Strategies and Methodologies in TElemarketing

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The key takeaways are that telemarketing can be an effective way to reach many potential customers in a short period of time. The document outlines strategies like setting goals and tracking progress to improve call volume. It also discusses techniques for overcoming objections at different stages in the sales process.

Some strategies for effective telemarketing discussed in the document include setting short-term goals, speaking slowly, being brief and to the point, never giving customers an 'easy out', and following up with customers multiple times since most sales are made after the fifth call. The 'Law of Thirds' model is also presented.

Tips for working with gatekeepers discussed are building rapport, asking for their help, being friendly but firm, and avoiding games. It is also important to state your name, company, and purpose for the call clearly.

Telemarketing Strategies

Presented by:

Rechel Soriano
for Japanese Telemarketing Representatives

Copyright, 1996 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

Is Telemarketing more effective ?

In an average 4 hour telephone blitz you can reach 60 to 80 prospect buyers. The best use of the phone is to reach more contacts.

Why Telemarket? Lets do the math...


The Law of THIRDS

300 phone calls = 100 contacts.
100 contacts = 30 new suspects. 30 suspects = 10 new follow ups. 10 follow ups = 3 solid prospects.

3 Solid prospects = 1 SALE Per Day!

How about double the process?.....

Dont give up!

80% of all sales are made after the 5th sales call. 48% of the sales people give up after the first attempt. 25% more give up after the second attempt. 12% more will give up after the 3 attempt. 5% more will give up after the 4 attempt.



Work S.M.A.R.T.
S et reachable goals M anage your time

A void interruptions
R ecord your activity T rack your progress
The hardest thing about telemarketing is overcoming call reluctance. If you schedule your telemarketing time like a valuable appointment it becomes much easier.

You cant tell the players without a scorecard.

The Gatekeeper.

The influencer.
The Decision Maker

Key to Telemarketing
Be prepared and brief. Set short term goals. Give as little information as possible. Dont be defensive. Use reference selling. Give the purpose for your call. Speak 1/3 slower than normal speech. Smile.

Never give them an easy out.

Choose your words.

(Otherwise known as the receptionist)

Their job is to find Give them what they out: want: - Who you are - Who you represent - if what you want is important enough to give you what YOU want. ] - State your name - State your company - Tell her what you want

- Ask to be put through

Gatekeeper Script
Hello, my name is (___________) Im with (__________). The purpose of my call is to offer exciting promotions for our valued customers. Give me 2 minutes of your time and Ill discuss it. Are you available now? Ill call you back in ten minutes? What about an hour?

Tips for working with the Gatekeeper

Little or no authority but tremendous power.
Building rapport is critical Do not play games.

Asking for their help is a good scheme.

Avoid them if necessary

Be friendly but firm.


The Influencer
(Masquerading as the Decision Maker)

Similar to the Gatekeepers script

Speak slowly Be precise Close for the appointment Overcome the objection

Close the sales process

Get an exact date of payment or get appointment for follow up.

Influencers Script
Hello, my name is (_______)
The purpose of my call is to follow up my appointment with Mr.________regarding _________. IS THAT YOU? (wait for response) Id like the opportunity to introduce myself, my company, our products and services in hopes of being able to _________for your future needs. Are mornings or afternoons usually better for you?

Handling Objections
Tips: Steps:

Be relaxed, objections Pause after the are natural objection Dont be defensive Listen carefully Work on a positive attitude Ask questions Smile! Get clarification

The BIG 7 objections

Im way too busy

Im not interested
We have no needs right now

Youd be wasting your time

I already ordered/lots of pills at the moment Send me some information I dont trust you!

Im WAY too busy

Have I called at a bad time? When would be a better time?
I understand, should I call back this afternoon? I know how you feel, my schedule is very tight too. Should Ill call you tomorrow or is the day after better? Are mornings or afternoons better for you?

Im not interested
I understand how you feel, I wouldnt expect you to be not interested in something you knew that could give you everything we could offer to our valuable customers like you What exactly arent you interested in? You owe it to yourself to see what we have to offer.

We dont have any needs

You may be right! However many of the people I already talked to didnt even know that our offers really exist, and that we could deliver our promise to our clients.

With the dawning of a new drug evolutions, advances in productivity and offering distinct advantages from different online pharmacy alone are worth investing 5minutes of your time to see what we can offer you.

