration and fungicidal activity. They also found that
efinaconazole inhibited growth of T. rubrum in an in vitro
model of healthy human nails.32
In another recent study, the investigators characterized the
in vitro antifungal activity of efinaconazole by analyzing its
activity against recent clinical isolates recovered from onychomycosis patients (T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, and C.
albicans isolates) and comparing that activity to that of terbinafine, ciclopirox, itraconazole, and amorolfine. They showed
that efinaconazole had potent antifungal activity within a
narrow concentration range (ie, #0.0020.06g/mL), with
no geographical differences in susceptibility patterns between


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North American (US and Canada) and Japanese isolates.17 It

should be noted that the efinaconazole minimal inhibitory
concentrations (MICs) in this study were approximately 1363
times lower than previously reported in a study of Japanese
T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes clinical isolates.28 The
authors attribute this difference to different culture techniques
in the two studies.17 Using the MIC50 and MIC90 data, they
showed that efinaconazole was at least as effective against T.
rubrum and T. mentagrophytes (one- to fourfold) as amorolfine
and terbinafine and higher (eight- to 64-fold) than ciclopirox
and itraconazole. They also showed that efinaconazole was
more potent in inhibiting C. albicans growth than terbinafine,
ciclopirox, itraconazole, and amorolfine. They also studied
efinaconazoles antifungal activity in 33 other fungal species and found that the drug was active against all species
tested, with MIC ranges of #0.0020.5g/mL for dermatophytes, #0.0020.13g/mL for yeasts, and 0.00782g/mL
for non-dermatophyte molds. On the whole, efinaconazole
was more active against molds and yeasts than amorolfine,
ciclopirox, itraconazole, and terbinafine, and its antifungal
spectrum was broader than that of the existing drugs.17
Efinaconazole was tested for its ability to induce resistance in dermatophytes by continuous exposure of T. rubrum
strains to the drug in vitro (12 passages) and in a guinea pig
onychomycosis model (8weeks).33 Resistance is an important
feature to consider in treating patients, as topical treatments
are typically used for a year and recurrences are common.34
Resistance may be due to a stress reaction in fungi with
induction of drug efflux pumps.35 Interestingly, there was no
suggestion of efinaconazole resistance in either the in vitro
or in vivo experiments.33

Pharmacokinetic data were analyzed in healthy volunteers
(n=10) and patients with severe onychomycosis ($80% surface area of both great toenails) (n=20) in two single-center
open-label studies (Phase I). Efinaconazole was applied to the
healthy volunteers by staff on day 1, and then on days 410,
for a total of eight doses and applied to the onychomycosis
patients daily for 28days.36
The data showed that efinaconazole is absorbed slowly,
lacks an elimination phase,36 and is metabolized through
both oxidation and reduction, yielding an H3 metabolite.23
The concentration of efinaconazole and its metabolite was
approximately 3.6-fold and 5.8-fold greater on day 10 than on
day 1 in healthy volunteers and 6.8-fold and 30.5-fold greater
on day 28 than day 1 in onychomycosis patients, indicating
that the drug accumulates with successive applications.

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8


After five doses (day 8) in healthy volunteers and 14 doses

(day 14) in onychomycosis patients, the drug and metabolite
reached steady-state concentrations. The median half-life of
drug and its metabolite at day 10 in healthy volunteers was
29.9hours and 82.4hours, respectively. In addition, the drug
and metabolite were detected in plasma 2weeks after the
final dose in patients with onychomycosis. Taken together,
the data suggest that efinaconazole and its metabolite have
long elimination half-lives. Blood concentrations of efinaconazole and its metabolite were very low in both groups of
patients, signifying that systemic exposure was negligible.
Specifically, the concentrations of efinaconazole and its H3
metabolite were 1.47ng/mL and 7.45ng/mL, respectively.36
This is in contrast to daily orally administered itraconazole
(200mg) and terbinafine (250mg) with steady-state plasma
level greater than 1,000 ng/mL.37,38 The investigators also
noted that while efinaconazole is a potent inhibitor of several
cytochrome P450 enzymes, its calculated Cmax/ki is 0.007
and that of its metabolite is 0.0005, both of which are well
below the threshold for clinical drugdrug interactions.36
Protein-binding affinity is 95.8%96.5%, binding principally to albumin, 1-acid glycoprotein, and -globulin.23
The authors suggested that since efinaconazole is highly
plasma protein bound, the potential for in vivo drugdrug
interactions is remote.36

