Lamp Aras

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We are all well aware of the relationship that exists between our ability to see and light.
Without adequate light we cannot distinguish shapes, forms, size or colors. With too much
light we experience glare and other problems that impact our ability to see. Therefore, we
need adequate but not excessive light for proper vision. But what exactly is light?
Light is actually a form of radiant energy, much like radiant heat and ultraviolet, but
somewhat different. Light is actually defined as that part of the electromagnetic spectrum that
is capable of exciting the retina and producing a visual sensation. However, it is only a very
narrow portion of the actual radiation energy spectrum.
Like other forms of radiant energy, light has the characteristic that it can be transmitted
through a vacuum. This is how we receive light from the sun. The speed of light through a
vacuum is constant at approximately 186,000 miles per second (slightly less in air). It is
therefore understandable that we cannot see light waves. What we see is the reflection or
emission of light from a surface.


Color is a term that describes the different wavelength combinations of the visible energy
spectrum. Wave length range has a distinct band of color associated with it. Other colored
pigments are achieved by additive or subtractive means. Light that contains a relatively
balanced combination of the three additive primary colors (red, green and blue) is said to be
white light. Yellow, cyan and magenta are the subtractive primary colors. Combined they
produce black.
When light strikes art object only two things can happen. It can be reflected or it can be
absorbed. Colored surfacers will tend to absorb all colors except for their own which will
be reflected. A black surface will absorb all colors, while a pure white surface will reflect
all colors of light.

Color Temperature is a term used to describe the color of a light source, as it compares to
that of a theoretical blackbody. A perfect blackbody is capable of absorbing all of the
energy that strikes it and then completely re-radiating the energy. In a blackbody color
changes as its temperature rises, from dull red through blue. A standard incandescent
lamp exhibits characteristics similar to that of a blackbody, in the visible energy
To understand the meaning of color temperatures for various lamps, one must remember
that the lower temperature lamps (i.e., 2,700 3,000 K) have significant red
components. These will generally create a feeling of warmth. Reds, browns and earth
tones show up well in this type of light. As lamp temperatures increase, the lamps will
generally contain more blue color. This will create a cooler atmosphere. Blues and greens
typically show up well under these higher temperature lamps. For reference purposes,
several approximate color temperatures and associated sources are noted.
Candle flame
Warm White
Cool White
High Intensity Discharge
Mercury Vapor
Metal Halide
High Pressure Sodium

1,800 K
2,500 K
3,000 K
4,100 K
5,800 K
4,500 K
2,100 K


While color temperature gives an idea of the color appearance of a light source, it does
not provide insight into its color rendering capabilities. To do this the Color Rendering
Index (CR!) is used. Using a scale ranging from 0 100, the CR1 is a measure of how
accurately a light source can replicate the natural color of an object, as compared to a
standard reference source of the same color temperature. Generally speaking, the higher

the CR1, the better the color rendering capabilities of the lamp. Typical ranges for CR1
in fluorescent lamps would be 60- 90.

To determine how much illumination a lighting system provides on a work surface,
portable photometers or light meters are normally used. These pocket-size meters may
be analog or digital in design and are manufactured by companies such as General
Electric Company (analog), Osram Sylvania (digital), Minolta (digital) and others.
It should be noted that light meters are not precision instruments. Their overall accuracy
can vary in the range of 3 percent to 15 percent, depending on frequency of calibration
and care taken with the instrument. Some units cannot be calibrated without being
returned to the factory. Normal accuracy for a light meter is about 5 percent, which is
satisfactory for most applications.


In evaluating a lighting system the question arises, how much light is really needed for a
particular space. With energy costs being a prime consideration, we want to provide
sufficient light without over lighting and increasing our operating costs. So, exactly how
much light is enough? Before we can answer that question we have to determine a
number of factors that have a direct influence on the appropriate lighting level of a space.

What is the task?

