Donald Trump Formula

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Donald Trump

Jason Capital: Yo, whats going on man? Its Jason Capital here, and goddamn,
Im excited to have you back here for the next celebrity series. Today is the
Donald Trump Formula. Ive been waiting weeks to get into this one, mainly
because as Im recording this for you today, Donald Trump is, I think, If I saw in
the paper recently correctly, hes the most Googled man in the world right now.
Thats for one really obvious reason. Hes running for the president of the United
States. He is making huge waves in that election, right? Everyone else is running
for, especially the Republican Party, has decades and decades of experience
with politics.
They moved up I guess, we call the ladder youre supposed to be climbing,
this is very similar what we talked about with the Jason Capital success business
and millionaire freedom in first class freedom and stuff. Prison ladder versus the
freedom path. Obviously the politicians have all climbed the ladder.
Theyve all sucked the dick of America. Are you supposed to do it? All of a
sudden, Donald Trump just shows up here a couple of months ago, says, You
know, fuck you guys. Im running for resident. Even though I have no experience
in politics, even though I havent climbed your ladder in the list pit, Im just going
to leap frog and put myself at the top and I would see what happens.
Hes taking a commanding lead in the election. I think hes like 32% of the
poll and the second place is like 10% or 11% or nine 9%, some like that. Hes
dominating, okay? Hes fucking dominating.
I dont care what your politics are. I dont care what you believe in or what you
dont believe in, who youre good with, you dont agree with. Truthfully, thats pretty
irrelevant here, because our focus here is making you the most attractive version of
yourself, the most attractive, strongest, most dominant, most free version of yourself.

As we see Donald Trump leap frog everyone and totally dominate this election,
were putting politics aside, because clearly, there is some shit we can learn here.
There is some shit we can emulate here. We can use this shit to make ourselves
more dominant, more attractive, higher status, more charming, more powerful,
more influential, more famous.
There is tons of great things that Donald Trump does or tons of great things
that he has done, things that he does behind the scenes that you would never
see or hear about it except in this training here, that are going to really change
your fucking life, that are going to give you some of the power, and some of the
influence that Donald Trump is at, right?
This is the guy who started off his own business when he was 21. His dad had
given him some experience when we was younger in real estate. He really went
on his own and he did a lot of big things at a young age. It is really getting to it. I
dont want to go too far.
Donald Trump is one hell of the guy that whether you love him or you hate him,
I want you to put that aside for the duration just as recording here, just in this
training here, so you can, at the very least, get out what you invested for, so you
can actually learn the shit, so we can install this into your subconscious for you. If
you love him, great, all right?
But if you hate him, put that aside from the end of the training. By the time were
done, once I installed all the best behavioral traits and characteristics that he has
inside your subconscious for you, so at least, you have this fucking power.
Do that, put it aside and then at the end, once were not like I said, then you go
back to hating him. Thats totally fine with me, but not until we reach the end. All
right, so on that note, lets get started, all right?
Number one, Donald Trump always says what he wants. Okay. He always says
what he wants. Besides power, okay, it is his highest value.

Being verbally free, saying what you want when you want, however you want, not
caring about the result, not caring about what happens, not caring about people
think; that is so fucking powerful, because the thing is, when most people think
about this, theyre constantly attaching the, What will he think about it? What will
she think about it? What would the response be?
Okay, Donald Trump has completely detached those questions away from saying
what he wants. He does not care what will he think, what will she think, what will
they think. It is irrelevant to him, because his focus has shifted. It is ingrained in
him. His focus is instead on, What will I think of myself after I say what I want?
Thats what he cares about. It is his higher value. He will be proud of himself.
He will like himself when he says what he wants and that is worth 10 times more
than a good response or a bad response for anyone else.
Counter intuitively of course, being the person who says what he wants when
he wants is a high-status trait. Its going to get you good results no matter what
you do, so you can take some solos and he gets youre concern about that.
Understand, he always says what he wants, right?
He always says what he wants, because it is his highest value. I love the example
where he was dining, was the during the first debate recently. I saw a cool event on
YouTube where hes up there and the girl who was doing the questions
This is funny when I look at debates and stuff, because here is a bunch of people
who work their asses off and have provided a lot of value of the world on stage,
and theyre being badgered with all these controversial questions and be really
trying to put on the spot light and trying to be torn.
Literally, there are these people who ask some questions trying to make them
look bad, trying to tear them down. When once your value givers on stage who
for some reason, are being really interrogated by a team of people who are on
TV who provide no value to the world.

