Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District: Professional Growth Plan

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Professional Growth Plan

Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District

Name: Nicole Brown

Position: Library Media Specialist

Formal Evaluation Year: Yes

My Personal Goal is: to improve connections with curriculum teams, reading specialist, and instructional
coach to align library services with curriculum and instruction.
Reflective Baseline:
1. How do I describe my skills?
My strengths in the areas of reading and information literacy have allowed me to collaborate with
the Reading and English departments. In order to be able to collaborate with others, I need to
increase my skills in tying literacies to the curriculum.
2. Why did I select my goal?
This goal is important to me because as the library media specialist, I need to ensure that the
library program is meeting the needs of all school community members. The services provided by
the library and its staff are invaluable to the school when connections are strong.
Action Plan:
1. How am I going to reach my personal goal?
I am going to set up meetings with curriculum teams, the reading specialist, and the instructional
coach to gain a better understanding of how I can provide services to match their needs. I am also
going to implement content-area and middle-level literacy strategies learned from grad school
courses and other research.
2. Who can I learn from and how might I collaborate?
Our reading specialist will be particularly helpful and I will collaborate with her on a biweekly basis.
Collaboration and shared learning experiences will also take place as I plan with curriculum teams.
1. How will I know Ive reached my goal?
This goal will be reached when each curricular area is represented in the library and finds some
needs met through library services.
2. What evidence will I provide?
The evidence of progress toward this goal will be in the form of collaboration records and a staff
Wisconsin Teacher Standards: 1-10
Charlotte Danielson Domains: 1, 3
Planned professional development opportunities to support my goal: CRISS level 1 training
My Building Goal is: to collaborate with teachers for the purpose of fostering student learning in the
digital age.
Reflective Baseline:
1. How do I describe my skills?
I am very skilled in the areas of information and media literacy, and I am very knowledgeable
about learning in the digital age. However, I need to improve my skills with integrating this into
classrooms so students can get the most benefit out of learning.
2. Why did I select my goal?
I selected this goal because allowing students to learn in a way that best suits them and that will
help them to succeed in the digital age will benefit them in all areas of their schooling. This includes
fostering multiple literacies, digital literacies, and technology literacy.
Action Plan:
1. How am I going to reach my building goal?
I will reach this goal by increasing my knowledge of the aforementioned literacies and applying that
knowledge to my collaboration with teachers.

2. Who can I learn from and how might I collaborate?

I will learn from the other library media specialists in the district, members of my PLCs, and other
teachers - this collaboration will be through conversations and resource sharing, as well as through
lesson planning with teachers.
1. How will I know Ive reached my goal?
I will know Ive reached my goal when digital learning is integrated into classrooms and library
services support student needs in these areas.
2. What evidence will I provide?
I will provide evidence through lesson plans with teachers and collection/virtual services analysis
Wisconsin Teacher Standards: 1-10
Charlotte Danielson Domains: 1, 3
Planned professional development opportunities to support my goal: WEMTA Conference
Administrator comments

Administrator Signature of Approval of Goals _____________________ Date ________

Teacher Signature _____________________ Date ________

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