AnnualR 2007

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Living Generously

Agudas Achim Synagogue American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Congress American-Israel Cultural
Foundation Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies B'na
B'rith Youth Organization Beth Jacob Congregation
Columbus Community Kollel Columbus Jewish Day Schoo
Columbus Jewish Historical Society Columbus Jewish
Federation Columbus Jewish Foundation Columbus Torah
Academy Congregation Ahavas Sholom Congregation Bet
Abraham Congregation Beth Tikvah Congregation Tiferet
Israel Congregation Torah Emet Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society Israel Experience Jewish Agency for Israel
Jewish Community Centers Association
Sara andof
Jewish Community Center of Greater Columbus Jewish
Council for Public Affairs Jewish Education Service of
North America Jewish Experience for Teens Jewish Famil
Services Jewish Labor Committee Jewish Telegraphic
Agency Jewish War Veterans of the USA Joint Distributio
Committee Magen David Adom (Israeli Red Cross) Meir
Conference on Soviet Jewry National
Ian and
Andrea belong
Foundation for Jewish Culture National Jewish Center for
Learning and Leadership Ohio Arts Council: Ohio-Israel
Cultural Exchange Ohio Jewish Communities Ohio Valley
Hillel Consortium Partnership 2000 with Kfar Saba, Israe
Schottenstein Chabad House Synagogue Adult Education
Mollie belongsServices
Program Grants Synagogue Deaf Interpretation
Synagogue Supplemental Hebrew Education Program
Beth Shalom
Temple Israel
Ohio State
Fall 2007 Volume 2 Issue 1
2007 AnnualHillel
Report The Ohio State University
Melton Center

You belong

Columbus Jewish Federation

2007 Annual Report - Living Generously

Fall 2007 Volume 2 Issue 1


The Concept of Jewish Peoplehood


Investing In Our Jewish Community


Andrea and Ian belong


Your Support Means Everything

A goal for the Jewish New Year

Columbus Jewish Community

Gives More than Ever
2007 Annual and Israel Emergency
Campaign Reports

Carly belongs

2007 Allocations Report

Ilya belongs
Life as a new American can be
difficult for anyone. Ilya discusses
how the Columbus Jewish community eased his transition.

Jewish college students in

Columbus have numerous Jewish
opportunities. Andrea and Ian
share their experience.

Dan belongs

A picture is worth a thousand words.

2007 Annual Campaign

Roll of Honor
Honoring those who gave to the
2007 Annual Campaign.

Ilya belongs

The mission of the Columbus Jewish Federation is to strengthen and enrich the central Ohio Jewish community
through its support of its family of social service, human service, Jewish educational and Jewish identity building, agencies, synagogues and organizations, locally, in Israel and throughout the Jewish world.
This is the Annual Report of the Columbus Jewish Federation, the Central Address of the organized Jewish Community of Central Ohio. Contents
may not be copied, reproduced, republished or used for any purpose without advance written consent of the Federation. For permissions and other
inquiries, please contact Marketing Director Adam Reiss at The Columbus Jewish Federation, 1175 College Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43209; call
614.237.7686 or eMail [email protected]. For additional information about the Federation, visit or call 614.237.7686.

The Concept of Jewish Peoplehood

A G o a l fo r t h e Jew i s h N ew Ye a r
Recently, much has been written and many conferences
have been held on the topic of Jewish Peoplehood
defined by many sociologists as connecting Jews to
Judaism and to One Another.

Steven Schottenstein
Board Chair

As we prepare to usher in the New Year, we pause to

reflect on this concept and how we can develop a Jewish
community based on Jewish pride rather than Jewish
fears. A Jewish Community where each of us
BELONGS; a Jewish community with a multitude of
welcoming gateways designed to engage each of us
Our sages teach that a definition of Judaism is seeking to
Marsha Hurwitz
expand righteousness and justice in the world and herein lies
President & CEO
our opportunity to connect more Jews to create a Community
of Purpose. A Community that is caring, inspiring, and seeks
to connect Jews in Columbus with one another and to Jews in Israel, and around the world.
We believe that Jewish identity can be most significant if it comes from a positive affiliation with Jewish history and
contemporary Jewish living. Therefore, we must build a Columbus Jewish community that is warm, embracing and
designed to provide a comprehensive spectrum of Jewish social, human and educational programs whose standard is
As you will note in the pages of this Annual Report, this past year we made great strides in a host of areas. We say
thank you to all our volunteers for all their efforts as we raised more money than ever before, and reinvested these
funds in our local and overseas Jewish communities. We provided leadership training, initiated numerous programmatic partnerships with our Federation Family of Agencies and Synagogues, and worked to make our Jewish institutions safer and our community more welcoming.
And yet, if we continue to do what weve always done well continue to get what weve always got...if were lucky.
Therefore, in the year ahead, in collaboration with our partners, we will develop a comprehensive community planning initiative that will enable us to create a Vision for Jewish Columbus for the next decade. Our Vision will be
one of purpose and one that conveys the essence of Jewish Peoplehood - the important, powerful and inspirational
messages of commitment, obligation and responsibility.
Maimonides said one does what is right and good because it is right and good--aware that goodness will ultimately
result from this way of lifethis is the standard for which we will strive in the year ahead.
May you and your family be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of Good Health, Good Fortune and may there
be Peace Throughout our World.