Holding us backwards team, anyways, hes up there, and some girl whos hot;
thats why shes an anchor on the CNN or Fox News or whatever it is. She asked
him a question about his comments on women. Like, In the past, youve said
these things about women that some women are like this, and some women and
like this. What do you think about that?
He just immediately interrupts her in front of the whole world and he goes, I was
only referring to Rosie ODonnell when I said those things. Right old charming
little smirk on his face. On her face, of course, shes embarrassed and flustering.
She doesnt know how to respond to this, because shes so used to other people
playing her games in answering her questions.
Now, she needs a cocky mother fucker who has gang, like Donald Trump and hes
not even played her game. Hes going to say what he wants, right? Hes going to
amuse himself. This is what all the top guys on Team Capital do all the time.
Girls trying to ask you a question, trying to get you to play her game and you give
her an answer she totally didnt expect, something that totally just amuses you.
She goes with these comments about when you said these things. No, I was
only referring to Rosie ODonnell in those situations of course.
With a charming smirk on your face as you say it. That right there is extremely
powerful. We flip the whole powers with genres, flips the script, she freaks out,
she dont know what to say. People were talking about all afternoon and really
what happened was, of course its his highest so he said what he wants, going
to amuse himself there, but what happened was after, people didnt care what he
said about women, okay?
Because all that were watching for, they didnt really care what he said. Theyre
just watching for, Did he get flustered or did he maintain a state?
Of course, he maintained a state. He maintained his frame. She was the one
who got flustered. Now, she ends up looking like the low value, kind of bitchy

personality, right who was just trying to throw stones at the giant who actually
deserves to be there. He looks like the bigger man. He looks like the stronger
Its of course, its because there is no conflict inside about saying what he wants
to say. Because he does it all the time, because it is his default setting, hes just
going to say what he wants to say. Its going to come out smooth. Its going to
come out without affecting your state at all, and its going to look powerful. Thats
what happened. That is whats going to happen as what happened.
Understand his higher fucking value. He always says what he wants. Of course,
at first, you might go a little too far with this sometimes and other times, you
might go a little too short, both these things are okay. Were just course tracking
overtime because hes been doing this for 40 fucking years.
If youre just starting this or if youre only doing it for six month or a year or
whatever, just keep fucking going, keep this super high value for you, always
saying what you want and pretty soon, its going to become totally natural and
automatic and a default setting for you to say, not just say what you want, but its
going to be the right thing. The thing that gets you what you want in a situation as
well and youre coming out super smooth; thats number one.
Number two, Donald Trump constantly talks about how many other people are
talking about him. Go to bed, hes always constantly really complaining. He does
it in a funny way. Hes really complaining. Were talking about how many other
people are talking about him, whether youre saying good things or whether
youre saying bad things.
Then he always does a takeaway at the end as if to say, Well, who cares about
that? Everybodys constantly talking about how many other people are talking
about you, that might come off as bragging, but if you end it with a little takeaway
like, But really no. Enough about that. Who cares about that? Lets focus here.

By doing a little something like that, its going to come off as if youre not
bragging, but really all the people are going to hear that point, is pre-selection,
social proof. An example of this is when hes doing any of his talks right now in
front of big audiences and someone asks him a question.
In the answer, hes always going to, at some point talk about He was at
this speech, he got to speech last week in Nashville and everyone there was
constantly telling him how proud they are of him, and how much they want him to
win, how excited they are that hes going to crash Hillary and he might say that,
but then another question comes about New York City, and he is going to talk
about how everyone there at this, I dont know, maybe he was in a liberal area,
and everyone there was telling him how much they hate him and hes going to
say, It was poor behavior in their part.
Who cares about that? Were doing something really big here. Hell just go back
to whatever he wants to talk about. How can you use this in your own life? Youre
not running for president. You didnt give a speech last week in Nashville. How
can you use this in your life?
Well, maybe just in conversations with anyone or any of your friends or anything
like that, or with a girl, just bring it up in the story that maybe a whole another
group of people were talking about you, and theyre talking about something you
did with maybe a friend or some party or something like that and then you can
state your belief on it or your value on it.
Maybe you tell about the story, and then you tell her that youre just the kind of
person that you think that you dont really like the idea of talking about other
people behind their back, or its just not something you, its not something you
value in your life. I dont know why people are always talking about me, like I just
want them to focus on their own lives. Its enough. I get it. I dont know. Maybe
Im just complaining here and I should be happy people are always thinking about
me, but I dont know. Then you go on to whatever else.

Just like complaining about how many other people are talking about you, are
thinking about you, how popular you are; these are good things that Donald Trump
does in every speech, does it all the time and its a power move. Its a strong power
move. It shows a lot of social proof and it shows a lot of pre-selections. Think about
that one and how youre going to use that in your own life.
All right, number three. Donald Trump does not prepare his speeches. Okay.
He is total free flow. The reason for this is truthful. Number one, he does it as a
power move to show the American people that other politicians who are running,
who needs speeches, they dont really know what to say. They dont really know
what theyre talking about.
They dont really believe in themselves. They dont really know where they
stand in all these different issues, thats why they need a speech writer to write
perfectly for them, and then someone else edits it, and then someone else edits
it and it takes them 12 days to create a speech, because they dont know what to
say and theyre not really good leaders. Okay. He points that out all the time.
Of course, it makes him look like a better leader, like hes more prepared, like
hes more the man for the job in there. Thats first reason, but the second reason
is when youre reading someone elses words on a piece of paper, where is your
passion? Okay.
Theres no fucking passion when anyone else talks, because thats not their
real words. When Caesar was leading his army before a big fight, if he pulled
out a piece of scripture from someone else and then read it from the paper or
a teleprompter, fuck no. No one had cue cards for Caesar. He spoke through
exactly from his fucking heart and from his gut and from his balls, and pure
passion was coming through.
The people did not care about his words then, the people honestly dont give a
shit about the words that the politicians or anyone says. No, they dont care about
the words Trump says. They dont care about the words that the other people

say. What they really care about is whats in your eyes.

