PG TRB-EnGLISH UNIT-TEST-1 by Kaviya Coaching Centre
PG TRB-EnGLISH UNIT-TEST-1 by Kaviya Coaching Centre
PG TRB-EnGLISH UNIT-TEST-1 by Kaviya Coaching Centre
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d. heroic pentametres.
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Wife Blanche
Roman de la rose
allegory-love poem transacted in to English. Hundred years of war began (C.T greater work
of this period)
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Terzarima a seetian to The complaint to his Lady
Popularised Freeh formes Roundel and the balled
C s Lang
(14th imp for growth growth of Eng. Lang during the first half of 14th French was the chief lang
of nobility.
In the age of Chaucer there were four dialects prevalent in England-northern soulthern, the East
midland and the west midland. Chaucer chose midland dialect because it was also used by the
upper classes of society and it was really living.
Poet of the lusty spring Chaucer
first great Eng humorist Chaucer
In Cs P. to C. tales he gives an account of (14th social and religious condition because religion
is a part of life by the middle of (14thEng was becoming the common tongue of the nation.
parliament was opened by an English speech in 1363.
The kind of humour C and Shakespeare revealis based on insight and sympathy 30 pilgrims
each has to tell a story (The discussion was held a Tabard Inn southwark)
On the way to the shrine of Thomas Becket Prologue is a picture of medieval society but it is in
the process of disintegration.
It tells about the society
The knight and The squire represent old tradition of chivalry
The friar, the monk, Thepardoner parish priest, Oxford scholar denounced the abuses and
corruptions of the church.
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Wife of bath
Cs masterly creation quite respectable women in the society.
Dressed fashionably
First he go up to alter he make offerings
Wide traveler had been to Jerusalem
30 pilgrims including the host belong to diverse professions
Knight and his son represent war like elements
Represent by the man of law the Doctor, the oxford clerk and the poet The learned and the
The machant and The shipman Higher commercial community
The wife of Bath Expert cloth maker
Haberdasher and his associates Belong to the class of smaller London traders and
Playhman, the miller and the Franklin- Agriculturists
Maniple and Reeve Upper servants represent down
Yeoman and cook Lower servants represent country
The monk, Themonastry the prioress from her convent, her attendant priests, the village parson,
the roaming Religious order people.
Friar, the pardoner and the sumnour Religious order people.
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Representative of warfare.
The squire Proud of his appearance
Love sick
The prioress Called Madame Eglantine =( only two women characters)
-nun, sings divine songs
-has pity only for dogs
-engraved a crowed A and has a golden brooch with an inscription.Love conquersverything
The Wife of Bath unrefined and rough in temperament
Importantcharacter - Married 5 times and had Many lovers in her youth. She had made
pilgrimages to Jerusalem,
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his profession.
Friar Gay and merry gets money for confessions likes gossiping and flattering rotally
immoral and corruptive.
Sumnour His duty is to bring sinners for trial before a church court
impious, gentle rascal
he can send his mistress to a sinner for 12 months for a bottle of wine.
Pardoner Sells intelligence and gets more profit. He sells a pillow case in the name of virgin
Marys veil, a piece of canvas as the saint peters sail, the bones of a pig as relicks of a saint.
By presenting these characters, c has reflected the persons emboding the churches of England in
the (14th by C.T. Cs intention is to bring out the follies and foibles of the society. He expects a
complete change in the conditions of the churches.
Chaucer 1340 1400
Born in London
Chaucer lived during the period of three kings Edward III Richard II and Henry IV
During the rule of Edward III there was medieval civilization in England Chaucer wrote
knights tale it was a chronicle of historical accounts.
1. Trade expansion resulted increase of wealth
2. Living conditions of the people Miserable
3. Terrific epidemic called Black Death many people died
4. During the Frech wars the condition of the country worsened
5. There was necessity for taxing the people - these situations brought the symptoms of social
100 years of war began in his reign King Richard II was unwise. The conflict between the king
and the people. In the age of Chaucer evil increased to a greater extent. There was corruption in
churches. Chaucer lived in this period. He wanted to reveal the shocking state of things of the
churches.There was also another prominent person lived at this age.
John Wyclif morning star of reformation
wanted to revive the spiritual Christianity of England
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Edmund Spenser
(The faerie queene and Bunjams the pilgrims progress all the two greatest allegorical works)
Allegory/didactic romance 1552 1599
Written in blank verse/one of the longest of English poems.
Faerie queene tells the story of unbelievable adventures. Every knight represents a particular
adventure Spencer could find a model in Queen Elizabeths court.
Faerie Queene has been called the work of an unformed literature
planned to write 12 books the figure of the 12 knights and their various exploits and character of
gentle man or a noble fashioned gentle discipline He took his machinery from popular
legends about king Arthur and his moral code from Aristotle Greek philosopher. (12 knights
errands are types of 12 cardinal virtues of Aristotles philosophy)
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Each part has its own hero central hero Prince Arthur
Edmund Spenser 1552- 1599
Born in London studied at Cambridge.
Works embody all the great qualities of Elizabethan literature.
The friends who influenced him were
Gabriel and Harvey a great scholar
In 1579 The shepherd calendar (dedicated to sir. Philip) consists of 12 pastoral imagesidney.
(the poet writes of his unfortunate love for Posclind. He folloved the models of greek poets
Theocritus and virgil)
In 1594 Amoretti a beautiful sonnet sequence about Elizabeth the girl whom he loved
and married.
Epithalamion (1595) a hymn celebrating his wedding
Prothalamion (1596) about society marriage
Astrophel 1595 an elegy on the death of sir. Philip Sidney.
