Siop Cloud Lesson Plan

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The lesson teaches students about the three main types of clouds - cirrus, cumulus, and stratus - and their defining characteristics.

The three types of clouds are cirrus, cumulus, and stratus.

Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy and white; cumulus clouds are white, fluffy and round; stratus clouds are gray, low-hanging and layered.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template


Amy Tometich

Pima Course: EDC286

Instructor: F Gastelum

Grade Level: 2nd

Lesson Duration:30-45 min

Subject: Science

Topic: Types of Clouds

# of Native English

# of ELLs (with language proficiency levels): 1 Pre-Emergent, 1 Emergent ELL

Brief Overview of Lesson To learn the three types of clouds and their differences
AZ Content Standard Science
Strand 6: Earth and Space Science
Concept 3: Changes in the Earth and Sky (Understand characteristics of weather conditions and
PO 1. Measure weather conditions (e.g., temperature, precipitation). (See M02-S4C4-04 and
PO 2. Record weather conditions (e.g., temperature, precipitation).
PO 3. Identify the following types of clouds: cumulus, stratus, cirrus
PO 4. Analyze the relationship between clouds, temperature, and weather patterns.

Type out ONE AZ Standard in full

ELP Standard & Language Strand

Performance Indicator Standard 1: The student will identify and apply conventions of standard English in his or her
Type out ONE ELP Standard & communications.
ONE Performance Indicator in full PE-1: repeating adjectives (quantity/ size/shape/color) with nouns.
E-1: naming and sorting adjectives (three, beautiful, big, red, square) with nouns.
B-1: selecting adjectives to complete a given sentence.
LI-1: producing a series of adjectives in the correct order (quantity/opinion/ size/shape/color) with
instructional support.
HI-1: producing a series of adjectives in the correct order.
Content Objective To learn what a cloud is and how it is formed.
Student-friendly language To learn 3 types of clouds (Cumulus, Cirrus, Stratus) and be able to describe the difference
Congruent with content standard between them.
Language Objective Students will be able to discuss the characteristics of cumulus, stratus, and cirrus clouds
Student-friendly language Students will write two sentences about their favorite type of cloud
Appropriate for diverse learners Students will present the types of clouds in front of the class
Students will apply, orally and in writing, new vocabulary words related to cumulus, stratus, and
cirrus clouds
List of Multimedia &
Blue construction paper
White cotton balls

Cotton balls that have been made gray




Sheet to write the definition of cloud and types (Handout 1)

Printed sheets with cloud characteristics for ELLs(Handout 2)

SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Key Vocabulary
1. Cloud: a visible collection of a large number of tiny water droplets or ice particles
being carried by currents of air
2. Cumulus: white, fluffy and round. They are seen on nice days.
3. Cirrus: thin wispy and white. They are located high in the sky and are almost
entirely made up of ice particles. These types of clouds often are seen before rain
or snow.
4. Stratus: low hanging clouds that are in layers that look like a gray blanket. They
look like haze in the sky. These types of clouds can become fog if they get low
enough in the air.
5. Wispy: fine or feathery
6. Fluffy: fuzzy, soft
7. Droplets: a very small drop of a liquid

Air Current: large groups of winds

Learning Strategies Cognitive, Language Learning Strategies (Visual aid images, models)
Assumptions about
Learners Prior Knowledge

Students will have already had lessons on measuring weather and recording weather

Describe how you will: connect to prior
knowledge; build background; introduce
vocabulary; engage learners; and
communicate the purpose of the lesson.

Lesson Sequence
Ask students to close their eyes and think of some things they see when they
look up in the sky during the day
Ask students how the clouds look different from day to day
Ask students what they think clouds can tell us about weather...
Explain to students that we are going to be learning about the different types of
clouds and how each cloud looks different

Describe how you will: share content and
language objectives; provide
comprehensible input; adapt content for
diverse learners; utilize supplementary
materials; scaffold learning; and use a
variety of techniques to make content
concepts clear.