Design and results from clinical

Phase II trial
A multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, double-blind,
vehicle-controlled study (NCT00777868) was conducted in
Mexico in 135 patients with mild-to-moderate distal lateral
subungual onychomycosis (DLSO) of the toenails. Primary
endpoints were complete and mycological cure. Inclusion
criteria and exclusion criteria are shown in Table 2. Patients
who were taking medications that inhibit cytochrome P450
3A4 were not excluded.
Patients were randomized to one of four groups (2:2:2:1
ratio), namely efinaconazole 10% topical solution with
semiocclusion (n=36), efinaconazole 10% topical solution
(n=39), efinaconazole 5% topical solution (n=38), or vehicle
(n=22). The patients applied the medication once daily for
36weeks, followed by a treatment-free follow-up period of
4weeks. Demographics were similar between groups with
mean age of 42.8 years and 54.1% female, and all were
Hispanic/Latino. The mean area of the target toenail was
40.3%, and the mean number of affected nontarget toenails
(including great toenails and other affected toenails) was

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8

Efinaconazole and onychomycosis

Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for efinaconazole Phase II

clinical trial
Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

DLSO affecting at least

one great toenail
Age 1865 years
Clinical involvement 20%50%
of the target toenail

Dermatophytoma (fungal abscess)

Target toenail with uninfected

length (from the proximal nail
fold) $3 mm
Target toenail with
thickness #3 mm
Evidence of toenail growth
Positive potassium hydroxide
Culture of a dermatophyte or
mixed dermatophyte/Candida
#42 days before baseline visit
Women of childbearing
potential had to be using
effective birth control

Matrix (lunula) involvement

History of immunosuppression
and/or clinical signs indicative of
possible immunosuppression
Known human immunodeficiency
virus infection
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Presence of toenail infection other
than dermatophytes and Candida
Severe moccasin-type tinea pedis
at the screening or baseline visits
Any disease/condition that might
have caused toenail abnormalities
Previous target toenail surgery

Notes: Data from Tschen et al.39

Abbreviation: DLSO, distal lateral subungual onychomycosis.

4.9. Overall, 117 (86.7%) of subjects completed the study.

The most frequent reasons for study discontinuation were lost
to follow-up (n=8, 5.9%), subject request (n=3, 2.2%), and
adverse events (AEs) (n=3, 2.2%). The data for complete and
mycological cures at week 36 are shown in Table 3.39
Based on its greater efficacy in this Phase II trial, efinaconazole 10% solution (without semiocclusion) was chosen
for treatment in the Phase III program. Another parameter that
was analyzed was mean percent toenail involvement in the
target toenail. At baseline, subjects had approximately 40%
involvement. At week 36, percent involvement decreased
to less than 19% in the efinaconazole-treated groups but
was 35.7% in the vehicle group at week 36 (P#0.0215).
Furthermore, the target toenail grew faster (4.7 mm and
3.8mm, in the efinaconazole 10% and 5% groups, respectively) than in the vehicle group (1.8mm) (P#0.0196) and
week 36. In terms of safety, adverse effects were generally
mild (75%79.7%) and similar between active drug and
vehicle. Treatment-emergent adverse effects related to the
study groups were blister, contact dermatitis, erythema, and
ingrowing nail, none of which caused patients to discontinue
the study.39

Phase III trials

Two identical, randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled
Phase III studies (NCT01008033 and NCT01007708) were

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Lipner and Scher

Table 3 Results from the four treatment arms in efinaconazole Phase II trial

Complete cure (week 36)

Mycological cure (week 36)
Mycologic cure and either an affected target toenail area
of 0% or .3 mm proximal nail growth from baseline
in the unaffected target toenail (week 36)
,20% of affected target toenail area (week 36)

Efinaconazole 10% solution

with semiocclusion

10% solution

5% solution










Notes: Data from Tschen et al.

