Management of Oral Lichen Planus: Review Article

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Arch Iranian Med 2005; 8 (4): 252 – 256

Review Article


Mahnaz Sahebjamee DMD , Fatemeh Arbabi-Kalati DMD

Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by relapses and
remissions. There is currently no cure for OLP. Treatment is aimed primarily at reducing the length
and severity of symptomatic outbreaks. Topical steroids are the first-choice agent for the
treatment of symptomatic, active OLP. Other topical agents that have been used in cases resistant
to topical steroids include retinoids, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus. Oral and topical psoralen with a
low dose of UVA is effective in treating OLP of various forms, but it seems to have too many side
effects. Topical application of psoralen is promising, but IS still at experimental stage.
The treatment of symptomatic OLP, especially the erosive variant, represents a perplexing
therapeutic challenge. Despite numerous existing remedies, there are many treatment failures.

Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 8, Number 4, 2005: 252 – 256.

Keywords: Oral lichen planus (OLP) • therapy • treatment

Introduction with ultraviolet light A (PUVA), and laser. In this

article, these methods would be reviewed.

L ichen planus is an inflammatory disease

that involves skin and mucosa. It is one
of the most common oral diseases that
manifests itself in the oral cavity.1 The exact cause
Drug therapy
Drug therapy is the most common method for
treatment of OLP. Different drugs have been used
is unknown, but the immunologic system plays a for treatment of OLP including immuno-
leading role in the pathogenesis.2 It is well suppressives, retinoids, and immunomodulators.
documented that oral lichen planus (OLP) Drugs are used in two forms, topical or/and
represents a cell-mediated immune response with systemic.
infiltrating cell population composed of both T4
and T8 lymphocytes.3
Topical drug therapy
OLP is mainly seen in women and
Topical drug therapy is a method of treatment
characteristically the lesions are symmetrical,
in which drugs are applied directly to the part
involving the buccal mucosa, tongue, gingiva,
being treated (e.g., skin, eyes, or mucosa).Various
floor of the mouth, lips, and palate.4
kinds of drugs are used in topical form for
The differential diagnosis of OLP, presenting as
treatment of OLP including corticosteroids,
white patches or hyperkeratotic steriae, is broad
immunosuppressives, retinoids, and immuno-
and includes lichenoid lesions, leukoplakia, lupus
erythematosus, chronic ulcerative stomatitis, and
rarely malignancy. In some patients, however, oral
Topical steroid therapy
lesion presents as desquamative gingivitis.
High-potency topical corticostroids in an
Up to now different therapies are described for
adhesive medium appear to be the safest and most
OLP including drug therapy, surgery, psoralen
effective treatment of OLP.5 – 7 For topical
applications, we usually use them as gel, oral
Authors’ affiliation: Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of
Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. paste, or solution. Triamcinolone has been tried for
•Corresponding author and reprints: Mahnaz Sahebjamee the treatment of OLP. A number of investigations
DMD, Oral Medicine Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran have determined the efficacy of triamcinolone
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Fax: +98-21-22008823, E-mail: [email protected]. acetonide 0.1% suspension in the treatment of

252 Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 8, Number 4, October 2005

