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Investigation of Polarization and Depolarization Current For Evaluation of Moisture in Oil-Pressboard Insulation

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International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No.

6, December 2011

Investigation of Polarization and Depolarization Current

for Evaluation of Moisture in Oil-Pressboard Insulation
Amit Kumar, J. Rattan, R.N Sharma, and Sushil Chauhan

AbstractThe Polarization and Depolarization Current

(PDC) analysis is a nondestructive dielectric testing method for
determining the conductivity and moisture content of
insulation materials in a transformer. The predominant
influence of oil conductivity on the initial amplitudes of
polarization/depolarization currents can be used to estimate
the oil conductivity of a transformer even without performing
direct conductivity measurements on its oil sample. In the
same way, an estimation of the conductivity of the pressboard
can be obtained from the long term values of the polarization
and depolarization currents.Moisture and ageing strongly
influence the dielectric properties of oil-pressboard insulation
system of power transformer. A prototype model is developed
that allows us to analyse the dielectric response of the
composite oil pressboard insulation system by varying
moisture content in a controlled manner. Polarization and
Depolarization current measurement technique is used to
analyse the effect of moisture in the aforesaid model.
Index TermsPower transformer, polarization current.



Demand for reliable electricity supply has significantly

increased during the last few decades. Therefore fault free
operation of power system has become very important.
However due to high cost of power system components,
especially transformers, it is not economical to replace them
in order to increase reliability, by considering their age.
Moisture increases the risk of dielectric failures and has a
double function: it accelerates ageing and also ageing
generates it. Additional moisture can penetrate from the
atmosphere into the tank. Independent of its origin moisture
is absorbed into the oil-pressboard insulation system. Hence,
measurement of moisture in different stages of transformers
life becomes a challenge for transformers experts. A
relatively large number of power transformers that are still
working in fairly good condition although they have been
used longer than their designed life .Therefore correct
condition assessment of power transformer is needed before
making any conclusion about replacement and
refurbishment. Failures of power transformer mainly occur
due to degradation of power transformer insulation, which
mainly consist of oil and pressboard. Chemical and
electrical measurements are used to monitor the condition of
power transformer insulation. Among these, chemical
analysis provide direct information on parameters, such as
water content, degree of polymerization of paper ,sludge
Manuscript received September 1, 2011; revised October 8, 2011.
The authors are with the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur,
H.P, India.

content in oil and quantity of different gasses dissolved in

oil. However most chemical analysis must be performed
under laboratory conditions. On the other hand, electrical
measurements are simpler and it is possible to perform them
on site. Due to this simplycity, Electrical tests, such as
Insulation resistance (IR), Polarization index and loss factor
(tan ) provide very little information about the transformer
insulation since they are limited to a single value
measurement. To overcome this disadvantage, dielectric
measurements (RVM), polarisation and depolarisation
current measurements (PDC) and frequency domain
spectroscopy measurements (FDS), have been introduced
for condition monitoring of transformer insulation,
especially for the evaluation of water content in transformer
pressboard. In the early stages, RVM was introduced
because voltage measurements were simpler than
measurements of low currents. The other two methods,
requiring current measurements, were introduced recently
due to improvements provided by the use of sophisticated
electronic devices.
The focus of this paper is kept on PDC technique which
is a non destructive testing method for determining the
conductivity and moisture content in the insulation materials
like oil and pressboard separately. This paper describes the
effect of moisture on a prototype model which is similar to
that of power transformer insulation.