Abbreviation: N/A, not available.

performed in patients with onychomycosis treated with

efinaconazole 10% solution to assess the primary endpoint of
complete cure rate at week 52. The four secondary endpoints
were mycological cure, complete or almost-complete cure
(defined as less than or equal to 5% clinical involvement
with mycological cure), treatment success (defined as ,10%
clinical involvement of the target nail), and unaffected toenail
growth. Other parameters investigated included change in the
number of affected nontarget toenails, change in QoL, and
target toenail growth.40
Patients qualified for the trial if they were 1870years
old with clinical diagnosis of DLSO affecting 20%50% of
at least one great toenail, and had 3mm of uninfected nail
measured from the proximal nail fold, nail thickness 3mm
or less, and evidence of toenail growth. Potassium hydroxide
and culture showing a dermatophyte or mixed infection had
to have been positive within 42days of starting treatment.
Those patients with dermatophytomas or matrix (lunula)
involvement were excluded. Immunosuppressed patients,
as well as patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus,
non-dermatophyte infection, severe moccasin tinea pedis,
previous great toenail surgery, or other nail diseases, were
also excluded.40
Patients were randomized to receive treatment with efinaconazole 10% solution or vehicle (3:1) self-applied to the nail
plate and undersurface, lateral and proximal nail folds, and
the hyponychium for 48weeks. They were evaluated at weeks
0, 12, 24, 36, and 48 and then at 4weeks posttreatment.
One thousand six hundred and fifty-five patients participated in the two studies with 118 sites in the US, Canada, and

Japan. Demographic data were similar for patients treated

with efinaconazole and with vehicle. For studies 1 and 2,
respectively, the mean ages were 52.3years and 50.6years,
with the majority of patients being male (74.4% and 80.4%,
respectively). Most patients were white (64.9% and 87.8%);
however, in one study, there were a significant number of
Asian patients (29%), since there were 33 trial sites in Japan.
Mean target toenail involvement was 36.7% and 36.3%, and
the mean number of nontarget nails involved was 2.8 in both
studies. Total of 85.8% of patients completed the studies and
of the patients who discontinued, reasons in order of frequency
were patient request, lost to follow-up, adverse effects, protocol violation, other worsening condition, and pregnancy.40
For the primary endpoint, complete cure, 17.8% and
15.2% of patients on efinaconazole, in studies 1 and 2,
respectively, achieved the desired result at week 52, in
contrast to patients on vehicle (3.3% and 5.5%, P,0.001).
For the secondary endpoint of mycological cure, 55.2% and
53.4% of patients on efinaconazole achieved this result as
compared to vehicle (16.8% and 16.9%, P,0.001). Data for
primary and secondary endpoints as well as other parameters
are shown in Table 4.
The medication was well tolerated, and the AE profile
was similar between patients treated with efinaconazole
(66% and 64.5%) and with vehicle (61% and 58.5%). The
most common AEs were nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory
tract infection, and sinusitis (Table 5). Note that the numbers
in Tables 4 and 5 vary due to patients who discontinued the
trial. Very few patients discontinued the trial due to AEs
(efinaconazole: 3.2% and 1.9%, vehicle: 0.5% and 0%), and

Table 4 Results from efinaconazole Phase III trials

Complete cure (primary endpoint)

Mycological cure
Complete or almost-complete cure
Treatment success
Unaffected toenail growth (mm)

Efinaconazole 10% solution

(n=656) (study 1)

Vehicle (n=214)
(study 1)

Efinaconazole 10% solution

(n=583) (study 2)

Vehicle (n=202)
(study 2)





Notes: Data from Elewski et al.40


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Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8


Efinaconazole and onychomycosis

Table 5 Most common adverse effects in efinaconazole trials

Upper respiratory tract infection

Efinaconazole 10% solution

(n=653) (study 1)

Vehicle (n=213)
(study 1)

Efinaconazole 10% solution

(n=574) (study 2)

Vehicle (n=200)
(study 2)

78 (11.9%)
38 (5.8%)
30 (4.6%)
22 (3.4%)
15 (2.3%)

25 (11.5%)
13 (6.1%)
4 (1.9%)
7 (3.3%)
5 (2.3%)

63 (11.0%)
35 (6.1%)
17 (3.0%)

25 (4.4%)

15 (7.5%)
11 (5.5%)
5 (2.5%)

7 (3.5%)