The first, and most obvious, is what task (or tasks) is to be performed? If the task
is general office work then one lighting level may be appropriate. However, if
graphic design work is to be done, then another higher lighting level would be
required. The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has established illuminance
categories and illuminance values for generic types of activities. However, these
only establish a range of appropriate values. Areas and activities have been further
broken down to assist in selecting the appropriate range. Where, within these
ranges, the appropriate lighting level falls depends on other factors.


How much time is spent at each task?

The amount of time that a worker spends at a task is an important factor in
determining an appropriate lighting level. Visual comfort is directly impacted by
the length of time a worker spends at a task. Lower lighting levels can be tolerated
for short periods of time. Whereas, if the task were to be performed continuously,
a higher lighting level might be appropriate.

Speed and accuracy

If a task requires speed and a high degree of accuracy, then lighting levels on the
upper end of the recommended range should be used. Such tasks might include
inspection of items on a conveyor system or the processing of accounts receivable.
Higher lighting levels often make identification of imperfections or mistakes in
payments easier to locate.

Age of the worker

As we age our eyes require increased levels of light. A lighting level that may be
perfectly fine for someone twenty-five years of age may be totally inadequate for
someone fifty years old, performing the same task. Therefore, the age of the
workers in a space should be taken into consideration when making

Safety and security

This is an obvious, but important, consideration. We always want to insure that
proper lighting levels for safety and security are obtained. Safe and secure,
however, does not mean low lighting levels. In the operation of machinery,
lighting levels in excess of 100 fc may be required to insure that the operator of
the equipment has proper vision. In most situations the IES recommended ranges
provide sufficient lighting to meet this criteria.

A company may want to create a certain atmosphere, impression or image with
their lighting system. This can be effectively done, but may vary significantly
from any recommended standards for a space.


Lighting operating costs

In surveying facilities you may note lighting levels in certain spaces or locations
may be lower than the recommended IES ranges. The customers may choose to do
nothing, if the employees are not complaining. If it aint broke, dont fix it.
Also, as an effort to reduce operating expenses, a customer may request lighting
levels lower than the recommended ranges be used. While neither of these
strategies are recommended, they do occur.

Having enough light is important, but it is not all that there is to providing a good lighting
system. Visual comfort is another important quality. Visual comfort is the term used to
describe the environments freedom from visual problems, primarily glare. Glare can be
one of the most harmful problems resulting from improperly controlled light or lighting
systems. Frequently referred to as stray light, glare is the effect of brightness, or
combination of brightness relationships, that create visual discomfort or disability (the
inability to see properly). Discomfort glare produces visual discomfort and eye fatigue,
over a period of time. But it does not necessarily interfere with visual performance. An
example would be the sensation created by the bright headlights of an oncoming car at
night. Disability glare is glare that interferes with visual performance. The glare from a
glossy magazine page that makes the print unreadable would be an example of disability
Glare is typically classified into two major categories: direct and reflected. DIRECT
GLARE is caused by light that enters the eye directly from a bright light source, even
though the person is not looking directly at the source. This type of glare can result from
exposed incandescent or HID lamps or poorly designed or located fixtures. REFLECTED
GLARE is the result of the reflection of light from a glossy or polished surface. It can
cause visual discomfort and impair visual performance. Reflected glare, however, is not
always a problem. Sometimes it is desirable. Reflected glare can be used to an advantage
for quality control inspections and to make some merchandise stand out in retail displays.
VEILING REFLECTION is a term given to a form of reflected glare that applies
primarily to reading tasks. A veiling reflection is the reflection of a large luminous area

on a surface, such as a glossy magazine or book page. Repositioning the page typically
lessens the problem. Veiling reflection is usually caused by locating a fixture (usually
fluorescent) directly above or slightly in front of a work station. Corrective measures
include repositioning of the fixtures or task and special polarized lenses.
For years the problems with glare were considered a lighting control problem and were
addressed initially by the lighting designer. The advent of personal computers and CRTs
in the work place have brought the problem of visual comfort to the forefront. Office
lighting systems that were designed more than five years ago probably did not take into
consideration the probability of each desk having a computer terminal. Therefore, a
perfectly adequate lighting system from five years ago may now be deemed
unacceptable, because of glare on the computer screens. Techniques, such as specialized
lenses, are available to resolve these glare problems.
VISUAL COMFORT PROBABILITY (VCP) is a method used to predict a lighting
systems potential for direct glare problems. VCP is an estimate of the percentage of
people that would consider a given lighting arrangement visually comfortable. A VCP of
70 percent is considered acceptable by IES Standards. Tables are used to determine
Visual Comfort Probability.


