Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are about using animals to teach fractions to different age groups of preschoolers and the responsibilities of humans towards God's creations. A variety of hands-on activities involving arts, songs, stories are suggested.

The objectives are to learn about grouping by color, appreciating animals, coordination, rhyming words, relationships between animals, classifying animals for different age groups ranging from 0-3 years, 4-6 years and 7-8 years.

Activities like creating a mosaic, distributing pictures, cutting cakes, singing songs, acting out stories, painting, field trips are suggested for the different age groups with increasing complexity.

Graciele Joie P.

Animals can be found in different parts of the world. These creatures can be wild or
domesticated; but wherever they came from, wherever they live, and whatever they look like, animals
top the list of the interests of children and even adults. Because animals react, make sounds, move, eat,
poop, and such, children can distinguish themselves with the animals. They see that humans and
animals are classified as living things, and that the group of living things can be sorted into smaller
groups, a knowledge that is needed in pursing the path of learning fractions. Animals are easy to use as
a concept for teaching because it draws the childrens attention. Children must widen their knowledge
about and their appreciation for the animals because these creatures are our responsibility as shepherds
of Gods creation. We do not just teach about the animals specie or kingdom, but also, we teach
children about their responsibility as creatures with higher knowledge and capabilities.
For the three year olds, I focused more on dancing and making art in order for them to learn
eye-hand coordination, and be aware of their body parts, because a concept in learning fractions is
knowing that parts make a whole. In this age, children are restless and they prefer to move around a lot.
I would integrate fractions into language arts by letting them dance and sing along to the song. For four
year olds, they already know to utter words clearly, and solve problems through scaffolding and
concrete objects as a guide. Seven to eight year olds are ready for field trips nearby with adult
supervision. They can logically solve problems through reasoning, and be able to prove it through their
answers to follow up questions, and know the concept of equality.
The book that I used as reference is a best-seller which contains different activities for preschoolers. Out of six editions, it is the fifth one by Judy Herr, who is an early childhood educator and
an award-winning author of more than thirty books about early childhood education, in collaboration
with Yvonne Larson, also an author specializing in early childhood education.
1. Zero to three years of age
To learn to group things by color
To appreciate the animals
To improve coordination between the eyes and the body parts, and to use art to express
2. Four to six years of age
To learn about the whole and its parts
To care for the animals welfare and safety
To recite rhymes and find the part that makes two words rhyme
3. Seven to eight years of age
To find relationships in animals, such as their differences and similarities
To share and to advocate equality
To classify the animals, and to acknowledge similarities and accept differences



Math Menu

0 to 3 yrs. old

4 to 6 yrs. old

Whole Group Materials: Recyclable materials or Floor-sized mat, picture

papers and a template pieces of the parts of an
of an animal
animal (e.g. cow)
Procedure Create a mosaic

Distribute the pictures of

the parts to the students and
ask them to take turns in
forming a picture of the

7 to 8 yrs. old
4 Cakes

Tell them that cake

number 1 is whole, and
then set it aside. Cut cake
number 2 into half and
separate the pieces into
two plates. Ask if you
have more cakes, and if
they answered yes, put
the slices back together
and ask them again the
same question and ask
them to justify their
previous answer, and so



Toys that can be broken Animal-themed seven-piece

apart and put together
(such as the vegetables
put together by velcro)

Lego blocks with animal



During playtime, the

teacher will ask how
many pieces the whole
has been divided

Determine the animal

through the print on the
Put together the blocks
and break them apart.

Play with the puzzles

Monkey, panda, dog Paper and pencil

puppets, and four pizza

Lego blocks

What is your favourite

Mr. Monkey has four
animal?What part/s of it do
slices of pizza. How
you like and why?
many slices of pizza
will he have if he wants
to share it with his
friend Mr. Dog and Ms.