The dielectric response analysis method, which is based
on wide range measurement in time and frequency domain,
is a useful tool to evaluate the condition of the electrical
insulation systems. Dielectric methods applied on power
transformers measure a superposition of conductivity and
polarisation phenomena. Moisture in oil-pressboard is
obtained by a comparison of measurement data to
measurements on oil-pressboard insulation with known
moisture content.
If an electric field E(t) is applied to a homogeneous linear
dielectric material the current density in the material [1]can
be written as:5
J(t) = E(t)+
The current density J(t) is the sum of the conduction
current and the displacement current, where is the DC
conductivity and D(t) is the electric displacement given
D(t ) =


E(t ) + P(t)


International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

possibilities for fast and easy mathematical manipulations in

such comparisons.[6] In addition, when the insulation is a
complex combination of two or more materials, modelling
the geometrical arrangement of insulation structure provides
better comparisons between the responses of the insulation
and the models.

are respectively, the permittivity of vacuum
and of the dielectric material. P(t) is the slow part of the
dielectric polarisation. The polarisation is related to the
dielectric response function of the material by the



The response function describes the fundamental memory

property of any dielectric system. The dielectric
susceptibility is the Fourier transform of the response

The typical winding and insulation arrangement of a

power transformer shown in the figure 1, the LV winding is
usually surrounded by the HV winding and these windings
are separated by the main insulation duct that consists of
pressboard layers and oil channels. Therefore, response
measurements between the HV and LV windings are
affected by this composite insulation system. In core type
transformers, the main insulation consists of cylindrical
pressboard barriers in series with oil ducts and spacers as
shown in Figure 2. The complex geometrical arrangement
shown in this figure can be simplified by combining all oil
ducts, barriers and spacers separately, which simplifies the
modelling. Then the main insulation is simplified to the so
called X-Y model, as shown in Figure.3


The working principle of the PDC method is based on the
following effect: when a step-like DC charging voltage Uo
is suddenly switched to the sample, previously uncharged,
there is a motion of charges, due to the interaction of the
electrical field with the free and the different kinds of bound
charge within the dielectric. This so-called polarization
current ipol(t) is a pulse-like current at time=0, then
decreases during the polarization time Tc down to a certain
value related to the insulation intrinsic conductivity. The
polarization current can be stopped when it becomes stable
or very low. If the sample is then suddenly short circuited, a
discharging current idepol(t) (depolarization current) jumps
to a negative value that gradually decreases down to zero. If
Tc is large idepol(t) becomes directly proportional to the
dielectric response function. The method investigated [2, 3]
used a so-called two active electrodes technique to
measure the polarization and depolarization currents.
From the response function and DC conductivity the
polarisation (charging) and depolarisation (discharging)
currents can be derived. If an insulation system with
geometrical capacitance C0 is exposed to a step voltage, Uo ,
the polarisation current is given by:
ipol = C0U0 { + f(t)}

Fig. 1. Typical winding configuration of a power transformer


and the depolarisation current is given by:

idepol = - C0Uo { f (t )- f (t + tpol )}

Fig. 2. Cross section of main insulation of a core type transformer


where tpol is the length of the polarisation period. If the

polarization time is sufficiently long, then, f(t+tpol) =0, the
response function is proportional to the depolarisation
Although the dielectric response function reflects the
condition of insulation, it is rather difficult to identify the
actual state of the insulation (e.g. the exact amount of
moisture in the insulation) only by observing the relevant
curves, especially when the insulation is a complex
combination of different materials.[4] This problem can be
solved, to some extent, by comparing the dielectric response
of insulation under study with the dielectric response of
well-defined similar types of insulation samples.[5] The
dielectric response of insulating materials can be expressed
as an analytical function of time or frequency, which offers

Fig. 3. Simplified insulation structure of a core type power transformer




International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011

In real power transformers, X and Y often vary between

0.2 - 0.5 and 0.15 - 0.25, respectively.
The dielectric response across the X-Y system can be
calculated when the individual dielectric response of oil,
spacers and barriers are known. The response of the oil is
described using the constant values of dc conductivity and
permittivity (= 2.2). Since both barriers and spacers are
formed by Pressboard, they can be treated as a single
material. The dielectric response of pressboard has
significant dispersion in the time and frequency range of
interest. Hence, the response of pressboard is described by
its dielectric response function or susceptibility in time and
frequency domains, respectively. Dielectric measurements
of well-defined pressboard samples are used for forming a
database, where information of relevant response functions
with different moisture content is stored [7]. These
responses can be well described by the general response
The temperature dependence of oil and paper is also
considered. This is characterised by the activation energies
of 0.9 eV and 0.7 eV for pressboard and oil, respectively.