Energy efficient fluorescent lamps for unheated areas
Low pressure sodium lamps for area/street lighting
Standard high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps for merchandising areas
HID lamps as the only source of lighting in a facility.

Energy efficient fluorescent lamps have starting and flickering problems at low

While very efficient, low pressure sodium lamps are monochromatic and do
not reproduce colors well.
Standard HPS lamps do not produce acceptable color for merchandising areas.
If a power interruption occurs, HID sources can require four to ten minutes to
Because of these and other similar potential problems, it is essential that lighting
designers and consultants know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the major
lighting sources. Only by understanding the basics of lamp characteristics and
applications can the designer assure that the system will perform as desired.
While the lighting industry produces 14,000 different types of lamps, they can all be
classified into three basic categories: incandescent, fluorescent and high intensity
discharge (HID). Each category is distinct unto itself, with its own characteristics that
make it well suited for specific applications.
Before we examine the different lamps categories, a review of some common
characteristics is in order. EFFICACY is the term used to describe the efficiency of a
lighting source in lumens/watt. As percent efficiency describes the ratio of energy output
of an electric motor to energy input, efficacy describes the lumen output of a lighting
source per watt of electrical energy input. Edisons first carbon filament lamp had an
efficacy of 1.4 lumens/watt. Today, efficacies range from about 14 lumens/watt, for small
incandescent lamps to about 180 lumens/watt, for low pressure sodium lamps.
LAMP LUMEN DEPRECIATION (LLD) describes the deterioration of the lumen output
of a lamp as it ages. The longer a lamp operates, the fewer lumens per watt it produces.
Lumen Depreciation Curves show how the lumen output of different sources drop off
with age. These curves are used to determine the mean lumen output for a given lighting
source. LLD is a partial factor in determining the light loss (maintenance) factor used in
lighting calculations.


Lamp life is dependent upon many factors, including: the lighting source, lamp design
and operating conditions. However, lamp manufacturers, through extensive testing, have
established Mortality Curves that estimate lamp life. Actually, what these curves predict
is the percent of lamp failures at different points in their rated life. It is normal to
anticipate 50 percent of the lamps in a group to fail by the time they reach 100 percent of
the rated lamp life. Also, it should be stressed that mortality curves are valid only for
large groups of lamps and should not be used to predict failures for small groups.
Mortality curves are also referred to as cumulative frequency and Ogilve curves.

Thomas A. Edison produced the first commercially available incandescent lamp in 1879.
He did so by creating a filament that would sustain high temperatures and incandesce
without quickly burning up. The first successful lamp used a carbonized filament made of
Coats No.29 thread. Edison was one of the few people that understood that he had, in
this single invention, created a whole new way of life. There was no longer a need to
tolerate smoke, odors and irritating fumes to have indoor lighting.
Modern incandescent lamps represent the best known category of lamps. It is the type
lamp we use in our homes and has more available configurations than the other two
categories. Lamp construction centers around three major components.
Bulb (or envelope). The bulb is the glass enclosure that contains the working
parts of the lamp. While the bulb can be made of any number of different
types of glass, they can be categorized as either: lime glass, heat resistant glass
or quartz glass (used primarily with halogen lamps).
Filament. Today filaments are made of tungsten wire. The wire is thinner than
a human hair and wound into any number of coil configurations.
Fill gas. Lamps with a rating of 40 watts or greater typically are filled with a
mixture of inert gases. The most commonly used gases are nitrogen and argon.
The purpose of the gas mixture is to retard the rate of filament evaporation by
conducting heat away from the filament to the bulb wall. Krypton gas is used