Ask them to build a

building using only
orange on the top part
and blue on the bottom
part. Ask them questions
such as How much of
the building is blue? How
many are the blue ones
on top? And how many
orange ones on the

Arts (English)

Three Kittens

Three Kittens Mittens and

a pie

Three stuffed toy

(kittens) and six mittens


Sing along with


Recite rhyme with children

and ask them about which
words rhyme. Act like
mother kitten and ask them
how to divide the pie to the
three kittens.

Ask children to give each

kitten mittens

Math Journal/ Materials:

Story problem



Stuffed toy (frogs) with A real frog in a jar

different colors


Group the frogs by

their color

Ask about the parts of a frog Ask the children to

distribute the frogs on
each side of the log

Paint and paper

One bread and three birds in Field trip to a bird

a cage

Social Studies Materials:


Frogs made of felt and a


Finger painting of birds Ask the children how to feed Ask the children
the three birds with only one questions about the parts
of the birds (e.g. What
will happen if the bird
has no beak or wings?)


Language arts revolves around the nursery rhyme Three Kittens Mittens. Zero to three year olds are
going to dance and sing along. Four to five year olds will be asked about which words rhyme, and they
will be asked how the mother divided the pie to the three kittens. And for the seven to eight, they will
be asked to pair the six mittens, which was stolen by the mouse, to the three kittens.
Our lesson is focused on frogs. For ages zero to three, they will group the frogs according to its color,
because they can already distinguish visually. As they grow older (four to six years old), we talk about
the parts of the frogs, so that will learn that a whole is made up of parts. Lastly, for the seven to eight, I
will ask them to evenly distribute the frogs on a log.
For social studies, I want to teach them to care about the birds. Painting and arts crafts or mosaic with
bird themes will be made by the students ages zero to three. For four to six year olds, they will be asked
to divide one piece of bread to three birds in order to feed the latter. The seven to eight year olds will
have a field trip to the bird museum to learn more about the birds, and they will be asked about the
parts of the birds and its functions.

Goodreads. (n.d.). Books by Judy Herr. Retrieved from https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/
Herr, J. and Larson, Y.L. (2009). Creative resources for the early childhood classroom (5th ed.). 5
Maxwell Drive, PO Box 8007, Clifton Park, NY.
Kirkwood, J. (2015). Fractions activities for kindergarten and preschool. Retrieved from http://
Rhymecast. (2015). Three little kittens lost their mittens|Nursery rhyme. Retrieved from https://

Throughout the whole ECEDMAT course, I have stumbled multiple times. I encountered hardships, but
through difficulties, I have grown. Out of all the challenges I have encountered, doing a teacher made
material is probably the most difficult. Since I am not good in crafting, the product I had in mind was
different from the actual outcome. Compared with the other TMMs, I do not find our work particularly
attractive, but for me, the process was more meaningful. Doing the project, many of our plans
backfired; but I am proud that we did not let those setbacks pull us down. We learned to think critically
in order to formulate another plan that can easily replace the ineffective plan. I definitely need to work
on my art skills; but I have learned to plan for success, and also for failure. I have to plan and to look
forward to a successful implementation of the plan with an alternative plan at the back of my mind if
ever my original plan would not work. I enjoyed doing our TMM, especially when I was buying the
materials and visualizing the product. I also feel like I have cultivated a connection with graphs and
fractions because these are the topics for my major projects, which required a lot of researching. The
lesson plan is not an easy task. Aside from finding different activities, I also had to look into what was
appropriate for the different age groups, revisit the developmental stages, and think of creative ways to
integrate the concept with other subjects. In conclusion, going through the course was, well, bumpy. I
went through a kind of road where there are sharp stones that would stab my tires. A steep and narrow
road with curves. But that road was memorable because it toughened me up. People who get out of
there alive forgets the word incompetent and mediocrity. I have learned so much about teaching
Mathematics to pre-schoolers, especially through the engaging activities Ms. Canon shared with us. I
just cannot wait to share these activities to my future pupils.

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