Perform Mensuration and Calculation & Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing

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Perform Mensuration and Calculation

Although memory is technically any form of electronic storage, it is used most often to identify
fast, temporary forms of storage. If your computer's CPU had to constantly access the hard drive
to retrieve every piece of data it needs, it would operate very slowly. When the information is
kept in memory, the CPU can access it much more quickly. Most forms of memory are intended to
store data temporarily.
The CPU accesses memory according to a distinct hierarchy. Whether it comes from permanent
storage (the hard drive) or input (the keyboard), most data goes in random access memory
(RAM) first. The CPU then stores pieces of data it will need to access, often in a cache, and
maintains certain special instructions in the register.
Read-only memory (ROM) chips are located in the motherboard. ROM chips contain
instructions that can be directly accessed by the CPU. Basic instructions for booting the
computer and loading the operating system are stored in ROM. ROM chips retain their contents
even when the computer is powered down. The contents cannot be erased or changed by normal
Random access memory (RAM) is the temporary storage for data and programs that are
being accessed by the CPU. RAM is volatile memory, which means that the contents are erased
when the computer is powered off. The more RAM in a computer, the more capacity the
computer has to hold and process large programs and files, as well as enhance system
Early computers had RAM installed in the motherboard as individual chips. The individual
memory chips, called dual inline package (DIP) chips, was difficult to install and often became
loose on the motherboard. To solve this problem, designers soldered the memory chips on a
special circuit board called a memory module.
Here are some types of memory modules:

Dual Inline Package (DIP) Single Inline Memory Module (SIMM)

Module (DIMM)

RAMBus Inline Memory Module (RIMM)


Dual Inline Memory

Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module

SIMMs have 30-pin and 72-pin configurations. DIMM is a circuit board that holds SDRAM, DDR

The speed of memory has a direct impact on how much data a processor can process because
faster memory improves the performance of the processor. As processor speed increases,
memory speed must also increase. For example, single-channel memory is capable of
transferring data at 64 bits. Dual-channel memory increases speed by using a second channel of
memory, creating a data transfer rate of 128 bits.
Double Data Rate (DDR) technology doubles the maximum bandwidth of SDRAM. DDR2 offers
faster performance while using less energy. DDR3 operates at even higher speeds than DDR2;
however, none of these DDR technologies are backward- or forwardcompatible.
Even with a wide and fast bus, it still takes longer for data to get from the memory card to the
CPU than it takes for the CPU to actually process the data. Caches are designed to alleviate
this bottleneck by making the data used most often by the CPU instantly available. Registers
are memory cells built right into the CPU that contain specific data needed by the CPU,
particularly the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). An integral part of the CPU itself, they are
controlled directly by the compiler that sends information for the CPU to process.
Storage drives read or write information on magnetic or optical storage media. The drive can be
used to store data permanently or to retrieve information from a media disk. Storage drives can
be installed inside the computer case, such as a hard drive. For portability, some storage drives
can connect to the computer using a USB port, a FireWire port, or an SCSI port. These portable
storage drives are sometimes referred to as removable drives and can be used on multiple
Here are some common types of storage drives:
Floppy Drive
A floppy drive, or floppy disk drive, is a storage device that uses removable 3.5-inch floppy disks.
These magnetic floppy disks can store 720 KB or 1.44 MB of data. In a computer, the floppy drive
is usually configured as the A: drive.
Hard Drive
A hard drive, or hard disk drive, is a magnetic storage device that is installed inside the
computer. The hard drive is used as permanent storage for data. The hard drive is often
configured as the first drive in the boot sequence. The storage capacity of a hard drive is
measured in billions of bytes, or gigabytes (GB). The speed of a hard drive is measured in
revolutions per minute (RPM). Multiple hard drives can be added to increase storage capacity.
In contrast, the newer Solid State Drives (SSDs) do not have moving parts. Because there are
no drive motors and moving parts, the SSD uses far less energy than the magnetic hard drive.
Non-volatile flash memory chips manage all storage on an SSD, which results in faster access to
data, higher reliability, and reduced power usage. SSDs have the same form factor as magnetic
hard drives and use ATA or SATA interfaces. SSDs can be installed as a replacement for magnetic
Optical Drive

An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical media. There are
three types of optical drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) and Blu-ray Disc
(BD). CD, DVD, and BD media can be pre-recorded (read-only), recordable (write once), or
rewritable (read and write multiple times).
External Flash Drive
An external flash drive, also known as a thumb drive, is a removable storage device that
connects to a USB port. An external flash drive uses the same type of non-volatile memory chips
as solid state drives and does not require power to maintain the data. These drives can be
accessed by the operating system in the same way that other types of drives are accessed.
Types of Drive Interfaces
Hard drives and optical drives are manufactured with different interfaces that are used to
connect the drive to the computer. To install a storage drive in a computer, the connection
interface on the drive must be the same as the controller on the motherboard.
Common drive interfaces:

IDE Integrated Drive Electronics, also called Advanced Technology Attachment

(ATA) is an early drive controller interface that connects computers and hard disk drives.
An IDE interface uses a 40-pin connector.

SATA Serial ATA refers to the serial version of the ATA drive controller interface. A SATA
interface uses a 7-pin data connector.

SCSI Small Computer System Interface is a drive controller interface that can connect up
to 15 drives. SCSI can connect both internal and external drives. An SCSI interface uses a
50-pin, 68-pin, or 80-pin connector.