at times to improve efficacy or increase lamp life. Lamps of less than 40 watts
generally utilize a vacuum, in lieu of an inert gas mixture.
The incandescent category of lamps, despite its overall poor efficacy, offers a significant
number of advantages. They are:
Inexpensive - Manufacturing techniques and production of large quantities of
these lamps makes them inexpensive.
Readily available - Incandescent lamps can be purchased nearly everywhere,
from electrical supply houses to grocery stores.
Available in a Variety of Configurations and Colors - Numerous colors and
lamp shapes are available.
Satisfactory Color - Incandescent lamps typically operate in the 2,500K
2,700K range. This provides light of a color that is acceptable for most
Easily Controlled - These lamps are well suited to dimming control.
Instantaneous - Incandescent lamps do not require a warmup period.
At first glance, the advantages previously noted would appear to make incandescent lamps a
reasonable choice for most applications. However, there are several distinct disadvantages to
these lamps.
Low Efficacy - Depending on the type and size of incandescent lamp used, the
efficacy may vary. A typical range for incandescent lamps is 15 to 20
Short Life - The life of standard incandescent lamps is normally between 750 to
1,000 hours. Compared to other sources, this is a relatively short time.


Sensitivity- Incandescent lamps are sensitive to voltage variations. These lamps are
also sensitive to shock and vibration.
Halogen Lamps
One innovation in incandescent lamp technology that has greatly enhanced their performance
is the addition of halogens. The term halogen means salt producer. Lamp manufacturers
discovered that by adding halogen elements (usually Iodine in conjunction with quartz) to a
standard incandescent lamp, the efficacy and life could be improved. The efficacy of halogen
lamps is in the 25 - 30 lumens/watt range and the lamp life is increased to about 2,000 hours.

The fluorescent lamp is a gaseous discharge lighting source. It has been called the most
versatile package of light available on the market today. They are available in over forty
different wattages and range in lumen output from 115 to 15,700 lumens, in standard sizes.
Modern fluorescent lamps are comprised of six major components. They are the:
Base - The base serves to support the lamp in the fixture and provides a means of
making the necessary electrical connections.
Bulb - This is the tubular shaped glass enclosure that contains the essential parts
and ensures a controlled environment for operation.
Electrodes - Typically made of coiled tungsten wire, these hermetically sealed
electrodes, commonly referred to as cathodes, are located at the ends of the tube.
They act as terminals for the electric arc. Filled with a special emission material
they are a source of free electrons.
Gas Fill - fluorescent lamps may use a variety of gases to facilitate the starting of
the arc. The most common are argon, neon and xenon. Newer energy saving lamps
may also utilize krypton gas. These gases are nearly at a vacuum and ionize
quickly when voltage is applied.
Mercury Vapor - Mercury atoms within the bulb produce ultraviolet radiation that
is converted into visible light.

Phosphors - Applied in a thin layer to the inside of the bulb wall, phosphor
coatings produce visible light from ultraviolet radiation by re-radiating the energy
at different wavelengths.
Once the arc has been initiated in a fluorescent lamp, if left uncontrolled, the lamp would
exhibit a negative electrical resistance characteristic. That is, the resistance to current flow
within the lamp would decrease as the current increases. This current flow would rapidly
destroy the lamp. Therefore, ballasts are used to control the current flow to desired limits. In
addition to limiting the current flow, the ballast also provides the proper voltage for starting
and operating the lamp. Thus, the function of the ballast is to stabilize the power supply to
the lamp.
Standard (Electromagnetic) Ballasts - Most ballasts are simple current-limiting transformers.
The main component of a common ballast consists of coils of coated copper or aluminum
wire, wound around a core made of transformer grade steel. The entire assembly is
impregnated with a non-magnetic insulating grade material, such as hot asphalt. This material
aids in conducting heat away from the windings and provides insulation from the ballast
case. A capacitor may be installed to correct power factor and to assist in lamp starting..
These ballasts are available in both high power factor and low (also called normal) power
factor types.
For most smaller fluorescent lamps (20 watts and less) a simple reactance ballast, commonly
referred to as a choke coil is typically used. The choke consists of a long piece of enameled
copper magnet wire wound around a steel core. The high inductive reactance of the choke
serves to limit the current. This type of ballast is applied in lamps where the operating
voltage does not exceed the line voltage.
The Certified Ballast Manufacturers Association (CBM) has established industry standards
for ballast performance. Ballasts that have CBM labels have been certified that they will
produce 95 percent (plus or minus 2 1/2 percent) of the lamp manufacturers

