Poetry Writing Poetry

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25 Types of Poetry

-ing poems
line 1: subject is one word or a
short sentence
line 2-10 words with
Cold Weather

Listing Poems
Line 1: topic of poem
Line 2-10 words that describe
the topic word.

Acrostic Poem
Use the letters of the word to write the
word downward and use a word or words
for your poem.

R eading and exploring new worlds.

E xciting

new conflicts

And Page turning cliffhangers.

Drop everything and grab a book.
Line 1: 5 syllbles
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
The sky is so blue.
It looks like blue, blue water.
I love to watch clouds.


Fill in Blanks Poems

_________ar e r ed
_________ar e b lu e,
_________is sw eet ,
An d so is ________.

25 Types of Poetry
Two lines with ending words that
My Grandmother

My grandmother sits in her wheel chair,

Looking out the window while she sits

Concrete Poetry
Draw a picture and write your poem
on it. Your poem follows the shape to
help make the picture.

Line 1: subject
Line 2: describes subject
Line 3: action words about the subject
Line 4: feelings about the subject
Line 5: synonym for the subject

Best Friend
cheerful, truthful
e-mailing, calling, eating

friend for 20 years

best bud

Good Poem/Bad Poem

Three lines with the first two
The old woman wrinkled her toes,
As she swotted a fly on her nose.
Then she kept rocking in her chair.

Choose a favorite person,

animal or thing to write about.
Good Cat, Bad Cats
My cat meows quietly,
While he claws the furniture.
My cat walks softly,
As he tries to scratch me.

25 Types of Poetry
Place Poem
This poem takes a small part and
describes it.

A Desert in Arizona
Rattle Snake

I Remember Poems
Write a list of things that is
remembered about a person, place
or thing.

Line 1: five syllables
Line 2: three syllables
Line 3: five syllables
The night is scary.
It is dark.
I like my night light!

Earth Poems
Poems about saving the earth or the
plants and animals on it.

The Earth
The earth is not quiet.
There is a hurricane in the ocean.
There is an earthquake down south.
The animals are running
The plants are trembling.

I remember my mother.
I remember her dark hair and smile.
I remember her whispering to me
to be quiet when we went to the library.
I remember her singing sweet lullabies
as I drifted off to sleep.

A poem that repeats certain words over

and over (to be read aloud).
My cat can spring
My cat can spring in
My cat can spring in the
My cat can spring in the air!

25 Types of Poetry
Group Poems
Write poems with your class.
-Choose a topic
-write some neat words to go with the topic
-write sentences about the topic
(free verse)

Poems set with Music

-Choose a topic
-Choose a song
-Write poem and set to music (Skip to
my Lou, Row row row your boat, Are
you sleeping, etc.)

A humorous poem contained in
four lines with a-a-b-bThe first two lines rhyme and the
second two lines rhyme.
One second grade teacher down the hall,
Was afraid to play with a bat and ball.
Once a ball hit her in the knee,
And now she hides quietly behind a tree.

Question Poetry
Choose a topic and write questions
about it. It can be rhyming or free
verse. Flower
Oh, Flower
Why are you drooping?
Why are your leaves hanging down?
Why do you look so dry?
Did someone forget to water you?

Noun/Adjective Poems
Green Trees,
Large Tall Trees,
Long tree branches,
Strong leaves waving in the wind,
Fantastic Trees.

Subject Poetry
Choose any subject to write about. Just
make a list of things about it.


Packing a bag
Putting gas in the car
Eating out
Seeing friends
Visiting relatives
Coming home

25 Types of Poetry
I used..to but now
Things that you used to not like,
but now do like.
I used to hate brocholi,
But now I like it.
I used to hate making long trips,
But now I enjoy traveling.
I used to hate cold weather,
But now I like being chilly.

Color Poetry
Choose a color and describe it or
list things that color.

Green comes from trees standing
tall and straight.
Green as jello.
Green for St. Patricks Day.
Green is for Christmas.
Green is the color of my bedroom.
Green is my favorite color.

Buddy Poetry
Two students get together and
discuss their favorite kinds of
candy or one they both like then
write sentences about it.

It taste like chocolate and cereal.
It melts in your mouth.
It tingles your tummy.
It doesnt last very long.
I need a drink of water.

Five Ws Poetry

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