They care about your passion. Those other people do not come off as passionate.
When Donald Trump steps up to the stage, hes free flowing, hes speaking freely,
they can feel his fucking passion. They can feel his fire, and thats what they get
behind. Thats where they connect with. Thats what they want to follow.
The people you want on your team are going to be moved by your passion, not
your words, okay? Any politician who gets people to follow him, because he
said some promises or some words that they want to hear, hes going to have to
pander to them for the rest of his life to keep them on his team. Theyre not with
him for the right reasons.
It wasnt because of the promises he made or specific words that they want
to hear, but it was just that sometimes they dont have to agree with him, or
sometimes maybe they even disagree with him, but they follow him because of
his passion, because of his fire, because they can see, they can look at the guy
and they can literally hit mute on the TV, but they can be like, This mother fucker
is strong.
This mother fucker is going places. I trust this man. This man is passionate. Im
not going to agree with everything he says, but he is someone I will follow.
Thats what Donald Trump does. Its just something really key to remember. Of
course you know in meeting women, in friendships and leading businesses,
entrepreneurs, whatever it is, remember this, its not about the words at a given
time. Its always about the passion. Thats number three. Lets get to number four
right now. Number four, Donald Trump always talks about his success. He always
says, Its not to brag or Im not saying it was a show off or whatever, but because
its what we need right now.
Thats the way he always said what he says. He talks about his successes, he
basically brag. He says, I dont say that to brag. I dont say that to show up or

some shit like that, but its because its what we need right now as country, as a
team, as a society, as us.
In one of his speeches recently, he said and he says it all the time, he does it in
his book. Hes done it for 30 plus years. Basically, someone asked the question
about negotiating or running or leading much people running a business,
whatever it was, and he say, Listen. Im tremendously successful at leading a
large team with people, we employed this many people at Trump.
We made this amount of money, and he started naming all his awesome things
hes done and the successes and he say, I dont say that to brag or to show off
or not, but simply its because its what we need as a country right now. We had
been losing for way too long. We are a country now. We need winners. We need
people who had done it.
Thats what Ive done. Id done it. We need to show the world that we are
winners, because thats who we are. We are winners and its time we finally had
some leadership who has been a proven winner his entire life, because look at all
the things Ive done.
He shows them off. He goes, I dont say that to brag. Its because what we need
right now. Like this full loop that never ends. They said, How could you use this
for instance with girls? One conversation with a girl, you could say something
like this and I could tell you about all the different girls that Ive had private
meaningful connections with just over the last few months, but I wont be telling
you that to brag.
Its to let you know that truthfully a lot of girls out there are simply not getting what
they good from the men that theyre seeing or the men that theyre meeting.
When they meet a guy who can finally give them what they need, when they
meet a guy whos finally literally showing them the things that they need, he is
what they need. They maybe that he knows exactly what they need, but they

meet him and they feel something for him, and they can tell, This is the kind of
guy Ive been missing out.
This is the kind of guy I need in me, I need in my life. They want to spend time
with him. They want to spend time alone with him. Yeah, Im not saying this to
brag or anything, but literally truthfully, theres a lot of guys out there who arent
really providing women with the things that they needed.
Its kind of sad right now, but it certainly worked out pretty well for me, because
its really good one of the guys out there who has shown over and over again that
he is the kind of guy that does provide women what they need.
Its off the dont If I was to say it exactly, it might come off a little different.
Thats one way you can live is brag about your successes and you can say,
Im not saying to brag. Im not trying to say to show off or anything, but really,
because it just shows it.
It just shows you how many women out there arent getting what they need from
women. Its what women need in their lives right now. They need real men, real
men with purpose. Youd gone your whole 30-second passionate diet trap.
Thats one thing he always does. He always talks about his successes. He
always says, Its not to brag or anything like that, its because its what we need
right now. Really good persuasion technique. Its really good for building your
own value, demonstrating your own value.
Thats number four. Number five, Donald Trump always validate people in the
group or in the audience basically who did or who do something that he wants
or he doesnt settle with. In one of his speeches, hell do it all the time. He was
talking about one of his topics or whatever, he said, theres actually a great Wall
street Journal about this exact topic and me, last weekend, the reporter actually
wrote was right there. He names her names and hes like attached to the great
job with that piece.

Anyways, going to back to the subject, but just simply by pointing her out,
invalidating her for that specific thing that he liked, which is writing a good article
about him in a big newspaper, do you think shes more likely or less likely to do
something like that again now?
Of course, shes more likely to do it, because she got that validation, that heated
validation. It excites here, makes her happy, makes her feel significant, makes
her feel proud. She told her parents about it, her friends about it. She wants to do
it again, because her subconscious now associated. I write good articles about
Donald Trump in the paper, and good things happen, good emotions follow.
Recently, last weekend, I did a private talk for a group about 50 people who all
together paid about a million dollars to be there. Its a pretty important group of
people. In our long presentation and a lot of my advance persuasion stuff. In the
group, there were a lot of girls in the audience.
While I was giving the talk, there was a point where I mentioned how Id given a
similar talk recently, I dont know, a couple of months ago and I mentioned how a
couple of girls there who talk the talk, were great there. She came up to me at the
cocktail party after and they had some really good questions for me, about how I
discovered these techniques and stuff like that.
I thought that was like a really time. Those people are going to be stressful for
asking those kinds of questions and are seeking to spend time with those people.
I just mentioned that really briefly to the whole group. What I really did was I
planted a seed for all the women in the audience, at the cocktail party in that
night, which I knew was going to happen to come up to me with all kinds of
questions, to be thinking about after I gave the talk and before the cocktail party
to be thinking about me, What kind of questions am I going to ask him?
Maybe Ill get his approval the way those other girls did at that other speech.
Sure enough, I show up to the cocktail party with my main girl and dozens I