rated lumen output. In actual application most CBM rated ballasts operate at approximately
93 to 94 percent of the rated output. Non-CBM rated ballasts can be expected to operate at
something less than 92 1/2 percent.
Energy Saving Ballasts - Energy saving ballasts are the result of years of enhancements in
the standard electromagnetic ballast. Through improved design features, these ballasts
provide significant energy savings (typically 10 12 percent), operate from 10 to 20 degrees
C cooler, and have improved service life.
Effective April 1, 1990 ballast manufacturers could no longer sell standard core-coil
electromagnetic ballasts, for the three most popular ballast sizes, for commercial or industrial
applications. All two-lamp ballasts for F96T12 slimline lamps, single and two-lamp ballasts
for F40T12 rapid start lamps, and two-lamp ballasts for F96T12 highoutput rapid start lamps
must have power factors of 90 percent or greater. Therefore, the minimum level of efficiency
now sold is what we recently referred to as energy efficient.
Electronic Ballasts - The revolution in electronics has produced dramatic improvements in
the performance of fluorescent ballasts. Electronic ballasts operate on an entirely different
technology than the standard core-coil designed ballasts. Electromagnetic ballasts produced
for use in the United States operate at a voltage frequency of 60 Hertz (Hz) or 60 cycles per
second. Electronic ballasts, on the other hand, alter the voltage and limit the current, and
usually employ an oscillator circuit to produce frequencies in the 20 60 kilohertz (KHz)
range. Since fluorescent lamps respond favorably to increases in frequency, lamp efficacy
increases and the system becomes more efficient.
Aside from the obvious advantage of improved efficiency electronic ballasts also offer other
distinct advantages over electromagnetic ballasts.
Lighter in Weight - Electronic ballasts are light in weight, compared to
electromagnetic ballasts.

Longer Life - Due to the cooler operation of electronic ballasts (by as much as 30
degrees C), their life expectancy is greatly enhanced over that of standard ballasts.

Dimming Capability - Some manufacturers offer integral manual and continuous

photocell dimming capability.

Elimination of Ballast Hum- The hum often associated with fluorescent ballasts
is produced by the vibrations of the steel laminations in the core-coil assembly.
While some hybrid-electronic ballasts do employ the laminated core-coil
assembly, fully solid state electronic ballasts do not, thereby eliminating the
potential for this noise.

Advantages of Fluorescent Lamps

Fluorescent lamps have a number of advantages. They include:
Versatility - Fluorescent lamps are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and
color renditions. Over 40 different wattages of fluorescent lamps can be
Good Efficacy - With 34 times better efficacy than high wattage incandescent
lamps, fluorescent lamps typically provide 50-60 lumens per watt of power.
Long Life - Fluorescent lamps usually have 9 to 15 times the expected life of
general service incandescent lamps. The typical rated life is in the range of
15,00020,000 hours.
No Warm-up Required - Unlike high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, fluorescent
lamps do not require a warm-up period when they are energized. Should a
momentary power interruption occur, they do not need to cool down before they
will restrike.
Conversation Potential - A number of energy saving options are available with
fluorescent systems. They include a variety of reduced wattage lamps for
example, using 34 watt lamps in lieu of 40 watt F40T12 lamps. Also, compact
fluorescent lamps provide an energy saving alternative for many incandescent
As with all lighting sources, there are potential disadvantages that the lighting designer/
consultant must be aware. They include:


Voltage Sensitivity - Low and high (over) voltage situations reduce efficiency and
shorten fluorescent lamp life. This differs from filament type lamps, where low
voltage reduces efficiency but increases lamp life.

