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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

International Conference on Accounting Studies 2014, ICAS 2014, 18-19 August 2014, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia

Influence of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on

audit quality of members of capital market accountant forum in
Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina, Sukrisno Agoes*
Tarumanagara University, Tanjung Duren Utara, Jakarta 11470, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee both partially and
simultaneously on the audit quality. This research uses primary data collected through the distribution of questionnaires in audit
firm listed in Capital Market Accountant Forum FAPM in Indonesia. The population of research are senior auditor,
supervisors, managers, and partners positions and worked on the audit firm member of FAPM. The results of this research show
that in general auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee have a positive influence on audit quality. The test Coefficient
of Determination result of 21.4% indicates that the audit quality can be explained by variations in auditor independence, audit
tenure, and audit fee, while the remaining 78,6% is explained by other variables that are not used in this research, such as
auditors size, auditors industry specialization, and audit risk. To improve the audit quality, Indonesian Institute of Public
Accountants (IAPI) should set up an Independent Audit Review Boards and the recent mandatory rotation of audit partners and
public accountant firm should follow the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants revised in July 2009, which
requires audit partner rotation every seven years for public interest entities.

2014 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the School of Accountancy, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Peer-review under responsibility of the School of Accountancy, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Keywords: Auditor independence; audit tenure; audit fee; audit quality

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+081-680-8690; fax: +62-021-565-7531.
E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Peer-review under responsibility of the School of Accountancy, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331


1. Introduction
Company's financial statements need to be examined by independent and objective professional (i.e., public
accountant) to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements have been free from material
misstatement. Users of the audit report expects that financial statements audited by a public accountant are credible
to serve as the basis for decision making and are in accordance with accounting standards. Many company cases
which are "falling" because of business failures that are attributed to auditor failure, for example, accounting
infringement that occurred in the world at large corporations such as Enron and Worldcom. The accounting
infringement carried out by the management by involving public accountant.
De Angelo (1981) defines audit quality as the joint probability in which an auditor will discover and report the
infringements that exist in the accounting system of its clients. The possibility where the auditor will find
misstatement depends on the quality of the auditor's understanding (competence) mean while reporting
misstatements action depends on auditor independence.
In Indonesia, in carrying out its duties, auditor is guided by the auditing standards that have been set by the
Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI) to maintain audit quality. Auditing standards consist of general
standards, field work standards, and reporting standards. In addition, public accountant must also comply with
Ethics Code established by IAPI. The basic principles of professional ethics consist of independence, integrity, and
According to the auditing standards and Ethics code of Public Accountant Profession, public accountant needs
to maintain his independency. Auditor who is independent in carrying out his duties should be neutral and not take
sides on any party to avoid conflicts of interest. A public accountant should maintain his independence in mind and
appearance (Arens, Elder & Beasley, 2012; IAPI, 2011).
This study refers to previous research, Djamil (2000), who concluded that there are seven factors that affect
audit quality. These factors are audit tenure, number of clients, the client's financial health, the presence of a third
party to review the audit report, auditor independence, level of audit fee, and level of audit planning.
Audit tenure is the length of time the auditor has conducted an examination of a company. According to Djamil
(2000), the longer the auditor has audited, the lower the audit quality produced would be. In addition, the auditor
may fail to maintain a professional attitude. This is contrary to the opinion of Jackson et al. (2007) which states
that audit quality will be improving with the relationship between auditor and client.
According to Yuniarti (2011), the amount of audit fee depends on the risk of assignment, the complexity of
services provided, expertise, and other professional considerations. This study shows that the higher audit fee will
provide a higher quality audit as well. However, this opinion is contrary to the opinion of Supriyono (1988 in Wati
and Subroto, 2003); the amount of audit fee can affect the independence of public accountants appearance because
the big fee can make accounting firms become reluctant to oppose the will of the client, while small fee can limit
the time and cost to perform complete audit procedures.
Based on the background, the research questions in this study are: (1) Is there an effect of auditor independence
on audit quality?; (2) Is there an effect of audit tenure on audit quality?; (3) Is there an effect of audit fee on audit
quality?; and (4) Is there any effect of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on audit quality
This research is expected to give theoretical and operational contributions. The theoretical contribution of this
research is expected to contribute the literature on audit quality in Indonesia and can serve as a reference and
encourage subsequent research on audit quality. Operational contribution for public accountants can provide a
higher quality audit services and provide added value to the company and the public as users of financial
2. Literature review, hypothesis and framework
There are four hypotheses in this research.
H1: These is a significant influence of auditor independence on audit quality


Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

According to Agoes (2012), there are three types of independence, namely: (a) independent in appearance,
which is the outside view of the auditor himself in relation to the audit implementation, (b) independent in fact,
which is a situation that the auditor has high honesty and conducts audits objectively, and (c) independent in mind,
that is before carrying out the audit, the auditor must free his mind from the desire to do something bad in the
examination even they should not expect to get any kind of gift from client.
According to IAPI (2011), each auditor should be independent in mind and appearance. Independence in mind
is a mental attitude that allows the auditor thought was not influenced by things that can interfere the professional
judgment that has integrity and act objectively, and applies professional scepticism. Independence in appearance is
the attitude held by auditors to avoid any action or situation which may cause a third party to doubt the integrity,
objectivity, or professional scepticism of auditors.
H2: There is a significant influence of audit tenure on audit quality
Audit tenure is the period of engagement time that exists between the KAP with the same auditee (Hartadi,
2009; Nuratama, 2011). The issue of audit tenure is usually associated with its effect on auditor independence.
Research conducted by Ghosh and Moon (2003 in Kusharyanti, 2003) resulted in findings that audit quality
increases with the length of audit tenure. This is contrary to the results of a research conducted by Indah (2010)
which states that the longer the auditor relationship with clients, could decrease the level of audit quality, because
the longer the auditor relating to client lead the auditor to be bias and impaired the independency.
H3: There is a significant influence of audit fee on audit quality
Iskak (1999 in Suharli and Nurlaelah, 2008) defines audit fee as the fee charged by a public accountant to the
client for the financial audit services. This is in accordance with the opinion of The Securities and Exchange
Commission, Final Rule (in Yuniarti, 2011) that the audit fee is the fees paid for annual audits and reviews of
financial statements for the most recent fiscal year.
The amount of audit fee can vary depending on the assignment risk, the services complexity, the level of
expertise required, the cost structure of Public Accountants Firm, and other professional considerations. Public
Accountant Firm members are not allowed to get clients by offering fee that could damage the image of the
profession. Members must be able to show the work done professionally and meet the specified quality
requirements and meet the needs of the client (the Decree of the IAPI Chairman, Number:
All members of IAPI have to consider several things in audit fee setting (the Decree of the IAPI Chairman,
Number: KEP.024/IAPI/VII/2008). These considerations are intended to provide certainty to public accountants
and clients that audit fee reflects the level of responsibility and risk of public accountants. Policy determination of
audit fee by public accountant firm becomes one of the aspects in terms of the quality reviews done on the public
accountant firm.
H4: There is a significant influence of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on audit quality
It is not easy to describe and measure service quality objectively with multiple indicators because service
quality is an elusive and vague concept, thus, there is often an error in determining the nature and quality
(Parasuraman et al., 1985). This is proved from a number of studies using the dimensions of service quality in
different ways. However, Cheney (1993 in Nurchasanah and Rahmanti, 2003) states that the research on service
quality remains important given the increasing consumer demand for service quality which they buy as one of the
company competing forces.

Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331


According to AAA Financial Accounting Standard Committee (2000), audit quality is determined by the
competence and independence.
Good quality audit requires both competence (expertise) and independence. These qualities have direct
effects on actual audit quality, as well as potential interactive effects. In addition, financial statement users
perception if quality is a function of their perception of both auditor independence and expertise.
Widiastuty and Febrianto (2010) stated that audit quality is an audit conducted by an independent and
competent person. IAPI (2011) states that the audit should meet the auditing standards and quality control
There are nine (9) elements of quality control that must be implemented by the public accountant firm standard:
(a) Independence, (b) Assignment of personnel, (c) Consultation, (d) Supervision, (e) Employment (Hiring), (f)
Professional development, (g) Promotion (advancement), (h) Acceptance and sustainability clients, and (i)
Inspection. Based on the above hypothesis formulation, the framework of this study is as follows:




Fig. 1 Framework Research Method

3. Research model
The model used to test the hypothesis is as follows:
Y = a + b 1X 1 + b 2X 2 + b 3X 3 + e
= Audit Quality
X1 = Auditor Independence
X2 = Audit Tenure
X3 = Audit Fees
= Error
4. Definition of operational variables
The variables are operationally defined in Table 1.
Table 1 Definition of Operational Variables
No. Variable
relationships between auditors and their clients who have neutral nature so as the
Independence findings and report given by the auditor is only influenced by the evidence found and
collected in accordance with the rules and principles of professional.
Audit Tenure
the time of an auditor conducts the financial statements examination of a company.
Audit Fee
the fee charged by a public accountant to the auditee company for audit services
conducted by public accountants on financial statements.
Audit Quality the joint probability in which an auditor finds and reports errors contained in the
audited financial statements to comply with general auditing standards in performing
their duties so that credibility is maintained.

Antle (1984 in Indah,
Hartadi (2009)
Iskak (1999 in Suharli
and Nurlaelah, 2008)
De Angelo (1981 in
Kusharyanti, 2003)


Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

5. Population and sample

The population of this study is the auditor who worked on Public Accountant Firm members of Capital Market
Accountant Forum in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta. The number of auditors who were respondents of KAP is
as much as 143 people working on 35 KAP in Jakarta, consists of 12 partners and 131 audit staff. The audit staffs
consist of 21 managers, 28 supervisors, and the rest are senior auditor. The number of questionnaires distributed is
150 questionnaires. Of the 150 questionnaires distributed, 143 questionnaires were returned (95%).
Table 2 Details of Total Sample and Return
The number of questionnaires distributed
The questionnaires that received responses
The questionnaires that are not returned ( no responses)
The rate of return (143/150) x 100%
Incomplete questionnaires
The number of questionnaires that can be processed
Source: Research Findings, 2013 (Processed)


6. Research results
6.1 Validity and reliability testing
Testing instrument research in terms of both validity and reliability showed that the results of the research
instruments used are valid, where the value of corrected item total correlation (r count) is greater than r table. The r
table value is 0.301 and reliability coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) is bigger 0.70 (Sekaran, 2006).
6.2 Multicollinearity test
According to Hair et al. (2010), a model is said to be free from the problem of multicollinearity if the tolerance
value is > 0.10 and VIF value is <10. It can be concluded that for the variables (auditor independence, audit tenure,
and audit fee) do not occur multicollinearity.
6.3 Heteroskidasticity test
Heteroscedasticity test is conducted in this study using the Scatter Plot and Glejser test. The use of Scatter Plot
to test heteroscedasticity symptoms is conducted by seeing if the points spread with no clear pattern above and
below the 0 on the Y axis, there is no problem of heteroscedasticity.
The testing of heteroskedasticity symptoms was also conducted using Glejser test in addition to using Scatter
Plot. Glejser test is conducted by making hypotheses:
H0: There is no heteroscedasticity symptom in residual data
Ha: There is heteroscedasticity symptom in residual data
If the significance value is greater than 0.05, H0 is accepted, whereas if the significance value is less than 0.05,
then H0 is not accepted. The significance values of the three independent variables are greater than 0.05. It can be
concluded that there is no problem of heteroscedasticity in the regression model.
6.4 Normality test
Normality test using P-P Plot Graph is conducted by looking at the distribution of data points. A regression
model has met the normality assumptions when the data points are scattered around the diagonal line.

Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

Testing normality symptoms was also conducted using Kolmogorov Smirnov test. The Kolmogorov Smirnov
test is conducted by making hypotheses:
H0: The residuals data is normally distributed
Ha: The residuals data is not normally distributed
If the significance value is greater than 0.05, H0 is accepted, while if the significance value is less than 0.05,
then H0 is not accepted. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results demonstrate that significance value is greater than 0.05
equals to 0.116, thus concluded confounding variable or residual is normally distributed in regression model.
6.5 Data analysis and interpretation
In data processing use linear regression, it is performed several steps to find the relationship between
independent variables and dependent variables, namely through t test and F test. Table 3 shows significant and
positive effect on auditor independence variables (X1) and audit tenure (X2), while for the audit fee variable (X3)
showed no significant effect.
Table 3 Multiple Regression Result
Auditor Independence (X1)
Audit Tenure (X2)
Audit Fee (X3)
R Square
Adjusted R2
F count
F table
Sign. F
Alpha ()
Significant at level 5%, t-table 5% = 1,977
Source: Research Findings, 2013 (Processed)