dont say dozens, probably eight or nine girls in the group almost, basically it was
almost all in there, because it was like two thirds of men, all came up to me with
not just question, but with these eyes that they were looking at Jesus. A guy who
I describe who was there.
They were just coming out, like, You are a god. You are amazing. How you talk
to them, so amazing. I was so amazed by this and this and you were so this.
What do you think about this? They had questions. Then of course, Im going to
tease them for the questions.
Now, its like it makes the game so easy, obviously. One of the women actually had
emailed about this one and her husband was there and she comes up to me and
he was loving my chest and shes telling me about how big of a dick I am, but she
loves it. Its very interesting choice of words you used there. Shes flirting with me,
touched me. Her husbands standing like a little bitch. It was the whole thing.
Again, Donald Trump does it, I do it. You do it too. There are others in group who
do what you want or did what you want, even to get them to do future behavior,
you tell them other people who did this behavior and you validate those people,
and its going to make it more likely theyre going to do it later. A very powerful
shit, a very advanced shit right there.
Next, Donald Trump always frames his beliefs as something that all smart people
know. The way you do this is a great politician move. Its a great thing to do. Its
a marketing great thing to use in conversation is to just start sentences off with
phrases like, Listen, all smart people know this, and then you say the belief.
Its a belief, its not a fact, but pre-framing, All smart people know this, you
are obviously making it seem like if they disagree with it, theyre kind of retard.
Theyre like in a minority. Like, they dont know what the fuck youre talking about.
Another really good phrase to start a sentence, it would be something like,
Obviously, everyone knows, and then you state the thing that is just simply your

belief, or because you pre-framed it as, Everyone know this, and youre an idiot
if you dont know what its been implied. People are more likely to be with you.
Donald Trump does this all the fucking time, very simple one, very powerful.
If you use in negotiation for anything or youre trying to seduce a girl and you
send some frame or something like that, simply by using that, its probably going
to lead to the result you want which technically makes that a little piece of advice
right there, worth 10 times the price of admission you paid to get here. It was
already over-delivered right now, but lets continue.
Next, Donald Trump is the ultimate planner. Hes the ultimate planner. He will
never just do one thing. Everything coincides with other things. There are two or
three or four big things happening all at the same time. Theyre all related to each
other and each one promotes the other and it makes something that would be a
five on the one to 10 scale. Its makes it to 10.
For instance, hes literally opening a new Trump building on Pennsylvania
Avenue, maybe one or two block I think its only on the same street or a block
away from the White House. Hes opening a new Trump building a block away
from White House, just in time for the election, just in time for whether or not I
dont know if youre going to win or not, its not really relevant here.
Think about that. He literally has planned the opening of a new building right
near the White House, right around the same time as the election. Do you think
thats a coincidence? Of course not. It almost makes it seem like it is fate. He is
destined to become the next president, because look, hes already putting plans
to open a new Trump building just down the street.
How much more obvious can he get that greater powers in humans have put
things in motion to make Donald Trump the next president?
Its such a strong fucking move. He is the ultimate planner. Think about this in
your own life. What big things are you doing right now in your own life that you

can add other things related to it, that you can connect them, that you can make
them seem like fate.
With all these amazing things you wanted at the same time, it makes you seem
like its such a big deal. We call this showmanship. What other things for
instance could you piggyback on? What big events are going on the world that
you could piggyback one of your events on it? What are your things in your life?
For instance, when I was younger, I dont really do it anymore, but I used to
create routines for gaming girls or negotiation, but this never really matter,
out of hot current events, stuff that people are talking about, because theres
somethings really hot current event, and you bring it up in conversation, people
are going to bite on it. Its like the ultimate bait.
People want to talk about hot current events. If youre the girl and when you hear
this, maybe theyre not relevant, maybe theyve disappeared from the planet from
being terrible human beings, but if the Kardashians are still in, and you have
some statement or some little bait line related to the Kardashians, girls are going
to bite on it super hard.
Even if you just say to a girl, something like, Did you see the latest thing that
happened with the Kardashians? A question like that, almost every single girl is
going to bite on it.
If you have a routine related to that, you got a fucking mate, because theyre
going to be so interested in that kind of subject. Another example, I actually
totally forgot about this, I went back home to Michigan, I think it was for the last
weekend. While Im there, Im hanging out with my parents.
Were having a good time, just like hanging out the living room, sharing stories.
We havent seen each other in a while and were connecting. My mom pulls out
this box of old stuff related to me, like old pictures, newspaper clippings from my
basketball days and things like that.

