Rizal Activity Secret Departure To Noli and Return To Phil

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Rizals Life, Works and Writings Activity 1

Answer the following in a whole sheet of paper:


Why was Rizals travel to Spain kept secret?

Passport name our hero used on going Spain.
What is the observation of Rizal with the natives of Singapore?
Observation of Rizal about Spanish Salvadora and French Steam Ship
5. What was the first article written by Rizal in Spanish soil? Under what
6. School where Rizal enrolled medicine.
7. Reasons why Rizal did not allow his love with Consuelo Ortega.
8. What was Rizals masonic name?
9. Reasons why Rizal joined the mason.
10.When did Rizal finished medical course?
11.The 3 musical pieces wrote by Rizal.
12.Reason why Rizal was enchanted with Berlin.
13.Reasons why Rizal lived in Berlin.
14.What are Rizals observations about German women?
15.What are Rizals observations about German customs?
16.Describe Rizals darkest winter in Berlin.
17.What book inspired Rizal to write the Noli Me Tangere?
18.When did Rizal started to write the Noli?
19.Who is the savior of Noli?
20.When and where was the Noli printed?
21.When did Noli came off the press?
22.Meaning of Noli Me Tangere. Where in the Bible was it taken?
23.To whom did Rizal dedicated the Noli?
24.What is the title of the missing chapter of Noli? Why was it deleted?
25.How did Rizal recognized Blumentritt upon his arrival at Leitmeritz?
26.What are Rizals memories in Leitmeritz?
27.What is the impression of Rizal about the paper napkins?
28.Reasons why Rizal wants to return to the Philippines.
29.What did he established or built in Calamba?
30.As a doctor, how did his fellows in Calamba called Rizal?
31.The governor general who invited Rizal in Malacaan because of Noli.
32.What was the accusation against Rizal about the Noli?
33.Who became the assigned body guard of Rizal?
34.What was contained in the report of the Permanent Commission on
35.Discuss how was the Noli was attacked.
36.Discuss how was the Noli was defended.
37.The price of Noli after it was banned.
38.What were the findings of Rizal about the Calamba agrarian trouble?
39.Why was Rizal compelled to leave the Philippines?
40.The poem written by Rizal for Lipa.

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