LShana Tova

Steven Schottenstein

Marsha F. Hurwitz
President & CEO

Columbus Jewish Community

Gives More than Ever
2007 Annual Campaign Report
The Columbus Jewish Federation's
2007 Annual Campaign accomplished
something for which the entire community should be proud: more money was
raised than in any of the previous
Campaigns in the history of our
Federation. The entire community
contributed to this accomplishment and
we are grateful for what this
fundraising will allow us to do:
Invest in our childrens Jewish education and identity
Ensure our elderly age with dignity
Teach and promote tolerance
Advocate for a safe and secure Israel
Groom future leaders
Help fund essential social and
humanitarian services in Columbus,
Israel and around the Jewish world

The Federations 2007 Annual

Campaign featured many inspiring
events designed to educate and
engage community members on the
importance of Belonging.
Throughout the course of the year,
hundreds of campaign volunteers
gave of their time, expertise and
personal financial resources to
make this year special. Lay leaders
opened up their homes and offices
and spent hours making calls and
engaging in Jewish conversations
in support of the 2007 Campaign.
Volunteers turned out in great
numbers to support Israel, the
Central Ohio Jewish community
and the Federation.

2007 Federation Highlights

$10.5 Million Raised in the 2007 Annual
($8.45M) and Israel Emergency Fund
Campaigns ($2.1M).
More than 200 Community Members
experienced Israel via the 2007 Summer
Family Mission, Israel Experience and
Partnership 2000 Exchanges.
Federation initiated the PJ Library - In
partnership with Abigail & Leslie
Wexner, more than 300 young Jewish
children are now receiving monthly
Jewish DVDs, Books and CDs.
Leadership 21 Class V - Nineteen young
adults were engaged to further develop
their leadership skills in an effort to train
the future leaders of the Central Ohio
Jewish community.

Lessons of the Holocaust & Promoting

Tolerance - More than 1500 high school
students learned first hand from

Holocaust Survivor Gerda Weissmann

Klein. In addition, the Federation honored Senator George Voinovich for his
decades of service.
Institutional Security - Working with the
Department of Homeland Security and
local law enforcement, the Federation has
partnered with our Jewish institutions to
enhance facility security.
Community Planning - Working with our
partners to better understand our community programmatic and facility needs,
creating a VISION for Columbus over the
next decade.
Collaborative Model for Raising and
Distributing Funds - In partnership with
the Columbus Jewish Foundation, the
Federation is undertaking a more effective and efficient way to raise and distribute communal funds.

Columbus Jewish Community

Steps Up in Time of Need
Israel Emergency Campaign
Last July, as Israelis experienced the
trauma of constant bombing, the
Columbus Jewish Federation joined
Federations across the country and
around the world in adopting the $300
million Israel Emergency Campaign. All
donors were asked to make a significant
one-time gift to this pressing and important cause. The Columbus Jewish community responded to this challenge,
pledging $2.1 million to help defend,
protect and re-build Israel from these
latest attacks.
The funds raised in this effort went
directly to the populations affected most
by the violence and include support for:
War Emergency -- upgrading bomb
shelters, moving children, the elderly and
disabled out of harm's way, and providing trauma and post-trauma counseling;
Education -- learning and emotional
support for children to reintegrate to
normal routines, training school staff to
deal with trauma issues; providing children with special-needs care, upgrading

kindergarten facilities, and providing

afterschool activities to keep children
positively focused, incentive scholarships
to boost enrollment at universities in
vulnerable areas, providing aid to needy
families for supplies, helping Ethiopian
students in vulnerable areas;
Post-Trauma Intervention -- providing counseling to address people of all
ages including counselors themselves
with post-traumatic stress symptoms;
Economic Opportunity -- business
loans for economic development and job
creation in the North, small-business
loans to help those hurt by the war's economic impact, small-business grants and
job training in the Sderot area;
Community Capacity -- helping select
municipalities better handle war emergencies, helping organizations better
provide food to the poor in vulnerable
areas, help Ethiopian-Israelis in vulnerable areas, train young people as community leaders, foster Arab-Jewish communication by teaching Arabic to Israeli

students, creating youth villages where

students mentor younger children, send
student volunteers to the North to help
beautify areas, helping train city leaders
in emergency planning, increasing volunteerism, supporting NGOs in vulnerable
areas, supporting Magen David Adom
and frontline hospitals;
Sderot and Vicinity -- providing
incentive scholarships to boost enrollment at Sapir College; providing posttrauma counseling and support; improving classroom facilities, sending children
to summer camps in safer areas, providing the elderly and disabled with respites
in safer areas, providing business loans
and aid;
Advocacy -- supporting the UJC-JCPA
Israel Advocacy Initiative, which supports Israel advocacy efforts on a continental level.
Columbus should be honored to be a part
of such an important and successful
campaign. When Israel needed our support, this community answered the call.

