Uk Culture New Words
Uk Culture New Words
Uk Culture New Words
This support pack accompanies the audio file 'New words'. To listen to the audio file, go to:
Exercise 01
Use the words and phrases in the table to complete the sentences below.
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The United KingDom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
UK Culture – New words
Hello and welcome to Trend UK, your shortcut life because every area of life is changing from
to popular culture from the British Council. In the day to day.
next few minutes we’re going to be talking about
new words and phrases. How do you keep up with the huge weight of
new words you have to evaluate?
New words enter the English language all the
time, in fact English has always been in a state Well, it’s not just me, we’ve got something like
of evolution and in recent years more and more 60 editors working on the Oxford dictionary and
words and phrases have entered the language, we also have readers and word spotters
partly due to the increased willingness of throughout the world who are sending us
lexicographers to include them in the information in. In the old days they used to write
dictionaries. But where do all these words come them out on index cards when they came across
from? Our reporter Mark has been finding out. some in books, but nowadays they tend to type
them onto their computers and send them into
If you want to know what words like screenager the central computer here. It’s an enormous
and splod mean the man to ask is John issue, but one which we just about manage to
Simpson, chief editor of the Oxford English keep under control. We don’t include words just
Dictionary. John what’s your favourite new word because we’ve seen one example of them we
at the moment? have to wait for evidence of general currency to
build up in our computer files before we start
Really I don't have favourite words, but let’s say putting the word in the dictionary. So a lot of the
that one of my favourite new words is time it’s collecting data, letting it build up and
screenager, which is a young person or a then reviewing it and then seeing what you’ve
teenager who spends a lot of time in front of the got and so that’s how we manage the work.
And why is it John that English has more words
Any other favourites John? than any other language?
Some of those rather unpleasant words like It certainly has more words than other European
splod, somebody who is mostly inept, a splody languages and probably of any other language
person, but as I said I don’t really have favourite in the world. English is put together from so
words because all words as far as I’m many different bits. Originally it was a Germanic
concerned are objects of scientific study. language and then after the Norman Conquest
there was an enormous influx of French words.
And where do these new words and phrases It comes from a country, the United Kingdom,
come from? which has been quite an expansive, trading,
colonial power in the past and that’s brought all
Well, words come out of the culture the sorts of other new words into the language
represent and they describe so if you’ve got a because words come in through contact often
new development in medicine for example, bird and so yes, it’s a very receptive language and
flu, then you’ll get the new word coming out of this contrasts really with many of the other
that. If there’s a military conflict that may well European languages who because they are
bring all sorts of new words to the fore. Going smaller than English are concerned that they
back in time the First and Second World Wars may well suffer what they call loss of domain, in
were times of great creativity of language other words, there may be areas where their
because people from different countries met language may not be used, in university
each other and exchanged their words and teaching for example, or in business or
words developed from there. So really words whatever, in preference for English say and they
come from, they come from the playground, they tend to be much more concerned about
come from politics, they come from any area of maintaining and defending their language.
English is really so large that it doesn’t really
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The United KingDom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
UK Culture – New words
After listening
Exercise 02
Complete the gaps with a word from the box to make a summary of the text.
Lexicographers have lately become more open to including new words into English language
[………(1)………]. New words and [………(2)………] are generated from the fields in which they occur,
but are also created when populations and cultures [………(3)………], as was the case during the two
world [………(4)………]. Dictionary publishers employ teams of editors, readers and [………(5)………]
to keep track of the hundreds of new words that enter the language every year. They [………(6)………]
in examples of new usage from all over the world using the latest technology, but words only get
included once it is clear they are in general [………(7)………]. English is particularly challenging as it has
more words than most European languages, being the mixture of various other languages and having
been used widely in colonial times. Due to its [………(8)………] and reach there is no central body to
determine what is and what is not acceptable.
Exercise 01
1. j; 2. k; 3. h; 4. i; 5. e; 6. o; 7. b; 8. n; 9. l; 10. m; 11. g; 12. a; 13. c; 14.f; 15. p; 16. d; 17. q
Exercise 02
1. dictionaries; 2. phrases; 3. mix; 4. wars; 5. spotters; 6. send; 7. use; 8. size
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The United KingDom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.