She pulls out this article that was written about me when I was at Michigan State
about my first online business. The headline was like, 21-year-old turns passion
for basketball into six-figure freedom, something like that. It was a cool article,
talking about how I started my first online business from my college dorm room,
and right away, Im making six-figures. Im living the life.
Im doing all these great things. Im reading it and Im like, This is a really good
article. Its really cool they wrote this about me. Then the light switch in my head
and I go, Holy shit. I totally forgot. I made this happen. I literally, I made this
When I first started the business and was doing really well, I go to the bars and
stuff like that and Id be talking to girls and Id be trying to explain what I do in
my business and stuff like that and Id always really go ways to describing it, but
they still didnt understand what it meant to be like an online entrepreneur and
stuff like that. I was like, Why dont I just get a story written in the local paper in
financing about what I do.
Then every girl will see it and they will talk about it, and then Ill look like a fucking
big shot. Then theyll come to me for questions about what I do or whatever. I
dont have to explain it anymore.
I emailed, talking person, Wheres the paper? I have him a really good story, it
sounded good. They brought me in. They interviewed me. They wrote the story
and just look what happened. Like 20 girls hit me up from the following couple of
weeks, saw your name in the paper, et cetera, et cetera.
Im like, Holy shit. I made that happen. I totally forgot I did that, which was really
fucking cool. Its really smart and Im glad I did that. Im very proud of myself,
Jason. Donald Trump is the ultimate planner. I got some of that in me. I can
certainly, I can do more of it myself. Im going to.
Think about how you can do it in your life. You can as big as getting your name in

the paper or as something as small, literally just creating a special new seduction
routine out of a hot current event. Its kind of nice. Donald Trump never compares
himself. He never compares himself to anyone else. He does this for two reasons.
Number two is a philosophical reason. Number one is egotistical reason.
Number one, the reason he never compares himself is because he knows hes
better than everybody else. Regardless what the number say, what the fact
say, he knows the future, because he is Obviously, you know the best way
to predict the future is to create it, because hes constantly creating the future
himself. He knows where hes going and he knows hes better than everyone
else. He never compares himself. Its laughable. Thats number one.
Number two, he never compares himself, because to compare yourself is to kill
yourself. To compare yourself is to kill yourself. No one has had the same history
as you, the same experiences as you. For you to compare the kinds of results of
your life of anyone else would be really be fucking retarded. You simply cannot
do it, because it is impossible to make a fair comparison.
Even deep down, you know all the obstacles you face. Youve known all the
challenges youve dominated. You know all your strengths, you know all your
weaknesses. You know everything. But all you know about the person is the tip
of the iceberg. The one percent that they want you to see. You dont know about
the other 99%. You dont know about their weaknesses, about all the shit theyve
done in their life.
You cant compare, because you know everything about you and you know
nothing about them. Thats why you cant compare. To compare yourself is to
kill yourself. The secret here we call it, compete with potential. You are going to
compete with your own potential and no one else. Donald Trump only competes
with his own potential and no one else, and now, so do you. Nice.
There is a formula of Donald Trump, Im certain he did not write it down, but he
does it almost all the time. It is extremely powerful. Here it is. Anytime Donald

Trump complements anyone, he immediately follows it with mild criticism, very

mild criticism. It is an extremely powerful formula, extremely powerful formula.
Complement followed immediately by mild criticism. A compliment followed
immediately by mild criticism. Whenever Donald is talking positively about
someone else, hes talking about what a great job theyre doing. Hell always
end it with something like, Youre doing an amazing job in this project and I was
really proud of what they did in this.
Of course, there is just one thing I think they could do a little bit better on, but
overall, great job. That just one little thing, like he just fully validated them, just
gave him a full complement and that was it, a problem with that and this is part of
being a great leader.
The problem with that is theyd be so happy with the validation they just received
from the highest status person, but they would be less motivated to keep doing
great work. When you throw that mild criticism, and lets them know theyre doing
great, but theyre still not here yet, it makes them even more motivated, because
theyre like, Im so close to really making him proud.
I didnt totally get it, but goddamn, Im close. I want to fucking get it now. Anyone
who doesnt respond that way, obviously is not the kind of person you want on
your team anyways, because you want those really ambitious people who are
like, Im so fucking close. Im going to keep fucking going. Im going to even
better from now on.
Of course, its a great thing to do with women as well. Complement followed
immediately by mild criticism. We know guys who just complement women
only do that, they end up in the friend zone in their little bitches. They guys who
complement their women, but its followed immediately by mild criticism, of course,
there are certain things you can critic on women and certain things you cant.
For instance, I would never Im not going to say never because I certainly done