P2K Young Partners represented Columbus well during, and after, the Israel-Lebanon War. (Left) The first group of Young Partners were in Israel when the
bombs were falling in the summer of 2006, and the young Columbus residents made care packages and offered an abundance of support. (Right) This summer, the Young Partners, Group 2 helped out as Israel is still dealing with the aftereffects of the war in the North.

Investing in Our Jewish Community

2007 Net Allocable Dollars


2007 Local Allocation Breakdown

Federation Sponsored
Local Programming:
$808,192 (15%)

Local Agency and

Synagogue Funding, Core
and Programming:
$2,862,163 (55%)

Supplemental Local
Allocations (1 year):
$212,500 (4%)

Campus Capital R&R:

$292, 700 (6%)

Federation General Admin:

$624,912 (12%)

Jewish Community
Security Enhancements
$235,000 (4%)

Communal Reserves:
$224,058 (4%)

at Home, in Israel and Around the World

Columbus Community Kollel

JEIC/Outreach & Engagement


Columbus Jewish Historical Society

Core Allocation


Jewish Community Center

Jewish Experience With Teens (JET)
Outreach Pilot Project (J-Link)
Senior Life Enhancement
New American Acculturation
Core Allocation
Supplemental Allocation
include add'l CR&R funding)


Wexner Heritage Village

Community Chaplaincy Program (by WHV)
Core Allocation
Supplemental Allocation
include add'l CR&R funding)

$320,106 Ohio Valley Hillel Consortium
$38,500 Core Allocation
$404,110 TOTAL OVHC

Jewish Family Services

Outreach Services
Jewish Loan/Burial Fund
Jewish Loan/Burial Fund Administration
Senior Link
Core Allocation
Supplemental Allocation
OSU Hillel Foundation
Core Allocation
Supplemental Allocation
Columbus Jewish Day School
Core Allocation (est. 80 students)
Columbus Torah Academy
Core Allocation (est. 250 students)
Schottenstein Chabad House
Friendship Circle
New American Rabbinic Outreach Program


Ohio Jewish Communities-Government Affairs

Core Allocation

Jewish Education & Identity Committee (JEdI)

- Not part of the Federation budget
Scholarship Fund (Camps & Educators)
Deaf Interpreting (Synagogue Services)
Florence Melton Communiteen

JEdI Synagogue Allocations

Religious/Supplemental School Education
$27,500 Fund
Adult Education Fund
Supplemental Allocation
Capital Repair & Replacement (CR&R)
$540,000 Allocation to JCC and WHV
Capital R & R Funding
$26,000 Community Security Enhancement
$30,000 Phase I - approx. 70% of total




Ilya belongs...

You belong
Do you belong?
Ilya belongs.
Ilya moved to Columbus when he was
five years old from the Former Soviet
Union. He left behind all his friends and
arrived in a foreign country where
everyone spoke an unfamiliar language.
Ten years later he could never have
imagined he would be living a good life
in a vibrant Jewish community.
Ilya came to Columbus from Minsk,
Belarus, with assistance from the
Federations International Operation
Exodus initiative. He faced a foreign
environment at a young age, but thanks
to the welcoming atmosphere at Jewish

Family Services, Ilya and his family were

immediately integrated into the Central
Ohio Jewish Community.
JFS workers taught Ilya English and
also helped his father learn English and
find work. At the Jewish Community
Center Preschool and Day Camp he
made friends and memories.
When Ilya was ten, he had to face one of
the hardest challenges of an individual's
life - losing a parent. After his father
passed away he found more than support
in the Jewish community - he found an
extended family and he found a HOME.
At Columbus Torah Academy Ilya truly
came out of his shell. He played on the

soccer team, excelled in school, made

new friends and even starred in a student film. Columbus Torah Academy
further guided Ilyas passion for his
Jewish heritage, a in his summers he
gives back to the community he loves so
Ilya is a counselor at the JCCs Camp
Arye, a camp for individuals with special
needs. Ilya is doing his best to give back
to the community that gave to him.
Ilya belongs. You belong.
For more information contact
Nancy Glazer at the Federation at
614-559-3203 or at [email protected].

Dan belongs...

You belong

Do you belong?

which makes the difference."

Dan belongs.

Dan is a member of numerous

committees and boards around the
Jewish community, all in an effort
to continually better Jewish life in
Central Ohio. Dan currently
Chairs the Federations
Partnership 2000 (P2K) program,
which establishes a cultural
exchange between a city in Israel,
Kfar Saba, and Columbus.

Dan grew up in Columbus. He

was actively involved in the Jewish
community. He became a Bar
Mitzvah in Columbus and, similar
to many high school graduates, left
for college. After Dan graduated,
traveled and spent 10 years away,
he was drawn back by his memory
of a strong Jewish community.
"I have traveled to many beautiful
places, many much more beautiful
than Columbus, but no place had
that same feel," Dan said. "No
place felt quite as good as
Dan understands the impact a
vibrant Jewish Community has on
individuals as well as families. He
feels the vitality of this resource as
he participates and leads to ensure
a prospering Jewish future.
Dan has had many special events
that he will always remember, and
the majority of them occured in
Columbus. Dan shared them with
his family and his extended family,
the Columbus Jewish community.
Dan and his wife sent their children to JCC Preschool and JCC
summer camp, his family has taken
part in a Summer Family Mission
and Dan supports Jewish programming throughout the community.
"Jewish programming is essential
for our youth, for our future and
for Israel," he said. "The
Federation helps give all of that
programming that little extra