Youd be wasting your time

Im glad you value your time, I wouldnt waste a minute of it. If after 5 minutes you dont agree that we have something to talk about, well I wont bother you anymore. Our products are designed especially to save you time.thats precisely why we need to talk.

I already ordered/lots of pills at the moment

Excellent, then you know what kind of an impact they can have in your lifestyle. Thats exactly why we need to discuss it. If your like most of the people I meet with they have no idea of the kinds of benefits that are available with our campaign / promotions at the moment.

Send me some information

Excellent idea! So that the information I send you will be of some value, what kind of benefits are you searching with our products?

What information specifically were you interested in?

Some people use that old stand by just to get off the phone, I know your not one of those, so what did you want me to send you?

I dont trust you

Remember the customers already ordered before and used our service/product, so why panic? Our policy is to deliver 100% satisfaction guarantee to our customers.

Tricks of the trade

(Or Key phrases to answer objections)

I can hold while you check. Im sure you get hundreds of calls just like mine Im just trying to earn the right to your future romantic life.

What specifically did you want / prefer

Tell me more about that Are mornings or afternoons usually better for you? Oh, just one more thing. I can testify that you will be satisfied with our offer coz me alone uses it

A sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation

Sale is the act of transferring of ownership or property to prospective buyer.

Marketing improves the selling environment and plays a very important role in sales.

Marketing Methodology
Benchmarking is a methodology used to evaluate the sales effectiveness of an organization. A comprehensive survey of 6,800 frontline sales people was conducted in the past [3] which identified that a well defined organizational sales process is the key driver for sales performance.

The benchmark study also identified 5 distinctive groups of people existing in every organization:
True believers - Has great adherence towards the sales process and believes its enabling powers Compliants - Follows the sales process but do not believe it as enabling Mavericks - Recognizes that a well defined sales process exists, but choose to follow their own processes Self Reliants - Does not know that a defined sales process exists and needs to work it out themselves Clueless - The remaining group who confesses that they do not know of any sales process and do not believe it as enabling.

Summary Q&A

22 Tips for Telemarketing

1. Give the Entire Number

If you have one of those cute numbers that spells something, you might miss calls if you don't also list the numerals on your printed material. Be familiar with your materials such as keyboards, system campaigns, notes, softphone, hard phones, etc. Hey! That customer will order!

2. They'll Buy Sometime Be Sure It's From You!

Stay in touch with the prospect with emails and phone calls. Just be sure that when you do call or send email, you're delivering something of value, so their memory of you is positive-not of a salesperson looking to make a sale.

3. Be Sure Customers Are Satisfied

Dissatisfaction is the difference between customer expectations and results. The wider the gap, the greater the displeasure. It's your job to understand what results your customer expects, and then ensure that you can deliver before you sell them. It's better to turn down a sale rather than have it degenerate into a costly nightmare later. You won't always have a perfect fit with what someone needs.

. Letting them know, and even referring them elsewhere, still accomplishes what should be your ultimate objective: helping the prospect/customer get what they want and need. It shines a spotlight on your credibility, and these situations have an uncanny way of mysteriously reappearing . . . perhaps when the prospect does have something you can help them with. Don't leave it to chance though. Plant a seed.

4. Negotiating Ideas
Label your communication. Meaning, preface your statement with what you plan to do. For example, "Here's a very important point to consider if your not using that pill anymore I have a new product that I believe you will absolutely like, what if I told you . . . Ask questions to which you already know the answers. People typically share more information with someone who apparently knows less than they do.

5. Vintage Ideas
Here is an example:

You will be absolutely delighted when you receive this pills . . ."(Reinforces their decision to buy.)"When you used it , you'll be thanking me . . ." (Ditto.) "This new product is like a miracle . . ." (What an image!) "How many times do you think you could use . . . ?"

6. How To Form a Warm Impression When Greeting Your Prospects

Listen carefully to how people answer their phone. If they simply say, "Hi, this is Larry," responding with, "Hello Mr. Jones, this is . . ." is too formal. But if you don't know them, don't assume familiarity unless they've answered with their first name-it could put them on the defensive.

7. First Name Only, Or First and Last?

When prospecting, or calling people who won't instantly recognize you, use both first and last names. This builds your credibility and professionalism, and eases any skepticism. According to decision makers, when they get calls from people using only a first name, and they don't know the caller, their image is of people who typically use only first names, i.e. service repair people, delivery drivers, and so on.

Another benefit of using first and last name is that it eliminates the inevitable question, "And your last name is . . .?" On calls where there's an existing relationship, last names aren't necessary. You be the judge of how strong the familiarity is.