Temperature Dependency - Fluorescent lamps are designed to operate with a bulb

temperature in the range of 100120 degrees Fahrenheit. Light output decreases
about 1 percent for every 1 degree F drop in bulb temperature below 100 F. And
for every 3 degrees F rise above 120 F, light output will also drop about 1

Requires a Ballast - Fluorescent lamps require a ballast to initiate and stabilize

lamp operation. This adds weight to the system and increases overall cost.

Dimming - Special dimming ballasts and controls, variable transformers or solid

state devices are required for dimming fluorescent system.

Compact Fluorescent Lamps

One of the major innovations in fluorescent lighting in the past several years has been the
introduction of compact fluorescent (CF) lamps. Utilizing a small U or spiral shaped bulb
and ballast assembly, these lamps have widespread acceptance as replacements for
incandescent lamps. Fixture manufacturers have recognized the potential for CF lamps and
are currently designing fixtures solely for their use. Compact fluorescent lamps can be
purchased in several color and temperature ranges and are available in wattages from 5 to 40


The third major lamp category is high intensity discharge or simply, HID. These lamps are
similar to fluorescent lamps in that they produce light by discharging an electric arc through
a gas filled tube. HID lamps differ in their smaller size and higher pressures inside the tubes.
Since HID lamps are a small light source, they can be effectively used with reflectors and


High intensity discharge lamps produce light by sustaining an electric arc in a small arc
chamber or tube. Light is produced within the sealed arc tube containing electrodes, some
form of metal that can be readily vaporized and ionized (to conduct the electric current), and
a starting gas.
There are three basic lamp types that currently compose the HID category. They vary
significantly in efficacy, color rendering and life. In order of increasing efficacy they are
mercury vapor, metal halide, and high pressure sodium. We will examine each of these
Mercury Vapor (MV)
Introduced in 1934, this was the first high pressure HID lamp. Producing a bluish light, these
lamps were initially used in street lighting and other applications where good color
reproduction was not essential. In 1950 phosphors were added to improve the lamp color
rendering. However, mercury vapor lamps were still considered unacceptable for indoor
applications, It was not until the mid 1960s, when Deluxe phosphors were introduced, that
mercury vapor lamps were used in merchandising and office applications. Mercury vapor
was the predominant choice for street and area lighting until the mid 1970s.
Todays mercury vapor lamps usually contain a sealed arc tube, formed of fused quartz,
contained within an outer bulb made of heat resistant glass. The mercury arc within the
quartz tube radiates both near and far-ultraviolet energy, as well as visible light. The outer
bulb absorbs all of the far-ultraviolet energy, thereby allowing only those energies naturally
provided by the sun to radiate.
Some MV lamps have outer bulbs internally coated with phosphors that convert the nearultraviolet energy to visible light. The use of various phosphors provides improved color
characteristics, making them suitable for some indoor commercial applications.
Mercury vapor is a relatively inefficient lighting source, by todays standards. It is seldom
specified for street and area lighting or for interior use. Mercury vapor still, however, does
have limited applications, such as landscaping, where its bluish-green light can be used to
accent trees and plants.


Mercury vapor lamps are comprised of six basic components. They are the:
Arc Tube - This sealed quartz tube contains the main electrodes, mercury (gas and
metallic form) and argon gas. operating at about 1,000 degrees C, it transmits the
energy radiated from the mercury arc.

Electrodes - Mercury vapor lamps contain three electrodes. The two main
electrodes act as terminals for the arc. The third electrode is a starting electrode
used to facilitate starting.

Starting Resistor - The purpose of this resistor is to limit current in the starting
circuit to as low a value as possible. It also disconnects the starting electrode
once the arc has been established.