Dan has been instrumental in

engaging our community in the
partnership and more than 1000
peoples lives have been effected by
meeting individuals from Kfar Saba
or by Israelis meeting residents
from Columbus.
"P2K has created a real link
between Columbus and Kfar Saba.
We get to know Israelis and they
get to know us," Dan said. "This
goes beyond any trip to Israel as
you get to know your Jewish
brothers and sisters from across
the ocean."
Dan understands the importance of
building a connection. He understands for the Jewish people to
thrive, we need to build strong
bonds - not only in Columbus, but
from Columbus to Israel.
Dan belongs.
You belong.
For more information contact
Avi Kagan at the Federation at
614-559-3212 or at
[email protected].

Sara & Rose belong...

You belong

Do you belong?
Sara and Rose belong.
Sara attended The Ohio State University,
then moved away to begin her career in
politics in Washington D.C. She returned
two years ago in order to raise a
family. Sara returned to be a part of the
Columbus Jewish Community.

gram is made possible by Abigail and Leslie

Wexner and the Columbus Jewish
Federation, in cooperation with the Jewish
Community Center of Greater Columbus.
The ability for Sara to provide her children
with a strong Jewish upbringing was one of
the major factors leading her back to
Columbus. Sara also understands the
importance of a strong Jewish future for
her children.

Program, which is an opportunity that

exposes her to inspiring thoughts and
visions of local community leaders. L21
helps her build the skills necessary to take
on the responsibilities of leadership.
Sara enjoys being part of a community
where she has numerous valuable
resources, as well as has the ability to add
to those resources.
Sara and Rose belong.

Rose, Sara's daughter, is gaining a fantastic

Jewish education as she attends the JCC
Preschool and participates in the PJ
Library program.

Sara appreciates the opportunity to be able

to participate in programs like PJ Library,
but she know she needs to give back.

You belong.

PJ Library is one of the many Jewish identity building initiatives made available to
the Columbus Jewish Community. The pro-

Sara wants to be a participant and a leader

for her community - locally and nationally.
She is currently in the Leadership 21

For more information contact Matt

Youngner at the Federation at
614-559-3209 or at [email protected].

Ian & Andrea belong...

You belong

Do you belong?

Ian and Andrea belong.

Ian and Andrea appreciate the benefit of
a vibrant Jewish community while
attending college.
Thanks to the Ohio State University
Hillel and Schottenstein Chabad House
Andrea and Ian, as well as all the
Jewish students at the Ohio State
University, have that opportunity.
"There were not many Jewish people
where I grew up and I really didn't
know what it meant to be Jewish," Ian
said. "When I came to OSU I had no
aspirations to be involved in any Jewish
organizations. If that had occured I
would be missing out on a entire por-

tion of who I am. Thanks to the

Central Ohio Jewish community I have
seen what I would have missed."

The Columbus Jewish Federation supports a thriving Jewish community for

all of Columbus, even those young Jews
at various Ohio universities.
From Israel advocacy and travel to
Israel to engaging Jewish speakers to
Friday night Shabbat dinners and High
Holiday services, Hillel and Chabad
provide a strong Jewish connection.
"Coming to OSU I knew I wanted to be
a part of a Jewish community," Andrea
said. "Thanks to Chabad, Hillel and the
Federation, OSU students have that

When students attend college, it is

often their first opportunity to be on
their own. Their first opportunity to
make choices that will influence who
they become.

Thankfully for Jewish students at OSU

and other area colleges, Chabad and
Hillel provide support and a home away
from home during these important
times. Andrea and Ian have found that
support through first-hand experiences.
Ian and Andrea belong.
You belong.
For more information contact
Nancy Glazer at the Federation at
614-559-3203 or at [email protected].


Carly belongs...

You belong
Do you belong?
Carly belongs.
Carly has attended Hebrew School
for ten years and became a Bat
Mitzvah three years ago in
Columbus. Carly has always felt
strongly about her Judaism, but she
had no desire and could not find any
reason to go to Israel. Carly's
desires would soon change.
Last April, while sitting in a classroom with 15 other students at the
Jewish Community Center of
Greater Columbus and thinking out-

side the box about Jewish aspects of

birth, life and death at the Florence
Melton Communiteen Mini-School,
Carly finally felt that desire. She
came to understand the importance
for all Jews to visit Israel.
Carly's strong desire was not only
to visit Israel, but to experience
the country at its fullest and live
there for a few months. With the
help of the Columbus Jewish
Federation's Israel Experience
Grant, Carly's dream became a
reality. She took part in the
Alexander Muss Institute of Israel
Education and lived in Israel for

two months. Carly is already planning her second trip.

"My Israel experience changed my
life. I feel stronger, more confident
and much more in touch with my
Jewish heritage," Carly said. "I have
a greater understanding of who I
am and what I need to do."
Carly belongs. You belong.
For more information contact
Nancy Rosen at the Federation at
614-559-3250 or at [email protected].

Mollie belongs...