Share how we are going to be learning about what a cloud is and how they are
formed. Pass out paper that has one section on top to write the definition of a
cloud and is divided into three sections vertically below to write the three types
of clouds. Tell students you want them to use this paper to follow along with
what you are going to be writing on the board.
Share how there are three main types of clouds that each look different and we

SIOP Lesson Plan Template

are going to learn the different characteristics of them.
Explain the definition of a cloud (a visible collection of a large number of tiny
water droplets(which is a very small drop of water) or ice particles being carried
by current of air( which is a large group of winds coming together)
Draw the each type of cloud on the board one by one and write the three
adjectives that describe it below it while explaining the full definitions of each
1.(WRITE ON BOARD)Cumulus- White, round, fluffy
While stating that cumulus clouds are what we would see on a day when the
weather is really nice. They are white, round, and fluffy like a pillow would be,
they appear like they are very soft.
Say lets all say it together and have the students then repeat the three
adjectives with you, saying cumulus clouds are white, round, and fluffy
2.(WRITE ON BOARD Cirrus: White, thin, wispy
While stating cirrus clouds are very high in the sky and typically are made of ice
particles. They appear very white, thin, and wispy like feathers.
Say lets all say it together and have the students repeat the three adjectives
with you, saying cirrus clouds are white, thin, and wispy
3.(WRITE ON BOARD)Stratus: Gray, low hanging, layers
While stating that stratus clouds are gray, low hanging(duck down as you say
this), and look like they have layers like a cake or a stack of papers
Say lets all say it together and have the students repeat the three adjectives
with you, saying stratus clouds are gray, low hanging, have layers

Describe how students will: practice and
apply the learning; be grouped for
interaction; engage with hands-on
materials; use a variety of strategies; and
integrate language processes (reading,
writing, listening, speaking). Also,
describe how you will promote higher
order thinking and provide ongoing
feedback throughout the lesson.

Have a pre-made example of the application portion to put at the front of the
class, bring it out, and say today we are going to do an activity and make our
own cumulus, stratus, and cirrus clouds. Use the pre made application to show
how the cotton balls can be made to look different.
Put students in groups of four. Then tell each the students to get one piece of
blue construction paper, 6 white cotton balls and 3 gray cotton balls. Let each
group go to the table one by one, so they are orderly.
Once every one is seated explain how three of the white cotton balls are for the
cumulus clouds, three of the white cotton balls are for the cirrus, and the three
gray ones are for the stratus

SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Show students how they can pull apart the cotton balls to make them look wispy
Show students how they can pull them apart and put them on top of each other
to make layers
Have the students make each type of cloud and glue it to their paper.
Have students label the three different types of clouds on their paper, and write
the three adjectives below each cloud. Use premade labels if needed for ELLs.
Have students write two sentences about what is their favorite type of cloud and

Review & Assessment

Describe how students will: review content
and language objectives; review
vocabulary; and review key content
concepts. Also, describe how you will
assess their learning.

Have each student present their favorite type of cloud and why
After each student has presented recap how a cloud is a visible collection of a
large number of tiny water droplets(which is a very small drop of water) or ice
particles being carried by current of air( which is a large group of winds coming
together) and recap the three types of clouds and their differences
You can also have an example made (construction paper, cotton balls) without
the labels and have the students point to each and explain the name and the
characteristics. This will show if they know the difference without the definition
to access their learning.
Extension: Have students go outside and look at the clouds and try to name the
type of cloud they are

SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Handout 1



My favorite type of cloud is



SIOP Lesson Plan Template

Handout 2:

Scaffolding: Have these printed for Ells to cut out and rewrite below each

Cumulus: White, Fluffy, Round

Cirrus: Thin, Wispy, White

Stratus: Gray, Low Hanging, Layers

Have these for ELLS to cut out and match to each cloud type on their sheet



Low Hanging

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