Arc-Tube Mount Structure - This serves as a framework to position the quartz arc
tube within the outer bulb, at the desired location. It also conducts electricity to
the electrodes and secures the assembly to the outer bulb.

Outer Envelope (Bulb) - Made of heat-resistant glass and filled with an inert gas
(usually nitrogen), the outer bulb helps to maintain a relatively constant arc tube
temperature. In addition, it absorbs short wave ultraviolet energy. Many lamps
have phosphors coating the inside surface of the outer bulb to enhance color

Base - The base serves to hold the lamp in the socket and to make electrical

Advantages of MV
While mercury vapor lamps have been replaced in many applications by other sources, they
still have several advantages.
Availability - Mercury vapor lamps are available in a variety of configurations and
in sizes from 40 watts to 1,000 watts.

Compact Size/High Output - Mercury vapor lamps offer the combination of small
size with high lumen output. For example, a single 400 watt MV lamps can

produce 22,000 lumens, while it would take four F96T12/CW (75 watt) lamps or
four 300 watt incandescent lamps to produce the equivalent amount of light.

Long Life - Mercury vapor lamps have an expected life on the order of 10 to 20
times greater than general service incandescent lamps and 1.5 more than
fluorescent lamps. Typical life for a MV lamp is 24,000 hours.

Not Temperature Sensitive - Mercury vapor lamps can be used in normal

temperature ranges without concern for operational problems.

Some of the disadvantages associated with mercury vapor lamps include:
Efficacy - Mercury vapor lamps are relatively inefficient. While significantly
better than incandescent, they only provide 4060 lumens per watt.

Color - The color for MV lamps is usually bluish-white. They may even have a
slight greenish tint. While this may be acceptable for outdoor non-color critical
areas, it is not appropriate for most commercial indoor applications.

Requires a Ballast - As with fluorescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps (and all
other HID lamps) require a ballast for starting and stable operation.

Warm-up Period Required - When a MV lamp is energized it typically takes 5 to

7 minutes for it to achieve full lumen output. Should a momentary power
interruption occur, the lamp must first cool for several minutes before it can

Metal Halide (MH)

In an effort to improve the color rendering capability of mercury vapor lamps, in the early
1960s different metals were added. One of the attempts resulted in a lamp that not only had
improved color, but also increased efficacy. The resulting variation became known as the
multi-vapor or metal halide lamp.


After years of experimentation and improvement, metal halide lamps are commonly used in
industrial facilities, offices, retail stores, facilities, offices, retail stores, automobile sales lots,
schools, sports field and gymnasium lighting applications.
Metal halide lamps are nearly identical in construction to mercury vapor lamps. The primary
difference being in the fused quartz arc tube. The arc tube is slightly smaller than that of a
mercury vapor lamp and contains various halide metals (sodium iodide and scandium or
thallium iodide, and Indium iodide) in addition to mercury. Another different feature is the
metal halide lamps frameless construction. By not having a frame, it minimizes the
possibility of the sodium (in the arc tube) being disturbed by current flowing through the
frame. This could result in damage to the tube.
Advantages of MV
Like mercury vapor lamps, metal halide lamps offer significant advantages. They include:
Availability - Metal halide lamps are available in sizes normally ranging from 32
watts to 1,500 watts. Special application lamps up to 12,000 watts are available.
In addition, they are available with a clear outer bulb or coated with phosphors.

Compact Size/High Output - Sharing this attribute with other HID sources, metal
halide lamps are a concentrated source of light and can be easily controlled.

High Efficacy - With approximately 80100 lumens per watt, metal halide lamps
have a substantially higher efficacy than mercury vapor lamps.

Long Life - Depending on the lamp selected, metal halide lamps have rated life
ranging between 6,000 and 20,000 hours.

High Color Rendering - These lamps provide acceptable color for numerous color
critical applications. In addition, they have good color uniformity from lamp to

Can Be (Possibly) Retrofitted to Mercury Vapor - Metal halide lamps can be used
with mercury ballasts, under certain conditions. Manufacturers specifications
should be checked.

