Phonics Lession and Reflection

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The key takeaways are that the lesson teaches students about consonant blends and diagraphs through a book reading and bingo game activity. The teacher assesses student understanding in various ways such as looking at their bingo boards and having students identify consonant blends from the book.

The objective of the lesson is for students to understand how to determine where the consonant blend and diagraph are in a given word and to be able to identify the consonant blend/consonant diagraph when listening to or saying a word.

The materials used in the lesson are bingo boards and beans to mark the boards, and a book called 'Stop, Drop, and Flop in the Slop'.

Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Alyssa Montoya
Needham Elementary
Grade Level: 1st
Number of Students in Class: 24
groups of 6
Unit: Phonics Consonant Blends
Lesson Duration: 20-25
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson:

1. Objective(s):
At the end of this lesson students will understand how to determine where the
consonant blend and diagraph are in a given word. Students will be able to identify
what the consonant blend/consonant diagraph is when listening to a word that is
spoken to them.

2. ColoradoAcademicStandards:
Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard: 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Grade Level Expectation: First Grade
Concepts and skills students master:
3. Identifying and manipulating phonemes in spoken words allow people to
understand the meaning of speech

Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including

consonant blends. (CCSS: RF.1.2b)

1. Studentswillbeabletolistenandpointoutwheretheconsonantblend/diagraphis
2. Studentswillbeabletorespondwithwhattheappropriateconsonant
3. Studentswillbeabletorepeatorallytheconsonantalblends/diagraphs.
4. Studentswillbeabletorespondwithwhattheappropriateconsonant

5. Assessment:
I will be able to assess the students by looking at their bingo board to see if they
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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

know the appropriate consonant blend that correlates with the picture. I will also
assess the students when I am reading the short book I will have them raise their
hand and give me one of the consonant blends that was on each page. (There are
about three on each page in the book)

6. Materials:.
-Bingo Board and beans to use as markers for the bingo board
-Book Stop, Drop, and Flop in the Slop

7. EssentialQuestionsorBigPictureStatement:
We are going to be learning that there can me consonant blends at the
beginning, middle and end of words.
How can we determine where the consonant blends are when we are writing?

8. Introduction/AnticipatorySet:
Hey students today we are going to work on consonant blends and
diagraphs. Can anyone tell me what a consonant blend/diagraph is? (this
will be review for them)
Introducing consonant blends and diagraphs is important for all students
especially at the earlier stages of reading and writing to help them
become more fluent. Having students recognizing consonant blends and
diagraphs will allow them to expand their vocabulary and writing. When
students are reading they will be able to recognize these consonant
blends and diagraphs which will allow them to read more fluently and
accurately. Consonant blends and diagraphs are a review for these first
graders, so they have an understanding of the difference between the
two. The students are very familiar with the H brothers and words that
are in the H brother family. For this reason students are able to read
and write consonantal diagraphs with ease.

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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

9. ****StepbyStepLessonProcess:****Listtheexactsequentialstepsyouwilluseto
1. IwillbedoingabriefIntroductionofwhataconsonantblend/diagraphis(thiswillbea
2. ReadthebookStop,Drop,andFlopintheSlopandwhileIamreadingthestudents
3. Explaintherulesandshowthestudentshowtoplaythegamebygivinganexampleand
4. PlayBingogame!WhileIamgoingtobeholdingupthepicturecardsthatcorrelatewith


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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study



Differentiation (be prepared for how to support students who need additional help
with the concept- what resources can you provide for these students?- and what to
do for anyone who needs an additional challenge) along with checking for
understanding of process and content.
-Students who need more help with the concept of consonant blends and diagraphs
I will refer them back to their word wall and the list of the H brothers to help spark
their memory of what diagraphs look like. For consonantal blends the students will
be able to have a white board to write down the word to help them recognize that
they consonantal blend or diagraph is being displayed.
-For extra help in sounding out the words that contain consonantal blends or
diagraphs I can go over the words multiple times and break down the word for them
by having them write the word on a white board as we sound it out together.
-For those students who need extra challenging I can have them try and recognize
only the middle or the ending of the word and determine if it is a consonantal blend
or diagraph. By mixing up and letting the students understand what part of the
word we are focusing on will challenge them to listen closer as well as

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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

Alyssa Montoya
Lorien ED 463
Phonics Lesson & Reflection
November 27, 2016
Phonics Lesson & Reflection
During this phonics lesson I was able to do a bit of a reteach/review lesson for the
students over consonantal blends and diagraphs. The students have went over the H brothers in
phonics multiple times as well as diagraphs. Students have become quite familiar with these two
terms so the game at hand was fun and I also tried to make it challenging for those students who
found it too easy. I learned many things about the students, one is that a review or reteach for any
student might not be such a bad thing. Many of the students did benefit as well as got more of a
one on one teaching experience that they might not have gotten before. There was good
clarification when I was teaching/re-teaching the students.
Overall this lesson went really well! The students loved the book, they would giggle
throughout the book about the pigs. This book was a great intro into the bingo game. I think that
the book also made it fun and drew attention to the key words in the book that were consonantal
blends. Having the students check for comprehension and interacting with the text by placing
their finger on their nose when they heard a consonantal blend was a key component to have
when checking for understanding. Setting the goal of putting their finger on their nose if they
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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

hear a consonantal blend was important because they were able to understand what they were
listening for in the book and were very focused on that aspect. After the student put their finger
on their nose I called on three students to tell me one consonant blend that they heard on the
page. , the calling on them once we were done on a page was a helpful as well because I made it
clear that throughout this book we are focusing on finding consonantal blends and diagraphs.
Students need more structure and set goals of what the activity is about when you read a silly
book and do a fun activity. When the students are reading a silly book and playing a fun game it
is very easy for them to get off of task, so while I was doing this activity it was important that the
students understood the pictures and the difference between the words that were being said. By
setting goals and having students listen to the word multiple times as well as writing it out if they
needed me too helped them understand the big picture of consonantal blends and diagraphs.
Students who needed more help with the concept of consonant blends and diagraphs I referred
them back to their word wall and the list of the H brothers to help spark their memory of what
diagraphs looked like. For consonantal blends the students used a white board to write down the
word to help them recognize the consonantal blend and diagraph that was being displayed. For
those students who needed extra help in sounding out the words that contain consonantal blends
or diagraphs, I would continue to go over the words multiple times and break down the words for
them by having them write the word on a white board as we sounded it out together. For those
students who needed an extra challenge I had students try to recognize only the middle or the
ending of the word and determine what the consonantal blend or diagraph is. By mixing up and
letting the students understand what part of the word we are focusing on will challenge them to
listen closer as well as comprehension. This was a good strategy to draw attention to because it
will also help them understand that consonantal blends and diagraphs arent only in the

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Spring 2016_Phonics/ Word Study

beginning of words but can also be in the middle and at the end of words too. Honestly I
wouldnt change anything that I did throughout this lesson it came out really well the groups
were small enough to allow student to really understand the concept as well as benefit from one
on one help if they didnt understand. Students were able to get what they needed to get from this
activity. There were many students who wanted to play again and again, but we had to alternate
groups because of time.

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