16-17 Fall Newsletter Final

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September 2016

Were off to a great start!

It is great to be back! I am enjoying seeing
how everyone has grown and changed over
the break.
If your address or phone number has
changed please let me know.
If you know of someone who might be interested in PAT, please encourage them to
give me a call or email me.
Remember to check out our website:

Fall Frolic
At the Moberly Library
Monday, October 3
5:30-7:00 pm
For ages 5 and under
*Games * Crafts * Snacks
*Story Time*
Provided by the Randolph County
Literacy Council,
Moberly and Westran PAT
Little Dixie Regional Libraries

We have two group connections with details here in the newsletter. I hope you can

Parents as Teachers & Little Stingers

Kristi Delp
Phone: 277-3343 x20
[email protected]

Preschool families are invited to:

Soup for Supper

October 13
5:30-6:30 pm
At Westran Elementary
Well be making Soup for Supper
It is free!
Click here to sign-up or call the PAT office 660-277-3343 x20
Funded by the Eat Smart Move Smart
A PAT Group Connection

Westran Parents as Teachers; Kristi Delp, Coordinator

Phone 660-277-3343 x20; Email [email protected]

Parents as Teachers
Make Time for 9

Hunting Season & Gun Safety

Children need physical contact every day to feel

connected to their parent or caregiver. Touch
helps boost childrens development. Physical contact between parents and children helps with attachment, trust, healing, and health.

In the United States 100 children under

the age of 17 die each year from unintentional shootings. If you have a home with
guns please review these safety tips from
the Missouri Department of Conservation:

Hugs and kisses, pats on the back, playful wrestling, adjusting a shirt collar, or a back rub are a
few examples.

9 Minutes that Matter

Children need quality time, not just quantity
time. Families are often rushed, so make the
minutes you have together count.
Some important times of day for parent child
connection are:
First 3 minutes after children wake up
First 3 minutes after coming home from child
care or school
Last 3 minutes of the day before they go to
bed (sing, read snuggle, talk)
These moments can be easily rushed by parents
who are busy, tired, or distracted. But they are
important moments for children and they often
reach out for connection during these 9 minutes.
Children of all ages need parents to slow down,
look them in the eyes, and talk with them or ask
questions. If parents work during these times,
make the first and last minutes with the child
count. Children need eye to eye face time time
with their parents.
Resource: Missouri Childrens Trust Fund

Store firearms unloaded and lock them

up. Ammunition should be locked in a
separate location, out of childrens
reach. Gun locks, load indicators, and
other safety devices should be on all
Parents should teach children the difference between real and toy guns.
Discuss the difference between television and a real life death.
Safety lessons that explain the rules for
gun safety should be done openly with
time for the child to ask questions.
More information can be found here.

Links for Fall Fun

Play Dough Monsters
10 Picture Books about Pumpkins
No Sew Costume Ideas
Toddler Sensory Slimy Eyes Bag
Gourds and Wiggly Eyes
Exploring Pumpkin Guts

Favorite Fall Books

with links to the Little Dixie Library
Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin by Tad

Hills (My all time favoriteKristi)

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
Autumn Walk
My Autumn Book
Pumpkin Eye

Graphic from Playground Equipment. Go play!!!

Little Dixie Regional Library

The Huntsville branch of the Little Dixie Library is
a wonderful local resource. They have a wide variety of books for young children. Check out their
website for hours and location here.
The Moberly branch has Preschool Story Time on
Wednesdays from 9:30-10:00am.

Randolph Co WIC
The WIC program is designed to improve the nutritional health of women, infants and children, with
the goal of improving the overall health of families. WIC serves pregnant women, nonbreastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months
after delivery), breastfeeding women (up to 1 year
after delivery as long as they are breastfeeding), infants and children up to their 5th birthday. For
more information check out the WIC website:

Randolph County WIC

SafetyAnchor Your Furniture

This month our PAT program has provided information
in meetings about securing tall pieces of furniture and
TVs to prevent tip over incidents for the safety of small
children. For detailed information about hardware and
instructions check out this website:


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