You belong
Do you belong?
Mollie belongs.
Mollie and her husband moved to Columbus more than
50 years ago. In Columbus they raised their son and
daughter, built friendships and expanded their family.
Mollie belonged to three different synagogues, the
Jewish Community Center and supported the Columbus
Jewish Federation.
When Mollie's husband passed away a few years ago, she
debated on moving into Wexner Heritage Village, but the
debate did not last long. Mollie moved into WHV and has
never regretted a day.
"There is always someone to talk to and be with, there is
always something to do," Mollie said. "And you can always
get away."
WHV enriches those it serves by providing quality housing, health and supportive services which meet the needs of
an aging society. WHV continually achieves the utmost
service for their residents.
The consistent response conveyed, whether from the residents or family members of residents at the Shalom House,
the Larry and Leonore Zusman Jewish Community Hospice
or WHV, is that of gratitude. The staff, the community,
the Federation and other supporters ensure WHV offers
the highest standards attainable.
Mollie understands those standards as she could live
almost anywhere - with her son in Israel or with her
daughter in St. Louis - but she chose to live where she is
most comfortable. She chooses WHV and the Columbus
Jewish community.
Mollie belongs.
You belong.
For more information contact Nancy Glazer at the
Federation at 614-559-3203 or at [email protected].


Investing in the Future

Young Adult Division

(Left to right) Jason Isaacs, Emily Bernie and

Roger Howard

(Left to right) Alana Moses, Shelby Nathans and Shira Shato

Sarah & Ryan Pearcy

Leadership 21

(Left to right) Brett Kaufman, Larry Pliskin

and Rabbi Elka Abrahamson

(Left to right, sitting) Inna Simakovsky, Laura

Weiser, Karen Shore Meyer, (standing) Sara
Zeigler and Lauren Bernard

(Left to right) Adam Wolinetz, Jason Goldberg

and Greg Munster

Ben Gurion Society

(Left to right) Frank Kass and

Denise & Michael Glimcher

(Left to right) Cindy Ebner, Steve &

Jennifer Siegel

(Left to right) Jennifer & Seth Cammeyer

and Judy & Steve Tuckerman

LDor VDor Society

(Left to right) Jim Feibel, Arlene Weiss and

Judith Swedlow

(Left to right) Irene Levines & Lee Hess and Jeanne Moser

(Left to right) Fannie Shkolnik, Evelyn

Wasserstrom, Betty Ziskind and Dorothy Kahn

Members of the Central Ohio Jewish community have had a busy spring and summer. From
remembering those lost in the Holocaust to celebrating Israeli Independence, community
members have been showing their support to Israel and their Jewish heritage.

from Generation to Generation

Summer Family Mission

Jake Diamond puts on Tephillin at the

Western Wall

The Hirsh Family in Jerusalem

The Leeman and Portman families hiking Mt.

Arbel in Israel

P2K Young Partners G2

P2K Young Partners Group 2 enjoying a camel ride through the desert

(Left to right) Marissa Mittelman, Pnina

Gutterman Tranen, and Madeline Jobrack

Albie Lavine and Alex Lily

Yom Hashoah

(Left to right) Irv Szames, Lev Kucherski,

Frank Nutis and Saul Laub

(Left to right) Rabbi Harold Berman,

(Left to right) Janet & Senator George Voinovich, Rabbi Misha
Commissioner Marilyn Brown, Mayor Michael
Zinkow, Steven Schottenstein and Marsha Hurwitz
Coleman, Honorable Rita Eppler and Sam Nahem

Yom Haatzmaut

The Tel Aviv Scouts perform at Yom

Haatzmaut at the JCC.

Students from CTA and CJDS performed at Yom Haatzmaut during the
childrens program

Children make hamsas in honor of Israel

For more information about how to get involved and make a difference at home,
in Israel and around the world, contact The Columbus Jewish Federation at
614.237.7686 or [email protected].

2007 Campaign Events Engage Thousands

Rally of Solidarity

(Left to right) Reverend Skip Cornett and

Heidi & Mike Levy

Larry & Leonore Zusman

Susie & Jon Diamond

2006 Annual Meeting

(Left to right) Steve Tuckerman, Florence Melton of blessed memory

and Gerda Weissmann Klein

(Left to right) Babette Fiebel,

Pam Gurwin and Judith Swedlow

(Left to right) Steven Schottenstein, Marsha

Hurwitz and Michael Canter

The Grand Event

Robert Schottenstein & Jeri Block

Bruce & Joy Soll

Kevin & Sheila Kroos

(Left to right) Michael & Katie Leaventon and Rebecca and Aaron

Advanced Gifts
(Left to right) MK & Mrs. Ephraim Eitam and Jay & Jeanie Schottenstein

(Left) Craig Myers and Larry Moses

Supporters of the 2007 Annual and Israel Emergency Campaign bonded together in Central Ohio for the
betterment of the future. The Central Ohio Jewish community has enabled hundreds to receive a proper Jewish
education and thousands more to build a connection with Israel. The Central Ohio Jewish community offers a
sanctuary for our elderly to age with dignity and for our youth to grow in a vibrant Jewish Community.

