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Never Ending War With Society

Do you run your life every day? Do you choose the clothes you wear at school? These
things are the parts of society that you act in, not by choice but by society running your life every
day. This Social system is the voice in your head telling you what to do every time you turn on
the tv, walk outside or communicate with your peers and friends. There are different social
groups in the world, targets and agents. Targets are social groups that are discriminated and
looked down on from agent groups, they are not the norms of society for example, gays,jews,and
people of color. Agents are the dominant groups of society and are the norms of the social groups
for example, white people, heterosexuals, middle and upper class people. In the article The
Cycle of Socialization, by Bobbie Harro a quote states how agent groups are looked on in
society,Dominant or agent groups are considered the norm around which assumptions are
built, and these groups receive attention and recognition. Agents are considered more important
in the roles of society compared to target groups, Bobbie Harro states another quote explaining
targets, On the other hand , there are many social identity groups about which little or nothing
is known because they have not been considered important enough to study. Agent groups
considered less important to the agent groups because they are not considered normal. Targets
and agents run society and are the the everyday people in our lives. In different situations we are
all targets and agents at some point in our life. To be a man takes too much effort and is in some
cases not a man to me if it takes away your true self when in the long run it would end up
showing the white privilege in society by doing what it wants you to do.
What is a man? Can you choose? Society chooses a mans fate if you give into the life
that controls everything you do. Society stereotypes a man to be tough, fearless, gets girls, rude,
and a rebel to rules these days. In Matt De Penas book Mexican WhiteBoy, page 28, a quote
states how danny is making his dad think he is the perfect image man, How much stronger and
darker and more mexican I am. Matter of fact, just today I knocked some kid out. He lied to his
dad so he could believe he was the son to come back to when in reality he was a boy that
believed he was an overachiever of manhood to his father.When I was in middle school, my
peers would tell me the aspects of being a man for example, If i didn't get into fights while i was
in middle school i was considered a wimp. At school boys and so called men are controlled by
stereotypes, not themselves. Are you not a man if you don't follow these exact brutal rules?
Guess so. My parents tell me a man is respectful, nice , has integratory, and is responsible, They
are completely opposite from what you hear from your friends and enemies. I believe that I am a
man not because I have tried to follow the man rules given directly from society, but from
learning from my parents and watching what the true acts of being a man accomplish.
Throughout history the caucasian race or white has had advantages over other ethnicities
for centuries because of better welfare. Does God choose favorites because of their skin color,
and because they have bigger advantages than everyone else that is not like them.? The word
white means pure, peaceful, clear minded, black is considered dark, soulless, blurry. Is this
racist? Yes it is why does a man have to look down on someone not the same as them? White
people and the white race has had better privileges and better advantages since the beginning of
man. In the Article by Peggy Mcintosh, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, a
quote states how other ethnicities are looked upon other than white, In proportion as my racial
group was being made confident, comfortable, and oblivious, other groups were likely being
made unconfident, uncomfortable, and alienated. Slavery of natives, african americans,
hispanics, jews has been constant throughout the centuries, and yet slavery has ended through

Never Ending War With Society

these ethnicities the discrimination is still strongly in the system of society through racism and
economic stance.Some people look from past slavery of ethnicities other than color those
ethnicities are looked as more as unable to be mature or professional. Some people are too scared
to speak their minds in company of other ethnicities because of past racism drenched into the
seeps of society and communities. My race is white and I have more advantages than other
people of different races, and this has lived in this world for centuries and needs to stop so that
we can solve discrimination problems together. .But I don't see that fare in the subject that a
african american boy would grow up to work harder than me in some cases, and not get the same
benefits as I would to work as hard or less.
If now I look back onto middle school, I realize that I have done way too many things to
get accepted by guys that would improve my reputation when in reality it destroyed it. When you
want to be cool in school , it is something you learn and not instead of trying to be yourself with
your own instincts. Socialization sucks people in and spits them out different if you choose to
follow what it shows you to do, for example: school, sport teams, jobs, and other community
groups. Those are some aspects. A quote from states how we stride to
not be juged on some these stereotypes, Stereotyping comes from all kinds of different people,
for kinds of different reasons. Students can be stereotyped and judged simply by what they wear,
all the way down to how they act, or even how much money their families have. This shows
some of the stereotypes that run our school life and predict what will happen in the future of our
social lives. I have found that it is hard to step out of line when in ranks of our society, and I
most of times dont choose to be different because I fear that I could be jugged and treated with
no importance in some situations. Every person is some point in their life following another and
that person as well which then eventually circles back to the very first person and most of the
time that person does not even realize it. I personally have done many things in my power to be
accepted as a perfect son to my family, when then realizing I did not have to do much at all. I
worked to hard to accomplish these things because of being treated this way in school or on my
sports teams. People use people everyday and this is something that I have realized that is not
important to be cool, popular, liked, If everyone broke the rules of popularity and being cool the
world would have less to stress and worry about.
Throughout my life I have been put in the front line of the fight of society so that I could
fit in, and taught by many people how I should act and live. The things that I have been taught
will probably stick with me always based on the fact that I have been told them by people to be
looked on as a cool popular guy. But they never make me feel normal truly and I always have a
gut feeling telling me this is wrong and I should not do this. Society controls us, or most of us at
least and it could be a good thing or bad thing. It depends if your cool looking, popular, and cruel
to others to be liked by them. Why Is this the norm and not what we should avoid? Pride?
Maybe, if a man acts like a girl,and is not strong at all, then will be looked down on for as long
as he acts that way, and then some. In the Article What Does It Mean To Be Man, by Harris
OMalley a quote states how men were looked on in society originally, Being a man used to be
simple; he was a leader, a beacon of strength and order in a chaotic world. Men were strong.
Men were the rulers. This quote show how men used to be looked as, if you do not do these
things exactly are you not a man? This world is controlled by and follows a cycle. The cycle is
the cycle of socialization and every person is born and it's a choice to to break the cycle and be
different it will not happen without you doing anything, I may be writing about rebelling society
norms now in this essay but will probably go back to being normal around everyone that I am not

Never Ending War With Society

being myself to, because When you are treated like your input is not needed you start to believe
that yourself. Everyone that follows these norms can break them and be themselves only if they
have people by their sides.

Mask Paragraph
My mask is representing a dividend of two sides of society. One Side is representing
how I have been socialized through my family and true friends, it is a representation of a pure,
good, and original way of being socialized. This part is white scattered with black paint and this
because the white represents the pure part of the family and friends and the black smothering it
represents the other side affecting it. The other side of the mask is the part of socialization that I
have been taught through school, sports team, and my community outside of my family. This
part of the mask is black smothered in white because the black represents unclear and unsure
of what i'm doing and learning this way. The white smothering the black part of the mask shows
that i'm being affected by the family side also. The smothering on both parts of the mask show
how i'm being affected by both sides by those sides of how i've been socialized. On top of all of
that are question marks representing confusion of the two and i'm trying to figure everything out.
Arrows are on the mask pointing to each side showing how the two are connected. All in all the
mask is dark because i am still trying to figure out how to live the social life i want so the future
of it isn't so bright yet.

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