Fig. 4. Basic PDC measuring circuit

Fig. 5. Waveforms of polarization and

depolarization currents


The principle of measurement of polarization and

depolarization current is based on application of a dc
voltage across a test object for a long time (e.g., 5000sec.).
During this time, the current, arising from the activation of
the polarization process with different time constants
corresponding to different insulation materials and due to
the conductivity of the object is measured. Then the voltage
is removed and the object is short-circuited. The previously
activated polarization process now gives rise to the
discharging current in the opposite direction, where no
contribution of the conductivity is present. The schematic
diagram of the PDC measuring set-up is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 5 shows the typical nature of these currents due to a
step charging voltageU0.Charging and discharging currents
(i.e. polarization and depolarization currents) are influenced
by the properties of the insulating materials as well as by the
geometric structure of the insulating system [7]. For current
measurement an electrometer (Keithley 6517B) was used
which has the capability to generate 1 kV of voltage and can
read up to 425 readings per seconds, it also offers full auto
ranging over the full span of current, resistance, voltage and
charge measurements[8].
Current measurements from 1fA to 20 mA.
Voltage measurements from 10 V to 200V.
Resistance measurements from 50 to10
The internal voltage source was used to excite the test
object. The equipment was used in FVMI mode.
Measurements were made on oil and pressboard. The
overall geometric capacitance of the system was 1.26 pF
and the applied voltage was 500 V DC. The polarization and
depolarization currents were measured for 5000 sec. each



A prototype model of transformer insulation has been
developed .The model takes care of geometric design of
transformer insulation. The model was kept in a temperature
controlled environment. An electrometer (keithley 6517B)
was used for measurement of currents. The overall
geometric capacitance of the model was 50pf and the
applied voltage for polarization and depolarization currents
was 100 volts DC. Polarization and depolarization currents
were measured for 5000 s.
B. Result and Discussion
The polarization and depolarization currents increased in
magnitude with increase in moisture level .Figure 6 shows
polarization current where as depolarization current in
figure in 7, taken at moisture levels (0%,1%,2%,3%,4%) by
dry weight. The abrupt rise in polarization and
depolarization current can be seen clearly.
As one can observe, polarization current at 0% starts at
65 nA and is considered to be ended at 64.65 nA (reading
after 10000 s), the curve starts with a gradual slope in the
beginning, step in the middle and tends to reach a constant
value in the end, on the other hand in the curve representing
depolarization current shows steep decrease in the values of
depolarization current. The polarization curve at 1%
moisture also starts at 65 nA and goes up to 64.6 nA, it is
almost a linear fall in the values of current. Depolarization
current for the same percentage of moisture starts nearly at
65 nA and then there is a decay in the values of current.


International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011



Fig. 6. Polarization cuurrent at differennt moisture levels

A similar treend is observed for other curves

also. Small
all cuurves,
peeaks are alsoo seen on theese curves, among
cuurves for 3 % are found to be best from
m the point of view
off the shape off the curve. Inn the end a coomparison hass also
beeen done amoong different levels
of moisture. It is evvident
from the figgures above that both polarization and
deepolarization current increases with inccrease in moiisture
It shows thhat higher polarization and
cuurrents are associated withh higher amouunt of ageing.. The
reesults were alsso validated with
w Karl Fischher titerator