You belong
Lion of Judah Luncheon

(Left) Karen Moss and Betty Schiff

(Left to right) Joyce Shenk, Bonnie Milenthal and Lenore Schottenstein

(Left) Rita Munster and Fran Luckoff

The Cardozo Society

(Left to right) Scott & Heidi Schaeffer and Liz and Michael Schaeffer

Abigail & Leslie Wexner

Bob & Sally Weisman

Healthcare Professionals
Ronald Bloomfield and Sue Schaltz

Phil & Julie Weinerman

(Left to right) Efrat Bron-Harley, Bruce Meyer, Jeffrey Tilson and

Yishak Kreiss

Major Gifts

(Left to right) Ambassador Martin Indyk and

Miriam & Bernie Yenkin

(Left to right) Jeffrey & Marjorie Coopersmith and Sam Fried

Audrey & Brian Tuckerman

For more information about how the Columbus Jewish Community makes a
difference at home, in Israel and around the world, contact the Columbus Jewish
Federation at 614.237.7686 or [email protected].

2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

The Columbus Jewish Federation would like to thank all of
those who have contributed to the 2007 Annual Campaign.
Our Federation is an organization steeped in the centuriesold tradition of Tzedakah and is the means through which
members of our community express their deep traditional
responsibility toward each other. All Jews are responsible
for one another.
The list below honors contributors to the 2007 Columbus
Jewish Federation Annual Campaign who have permitted
us to include their names.
In addition to those listed, there were contributors who
requested that their names not be published. The list
includes all commitments made prior to August 10, 2007.
We have honored all requests to the best of our ability and
regret any errors we have inadvertently made.
Butch and Patti Aaron
Angela and Asher Abenaim
Darla and Lee Abraham
Beth Abramovitz
Fred and Renee Abramovitz
Herbert and Ruth Abrams
Shirley Abrams
Rabbi Steve and Barbara Abrams
Honey Abramson
Lawrence and Laurie Abramson
Marc Abramson
Samuel and Gilda Abramson
Alan and Lillian Acker
Steven Acker
Jeffrey Adams
Mitchell and Sarah Adel
Barry and Deborah Adelman
Ed and Kim Adelson
Andrea Adkins
Buddy and Ruth Adler
Fred and Freida Adler
Kathryn Adler and Andy Yosowitz
Martin Adler
Mousa and Shelly Aframian
Jay and Cheryl Agranoff
Reuben and Rachel Ahroni
Shirley Ain
Rick and Beth Alderson
Fanya Aleksandrovskaya
Jeffrey and Susan Alexander
Laurie Alexander
Michael Alexander and Jane Mitchell
Mark and Joy Alfonso
Daniel and Lynne Allen
Steven Allen and Jamie Keller Allen
Jan Leibovitz Alloy
Benjamin and Wendy Almasanu
Lazar and Gerda Almasanu
Mitchell and Linda Alter
Jerold and Arline Altman
Victor Altman and Anny Tverskaya
James Altschuld
Joel and Jody Altschule
Rachel Altura and Michael Holloway
Claude and Sylvia Amar
Matyas Amedmariam
Rabbi Levi and Aviva Andrusier
Anheuser-Busch Companies
Marc and Judy Ankerman
Esther Antler
Rabbi Howard Apothaker and Marcie Golden
Stuart Appelbaum and Susie Stan
Todd and Michelle Appelbaum
Debby and Neal Applefeld
Greg and Debra Arenstein
Arlene Armstrong
Virginia Armstrong
Edward and Sarah Arndt
Randall Arndt and Jeffrey Baker
Marla Arnold
Solomon and Maria Aronov
Manne Aronovsky
Robert and Joan Aronson
Elliott and Heather Asch
Herbert Asher
Lynn and Wayne Aspey
Marilyn Atlas
Joanne Aubrey


Bruce and Patricia Auerbach

Michael and Carol Aurnou
Dan and Jessica Auslander
Sharon Austin
Daneen Axelrod
David and Beth Axelrod
Sarah Axelrod
Mira and Gregory Axelrud
Larry and Sara Babich
Samuel and Libby Babich
Ted and Bronwen Babich
Irwin and Beverly Bain
Irving and Marcia Baker
Miriam Baker
Sam Baker
Stacey Baker
Andrea and William Balas
A. J. Ball and Susan May Ball
Craig and Jody Ballas
Tracey Ballas-Schiff and Todd Schiff
Ben Balshone* PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Robert and Debbie Banchefsky
H. Randy and Ruth Bank
Clifford and Judith Barasch
Una Barbee
Irving and Ruth Barkan
Neal Barkan
Scott Barkin and Maureen Gallagher
Toby Barkan
Robert and Dawn Barkley
Gary and Elaine Barnett
Randy Barnett
Richard and Terri Barnett
Rebecca Barnett
Shimra Barnett
Richard and Annelyn Baron
Malcolm and Dolores Baroway
Karen Basinger
Isaak Baskin
Walter and Barbara Baum
Howard Baumwell and Diana Angus
Debra and Richard Beck
Louis and Mabel Becker
Ralph and Evelyn Becker
Seth Becker and Janet Meltzer
Charlotte Beckman
Gary and Stacy Beckman
Ken and Michelle Beckman
Douglas and Amy Beech
Andy Beim
Bettye and Albert Beim
David and Debra Belinky
Janis Bell and David Puppel
Howard and Gayle Bellin
Rabbi Yechiel and Gitty Ben-Ari
Chaim and Malka Ben-Dor
Avi and Joy Benatar
Shirly and Gil Benatar
John andd Roberta Bender
Roger and Madalyn Benjamin
Miriam Benstein and Brian Daroe
Jill and Kerry Beraud
David and Judith Bergdahl
V Bergelson
Jeanette Berger
Allan and Gladys Berger
Andrew Bergman and Sharon Schweikhart
Robert and Lori Bergman