Notes: Data from Elewski et al.40

the most common reason was application-site dermatitis and


Other safety data

To address short- and long-term tolerability of efinaconazole, 239 healthy volunteers were enrolled in a study
evaluating the likelihood of the drug to induce delayed
contact skin sensitization and its skin irritation potential.
For the contact sensitization study, there were induction,
challenge, and rechallenge (if required) phases for both the
drug and the vehicle. In 99.5% (206/207) of patients tested
with drug and 99.0% (205/207) with vehicle, there was no
evidence of contact sensitization. In the three patients who
were rechallenged, the one patient who received efinaconazole did not have contact sensitization with occlusive,
semiocclusive, or open applications. However, in the two
patients who received vehicle upon rechallenge, there was
likely an allergic reaction. Thirty-seven patients underwent
a 21-day cumulative irritation study, receiving applications
of efinaconazole 1%, 5%, and 10% solutions as well as
the positive control 0.2% sodium lauryl sulfate and the
negative control deionized water. The calculated mean
cumulative irritancy indices (based on erythema scores)
were 1.12, 1.26, and 1.18 for the efinaconazole solutions,
respectively, 1.04 for the vehicle, and 2.77 and 0.30 for the
positive and negative controls, respectively. The authors
concluded from their data that efinaconazole 10% solution did not cause contact sensitization and induces only
minimal skin irritation.41
Safety data were also obtained from animal models.
Efinaconazole solution and vehicle were administered
dermally to mice (13weeks), rats (6months), and minipigs
(9 months). Transient erythema, hyperkeratosis, and mild
microscopic skin inflammation were seen. There was also
minimal-to-moderate vacuolated changes in the rat dermal
study but no systemic toxicity seen in mice and minipigs. In
addition, the drug was not carcinogenic nor genotoxic in a
2-year mouse dermal study. Based on this data, the authors
concluded that efinaconazole demonstrated low-to-moderate

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8

toxicity, similar to other azole antifungals, and a high safety

margin for topical treatment of onychomycosis.42
The reproductive and developmental toxicity of efinaconazole was analyzed in rat models of fertility and early
embryonic development, in rat and rabbit models of embryo
fetal development, and in rat models of peri-/postnatal
development. Results showed that efinaconazole was similar
to other approved azoles with regard to F1 mortality, placental effects, and estrous cycle prolongation. However, it has a
more desirable safety profile than other azole antifungals, in
that it is not teratogenic. In fact, efinaconazole did not affect
embryofetal development in rabbits even when there was
evidence of maternal toxicity. Furthermore, when maximal
systemic exposures in trial subjects with onychomycosis
treated topically with efinaconazole 10% solution were
replicated in rats, no toxicity was observed. Developmental
and reproductive toxicity was noted only at high (.100-fold)
multiples of human systemic exposure.43

Studies in patients with diabetes

Onychomycosis affects approximately one-third of patients
with diabetes and may increase the severity of foot disorders such as nonhealing ulcers and secondary infections.44
Therefore, using data from the Phase III trials, a post hoc
analysis was performed on 112 patients with diabetes, aged
2970years, randomized to daily application of efinaconazole 10% topical solution or vehicle. For the primary
endpoint of complete cure, 13.0% of diabetics treated with
efinaconazole achieved this result at week 52 compared
with 3.7% diabetics treated with vehicle (P,0.001), with
no significant difference in efficacy between the diabetic
and nondiabetic populations. For the secondary endpoint of
mycological cure, 56.5% of diabetic patients achieved this
result with active drug compared with 14.8% of diabetics
treated with vehicle (P=0.016), with no significant distinction between the efficacy of efinaconazole in the diabetic and
nondiabetic populations. In addition, complete or almostcomplete cure rate with efinaconazole was 24.6% (vehicle,
7.4%), and 40.8% of efinaconazole-treated patients had

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Lipner and Scher

treatment success at week 52 vs vehicle (18.5%). Finally,

AEs with efinaconazole were similar to vehicle (64.2% vs
66.7%) and generally mild to moderate, similar to those seen
in the total study population.45

Studies on coexisting tinea pedis

with onychomycosis
Tinea pedis may occur in up to 50% of patients with onychomycosis46 and is considered a risk factor for the development
of onychomycosis.47 Using data from the duplicate Phase III
trials, a post hoc analysis was performed to analyze the efficacy of efinaconazole 10% topical solution in onychomycosis
patients who also had coexisting tinea pedis. It was found that
21.3% (352/1,655) of onychomycosis study patients reported
interdigital tinea pedis at baseline,48 which is consistent with
previous reports.49 Although the studies were not designed
to investigate tinea pedis treatment, investigator-approved
topical antifungals were allowed. Two hundred and fifteen
patients (61.1%) with onychomycosis also had their coexisting tinea pedis treated in addition to being treated with
efinaconazole. In patients with coexisting tinea pedis, who
were treated concurrently for tinea pedis, complete cure
rates with efinaconazole were 29.4% (P=0.003 vs vehicle),
and mycological cure rates were 56.2% (P#0.001). On the
other hand, when tinea pedis was not treated, complete cure
rates were 16.1% (P=0.045 vs vehicle), and mycological cure
rates were 45.2% (P=0.007).48 These data suggest that greater
efficacy in onychomycosis treatment may be achieved with
concurrent treatment of tinea pedis.

