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Official UKC Breed Standard

Companion Dog Group

Revised October 1, 2012

Copyright 1992, United Kennel Club

The goals and purposes of this breed standard include:

to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain
the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance
this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world;
and to act as a guide for judges.
Breeders and judges have the responsibility to avoid
any conditions or exaggerations that are detrimental to
the health, welfare, essence and soundness of this
breed, and must take the responsibility to see that
these are not perpetuated.
Any departure from the following should be
considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the
fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion
to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare
of the dog and on the dogs ability to perform its
traditional work.
The history of the Chihuahua is lost in antiquity. It is
known that both the Toltecs and the Aztecs kept dogs,
some of which were used for food, some for religious
purposes, and some for companionship. Whether these
dogs were Chihuahuas or not is uncertain. The breed
came to the attention of the modern world in the mid19th century when American visitors to Mexico brought
the tiny dogs home. Chihuahuas first appeared in
American dog shows in 1890. Today the Chihuahua is a
popular companion dog.
The Chihuahua was recognized by the United
Kennel Club in 1948.
The Chihuahua is a small, active dog, with a rounded
skull; a short, pointed muzzle; erect ears that flare out
somewhat to the side; and a sickle tail. The breed
comes in many colors and color patterns, and in both
smooth and long coats.
Despite its small size, the Chihuahua is an alert, active
dog with plenty of self-confidence. The Chihuahuas
small size and devotion to its owner have made this
breed a popular companion dog. Chihuahuas are
courageous little watchdogs who are more than willing
to defend their territory against strange people and
The Chihuahua has a distinctive headpiece that is
essential to correct breed type.

SKULL - The skull is large and well rounded, sometimes

called an apple dome or an apple head. Viewed
from the side, the line of the skull should curve in a
semi-circle from the occiput around to the muzzle. The
stop is vertical with the line of the skull, forming a 90degree angle where it joins the muzzle. Cheeks are
Serious Faults: Flat skull; stop with an angle greater than
90 degrees.
Disqualification: An open fontanel, a hole or gap in the
center of the skull, referred to as a molero.
MUZZLE - The muzzle is moderately short and
somewhat pointed, although it should be broad and
deep enough to support healthy dentition. Viewed from
the side, the bridge of the muzzle forms a right angle to
the line of the forehead. Lips are tight and clean.
TEETH - The Chihuahua has a complete set of evenly
spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors or level bite.
Serious Faults: Overshot or undershot bite; wry mouth;
crowded teeth; missing teeth; mouth unable to close.
NOSE - Nose color varies with coat color. Accepted nose
colors include black, brown, beige, pinkish-beige, or
EYES - Eyes are full but not protruding, and set well
apart. Expression is bright and the eyes are luminous.
Eye color varies with coat color, but dark eyes are
preferred. Light eyes in dogs with pale coat colors are
permissible but not desirable.
EARS - Ears are large and erect, broad at the base and
tapering towards their slightly rounded points. They are
set so that the bottom edge of the ear is attached at the
same level as the outer corner of the eye. The ears are
normally carried so that the tips point slightly outward.
This ear carriage is sometimes referred to as at 10
oclock and 2 oclock, referring to the position of these
numbers on a clock face. A line drawn from the outer
corner of the eye to the inner corner and a line drawn
from the inner corner of the eye to the tip of the ear
form a 45-degree angle. When the dog is alert, the ears
may be raised slightly. Longhaired Chihuahuas whose
ears droop slightly as a result of the weight of heavy
fringing on the ears are not to be penalized.
Disqualifications: Drop ears after six months of age;
cropped ears.
The neck is of medium length and slightly arched,
blending smoothly into well laid back shoulders. It is
free from dewlap, and is thicker in males than in

Shoulders are clean and moderately muscled. There is
good angulation between the shoulder blade and upper
FORELEGS - The legs are straight and of good length,
with the elbows held close to the body. The pasterns
are strong yet flexible. Dewclaws may be removed.
A properly proportioned Chihuahua is slightly longer
(measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) than
tall (measured from the withers to the ground), and
length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow
to the ground) should approximately equal one-half of
the dogs height. Whether the dog is standing or
moving, the line of the back is strong and level. The loin
is moderately short and deep, with very little tuck-up.
The ribs extend well back and are well sprung, but not
barrel shaped, forming a body that would be heartshaped if viewed in cross-section. The brisket extends to
the elbow. Viewed from the side, the forechest extends
in a slight, gentle curve in front of the forelegs.

Smooth Coat - The outer coat is soft, glossy, and close

fitting. The hair is longer on the neck and tail. Sparse
coat on the throat and abdomen is permitted, but
hairless dogs are not acceptable.
Disqualification: Bald patch (alopecia).

The hindquarters are muscular and the angulation of
the hindquarters is in balance with the angulation of the
HIND LEGS - The legs are parallel to one another with
good angulation at the stifle and the hock. Rear
pasterns are short, well apart and vertical. Removal of
rear dewclaws is preferred but not mandatory.
Feet are small and oval-shaped with the toes well split
up, but not spread out. Pads are well cushioned.
Toenails may be any color.
The tail is moderately long, set on high, and never
docked. It is thick at the base tapering gradually to a
Acceptable tail carriages include sickle or a single
curl with the tip just touching the back. Tail carriage is
an important characteristic of the breed. It should never
be carried between the hind legs or curled below the
Disqualifications: Cropped tail. Bobtail.
The Chihuahua comes in two coat types, and it may be
single or double coated. If undercoat is present, it is
soft, dense, and close fitting.

Long Coat - The outer coat is soft and fine, straight or

slightly wavy. If undercoat is present, it should not be
too thick. The coat forms feathering on ears, neck, back
of legs, feet and tail.
Serious Fault: Long, billowing coat.
All colors in all shades and combinations are acceptable,
except merle.
Disqualification: Albinism. Merle color.
The ideal weight is between 3 and 6 pounds, though
smaller dogs are acceptable.
Eliminating Faults: Over 6 pounds. Under one pound.

When trotting, the gait is effortless, energetic, active
and springy, with good reach and drive. The hind legs
should move nearly parallel to each other so that the
rear feet appear to land in the footprints of the front
feet. At greater speed, there is a tendency to converge
toward a center line of travel. The head is carried high
and the backline remains firm and level.
(An Eliminating Fault is a Fault serious enough that it
eliminates the dog from obtaining any awards in a
conformation event.)
Over 6 pounds.
Under one pound.
(A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered
for placement in a conformation event, and must be
reported to UKC.)
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid.
Viciousness or extreme shyness.
Drop ears after six months of age.
Cropped ears.
An open fontanel, a hole or gap in the center of the
skull, referred to as a molero.
Cropped tail.
Bald patch (alopecia) in the Smooth Coated variety.
Merle color.

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