3,300 GIFTS

Burton and Margie Berk

Karen Berk
Aaron Berkovich and Elena Kuchak
Jackie and Wendy Berkowitz
Vicki Berkowitz
Robert and Rose Berky
Lawrence and Donna Berlin
Alan Berliner
Lotte Berliner
Marilyn Berliner
Scott and Lisa Berliner
Rabbi Harold and Beth Berman
Micah Berman and Rachel Bloomekatz
Benton and Harriet Bernstecker
David Bernstein and Inna Simakovsky
Helen Bernstein
Jack and Amira Bernstein
David and Esther Bernzweig
Bradley Berson
Alan and Lori Berzow
Nelya Bespalova
Bentsion and Mira Bilenko
David Binkovitz and Matthew Deal
Beatrice Binsky
Lawrence and Kimberly Binsky
Ann Birrer
Judah and Alegria Bitton
Mindy and Ronald Bixel
Cynthia Black and Gregory Vrabel
Sol and Esther Black
Allan and Judy Blair
Barbara Krakoff Blair
Dr. Bradley and Susan Blair
Scott and Lori Blair
Catherine Blair-Wilhelm
Andrew Blank and Nancy Mallory
Barry and Denise Blank
Marvin and Susan Blank
Ronald and Ruth Ann Blank
Betsy Blazar
Lawrence and Carol Blazar
Sylvia Blazar
Michael and Esther Bleiweiss
Dan and Nicolette Bloch
Diana Bloch
Janis and Michael Bloch
Joyce E. Bloch
Charles and Constance Block
David Block
Eleanor Block
Ellery and Marsha Block
Jean Block and Nancy Patton
Sharon Bloom
Theodore and Bonnie Bloom
Allen and Cathy Bloomberg
Caryn Bloomberg
Jerome P. and Anne M. Bloomfield
Michael and Ina Bloomfield
Ronald Bloomfield
Joseph and Nancy Blum
Ken and Diana Blum
Michael and Sarah Blumenfeld
Ted and Mildred Blumenfeld
Jeffrey Bobier
Robyn Bogante
Mikhail and Inna Bogin
Andrew and Karen Bokor
Benjamin Bokor
Joshua Bokor

Maxwell Bokor
Molly Bokor
David and Jill Bolon
Lauren Bonfield and Stephen Keyes
Natalya and Scott Borack
Fred and Janet Bornstein
Myer Bornstein
Willard and Terry Bornstein
Hal and Carol Borovetz
Jeff and Pam Borovetz
Carol Boster
Shirley Boster
Fay Botnick
David Bowen and Cheryl Guise
James and Tracey Bowman
Elliot and Debbie Boxerbaum
Roy and Sara Boyd
Viktor and Oksana Boyko
Merom and Judith Brachman
Philip and Carol Bradley
Jolie Brams
Julie and David Brand
Nina Brand and Nitsan Israel
Adam and Eleanor Brandt
Barbara and David Brandt
Charles Brandt
Manuel Brandt
Michael Brandt
Ben and Judy Braun
Burl Braver
Irene Braverman
Eric and Cheryl Bravo
Steve and Rhonda Brazina
Felix and Lyudmila Brener
Ephraim and Wendy Brenman
Robin Brenneman
James and Barbara Brenner
David and Karen Bressman
Michael Brickey and Deborah Stutman-Brickey
Barnett Brickner
Jean Brief
Toby Brief
Leonard and Janice Brillson
Paul and Joan Brisk
Andrew Brodey and Eugenia Erlij
Robert Brodkey
Norma Brodsky
Michael and Deborah Broidy
Rose Broidy
Steven and Beverly Bromet
Crystal Bronchik
Miriam Bronner
Herbert and Joyce Bronstein
David and Cathy Brookfield
Shari & Stephen Brooks
Eric and Marilyn Brown
James and Corinne Brown
Marvin and Connie Brown
Monica V.L. Brown
Robert and Nancy Brown
Robert and Sally Brown
Jeanna Brownlee
Barry and Lindalee Brownstein
Irving and Audrey Brownstein
Stewart and Cindy Brownstein
Lee and Amy Budin
Jim and Susan Bugenstein
Ettya Bulkovshteyn
Dan and Marianne Burkhart

