Grade 6 Air and Aerodynamics March 27

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Robyn Volek

Friday March 27, 2015

Lesson Plan
KSAs: #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11

Grade/Subject: Grade 6 Science

Unit: Air and Aerodynamics

Lesson Duration: 57 minutes


General Learning Outcomes:

6-5: Describe properties of air and the interactions of air with objects in flight
Specific Learning Outcomes:
2. Provide evidence that air is a fluid and is capable of being compressed, and identify real life examples of these
properties in everyday applications
3. Describe and demonstrate instances in which air movement across a surface results in lift Bernoullis

Students will:
1. Analyze properties of air as a fluid and compression
2. Recognize examples where air is compressed
3. Identify principles of air movement

- Student work and conversation (L.O. #1,2,3)

Key Questions:
- Does compressed air do work? (L.O. #1,2)
- How does air move? (L.O. #3)

Written/Performance Assessments:
- Observation sheets regarding experiments (L.O. #3)


Resource #1: Alberta Education Program of Studies
Resource #2: Edmonton Public Schools


Hair dryer
Ping pong ball
Pop cans

Introduction (5 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:
- 5 Questions
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
- Finish up on compressed air
- Introduction to Bernoullis principle
- Bernoullis experiments
Transition to Body:

Body (45-50 min.):

Learning Activity #1 (10 minutes):
- Can compressed air do work?
- Ask a student to try to use air to move the books off of their desk
- Now put a balloon underneath
- Can compressed air do work?
- Discuss examples about how compressed air

Robyn Volek

Friday March 27, 2015

By having a variety of learning styles, I will meet a range of students and keep them engaged

Learning Activity #2 (10 minutes):

- Bring out hair dryer and do ping pong ball experiment
- Have students discuss what they think happened
- Bring out the definition of Bernoullis principle vocab sheet
- Now discuss what happened with the hair dryer
- This intro activity should engage all students with the material and get them interested

Learning Activity #3 (15-20 minutes):

- Hand out observation sheets
- Go over what students need to fill in
- Let students get a partner (straws, paper) for this experiment they will be blowing light and hard into a tent.
Tell students they need to blow across the surface of the desk. Make sure they write down their prediction
- The next is a class experiment explain what we are going to do
- Explain the next class experiment have a student come up and try it
- Discuss all of the experiments and how they relate to Bernoullis principle
- Challenge students to think about how Bernoullis principle can apply to objects in flight
- I will partner students up based on their needs
- The combination of student discussion, experiments, and writing down information should reach a variety of learners

Learning Activity #4 (10 minutes):

- Let students create their next fold in their notes about Bernoullis principle

Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
- As an anchor activity, review how temperature and pressure are related
- Review air compression & air as a fluid
Transition To Next Lesson:
- Next class, we will be discussing properties of flight

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