The Potential Application of IBS Modular System in The
The Potential Application of IBS Modular System in The
The Potential Application of IBS Modular System in The
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
Industrialised Building System (IBS) Modular System (MS) is a construction delivery method where buildings are
manufactured 60% to 90% off-site in a factory-controlled environment and transported, assembled and fixed at the
final building site. Findings from the questionnaire survey indicated that the MS may be able to reduce the total
construction time and minimise the construction wastage considerably. However, the high initial cost and lack of
technical expertise are among the hindrances in the implementation of Modular System in Malaysia. This paper will
also look into options in achieving the quality of life aimed for its tenants and community.
by Elsevier
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is anSelection
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Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers).
Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) and cE-Bs (Centre for
Environment- Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.
Keywords: Industrialised building system (IBS); modular system (MS); IBS modular system; housing schemes
1. Introduction
Innovative Industrialised Building System (IBS) can be defined as the modern method of construction
through innovation and green characteristic as a main element; which is advanced than the previous
version of Industrialised Building System (IBS). It is the total manufacturing of IBS product in control
environment (by means of high technology IBS plant, generated by the sophisticated program and
1877-0428 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers) and cE-Bs (Centre for
Environment- Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
machine). Modular System (MS) is a co-ordinated unified system for dimensioning spaces, components,
fitting etc so that all elements fit together without cutting or extending even when the components and
fittings are manufactured by different suppliers (W.A Thanoon et al,. 2003 & Trikha, 1999). Due to the
poor architectural design, the old pre-fabricated buildings have given the public bad impression about
precast concrete (Ahmad Baharuddin Abd. Rahman,2006). The so called old version of IBS is
irrelevant; technically speaking. Design is the main factor to be considered by the customers / home
owners eyes.
The most common problems encountered in IBS systems are improper assembly of the components
that normally involved the beam-to-column and columnto-base connections (Ahmad Baharuddin Abd.
Rahman, 2006). This is due to factor that highlighted by W.A Thanoon et al,. 2003 which states
fully prefabricated construction system requires high construction precision. Typically, most of the IBS
design process deals with offsite production through the concept of design for preassembly and prefabrication process. A number of previous studies indicated that a weakness of IBS lies in its cumbersome
connections and jointing methods that open to errors and sloppy work (Thanoon et. al., 2003a and Nawi
et. al., 2007b).
After the lessons learnt from previous public projects involving the IBS system, the government
through the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) initiated the IBS roadmap whilst
enforcing the IBS system application to all public works in the country; which emphasises the promotion
of green, recycled, recyclable materials towards sustainability in the Malaysian construction industry.
On the other hand, the Modular System offered the potential and realistic characteristics in its system
and it is believed that Modular System is able to resolve some of the conventional IBS issues. Other than
speed of construction, reduced wastage, cost effective and green environment; Modular System is the
system that promotes reused and recyclable materials, flexibility in many areas as well as possible
2. Literature review
2.1. Introduction
As a developing country, Malaysia is moving towards a sustained growth rate that has been proposed
in the Brundtland commission report. According to the report, a sustained growth rate in the developing
countries should be about 5 to 6 %. This is required to provide an economic basis for an increased level of
distributional equity without placing any restrictions. To support this vision, the Construction Industry
Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) has identified the importance of increasing the level of knowledge
within the construction community in the Malaysian Construction Industry Master Plan 2005-2015. This
approach is mandatory to drive changes in the local construction market to pursue long term sustainability
and to ensure sustainable capabilities to the stakeholders. In addition, the improvement will enhance the
ability of local construction players to compete in the global market by emerging sustainable development
principles. However, it is important to note that the progress of adopting sustainability in the Malaysian
construction industry is still at the early stage and awareness on this issue should be improved
However, the concept of constructability started in the late 1960s to integrate the optimum use of
construction knowledge and experience in the conceptual planning, detail engineering, procurement, and
conduct field operations in phases to achieve the overall project objectives; and ease of construction (CII,
1986). The constructability concept has been extensively developed and applied in UK, Australia and
Malaysia where numerous studies have proved that constructability concept manage to save cost and time
in the process of completion of the projects (Nima et al., 2001, Trigunarsyah, 2004, Wong et al.,2007).
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
The construction industry has currently been transformed into a mass production to develop
standardisation of products in line with the global market. The Malaysian government is aware of the
importance of developing a capable construction industry, which has to be driven by technological
developments in a manufacturing and service industry able to contribute to the economy. In Singapore, a
great concern was stated in the C21 report (reinventing construction) that highlights the blue print of their
construction industry which reported the most recent review of the state of the construction industry. The
report identifies six strategic thrusts requirement for Singapore to become a world-class construction
industry and Dulaimi et al. (2004) find out that Singapore is seen to lag behind from Australia, Japan and
the United States in the performance of the construction industry.
On the other hand, prefabrication is a manufacturing process generally taking place at a specialized
facility, in which various materials are jointed to form a component part for final installation (Tatum,
1986). But on the other hand the prefabrication process could also run onsite (onsite fabrication). While
off-site construction is a description of the spectrum or part which are manufactured or assembled remote
from building site prior to installation in their final position (Goodier and Gibb, 2007a). Thus
prefabrication is use by the term off site construction as well as Modern Method of Construction (MMC);
Off-Site Manufacturing (OSM) and Industrialized Building System (IBS). The definitions for the term
MMC, OSM and IBS have the interrelated concept of prefabrication and on site fabrication (Azman et al.,
2.2. Degree of industrialisation
Five degrees of industrialisation can be identified, mainly by extrapolating from what is going on in
other industries such as manufacturing and automotive. In theory, the degrees of industrialisation
(Richard, 2005) as illustrated in Figure 1 are:
2.2.1. Prefabrication is a manufacturing process that generally takes place at a specialised facility, in
which various materials are joined to form a component part of the final installation.