Within a computer, information is represented and stored in a digital binary format. The term bit
is an abbreviation of binary digit and represents the smallest piece of data. Humans interpret
words and pictures; computers interpret only patterns of bits.
A bit can have only two possible values, a one digit (1) or a zero digit (0). A bit can be used to
represent the state of something that has two states. For example, a light switch can be either
On or Off; in binary representation, these states would correspond to 1 and 0, respectively.
Computers use binary codes to represent and interpret letters, numbers and special characters
with bits. A commonly used code is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(ASCII). With ASCII, each character is represented by a string of bits.
For example:
Capital letter: A = 01000001
Number: 9 = 00001001
Special character: # = 00100011

Each group of eight bits, such as the representations of letters and numbers, is known as a byte.
Codes can be used to represent almost any type of information digitally: computer data,
graphics, photos, voice, video , and music.
To convert a decimal number to binary, all you have to do is divide the number by 2. Get the
quotient and the remainder. Bring down the quotient, divide it by 2, and get the quotient and
remainder again. Do it repeatedly until the quotient results to 0. Copy the remainder from
bottom to top, and that is the binary equivalent.

Example: 25


While a bit is the smallest representation of data, the most basic unit of digital storage is the
byte. A byte is 8 bits and is the smallest unit of measure (UOM) used to represent data storage
When referring to storage space, we use the terms bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB).
One kilobyte is a little more than one thousand bytes, specifically 1,024. A megabyte represents
more than a million bytes or 1,048,576. A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 bytes. A terabyte is
1,099,511,627,776. The exact number is gained by taking 2^n power.
In general, when something is represented digitally, the greater the detail, the greater the
number of bits needed to represent it. A low-resolution picture from a digital camera will use
around 360KB, and a high-resolution picture could use 2 MB or more.

Kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes are typically used to measure the size or storage
capacity of a device. Examples of components and devices that use byte storage include:
random access memory (RAM), hard disk drive space, CDs, DVDs, and MP3 players.
CDs have a data storage capacity of approximately 700 MB. DVDs have a data storage capacity
of approximately 4.3 GB on a single-layer disc, and approximately 8.5 GB on a dual-layer disc.
BDs have a storage capacity of 25 GB on a single-layer disc, and 50 GB on a dual-layer disc.
Once we know the size of a file or folder, it is possible to determine the number of bytes being
used. For example:
A file is 20 KB in size
1 KB = 1,024 Bytes
20 * 1,024 = 20,480 bytes in a 20 KB file
If a 20 KB file is stored in a 1 MB folder (1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes of space); then approximately a
total of 51 files can be stored in that folder (1,048,576 / 20,480 = 51.2).

Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing

A flowchart is a diagram that uses graphic symbols to depict the nature and flow of the steps in a
process. Another name for this tool is "flow diagram."
What Are the Elements of a Flowchart?
A flowchart is commonly used by systems analysts to visualize the series of processes in a
business system. A flowchart is a useful tool to design an efficient business system and to
troubleshoot or improve an existing system. A flowchart consists of elements, such as the
terminator, process, sub process, decision, arrow lines, and connectors.
1. Terminator
A terminator is represented by a small rectangle with curved corners. A terminator appears at
the start and at the end of a flowchart. The end terminator appears only once on a single
2. Process
A process is represented by a rectangle. It refers to an action in a business process. It must be
described clearly and concisely. A process can be described using a single verb noun phrase; for
example, "Order Office Supplies." The same level of detail must be kept in processes on a single
3. Sub-process
A sub-process is represented by a rectangle with double lines on each side. A subprocess is a
major process that could be broken up into simpler processes developed into another flowchart.
4. Decision
A decision is represented by a diamond. A process that can answer a decision of "yes" or "no"
requires a decision box.
5. Connector
A connector is represented by a small circle or a connector box and is labeled using letters. A
flowchart written on a single page is clearer than a flowchart on several pages.

A connector ensures that the processes are connected logically and correctly on several pages.
6. Arrow Lines
Arrow lines drawn in one direction, preferably from top to bottom, keep a flowchart clear. Avoid
arrow lines that loop because this could indicate redundancy in the business process.
When should teams use flowcharts?
At the beginning of your process improvement efforts, an as-is flowchart helps your team and
others involved in the process to understand how it currently works. The team may find it helpful
to compare this as-is flowchart with a diagram of the way the process is supposed to work. Later,
the team will develop a flowchart of the modified process again, to record how it actually
functions. At some point, your team may want to create an ideal flowchart to show how you
would ultimately like the process to be performed.
Benefits of Using Flowcharts
1. Promote understanding of a process. People may have differing ideas about how a
process works. A flowchart can help you gain agreement about the sequence of steps. Flowcharts
promote understanding in a way that written procedures cannot do.
2. Provide a tool for training employees. Because of the way they visually lay out the
sequence of process steps, flowcharts can be very helpful in training employees to perform the
process according to standardized procedures.
3. Identify problem areas and opportunities for process improvement. Once you break
down the process steps and diagram them, problem areas become more visible. It is easy to spot
opportunities for simplifying and refining your process by analyzing decision points, redundant
steps, and rework loops.
Basic Flowchart Symbols
1. Oval. Ovals indicate both the starting point and the ending point of the process steps.
2. Box. A box represents an individual step or activity in the process.
3. Diamond. A diamond shows a decision point, such as yes/no or go/no-go. Each path
emerging from the diamond must be labeled with one of the possible answers.
4. Circle. A circle indicates that a particular step is connected to another page or part of the
Flowchart. A letter placed in the circle clarifies the continuation.
5. Triangle. A triangle shows where an in-process measurement occurs.
Examples of a simple flowchart:

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