Structure Prof. Practice-Alpa Sheth

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The Challenges of Running

a Structural Engineering Practice

Alpa Sheth

Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016
pp. 64 - 71

ALPA SHETH is the Managing Director

of VMS Consultants Pvt. Ltd and
Partner, Vakil Mehta Sheth Consulting
Engineers, Mumbai for over 15 years.
She holds a Master of Engineering
degree from the University of
California, Berkeley. She is a Founding Trustee of
Structural Engineering Forum of India and Children's
Liver Foundation, India. She was awarded the CIDC
Vishwakarma Award for Industry Doyen in 2014.

numerous World Bank post-disaster reconnaissance teams,

including for the Great West Japan earthquake, Great
Sumatra earthquake amongst others.

Ms. Sheth currently holds the INAE Distinguished Visiting

Professor at IIT Madras and is Visiting Faculty and Chair of
Academic Council at Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for
Architecture (KRVIA), Mumbai. She is a Member, Research
Council of CBRI (Central Building Research Institute),
Roorkee, and is on Board of Governors of the Maharashtra
government's Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) Heritage Conservation Society. She has been Advisor,
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority and has
been in various advisory roles to the Gujarat Government
for Seismic safety since the 2001 Bhuj earthquake.
Ms. Sheth is a Member of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
Committee for Earthquake Codes (CED 39), BIS Committee
for Special Structures (CED 38) and Cyclone Resistant
Structures Sectional Committee (CED 57). She is Principal
Author and Co-ordinator for BIS Sub-Committee for
Drafting of Tall Buildings Code for India for (BIS) Special
Structures Sectional Committee (CED 38). She has been on


TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016

In the present essay, Alpa Sheth brings out her rich

experience of engineering practice and deep involvement
with teaching of Structures to the students of
architecture and civil engineering in various capacities to
provide unique insights on the state of structural
engineering education and practice in India and how that
impacts not just the relationship between architects and
engineers but the production of buildings itself.

[email protected]

Is an Engineer Just a Technician?

study this very odd resonance induced vibration,

A well known architect while bargaining with

they xed it at their own cost! (Which went into

his structural engineer on his quoted fees is

millions of pounds).

rumoured to have impatiently said to him,

Look, I don't know what this fuss is all about.
I've placed all the columns and beams and sized
them too; all you have to do is put reinforcement
bars in them. That pretty much summarizes
the relationship of the architect-engineer,
especially in India, over the past few decades.

An engineer is often (mis)taken as

a technician or he is constantly
treated as such until one day he
begins to believe he is indeed one
and slowly ceases to apply himself
innovatively on a project.

An engineer is often (mis)taken as a technician

Another example is that of Le Messurier and the

or he is constantly treated as such until one day

tale of the Citicorp Center building in New York.

he begins to believe he is indeed one and

An engineering student questioned Le Messurier

slowly ceases to apply himself innovatively on a

on his design which got him thinking and he

project. His attitude is that of abject surrender

realized that the joints were indeed not strong

and servitude, taking the path of least

enough for a particular wind load condition. This

resistance. He feels increasingly trapped in a

design aw, if discovered, could have caused him

dry, insipid profession which offers neither the

expensive litigation, professional disgrace and

thrills of ingenuity nor the moolah to bribe

possible bankruptcy. On the other hand there

your creative conscience into silence.

was little chance that anyone would ever nd

It wasn't always so. One can recount examples

load condition did not ever happen in the life

out about the design aw if the extreme wind

of outstanding engineers who dared to

span of the building (it hasn't, until date). At one

experiment, make mistakes and tell the world

time, Le Messurier is said to have even

about their mistakes and how they went about

contemplated suicide but better sense prevailed

rectifying them. An immediate example that

and he conded with the architect; they opened

comes to mind-is that of the Millennium

up to the client and came up with a rectication

Bridge. Before it was inaugurated in the year

plan to strengthen all 200 of the bolted joints in

2000, the bridge was the subject of much

the building by welding plates onto them. His

acclamatory discussion due to its sleekness and

honesty was much appreciated and while the

unique form. The media could not write

retrot cost the client $ 8 million, Le Messurier

enough about the greatness of its architect

contributed just 2 million dollars that was his

Norman Foster and his other stellar works. No

insurance cover.

one knew who the structural engineer was.

