Tapered Resonance Tubes
Tapered Resonance Tubes
Tapered Resonance Tubes
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Fig. 1
Instability has been found to be excited by sonic and supersonic airjets6 and by subsonic and supersonic wind-tunnel
flows. The most widely used method of excitation for experimental investigation has been sonic airjets.
The first realistic description of the fully developed flow
within conventional resonance tubes was produced by Thompson.6 By using a correctly expanded supersonic airjet he
produced experimentally well-defined boundary conditions at
the mouth, which enabled him to construct a wave diagram
for the internal flowfield. This was well supported by
experimentally observed pressure histories and flow patterns
within the tube.
Thompson and others observed that the conventional tubes
resonated at approximately the acoustic (simple organ pipe)
frequency based on the freestream stagnation temperature.
During part of the cycle some of the airjet gas is ingested,
and much of the same gas is expelled during the remainder of
the cycle. Thus, a slug of indigenous gas is trapped near the
end wall for many cycles.
On every cycle a system of shock waves and expansion
waves of nonuniform strength transit the indigenous slug.
As the local entropy increase during compression is greater
than the local decrease during expansion, it follows that the
net thermal effect of a cycle is to produce an incremental increase of local temperature. Since resonance tubes operate
at several hundred cps, even a small temperature increment
per cycle can result in rapid heat-up of the indigenous gas;
in extreme cases reaching temperatures far in excess of 1000F
within several seconds. No valid means of predicting resonance tube thermal effects are known to the authors. For
example, not even the maximum temperature theoretically
possible in the adiabatic situation, i.e., no heat loss to the
surroundings from the tube, can be realistically predicted.8
Description of the Experiment
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS LIBRARIES - AUSTIN on December 16, 2015 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/3.5710
VOL. 8, NO. 3
presented in Ref. 9.) A rectangular cross section was employed for photographic observations in both the tapered,
i.e., wedge, and conventional configurations. Also, a circular cross section was employed in both the tapered, i.e.,
conical, and conventional configurations used in studies of
thermal effects.
The data obtained during this operation included: pressure
histories obtained by means of rapid-response-time piezoelectric transducers; experimental wave diagrams produced
from an amalgam of individual shadowgraphs of the internal
flow taken at successive times in the resonance period (a
variable delay circuit between the pressure transducer output
and shadowgraph spark-light permitted efficient gathering of
these data), spectral analysis of noise generated, temperature
histories by means of thermocouples and rapid-response-time,
thin-film, resistance thermometers, and ignition characteristics of some organic materials inserted in the tube.
Experimental Results