Demand Analysis Learning Objective:: Lecture-10

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Demand Analysis
Learning Objective: Derivation of Demand Curve through the Law of
Diminishing Marginal Utility and Equi marginal Utility
The law of demand or the demand curve can be derived in two ways:

firstly, with the aid of law of diminishing marginal utility, and

secondly, with the help of law of equi-marginal utility

Derivation of Demand curve through Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

The price that a consumer pays for a commodity is equal to the marginal utility.
According to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, as a consumer goes on
purchasing more and more units of a commodity, its marginal utility goes on
As such consumer will buy more units of a commodity only when its price goes
down. When marginal utility is expressed in money, in that case positive part of
marginal utility curve is demand curve
In the words of Lipsey, "When the consumption of all but one product is held
constant, the marginal utility schedule for the variable product is the product's
demand curve".
When marginal utility is shown on OY-axis then the curve obtained will be called
marginal utility curve. In case, price is shown on Y-axis then the curve obtained
will be called demand curve, as is indicated in Fig. below.

Derivation of Demand Curve through the Law Equi marginal Utility:

Demand curve can also be drawn with the help of Law of Equi- Marginal Utility.
Suppose A consumer buys two goods say X and Y with MUx and MUy having Px
and Py prices. Then he will be in equilibrium


= MU of the last rupee spent on each good

This can further be explained with the help of table given below.



Suppose the price of good X and Y be Re. one and consumer has a budget of Rs 5
to spend on these two goods. It can be seen from the table that he will spend Rs3
on X and Rs 2 on Y. In other words, at price of Re. 1 he will buy 3 units of X and
2 units of Y. The last unit of money so spent on these two yields him equal
marginal utility ( 8 utils).
The term equi-marginal utility does not refer to the equalities of marginal
utilities (MUx or MUy) of different goods, but marginal utility of the last rupee
spent on each good, which is calculated by dividing MU of a good by its price.
Suppose the price of X rises to Rs. 2.00 per unit. While the income of the
consumer and the price of Y (Re. 1 per unit.) remains unchanged. The consumer

will so adjust the demand for both the commodities that the marginal utility per
rupee of each commodity becomes equal.
MUX (12)/ 2 = MU6/1
Thus at Rs. 2.00 per unit the consumer buys only one unit of X whereas at Re. 1.00 he
was buying 3 unit of X. To be in equilibrium, the consumer will buy 1 unit of X and 3 of
Y, because then alone the marginal utility per rupee of X and Y becomes equal (6 utils).
On the basis of the above data regarding change in the prices of X and consequent
changes in its demand the following Demand Schedule and Demand Curve for X is

Units demanded of X

1When price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded
a) Remains the same
b) Falls
c) Increases
d) None of the above
2. Demand curve can be drawn with the help of
a) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
b) Law of Equi-marginal utility
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
3Demand for fertilizers is

a) Direct demand
b) Derived demand
c) Joint demand
d) None of the above
4With the change in price of a commodity, if there is no change in the quantity
demanded, then the demand for the commodity is
a) Elastic
b) Inelastic
c) Relatively elastic
d) Relatively inelastic
5. The schedule that shows the quantities of a commodity demanded at different prices at
a certain time is
a) Supply schedule
b) Demand schedule
c) Cost schedule
d) Production schedule
1 b)
2 c)
3 b)
4 b)
5 b)

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