T. K Saha annd P. Purkit, Investigation of polarization and

depolarization cuurrent measurem
ment for the assesssment of oil paaper
insulation of ageed transformers,, IEEE Trans.Dieelectric and Electric
Insulation, Vol.111, pp-144-153, 22004.
U. Gafvert, G. Frimpong and JJ. Furh, Modelling of
measurements on power traansformers, CIGRE
session,15103,1998Van Deer-Houhanessianaand W.S. Zaengll, On-site diagnoosis
of power transfoormers by means oof polarisation/deepolarisation currrent
Conference Recoord of the 1998 IEEE Internatioonal
Symposium on Electrical
Insulatiion, IEEE, NewY
York, NY, USA, Vol
1, pp.28-34, 1998.
T. Leibfried andd A. J. Kachler,, Insulation Diaagnostics on Pow
Transformers Using
the Polariisation and Dep
polarisation Currrent
(PDC) Analysis,, Conference Reecord of the 2002
2 IEEE Internatioonal
Symposium on Electrical
Insulatiion, Boston, MA,, USA, pp.170-173,
G. Frimpong, U. Gafvert and J. Fuhr, Measurem
ment and Modellling
of Dielectric respponse of Compoosite Oil/Paper In
nsulation, Proc 5th
ICPADM, Koreaa,pp. 86-89, 1997.
C. Ekanayake, Application of ddielectric spectrosscopy for estimatting
moisture contennt in power trannsformers, M.Teech Thesis, Electric
Power Engineeriing Dept.,Chalmeers University of Tech,2003.
Keithley instrum
ments operating manual, 6517 B Electrometer/H
resistance meterr, Keithley Instrruments Intermaational Corporatiion,

Mr. Amit kum

mar Mehta was born on March 25,
1969. He obtainned his bachelor degree in electriical
engineering froom Bangalore Un
niversity in the year
1993 and masteer in power engin
neering from Punnjab
technical univeersity in year 20
008. Presently hee is
pursuing his Phh.D. from NIT Haamirpur H.P.

Jivitesh rattan
n was born in 1987. He receivved
B.Tech in E
Electrical Engin
neering from NIT
Srinagar in 22009, M.Tech degree from NIT
Hamirpur in 22011. He is currrently working as
a a
lecturer in Elecctrical Engineerin
ng Department NIT
Fig. 7. Deepolarization currrent at different moisture


Dr R. Naressh was born in Himachal Praddesh

INDIA in 19965. He received BE in electriical
engineering frrom Thapar Instiitute of Engineerring
and Technoloogy, Patiala, India in 1987, ME
E in
Power System
ms from Punjab Engineering
Chandigarh inn 1990 and Ph D from the Universsity
of Roorkee, R
Roorkee (now IIT
T Roorkee), Indiaa in
1999. Presenttly he is workin
ng as Head in the
Electrical Enngineering Dep
partment, Natioonal
ute of Technologgy, Hamirpur, HP,


This paper describes

the usefulness
of PDC techniquue as
a modern non-ddestructive toool for the conndition assesssment
the, testt results preseented
off transformerss insulation. From
inn this paper, it appears that
both thee polarizationn and
deepolarization currents aree strongly innfluenced byy the
conteents and ageinng status of thhe oil
coonductivity, moisture
annd the pressbboard. Higheer values off polarization and
deepolarization currents caan be attribbuted to higher
coonductivity, higher
moisturre content andd advanced aggeing
state of the insuulation. The authors
are currrently involvved in
for better
laaboratory expperiments onn dielectric testing
unnderstanding and
a interpretaation of the PD
DC test resultss

E. P. Dick and
C. C. Ervenn Transformer Diagnostic Testiing by
Frequency Reesponse Analysiss IEEE Transacttions of Power Deelivery,


Prof. Sushil C
Chauhan was borrn on August 22,
1963. He obtaiined his bachelorr degree in electrical
engineering froom Madan Mohaan Malviya
Engineering C
College Gorakhpu
ur in the year 19866
and master in P
Power System En
ngineering from IIT
Roorkee in thee year 1988. He obtained
his Ph.D. in
ANN based Poower Syste

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