However, after the footbridge was opened to

Both the above examples are illustrative of the

pedestrian trafc, it began vibrating alarmingly.

fact that engineering is indeed not a

The architect washed his hands off the bridge,

technician's job. There are ways that a

shrugging it off as the responsibility of the

structure could behave which are not easily

structural engineering consultant, Arup. The

apparent - and that makes engineering an

little known tailpiece is that not only did Arup

exciting journey of discovery. A lesser architect

TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


Alpa Sheth

The Millennium Bridge, London- the only pedestrian bridge in the city, structural design by Arup.

than Hugh Stubbins, Jr. (architect of Citicorp

the building survived. 130 other buildings

Center) would have shown no interest in

collapsed in the earthquake with epicenter over

understanding the problem and would have

200 km away. Not a single structural designer

asked the structural engineer to shut up and sit

was punished. The only engineers that went to

tight than confess to the client and risk

jail were from the Ahmedabad Municipal

litigation and loss of face.

Corporation. A very well-known architect of

I remember a case of a mall in Ahmedabad that

Ahmedabad went so far as to tell me that 130 is indeed not a

technician's job. There are ways
that a structure could behave
which are not easily apparent - and
that makes engineering an exciting
journey of discovery.

building collapses in the city did not even add

up to a collapse rate of 0.1% and it was a
conspiracy to show Gujarat in bad light by
highlighting the collapsed structures rather
than celebrating that 99.9% buildings survived.
More than 800 people dead were just statistics
or collateral damage.

our ofce was peer reviewing on Jan 24, 2001. I

told the structural engineer that he hadn't

Reluctance in Engaging a Good

designed and detailed for earthquakes and the


building could suffer signicant damage in a

To understand the complex relationship of

seismic event at which he guffawed loudly.

architects and engineers in India (I must

Whoever has heard of designing buildings for

confess it is only a tad better elsewhere), one

earthquakes in Ahmedabad? There's never been

needs to dwell deeper into the Indian psyche.

an earthquake in Ahmedabad. The architect

Indians are gamblers by nature. Despite over

agreed with him. And then the Bhuj

120,000 fatalities in road accidents across the

earthquake happened four days later on 26th

country, it is still not possible to get drivers of

January causing cracks developed in exactly the

two wheelers to wear a helmet or of four

same places as we had predicted. But at least

wheelers to tie a seat belt. Accidents happen to


TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


The Citicorp Centre at New York City (1970), schematic structural frame and
its structural engineer William Le Messurier.

other people. There is no perception of risk.

Likewise, architects do not see merit in getting
buildings designed from a good structural
engineer who has the skill set and would be
investing adequate resources when a building
designed by a poor structural engineer charging

The discerning skills of an architect to

judge a good structural engineer
from a bad are not well developed
and it is only when things go horribly
wrong that they scurry for troubleshooting to a more able engineer.

one third the fees (and thus investing matching

resources) appears to stand up just as well. The

A young woman engineer at my ofce

undisputable fact is - not too many unstable or

lamented the difference in teaching methods in

unsafe buildings collapse.

architecture and engineering colleges. She

graduated giving just one presentation in the

Engineers and Architects Learn

rst year and one during her nal year. She was


never required to open her mouth otherwise.

Increasingly, structures courses are dumbed

Most of her classmates entered engineering

down in architecture schools across the world.

college without the ability to string a sentence

The few exceptions are those architecture

in English. So do some architecture students.

programmes which are housed in engineering-

The difference is that engineering students

centric institutes such as IITs and NITs (in

graduate with a degree still unable to form an

India). As a result, the discerning skills of an

English sentence. The architecture student on

architect to judge a good structural engineer

the other hand, having been subject to all kinds

from a bad are not well developed and it is only

of stress tests where she is made to explain and

when things go horribly wrong that they scurry

defend her work- during juries, presentations,

for trouble-shooting to a more able engineer. At

projects and so on, comes out quite an

other times, the best structural engineer is the

articulate and condent professional.

cheapest and most pliable one.

TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


Alpa Sheth

The Hall of Nations at Pragati Maidan, Delhi (1972)- a space frame in reinforced concrete with a
clear span of 78m, structural design by Mahendra Raj.

For a long time, Asperger's Syndrome (a mild

Uneven Relationship between

form of autism where people have difculty

Architects and Engineers

responding to the body language, facial

Structural Engineering too needs to be seen

expressions, and tone of voice of others) was

through the prism of the inherent reclusive

called 'The Engineer's Disease'. Engineering is a

nature of its practitioners. When a structural

vocation which holds the potential of letting

engineer sees a structure, he sees it the way a

you work quietly and unobtrusively without

doctor would see his patient- underneath the

too much interaction with the outside world.

faade of paint and polish, is the throbbing of

Information technology which ironically

the pulse and the pressure in the blood owing

connects the world is one of the best refuge

through the veins- or the stress and strain in

for the super-smart but reclusive, socially

each bar of reinforcement and block of

awkward engineers. Peter Thiel, founder of

concrete. For a true engineer that is what it is all

Paypal once said I think society is both

about understand the seemingly inanimate but

something that's very real and very powerful,

highly complex nature of building materials and

but on the whole quite problematic. In Silicon

building elements and put them together to

Valley, many of the more successful

make something unique. So while the rest of

entrepreneurs seem to be suffering from a mild

the community is more absorbed about how a

form of Asperger's where it's like you're

structure looks the structural engineer cuts

missing the imitation, socialization gene.

through the extraneous layers and is more into

Asperger's happens to be a plus for innovation

how it behaves.

and creating great companies.

Time and again, the engineer is unable to
convey what is important for the building
stability, safety and serviceability and what
constitutes good behavior. His solutions always

TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


The CCTV Headquarters, Beijing


The Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing


Examples of bizarre architecture in China that uses brilliance in structural engineering to make
possible undesirable buildings

seem boring, droll and uninteresting not

mediocre engineering thanks to poor fees and a

because they are so but because he is a poor

constrictive environment in which engineers

communicator. The architect switches off

have to operate for such projects.

midway and dismisses the poor engineer with a

do as I say. The engineer needs to learn a few

Structurally engaging buildings are those

important skills- sketching, model-making and

where the architect allows the structural

language skills if he is to interact one-on-one

engineer to take centre stage. The Hall of

with the architect. Engineers who possess good

Nations at Pragati Maidan in Delhi is one such

communication skills and are competent are

structure where the creative synergy between

increasingly choosing not to work under

the architect and the engineer elevates the

architects. They prefer working directly with

building to the level of an icon. Here, the role

clients fees are better and faster to come by

of Mahendra Raj, the structural designer is well

and there is professional independence which

acknowledged in creating a masterpiece of

allows them to work with engineering integrity.

structural design. Santiago Calatrava's work

So, in today's times, the real estate industry

abounds in such examples of creative synergy

ironically attracts the best structural engineers.

between architecture and engineering.

Complex international museums and a few other

similarly one-off complex structures may attract

On the other hand, a brilliant engineering rm

good structural engineers. Increasingly, even

like Arup is the international favourite of

institutional buildings in India are also victims of

architects who like to build structurally

TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


Alpa Sheth

undesirable buildings. The CCTV headquarters

make sense of or comprehend its applications.

in Beijing by Rem Koolhaas is one such

The situation has been compounded by two

example. The Bird's Nest Stadium was

phenomena. On one side is the plethora of civil

another unreasonable project designed by

engineering colleges that have mushroomed

architects Herzog De Meuron for the excessive

across the country, with unqualied faculty and

(and unnecessary) steel used- bird-brained

poor infrastructure. The entry bar for joining a

would describe the design succinctly. Both

civil engineering college has been lowered so

these structures in Beijing triggered an

much in the past decade that anyone can now

offensive against bizarre architecture by the

Chinese politburo. 2 So while Arup's
engineering skills are laudable, their inability
to sometimes make an architect appreciate
rational structural design is unfortunate.
There are two extremes scenarios- engineers
either relegated as technicians to add steel bars

The entry bar for joining a civil

engineering college has been
lowered so much in the past decade
that anyone can now become a civil
engineer, irrespective of whether
you possess the acumen or the
aptitude to pursue the eld.