M. Sahebjamee, F. Arbabi-Kalati

OLP. This drug is available over the counter and is Isotretinoin gel 0.1% has also been suggested as
useful in the treatment of OLP.8 an alternative to topical corticosteroids in the
Fluocinolone is another steroid, which has been management of OLP.18
used for treatment of OLP. Compared with the OLP has been treated with fenretinide and
placebo, this drug has been found to be more tazarotene gel 0.1% successfully.19, 20 These studies
effective.7 A study evaluated fluocinolone suggested that topical retinoid might be a suitable
acetonide 0.1% in three groups: solution (FAS), therapeutic agent in the treatment of hyperkeratotic
Orabase (FAO), and both. The best results OLP, but they had no long-term follow-ups. The
achieved with FAO. This study had a long-term efficacy of retinoic acid in Orabase (0.05%) has
follow-up, without having a control group.9 been compared with fluocinolone acetonide in
Another study used fluocinolone acetonide gel Orabase (0.1%), on atrophic and erosive OLP. The
0.1% and fluocinolone acetonide 0.1% in Orabase. results suggested that fluocinolone acetonide 0.1%
There was no significant difference between the 2 reduced the severity of OLP better than retinoic
groups. This study did not have any control group acid 0.05%.3 Also, the efficacy of retinoic acid
either, and was in the form of a short follow-up.10 0.05% has been compared with triamcinolone
A study confirmed the efficacy of topical acetonide 0.1%, both in Orabase. The results
fluocinolone acetonide gel 0.025 %, along with the showed that in nonkeratotic and even keratotic
topical antimicrobial drug chlorhexidine, in OLP, topical triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%
treatment of erosive OLP.11 reduced the severity of lesions more effectively
Clobetasol has been studied too. Clobetasol than topical retinoic acid 0.05%.21
propionate 0.05% ointment has been shown to heal
OLP, but this study had a small sample group, Topical immunosuppressive drug therapy
without any control group or follow-up.12 Among Immunosuppressives are a large group of drugs
the three preparations of clobetasol propionate which are used in the treatment of immunological
0.05% (ointment, Orabase, and the adhesive diseases such as OLP.
denture paste) the best results have been achieved Topical cyclosporine A (CSA) has been
with clobetasol propionate in an adhesive denture assessed by some investigators. In a study, topical
paste. However, there were no long-term follow-up CSA was used on a small sample group and results
and control group.5 showed its benefits in the treatment of OLP.22
Relative efficacy of fluocinolone acetonide Some other studies have used different doses of
0.1% had been compared with triamcinolone CSA and reported CSA as an effective agent for
acetonide 0.1%. The results showed that OLP.23 – 25 The most localized side effect of CSA is
fluocinolone acetonide is more effective in the a transient burning sensation. However, several
majority of cases.13 studies have not found any efficacy for CSA.26, 27 A
Another study showed no difference between study suggested that CSA could be used as an
the fluticasone propionate (FP) spray and alternative agent for the conventional treatment of
betamethasone sodium phosphate (BSP) mouth acute periods of OLP, but it can’t be considered as
rinse. But FP was found to be more acceptable to a first choice because of its cost.28
patients than BSP, because of the convenience of Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are usually used
the spray form.14 after transplantation. The results of some studies
suggested a rapid and important palliating effect of
Topical retinoid therapy
low concentration of topical tacrolimus and
Retinoids are metabolites of vitamin A. They
pimecrolimus, but no large clinical trials have been
have been noted to have antikeratinizing and
conducted and long-term follow-ups have found
immunomodulating effects.3, 15, 16 The efficacy of
relapse of the disease.29 – 33
these drugs has been assessed in several studies. In
two studies, retinoids were successfully used to
treat OLP in cases where corticosteroids failed to Analgesics
achieve satisfactory results.17 For symptomatic therapy, the use of a variety of
Retinaldehyde 0.1% was assessed in the topical analgesics is recommended. Diphen-
treatment of OLP and leukoplakia. This drug hydramine elixir as mouthwash and xylocaine gel
showed good clinical efficacy, but there was no can be safely used along side other therapeutic
long-term follow-up and any control group.17 agents.34

Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 8, Number 4, October 2005 253

Management of OLP

Systemic drug therapy development in a condition with premalignant

In this method, drugs affect the body as whole potential, and until more extensive studies have
rather than individual parts and organs. When the been performed, it must be considered as an
use of topical drugs alone has failed to achieve an experimental method.44, 45
adequate control, clinicians use systemic agents.
Corticosteroids are usable, but there are not enough Conclusion
double-blind, controlled clinical trails, evaluating No treatment has demonstrated convincingly its
the efficacy of systemic corticosteroids in the superiority over topical corticosteroid, the
management of OLP. Nevertheless, prednisolone acceptable first-line choice mentioned in most
may be of value in the management of acute reviews.46 – 50 The second-line therapy in plaque-
episodes (30 – 60 mg daily for 2 – 3 weeks).34 like LP should be topical retinoids, but a strong
Systemic retinoids have severe side effects, so evidence for efficacy is lacking. All other agents
nowadays they are not used for the treatment of are unapproved treatments, with uncertain or
OLP. However, there has been one controlled trial, doubtful efficacy. The use of topical cyclosporine
comparing etretinate with placebo. In these A could be recommended as third-line therapy in
patients, a prompt improvement was noted severe multiple drug-resistant cases.44
compared with the control group. Also, the relapse
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