Coefficients (B)

t count





Non Significant

6.6 The influence of auditor independence on audit quality

Auditor independence has t count at 3.266, greater than t table (3.266 > 1.977) as well as having a significance
of 0.001 which is less than 0.05. It can be concluded that the first hypothesis (H1) is accepted, meaning that auditor
independence significantly influences audit quality. The influence of auditor independence on audit quality is
positive, which means that the higher the auditor independence, the higher the audit quality is. The results are
consistent with a research conducted by Lawalata, Said and Mediaty (2008) and Christiawan (2002) which states
that there is a significant positive effect of auditor independence on audit quality.
6.7 The influence of audit tenure on audit quality
Audit tenure has t count of 1.191, smaller than t table (1.191 < 1.977) as well as having a significance of 0.236
which is more than 0.05. It can be concluded that the second hypothesis (H2) is rejected, which means that the
audit tenure does not have a significant influence on audit quality. The result is consistent with a research
conducted by Hartadi (2009) which states that the audit tenure does not significantly affect the quality of the audit,
with audit tenure the auditor will be disrupted in carrying out his audit, for example, in providing a work up
opinion, so that audit quality will decrease. However, the results conflict with Jackson et al. (2007) which state that
the audit tenure can provide auditor a better understanding of his clients, thus increasing audit quality.



Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

6.8 The influence of audit fee on audit quality

Audit fee has t count at 5.224, greater than t table (1.977) and has a significance of 0.000, less than 0.05, it can
be concluded that the third hypothesis (H3) is accepted, meaning that audit fee has significant effect on audit
quality. The influence of audit fee on audit quality is positive, which means that the higher audit fee, the higher the
audit quality is. The results are consistent with a research conducted by Yuniarti (2011) and Venkataraman, Weber
and Willenborg (2008) which state that audit fee affect the audit quality. However, the results conflict with studies
conducted by Sundgren and Tobias (2011) which state the audit fee has a negative impact on audit quality.
6.9 The influence of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on audit quality
Based on table 3, the value of F count at 13.914 which is greater than the F table (13.914 > 2.670) and the
significance of 0.000 is less than 0.05. Thus, it is concluded that the fourth hypothesis (H4) is accepted, meaning
that auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee simultaneously have significant effect on audit quality,
although individually audit tenure has no significant effect on audit quality.
7. Conclusions and recommendations
This study was conducted to determine the effect of auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee on audit
quality either partially or simultaneously. Based on the data testing results that have been conducted, a conclusion
can be drawn up as follows:
Auditors who were respondents in this study already had high degree independence in performing the audit
whether in programming, working, and reporting the audit results to the client. Therefore, in this study,
auditor independence has positive and significant influence on audit quality.
Audit tenure does not significantly affect audit quality. This could be due to audit tenure above client aimed
to understand better and more efficient in providing the audit services not to affect the auditor independence
in providing audit services. Thus, the results of this study showed no significant effect of audit tenure on
audit quality.
The testing results of third hypothesis showed that through the audit fee, it can produce better audit quality.
The amount of audit fee can vary depending on the risk assignment, the complexity of services, the level of
expertise required, the cost structure of the Public Accountants Firm, and other professional considerations.
Therefore, in this study, audit fee has positive and significant influence on audit quality.
The results of the simultaneous regression coefficient test (F test) showed that auditor independence, audit
tenure, and audit fee simultaneously affect audit quality.
Donations of variables influence to auditor independence, audit tenure, and audit fee simultaneously on
audit quality variable is at 21.4 %, which means that as many as 78.6% remaining factors were not
examined in this study that affect audit quality variables. The factors may include the auditor's
understanding of internal control, auditors size, auditors industry specialization, audit risk, and other
various factors beyond the model.
8. Recommendations
For improving the audit quality, we recommend that IAPI should set up an independent Audit Review Board,
who would be responsible for conducting practice reviews for the auditors of public interest entities. Rotation of
audit partners and accounting firms as required by Minister of Finance Decree No.17/PMK.01/2008 which
mandates a three-year rotation for audit partners a six-year rotation for firms, should be changed and follow the
IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, revised in July 2009, that requires audit partner rotation every
seven years for public interest entities.

Listya Yuniastuti Rahmina and Sukrisno Agoes / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 164 (2014) 324 331

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