in a building or called upon to marshal their

become a civil engineer, irrespective of

talents to make possible bizarre juggleries of

whether you possess the acumen or the

architectural forms.

aptitude to pursue the eld. There is

tremendous pressure on colleges to graduate a

Issues in Prevailing System of

student, whether he deserves it or not, just to

Educating Engineers

keep the inow coming and the juggernaut

The rst choice of most engineering students is

rolling. On the other side is the pressure on

not civil engineering. It is usually information

the top engineering colleges like the IITs to

technology, followed by electrical, mechanical and

spew out more well-rounded graduates-

at the bottom of the rung is civil engineering. The

which is another way of saying that while the

reason is as mentioned before- the other elds are

student may get a civil engineering degree,

more abstract and need lesser social interaction

there is more than an 80% probability that he

with the world which is anathema for most

will not be pursuing the eld, so we equip him

engineers. They also command more money. So

with skills to switch to information technology

when a student enters the portals of a civil

or nancial engineering. We will soon have

engineering college, he has already made his rst

civil engineering students from the IITs who

compromise. After which, the next four years of

graduate with just one core course each in

college are a systematic attempt to disengage him

analysis and design against seven to eight

from his love of the core eld of engineering. It

courses in earlier times.

would seem that the world plots against the poor

lad- uninspiring and disinterested teachers, insipid

In practice, we are already seeing this happen

teaching methods, endless amounts of time

with the summer interns. Every so often there

invested in seemingly outdated tools and

are media reports that over 80% of graduating

technology which a student is hard pressed to

engineers are not employable. One may debate


TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


about the exact number, but it is true that most

simple- to energize and inspire them into

graduates other than from the top 5% colleges

curiosity- how do structures behave and how do

do not know their fundamentals well. As a

we make them behave the way we would like

result, many structural engineering practices

them to? How can we innovate and learn from

have a qualifying exam which tests applicants

how structures in nature behave? How much

on their engineering basics, without recourse

do we really know about materials behavior?

to even a calculator. The pass rate on our

How about we do this instead of that? How do

qualifying exam is less than 5% and this

you use the new fancy tools available for analysis

includes IIT graduates too. I doubt it is any

to push the frontiers of our understanding rather

better in other structural engineering rms.

than use them as black box substitutes for our

thinking brains? It is about putting the fun back

Challenges of Running an

into design, of digging deeper. Surely, the other

Engineering Practice

aim is to deliver quality work to clients that's

In such an ecosystem, it is a challenge to run a

viable practice. If prot is the motive, one can
surely nd more lucrative and less stressful
alternatives. A young structural designer
running a 25 plus persons practice informed
me that his operating cost was Rs. 8 per square
feet while he was able to command only Rs. 4
per square feet. Never before I had heard
operating costs being spoken of in terms of

what keeps a practice aoat. And in the end,

projects are the means to do what you love mostExploring. It has never made any sense to me to
see the practice as a production centre or a
prot centre. You have to do work that you
feel good about and you have to be convinced of
what you do. If you do sensible work, money
usually follows, enough to sustain an
uncompromised practice.

Rs./sq. ft. How do you survive?, I asked. I am

a builder on the side so that subsidizes my
expenses. I'm not sure that he was not being
hyperbolic, but his angst seemed genuine. The


Peer Review is a quality assurance process in structural

engineering wherein a fellow structural engineer or

academic will review another's design and drawings for

problem with running a practice is that you are

it's appropriateness and general conformance to relevant

riding a tiger and can never dismount. The only

building codes. Such a Peer Review is sometimes

option is to sell the practice, if you can nd a

mandated by a local body's building bye laws for

buyer. So I do think it is difcult to sustain an

specied type of structures or may be a special

engineering practice in today's stressed

requirement of a client. Peer Review may in some cases

environment but if you are not greedy and do

also include value engineering of a project.

not take projects at ridiculously low prices, run

a lean and supple practice with smart young
engineers you will probably do alright.


You could perhaps enjoy running a practice (or so I

tell myself) if you look at it as a learning centre or
training school where you are teaching
engineering to young graduates. The aim must be
TEKTON: Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016


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