it. I would not make a habit out a critiquing a womans looks, her physical looks.
Thats something that is really hard to come back from if you want to bang her.
In complementing a woman, if youre complementing her on taste or style and
what shes wearing, you can do that and you can get a mild critic about the
shoes. Like, I love everything you have, but the shoes honestly, Ive seen you
wear shoes, you normally wear them really well, but for whatever reason, I love
the entire outfit, I love the hair, I love the makeup.
You look great, but I just feel like those shoes are almost wearing you, right now,
instead of you wearing them. Something as small as that, powerful. Extremely
Was when you never had a man talks to them like that, let alone be that blunt
with them, but at the same time, like racking it in actual complement and of
course, all shes going to remember is the very mild critic, but shes going to be
working for your approval from that point on. All right, Donald Trump does this all
the time with everyone, no wonder hes still successful with women as well.
Next, Donald Trump, he really knows how to challenge someone and let them
know they might be fired. I dont remember which his books his story was in, but
its so bad ass. I was going to tell you the story real quick, thats what I mean.
Theres a guy whos running one of his departments.
Its been like year, and the guy is simply not doing his good of a job as Donald
expected him to. Donald goes in there to have a talk with him. Donald doesnt
know if he was going to fire him or not. He wants the guy responsible, but he
goes in there and sits the guy now and he says, Listen. The department is not
doing what it should be doing right now. Its not doing what I expected it to be
doing. I know youre in charge of it.
I know you say youve been doing the best you can. The truth is, this isnt your
fault. This is not your fault. This is my fault. I over estimated what youre capable

of. I over estimated your abilities to run this department on to the levels that I
expected and that is my fault for over estimating your capabilities.
That being said, I have seen people rise above their capabilities and actually rise
to a challenge. Im willing to give you one more chance to prove that to me. Do
you think youre capable of it? Of course in that situation, the guy is like, Fuck
yeah, please. Yes, yes, yes. It turned out pretty well. The guy ended up actually
doing what hes supposed to do.
That is like one of the best possible ways that you can challenge someone whos
working of you, anyone in your world or anything like that, to get them a new better
job, and basically raise their own personal standards for what theyre doing.
Its an incredible way to challenge someone and let them know theyre not going
to fired and really raise them up. I really like that story. Next, Donald Trump has
four keys for hiring people. I want you to notice, as I show you these four keys
how similar they are to people you might want in your world or your social circle if
youre a social god, as your friends.
I dont what level of key theyre going to be in your world, these are four keys
you want on everyone your world to have. Charlie Monroe likes to say that you
should make friends like you were hiring them and you should hire people like
you were choosing your friends. Very, very important, because youll be spending
a lot of time with these people and you are outrage of the five people you spend
the most time with.
Here are Donald Trumps four keys for hiring. Number one, an outstanding
personality. An outstanding personality. Number two, brains plus the liability. This
ones a key especially in hiring. If youre an entrepreneur, youre running your
own company or anything like that. People with brains; what he means by that is
people who have, its what we call the not retarded factor.
Its what we call in our business. The not retarded factor. Some people, they just

dont get it. I dont know if they have to shipped. They have to be told everything
little thing to do. They cant put one thing to make it quickly than other things and
realize that this third thing has got to happen and they go on their own and they
get it done. Thats what having brains is about.
Some people are just retarded in a small percentage of people are not retarded.
Thats really what he means by brains there. Liability of course, if you have to tell
anyone in your business or anything like that that something needs to be done by
a certain date. If you have to follow up with them six times to get it done, that is
not a reliable person.
You do not want that person in your business. You do not need that person in
your business, because there are far more people out there who are reliable and
will get something done when you tell them it needs to be done, and you only
have to tell him once.
Number three, creativity. This kind of coincides with the not retarded factor
whereas, if theyre working at project for you and they see that theres something
from these directions or whatever, do they have the self-alliance, the trust in
themselves to get a little creative and figure out the solutions for that one thing
thats missing. Go ahead and actually do it.
Theyre willing to risk some disapproval. Theyre willing to risk, that maybe
they got it wrong, but at least theyre taking the initiative to try and fill the hole
themselves, and not bother you this small manure, small shit. Thats important.
Number four, loyalty and trust. Anyone youre going to hire, youre going to be
training them on not just for what they do, but youll be training them for life.
Youre not just investing in them as employees. Youre investing them as people.
Youre going to make them better people.
Youre going to make them smarter people. They are literally investments of your
own. If youre going to invest in someone and make them better, and spend the

time and the energy, the money to do that, theyd have better have some mother
fucking loyalty to you. This person youve built up is not just going to get built up
and then leave you.
Theyre going to be built up and theyre to continue to follow you. All of that has
to do with you as much as it does with them. Those are his four keys for hiring. I
think its a really good list thing. If youre going to hire, remember that list. Next,
Donald Trump loves to take I dont want to say loves to take. He will always
take the frame that serves him best.
He will always take the frame that serves him best. What I mean about that is
anything that hes ever done, for every single thing that hes done, he will always
have what some people might call the best excuse for why he did it, or the best
reason or the best rationalization for why he did it. You know what, thats what he
should have.
He should have a great excuse for why he did it, because typically, you could
trade out the word excuse for reason why, or powerful reason why he did. Its
the same thing. Its just that the opposite side will call it as an excuse, because
they know it has a negative connotation, thats someones excuse for it.
For instance, if he makes some big comments about immigration at the border
or something like that, he says some bastard things about them and someone
later on critics him and says like, Hes crazy. Like, obviously, we cant trust this
person. His excuse for why he said those things was because he was really fired
up in the crowd or whatever.
Theyll frame it as an excuse, but the truth is hell have a much better reason for
why he did it. No matter people say, he will ignore their frame and he will always
put his own frame out and he knows how to frame it in the best way possible.
Obviously politicians are great at this.
The last example I gave you, Im not to agree with it. I think it really good at all