8. Persistence Pays For Them

If you ever receive comments about your persistence, consider it a compliment. And be certain they realize that they are gaining as a result. "You're sure persistent, aren't you?" "I am. That's because I believe so strongly in what I have, and how it will help you."

9. When to Call?
Have a specified field set aside in your computer, or a consistent spot in your notes for "Best Times to Call." If you call the same people on a routine basis, knowing when you have a better chance of reaching them can save you a lot of time, time you can reemploy making sales.

10. Hang It Up
The most successful sales reps have prompts hanging all around them. These are opening statements, specific questions, check lists, persuasive descriptive statements, and other timetested phrases that get results. The reps don't use the visual aids as a crutch, but rather as an additional sales tool they can access when needed.

11. Are You Smart Enough to Get This?

Don't ask someone, "Do you understand?" or "Are you following me?" These questions belittle the person and insult his intelligence. The burden should always be on the questioner to make himself understood. Therefore, take the "you" out of it. Say instead, "Did I explain that clearly enough?" or "Did I go into enough detail on that?"

12. Delay the Answer

Sometimes it's in your interest to delay answering a question until you have more information. Say, "May I answer that later? I just need a sec to confirm that I'll need more information to give you the most accurate answer." Then ask them to write it down so you're sure to cover it later.

13. Concentrate Less on Selling and Objections are Minimized

There's a clear correlation between the emphasis a sales rep places on "selling" or persuading a prospect, and the frequency and intensity of objections he/she hears. The more doggedly a rep tries to sell, the more he talks, and the less he questions and listens. This increases the number of times the other person objects since her needs are not being addressed.

14. Sign Your Messages

Sign your name to the messages you take for others in your department, and encourage anyone who takes messages for you to do the same. If you've ever wondered if Pat Smith was male or female, or if the phone number looks like a "3" but could be an "8," you know how useful this can be. Always use the comments box responsibly

15. Record Your Letter

We always talk about the importance of listening to recordings of your calls in order to improve. Consider, also, listening to your letters. After writing a letter, read it into a recorder.
You'll look at it more objectively and spot awkward phrases. Then practice, practice and more practice

16. You Might Win the Argument But . . .

Ben Franklin said, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Sure, you can likely develop a vigorous, logical argument for why a person shouldn't be concerned about price, or whatever other objection you might commonly hear. But unless it addresses their concern, it won't win them over. Get them to air out their feelings. Encourage them to talk about why they feel the way they do.

"Let's talk about that. To what are you comparing our price?" "What criteria are you using when evaluating the value compared to the price?" And that's only the start. Continue with the questioning. Only then are you able to address what's really on their mind.

17. You'll Never Know Unless You Ask

Never underestimate the amount and quality of information that screeners and receptionists might be able to provide you. Participants at a recent seminar shared stories of how they routinely get direct extension numbers of high-level executives, and even have the organizational chart read to them! But you must ask for the information.

18. Have Them Figure the Numbers

People are more likely to believe their ideas over yours. They can easily refute your data; they'll stand behind their own data. So, let them figure up the numbers. Ask them, "Do you have a calculator there? Let's go through some figures." Or, ask them to write down numbers. When you identify a need or a problem, have them quantify it in terms of how many, how much, how often. Then you have potent data you can use later.

19. Get Ready for The Next Call

Your calls are your own personal laboratory. Test out new ideas and techniques. Just like the handyman in a workshop, tinker, revamp, test out new tools. It's motivating, and you can yield profitable break throughs.
Leave the rejection on the previous call and concentrate on the next task. Smile before you dial

20. On Calling Customers

When phoning past purchasers, sales reps in all industries like to talk about accounts, as in ". . . and I was reviewing your account." Kevin McGann with Video Arts in Chicago pointed out that referring to a customer as an "account" is a cold, impersonal way to speak with the customer. Instead, say things like: * "We provided you with . . ." * "You used our . . ." * "We were able to help you with . . ."

21.Paint the picture

Be decorative, imaginative, always learn how to paint the picture.

The purchasers already know what youre selling but sometimes they needed some artistic touch in setting up their minds to make them buy your product.
Focus Is the most important part of this!

22. Relationship Selling

Is a more effective strategy in terms of selling, by knowing the character of your customer, there is a higher possibility that the relationships between the salesperson and the purchaser will be of long term.

Thank you very much.

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