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Of Adversity,
Of Adversity 1625 - 3rd edition
Thought provoking essay
He places before us the comparative value and importance of prosperity and adversity in life
Quotes Seneca famous Roman philosopher Adversity teaches fortitude (calm and courage,self
control) Old Testament promises us prosperity
New Testament prepares us to welcomethe life trails and adversity with faith and fortitude.
Bacons judgement if his Essays was that they might last as long as books last. In of truth, of
death ,of Great place might have been written by Aristotle what is said in these and other essays
of like character is as true as when Bacon lived.
Of friendship grew out of Bacons longest and mest disinterested friendship.
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Of Revenge,
Of revenge 1625 3rd edition
Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
uncultivated form of lawful punishment
Revenge is to be discouraged because
1. puts the law out of office
2. ignoble
3. past is gone and irrevocable
4. ignores the weakness and selfishness of mans nature
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Philosophical poetry
True poetry
heroic, lyric,
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tragic, comic,
satiric, iambic
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Speeches of Clihu
Job Wealthy man in UZ
Eliphaz The termanite
Bildad. the shuhite
Zophar.the Naamathite
The Lord.
satan, the adversary
central theme problems of suffering. B. J purpose is to instruct the people of Israel.
Purpose to teach the righteousness Undergosufferings.
Character Job (lived in the land of UZ)
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First tragedy
Gorboduc (or) Ferrex and Porrex by Nicholas and Nortan in 1562 The university wits were the
first real fashioners of the Elizabethan drama and of them Marlowe was immeasurably the
pioneer of the Elizabethan drama
1st to introduce Blank verse as a medium for play writing.
Tamburlaine (in 2 parts), Dr. Faustus
The Jew of Malta, Edward II (Maturest play)
The massacre at Paris weakest play
The tragedy of Dedo finished by Nash.
All re powerful tragedies Pach tragedy revolves round one central personality who is consumed
by the lust for power, Beauty or knowledge
Hero Leander. Translated ovids Elegies
Marlowe introduced the element of struggle
In Dr. Faustus there is a constant struggle within the soul of Faustus himself represented by the
good and bad angels.
Marlowe =
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2ndcastiline 1611
Four humours
Four important humours in the theory of humours of Jonson. 1. Choler, 2. melancholy, 3.
phlegm, 4. bloodJonson has based this theory on the old physiology. These four humour
correspond with 1. moisture, 2. dryness, 3. heat, 4. Cold. The emergence of humour takes place
due to some kind of personality imbalance.
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method. London was the nest for swindlers like Subtle and Face. The fortunes lines of dame
plaint are reed by subtle. Dapper is cheated by the promises to show him the fairy queen. Jonson
criticizes the Puritanism of his day through the characters of Ananias and tribulation wholesome
Their hypocrisy is exposed by the author. surly is the only character who can see through the
tricks and escape the evil. There was ambition, greed, lust and. acquisitiveness in Jonsons
period. The Penaissancetoned up the living of the people and they acquired expensive tastes.
They started hankering after more and more wealth. The superstitiuns people believed in the
philosophers stone and elixir. Alchemy became an accepted method for amassing wealth in the
age of Jonson. Both Elizabeth and king James believed in the potential of alchemy. thus it came
to be a fit subject for Jonson.
Observance of classical unities Aristotle believes that the action must complete its course in The
single revolution of the sun
B.J observed
Unity of time
Unity of place
Unity of action in alchemist
The entire drama takes place more than a fortnight. The entire action takes place in the house of
Lovewit. The action found in the alchemist is one and entire Swindling motives. broken at the
end by the appearance of the owner of the house.
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Edward II
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2ndcastiline 1611
Four humours
Four important humours in the theory of humours of Jonson. 1. Choler, 2. melancholy, 3.
phlegm, 4. bloodJonson has based this theory on the old physiology. These four humour
correspond with 1. moisture, 2. dryness, 3. heat, 4. Cold. The emergence of humour takes place
due to some kind of personality imbalance.
In alchemist Ben Jonson makes an elaborate stuidy of human gullibility. Alchemist supreme
masterpiece of in comedy. performed in 1610 and published in quarto in 1612. Plot of the play
Jonson is indebted to Plautus. The opening dialogue of the alchemist seems to recall a scene in
Plautus Mostellaairia
Face and subtle partness in a plan to cheat people
Dol common another parter tries to control them (male servant a large home) society lady
entice mammon.
Face is a butler disguised as a captain
Supposed to be an alchemist. One who transforms base metal into gold.
All actions takes place in the house of Lovewit
character Epicure Mammon a symbol of the human lust for wealth.
Surly stands as a symbol of rationalization in the age of greed riden London
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London was the nest for swindlers like Subtle and Face. The fortunes lines of dame plaint are reed by
subtle. Dapper is cheated by the promises to show him the fairy queen. Jonson criticizes the Puritanism of
his day through the characters of Ananias and tribulation wholesome Their hypocrisy is exposed by the
author. surly is the only character who can see through the tricks and escape the evil. There was ambition,
greed, lust and. acquisitiveness in Jonsons period. The Penaissancetoned up the living of the people and
they acquired expensive tastes. They started hankering after more and more wealth.
The superstitiuns people believed in the philosophers stone and elixir. Alchemy became an
accepted method for amassing wealth in the age of Jonson. Both Elizabeth and king James believed in the
potential of alchemy. thus it came to be a fit subject for Jonson. Observance of classical unities Aristotle
believes that the action must complete its course in The single revolution of the sun
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