Not Temperature Sensitive - Metal halide lamps can be used in normal

temperature ranges without concern for operational problems. Note that when
retrofitted to mercury ballasts, there are some restrictions.

Some disadvantages associated with metal halide lamps include:
Wattage Variations - Variations in voltage (lamp and line), in addition to ballast
and fixture characteristics, can cause significant lamp-to-lamp wattage variations
(approximately 20 percent).

Requires a Ballast - As with mercury lamps, metal halide lamps require a ballast.
Some lamps can be retrofitted to mercury ballasts.

Warm-up Period Required - When a metal halide lamp is energized, a warm-up

period is required. It may be from 2-5 minutes until the lamp reaches full lumen
output. Also, a cool-down period (in excess of 10 minutes) is required, should a
momentary power interruption occur, before the lamp will restrike.

Orientation Dependent - Due to the burning characteristics within the arc tube,
lamps with special configurated arc tubes are required to maximize the lamp
performance in the horizontal position.

High Pressure Sodium (HPS)

The high pressure sodium lamp is the most efficient lighting source in widespread
application. HPS lamps produce light by passing an electrical current through an arc tube
filled with vaporized sodium under pressure at high temperature. The light has a color
temperature around 2,000 degrees K and is a golden yellow. Its physical, electrical and
photometric characteristics are different from other high intensity discharge sources.
The shape of HPS lamps is significantly different from mercury vapor and metal halide
lamps. High pressure sodium lamps have a long narrow tube geometry in order to maximize
efficiency. The translucent arc tube is made of a ceramic (polycrystalline aluminum oxide) in
order to withstand the extremely high temperatures (1,300 degrees C) generated by the
sodium arc.

Operating voltages and currents for HPS lamps are significantly different from those of other
HID sources. Therefore, special ballasts are required. A ballast for an I-IFS lamp must
provide the high starting voltage starting pulse (no starting electrode is present), limit the
lamp current and regulate lamp power as a function of line voltage and lamp operating
voltage. To do this the ballast incorporates an electronic starting circuit.
High pressure sodium lamps are widely applied in street and area lighting, industrial facilities
and in some commercial applications.
Advantages of HPS
High pressure sodium lamps have advantages including:
Availability - High pressure sodium lamps are manufactured in sizes from 35 to
1,000 watts. In the smaller sizes HPS reflector lamps (PAR 38) can be purchased.

Compact Size/High Output - As with the other HID sources, HPS lamps are a
concentrated light source and can be easily controlled.

High Efficacy - Of the widely used lighting sources, HPS lamps have the highest
efficacy (70 to 140 lumens/watt).

Long Life - Commercially available HPS lamps have a rated life ranging from
10,000 to 24,000 hours, with the latter being the most prevalent.

High pressure sodium lamps exhibit some of the same disadvantages of other HID sources,
Poor Color Rendering - While the golden-yellow color provided by HPS lamps is
acceptable for many industrial and outdoor applications, it is not suitable for
color-critical tasks. Color corrected HPS lamps are now available in limited sizes.

Requires a Ballast - As previously mentioned, operational characteristics of HPS

lamps necessitate special ballasts.


Warm-up Period Required. When a HPS lamp is energized it typically takes about
4 to 6 minutes for it to achieve full lumen output. As with other HID sources, If a
momentary power interruption occurs, the lamp must first cool (less than 1
minute) before re-striking.


Often confused with HID lamps, low pressure sodium lamps fall into the same category as
fluorescent. They are a gaseous discharge type lamp. Low pressure sodium lamps are the
most efficient lighting source on the market today. currently, these lamps provide up to 180
lumens per watt of power. LPS lamps would be widely used were it not for their poor color
rendering attributes. Low pressure sodium lamps are monochromatic. That is, they produce
light in one color. Light produced by low pressure sodium lamps is a distinct yellowish color
While LPS lamps have gained some acceptance in Europe, the only notable application for
low pressure sodium lighting in the United States has been in the area of safety/security and
street lighting.


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