Studies on patients with early and

long-standing onychomycosis
Using data from the duplicate Phase III trials, a post hoc
analysis was performed to analyze the efficacy of efinaconazole 10% topical solution in onychomycosis patients
with early and long-standing disease. At week 52, 42.6%
of patients with a baseline disease duration of ,1year had
a complete cure with efinaconazole compared to 16.7% on
vehicle; 17.1% of patients with a baseline disease duration of 15years had a complete cure with efinaconazole
(P,0.001 vs vehicle), and 16.2% of patients with baseline
disease duration of .5years had a complete cure (P,0.001
vs vehicle). In addition, 28.3% of patients with no other
toenails affected at baseline had a complete cure with efinaconazole compared to 23.7% on vehicle (P,0.001), and
18.6% and 16.5% of patients with 12 or more than two
nontarget toenails affected, respectively, at baseline had a
complete cure with efinaconazole compared with vehicle


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(both P,0.001). Furthermore, in patients with no affected

nontarget toenails at baseline, 8% of those treated with efinaconazole had 12 affected nontarget toenails at week 52
compared to 12% of patients treated with vehicle, and spread
of onychomycosis to other toenails was greater in the vehicle
group regardless of the baseline affected nontarget toenails.
These results suggest that efinaconazole is more efficacious
than vehicle irrespective of disease duration or number of
nails affected and that treatment with efinaconazole may halt
the spread of onychomycosis to other nails.50

Studies using nail polish

Since treatment of onychomycosis with efinaconazole may be
for nearly a year, compliance and adherence to the treatment
protocol are important for efficacy. Patients may want to camouflage their nails with nail polish during therapy. Therefore,
a study was performed using normal human cadaver thumbnails polished with two coats of three different brands of redcolored nail polish and a control set of uncoated nails with
treatment with one application of (14C)-efinaconazole 5%
solution. The authors found that penetration of efinaconazole
was not affected by nail polish. It should be noted that these
cadaveric nails were non-diseased, treatment efficacy with
nail polish use was not evaluated,51 and that the concentration
of efinaconazole was different than that used in the Phase III
studies (5% here vs 10% in Phase III).52

QoL studies
Onychomycosis may have substantial bearing on physical
and psychological well-being, by disrupting daily life, negatively impacting QoL, and causing pain and difficulty with
ambulation.53 Patients with onychomycosis have reported
embarrassment, low self-esteem, and problems with social
interaction due to their disease.54 Subjects who were part of
the Phase III studies with efinaconazole were also assessed
for a change in QoL with treatment using a self-administered
OnyCOE-t questionnaire at baseline and at weeks 24 and
52. The authors found that efinaconazole was significantly
more effective than vehicle in improving QoL. In addition,
there was a significant difference in the treatment satisfaction
scores between those subjects who showed clinical improvement and those who did not improve.55

Efinaconazole 10% solution (Valeant Pharmaceuticals
International) was approved by Health Canada for the treatment of mild-to-moderate onychomycosis in October 2013.56
A regulatory application for approval of efinaconazole for

Infection and Drug Resistance 2015:8


the treatment of onychomycosis was submitted in Japan in

2012, and Kaken Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, received approval
in July 2014.57 Valeant Pharmaceuticals filed a new drug
application seeking approval of efinaconazole in the US for
the treatment of onychomycosis in July 2012, and it was
FDA-approved in June 2014. There was a delay in approval
due to questions regarding the closure of the container, but
no efficacy or safety concerns were raised.58

Efinaconazole 10% topical solution is a new and promising
treatment for mild-to-moderate DLSO onychomycosis. It
has potent antifungal activity against dermatophytes, as
well as activity against Candida spp. non-dermatophyte
molds. It is appropriate for onychomycosis therapy in a
broad range of patients due to its favorable side-effect
profile, low rate of treatment-related AEs, and negligible
risk for drugdrug interactions, and as there is no need for
blood monitoring.

Dr Lipner has no conflicts of interest to disclose. Dr Scher is
a consultant, investigator, and speaker for multiple companies
including consultant and speaker for Valeant. The authors
report no other conflicts of interest in this work.


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