to explain this. Im just going use the story from myself I just thought of. I have a
friend who I was really good friends within high school and good friends within
college and after college, sometimes we can go to different places. They really
become their own person and if their beliefs or their lifestyles are really different
than someone else, its hard for people like that to continue to stay friends.
I have this buddy who were really good friends back in college, high school. We
both moved out to California. He lives a couple of hours from me. He is an agent
in Hollywood. I think hes doing decently well for himself. We havent stayed in
touch as much as we probably expected to when we were younger, but our lives
are very different.
The things I believe in are not the things that he certainly he believes in. The
way I live my life is not really the way he lives his life. He is an employee. Im
the first-class freedom guy. That can cause a lot of issues with people especially
when someone like at a big Hollywood agency and theyre sucking the dick of
Hollywood trying to move up levels, so one day they could be the big Hollywood
agent, who makes 500k a year and has a season tickets to a suite at the Lakers
games or whatever it is.
Thats where he is. He spent 15 years wasting his life doing, being in an office
six days a week, waking up at 6:00 am. Thats not my lifestyle. Thats not what
we do. Thats not what Im about in Team Capital. Thats his life. On top of that,
another one of his beliefs is he believes in marriage and like that and obviously, I
dont believe in handing over my balls to the government.
Those cause issues. They can cause the issues and thats why we really didnt
stay in touch. However, a couple of months ago, I got a text from him out of
nowhere, to let me know that he was getting married to this girl hes been dating
since college. I know her. I kind of set them up, when they first met. Theyd been
dating and living together for almost five years now and theyre getting married.
Literally, the first thing he says to me is that hes telling me hes getting married

and he wants me involved in all the wedding activities. Im going to be honest

with you. I have no fucking interest in playing any role, any support of what hes
doing here. I really truly, from the bottom of my fucking heart, that marriage is
a fucking scam that cuts off the balls of a man, unless he secretly lives not in
accordance with the expectations of the marriage.
Meaning, unless he secretly is banging other women or doing all kinds of lying
and deception, shit like that. If he just lives the marriage as he set out to be lived.
He is going to deplete all of his masculine energy. Its going to kill him as a man
unless he lies.
I dont think my friend is going to lie, that he actually think this is going to be a
good thing. Im not fucking in support of him of being depleted of all his manhood,
all of his masculine energy. Fuck that. You heard the anger in my voice. Fuck
that. I will not support that. I do not agree with what he is doing.
I do not support it and I will not be involved in any of the wedding activities.
Im not going to go out there with a fucking sign like a protester thing. Im just
uninvolved. Im just completely uninvolved.
When I went to see my family last week, it actually came up in a conversation
and my parents who we obviously have different beliefs about marriage,
obviously, thats why I dont really talk about it with them, but they know my friend
and they know he was getting married and they asked me, but I told them Im not
going. They were saying, I should go just support him.
I explained to them, I do not support him in this at all. I disagree with it
completely. Honestly, everyone else should be admiring how courageous Im
being by being the only one whos not going to this wedding. That is my frame.
Everyone should be fucking admiring for the courage that it takes to stand alone
on my own beliefs here and not go to this fucking wedding and not be a part of it.
Thats my friend. Donald Trump does this all the time with his own stuff. He

knows his belief. He sits down and he consciously figures out and just a sentence
or two, what is his belief or why is he really doing this. When he is challenged
and critiqued and all this, he can listen to all of them and say, Yeah, thats fine
that you guys think that, but heres how I see it.
Then he shares his frame out of it. They say, You know, the weddings No,
fuck that. Here is my belief at it. Everyone should just be admiring me for the
courage that Im showing that it takes not to go and not to be in support of this


Donald Trump
Next, Donald Trump reflects for three hours a day, every single day. Last week
we just talked about how he literally, consciously sits down and figures out his
exact frame for why hes doing what hes doing, or his excuse, or heres the
reason why, whatever it is.
It doesnt matter what label you put on it. The fact is, he is deciding what his
frame is and the best way to describe it, so when hes challenged on it, hes able
to share that frame in such a powerful way, every single time.
The same thing with me having the courage to stand fucking alone on my own
belief and say Im not going to take part in something I dont support. I dont care
what you guys think. To be honest, I think everyone should really admire me for
the courage Im showing here, okay?
He reflects for three hours a day every morning before the rest of the world gets
up and starts moving. He says he wakes up really early, about 5 am, he takes
a bunch of the papers that he likes to read, and he sits there and he reads the
paper and he thinks about his own views on it and his own frames on it. He does
this every morning by himself before he starts interacting with people.
This makes someone have a lot of self-trust, because they feel like they put in
the time to really know themselves and know how they feel. When they speak to
people, they can speak with a lot of passion and conviction and truth, because
this is something theyve actually thought about it, while everyone else typically
does not reflect at all and is only repeating what other people have told them.
Theyre only parrots. Hes a fucking lion, because he decided for himself. He
spends time alone figuring this shit out, and everyone else is just a fucking floaty
little parrot. By the way, Warren Buffett does something very similar.


