Transforming The Mind (Romans 12:2)

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Transforming the Mind (Romans 12:2)

January 8, 2016
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone, to his own
way (Isaiah 53:6).
In following the word there are many avenues to choose.
I. What God wants us to do: be conformed to the image of His Son
(Rom 8:29).
A. Negatively: dont be conformed to this world.
1. Worldliness is an attitude that we all do battle with.
The world is a system that is contrary to Gods ways.
2. How worldliness comes into our lives (examples)
- trying to same the same as others
- longing for the things of the world
- thinking like the world
- placing more importance on material things than on
spiritual things
- doing a right thing with a wrong attitude
3. Do not be conformed... = stop being conformed
B. Positively: be transformed by the Word.
1. What is needed: transformation (a metamorphosis)
changing from one form to another.
The goal of transformation is to be like Christ.
2. How it is accomplished: by renewing the mind.
I need interaction and reaction with the Bible.
3. Not every Christian is transformed.
II. What this will enable us to do: determine Gods will.
A. We can prove Gods will; we can know what God wants us to do.
1. Gods will = making the choices in our individual lives that
He wants us to make.
2. To prove Gods will means to recognize and approve.
God gives the discernment in the circumstance to make
the right choice (Heb 5:14).
B. Gods will is characterized as being:
1. good what tends toward our good spiritually
2. acceptable well-pleasing
3. perfect what is complete
Gods will or my will?

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