2.2.2. Mechanisation comes in whenever machinery is employed to ease the workload of the labourer. It
is a condition of having a highly technical implementation or the act of implementing the control of
equipment with advanced technology; usually involving electronic hardware; automation replaces human
workers by machines.
2.2.3. Automation is a situation when the tooling (machine) completely takes over the tasks performed by
the labourer.
2.2.4. Robotics comprises the ability of the same tooling which has the multi-axis flexibility to perform
diversified tasks by itself. This allows the mass-customisation concept.
2.2.5. Reproduction implies that the research and development of innovative processes are truly capable
of simplifying the production process.
2.3. Modular systems
There are many new construction methods being introduced due to the innovation and improvement of
construction technology such as Modular System (MS). According to Modular Building Institute,
modular building is segment or part of a building constructed off site, under controlled plant conditions,
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
using the same materials and designed to the same codes and standards as conventionally built facilities
but in about half the time. Structurally, modular buildings are generally stronger than conventional
construction because each module is engineered to independently withstand the rigors of transportation
and craning onto foundations. Once together and sealed, the modules become one integrated wall, floor
and roof assembly. Building off site ensures better construction quality management. Materials that are
delivered to the plant location are safely and securely stored in the manufacturers warehouse to prevent
damage or deterioration from moisture and the elements. Manufacturing plants have stringent QA/QC
programs with independent inspection and testing protocols that promote superior quality of construction
every step of the way. Beyond quality management and improved completion time, modular construction
offers numerous other benefits to owners. Removing approximately 80% of the building construction
activity from the site location significantly reduces site disruption, vehicular traffic and improves overall
safety and security. So, for schools, hospitals, or other active businesses, reducing on-site activity and
thereby eliminating a large part of the ongoing construction hazards, is a tremendous advantage. As
owners and designers look for more sustainable designs for improved environmental impact, modular
building system is inherently a natural fit. Building in a controlled environment reduces waste through
avoidance upstream rather than diversion downstream. This, along with improved quality management
throughout the construction process and significantly less on-site activity and disturbance, inherently
promotes sustainability ("Why Build Modular?", 2013).
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
co-operation and greater innovation in procurement, design and construction, leading to demonstrable
savings and benefits to the client, the contractor and to society in general. Modular construction uses preengineered volumetric units that are installed on site as fitted-out and serviced building blocks. The use
of modular construction is directly influenced by the clients requirements for speed of construction,
quality, added benefits of economy of scale, as well as single point procurement. These benefits may be
quantified in a holistic assessment of the costs and value of modular construction in relation to the more
traditional alternatives.
The attributes of Modular System are:
i. reduced construction costs, especially when combined with economy of scale production (10%+)
ii. much reduced construction time on site (50 to 60%)
iii. increased profitability of the industry due to economy of manufacturing scale
iv. increased site productivity (up to 50%)
v. greater certainty of completion on time and to budget
vi. much reduced wastage in manufacturing and on site
vii. greater reliability and quality
In the majority of buildings, there are a wide range of possible materials and construction systems that
may be employed. The choice of primary structure is generally determined by the initial cost, with less
regard to functionality and performance characteristics. Previous studies have often failed to look at the
whole building holistically, but have concentrated on the individual elements, without taking advantage of
the whole process and the impact of the following trades or components. This is where the Modular
System comes into play.
3. Methodology
The research methodology for this study involves the questionnaire surveys that have been conducted
among the IBS manufacturers and IBS contractors companies around Klang Valley, Selangor. In order to
establish the sample of appropriate respondents, a list of construction companies have been obtained from
the Construction Industry Development Boards database. There are approximately 40 IBS manufacturer
and IBS contractors in Klang Valley which are registered with the CIDB. The purpose of the
questionnaire was to obtain the responses on the acceptance of Modular System in IBS projects.
3.1. Sample and population
Jackson (2011) indicated the sampling involved two basic issues like making the right decisions in the
selection of items (people, products or services) and feeling confident with the data generated by the
sample which can be transformed into accurate information about the overall population. Further,
sampling can be used when it was impossible or unreasonable to conduct a census. Hence, when using the
census, the researcher was interested in collecting the primary data about or from every member of a
defined target population. The construction company list that was related to IBS projects has been
obtained from the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia (CIDB) was updated up to the
period of October 2014.
3.2. Sampling techniques
The sampling techniques used is the Stratified Random Sampling due samples are drawn from within
different strata that are more or less equal on some characteristics. A variable (sometimes several
variables) is identified as an efficient basis for stratification. The criterion for stratification variable is that
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
% of use
1% - 33%
34% - 60%
61% -99%
Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 222 (2016) 75 82
The Authors wish to thank and acknowledge the contributions of the IBS Centre, Construction
Industry Development Board (CIDB) and Universiti Teknologi MARA that have funded and supported
the study.
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