Understanding this, I highly recommend that you take the time to reflect on your
own, every single day, as well. Preferably in the morning. Its a really good time
to do it in all your wonderful aloneness in the morning before the rest of the world
gets up and starts moving or before you even interact with anyone.
For me, personally, I wake up and its part of my morning success ritual. Ill take
some time ... I dont have three hours, but maybe twenty minutes ... Ill read some
really good philosophy and Ill sit there and Ill ponder on it and Ill think about
it and Ill think about the stuff thats going on in my life and things thats coming
up, and Ill really reflect on this stuff and Ill get clear on my beliefs about it, my
frames about it, all that kind of stuff. I highly recommend that you start doing this
as well in your own life.
Final one, hearing the Donald Trump formula. By the way, this ones been really
fucking good. I feel really good about some of the stuff weve covered here.
Its pretty obvious Donald Trump is a pretty powerful fucking person. Its pretty
obvious why he is so powerful. All right, so here we go. Last one.
One of Donald Trumps favorite quotes. Im going to talk about this. He says, My
commitment to excellence is thorough. Okay? My commitment to excellence is
thorough. One more time. My commitment to excellence is thorough.
The courage that it takes for someone in todays world to truly have that level of
commitment to excellence and be that thorough in his commitment to excellence,
the courage that takes is incredible. It is incredible. Heres why.
All day long, all you see and all you hear and all you are surrounded by is people
who have a incredibly thorough commitment to doing the least amount of work
humanly possible, to doing good enough only. The commitment of everyone
else around you that you see and hear and feel all day long, their commitment to
mediocrity is fucking incredible. You are surrounded by it.
To be the only one courageous enough to stand the fuck up and be solely

committed to excellence through a standard that is so much higher than

everyone else around you that you see and feel and hear, the courage that takes
is enormous. It is incredible. The fact that Donald Trump has been doing it for
forty-plus years is fucking amazing.
Ive stayed in the penthouses of Donald Trumps hotels in more than a few cities,
probably 67 times in the last couple years, and you see this coming through in
every single one of his hotels. It comes through the people who work there. You
can see how they work, how they operate, the things that they offer you, the way
they speak to you, the extra miles that they go to make your experience incredible.
They are not doing that on their own. It starts at the top. Donald Trumps
commitment to excellence is thorough. That goes down to his managers, that
goes down to the people that they manage, that goes down to the people
who work at the front desk. If he wasnt like that, they wouldnt be like that,
and none of his properties, none of anything that he touches, would not be
nearly as excellent as it was or as successful or profitable as it is if it not for his
commitment to excellence. This is heart.
Youre going to be completely alone in this all the time. Everyone else around you
will not want you to be that committed to excellence ever, simply because they
are not willing to work that hard. If youre the one whos working that hard, youre
going to make them feel bad.
Oh, my God. Youre going to make them feel bad. Fuck that. Be one of the few,
one of the top guys on Team Capital whos willing to stand alone and be totally
fucking committed to excellence.
Whats going to happen after a while, and I can tell you this from my own
experience as currently the highest-paid dating coach in the world. It only took
me less than a couple years to do that. On the way up, and by the way, Im not
where I want to be at all. Our standards are much higher than where they are
right now, so Im still fucking dominating my shit every single day. But on the way

up, at least to this point ... Im sure its going to be the same way as I continue to
go up ... Everyone else around me, my competition, my friends, it doesnt matter,
family, it doesnt matter.
Theres a few people in your life, mentors and stuff like that, who are going to be
great for this and are going to encourage that incredibly challenging commitment
to excellence, that thorough commitment to excellence, but for the most part,
people are not going to support it. Theyre going to question it. Theyre going to
try question it, theyre going to try and poke holes in it, because they do not want
you to succeed at that level.
But, even though they question and they do all those things, they say all that,
once you reach the top, its really funny how their questions turns to admiration.
Its really funny how their questions turn to envy. Its really funny how their
questions turn to comments about luck.
On the way up, they see how hard youre working, they see how thorough your
commitment to excellence is, and they question it and they say its not necessary
and they say, You dont need to be working that hard. Its not that big a deal. Just
relax. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Then, once you get there, they call you lucky for getting there. Like you didnt
work that hard on yourself to change yourself, to change your world, to change
your life for nothing. That somehow, even though they questioned you the whole
way through because you were working so hard, the minute you reach the top,
they go, Its just a miracle. He was just lucky.
They will literally do anything they can not to support this belief of a thorough
commitment to excellence, because if they support it and they truly believe in it,
then what the fuck does that say about how poorly they live their lives, about how
poorly they see themselves, about how low the standard is for their own life, their
own existence.


So, while I end this Donald Trump formula with you, I am certainly ending it on a
motherfucking challenge to you. Be one of the few motherfuckers on the planet
who is willing to go all the way, who is willing to be like a Donald Trump or a
Jason Capital and have a monstrous commitment, a thorough commitment to
excellence in everything that you do in your life.
Stand alone in it. Know that you are not alone, even if physically you are, that
there are a few select men on Team Capital who are with you every step of the
way, on their own as well, who are committed to excellence because their visions
of what they want in their life are fucking huge because they want to be free in
every single way that all the men around them are not and they are going to be
free and you, my friend, are going to be free and dominant and powerful and rich
and attractive and successful, as well.
My name is Jason Capital. That was The Donald Trump Formula. Ill see you
soon in the next one.


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