2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

Allan and Katherine Burkman
Nancy and Harry Burman
Howard and Ellen Burnett
Rabbi Noach and Bitsy Burr
Ildeasela Buso
Andrew and Tina Byer
Howard and Phyllis Byer
Frans Byvank and Bette Feist
Florence Cabakoff
Steve Cabakoff
Ellery and Linda Cadel
Joseph and Monica Calabrese
Edward and Wendy Calfe
Samuel and Mildred Calig
Neal Callif
Frank Calvary
Seth and Jennifer Cammeyer
Arthur and Sarah Cannella
Stephen Canneto and Deborah Wasserman
Judy and David Canowitz
Steve and Liza Canowitz
Abe Canter
Michael and Vicki Canter
Charles and Victoria Cantor
Vicki Cantor
Ellen Caplan
Rabbi Chaim and Chani Capland
Bernie Caplin
Helen Carmen
Ronald and Jackie Carmen
Russell and Randi Carnahan
Marc and Lisa Carroll
Bethany Carron
Neil and Marcia Carron
Brenda Cartell
Sanford and Melissa Caust-Ellenbogen
Paul and Diane Centolella
Sidney and Adrienne Chafetz
Bruce Chapman and Lois Winnick-Chapman
David Charlowe
Deborah J. Charney
Dan and Leslie Chase
Gary Chasin
Vladik Chaykovsky
Alexander and Faina Checkler
Sharon Chelnick and Chris Wojno
Steven and Gretchen Chenenko
Mimi Chenfeld
Emmie Cheses and Dan Jones
Gary and Margey Cheses
Shelby Cheses
Dayna Chessin
Sheldon and Jacqueline Chizever
Cantor Jack Chomsky and Susan Gellman
Chris and Tamara Christian
Helen and William Chronister
Jordan Citron and Syndy Levine
Hugh Clark and Joan Simon
Robert and Gail Clark
Harry and Margaret Clor
Ronald Clowson
William and Cara Cloyd
Arthur and Miriam Clubok
Ken and Laura Clubok
Ralph and Hortense Cobey
Susan Coe
Mark and Mindy Coffey
Bea Cohen
Bennett and Lauren Cohen
Bernard and Lajune Cohen
Bill and Randi Cohen
David Cohen
Douglas and Julie Cohen
Eileen Cohen
Eugene and Celia Cohen
Fredrick and Sherri Cohen
Howard and Jodi Cohen
I David and Rita Cohen
Irvin Cohen
Isaac Cohen
Joseph and Frances Cohen
Joseph and Phyllis Cohen
Judy Cohen
Kenneth and Paula Cohen
Lawrence and Carol Cohen
Marilyn R. and Irvin A. Cohen
Rob and Sheila Cohen
Robert and Naomi Cohen
Robert and Phylis Cohen
Robert and Wendy Cohen
Sandy Cohen
Sanford and Virginia Cohen
Sarita Cohen
Steve and Bunny Cohen
Steven and Wendy Cohen
Susan Cohen
Terry and Linda Cohen
Violet and Jack Cohen
Herman Cohn
Margaret and Norman Cohn
Andrew and Sophie Cohodes
Sharon Kahn Cohodes
Stuart and Marilyn Cole
Andrew and Cheryl Colvin
Columbus Jewish Foundation PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Leonard and Marcia Comeras
Cheryl Cooper
Gary and Judi Cooper
Stanley Cooper
Stuart and Marilyn Cooper
Robert and Sandra Cooperman

Marjie and Jeff Coopersmith

Sue Corcoran
Alan and Shelly Corn
John and Catherine Cory
Gary and Lana Covel
Howard and Susan Covensky
Cheryl Cox
Barbara Crabill
Jason Crabill and Melanie Everett
Jeffrey and Joanne Crair
Seth Cramer
Harriet Crawford
James and Coleen Cromleigh
Michael and Virginia Crosby
Evelyn Cruikshank
Randall Cuenot and Marion Elman-Cuenot
Daniel and Jami Cullen
Michael Cummings
Diane and Millard Cummins
Geoff and Sandra Cutler
Helene Cweren and Paul Goldstein
Larry and Kandi Dach
Marian Dach
Robert and Terrie Daroe
Robert and Beverly Darwin
Iosif and Nelya Dashevskiy
Galina Dashevsky
Victor and Yelena Dashevsky
Ed and Adele Dauerman
Laura and Rob Daugherty
Marshall and Miriam David
Adam and Heather Davidoff
Elliot and Marjorie Davidoff
Frederick and Holly Davidorf
Zeev and Galia Davidovitch
Arthur and Betty Davidson
James and Janis Davidson
Marc and Laura Davidson
Sonya Davidson
Doug and Barbara Davis
Eric and Suzanne Davis
Gerald Davis
Gregg and Deborah Davis
John and Deena Davis
Mark and Kathy Davis
Murray and Jill Davis
Yigal and Jodi Dayan
Richard and Barbara Deitch
Rabbi Zalman and Sarah Deitsch
Todd and Eliza Delman
Marci and Larry Delson
David and Julie Dennison
Chuck Derrow and Susan Couden
Sol and Catherine Derrow
Dan Dershowitz and Debra Gross
Ari and Ann Deshe
Stanley and Karen Deutsch
Susan and Jon Diamond, Jillian, Joshua and Jacob
Jose and Karen Diaz
Arlen and Beth Dickstein
Lynn Dobb
Jeff and Victoria Dobkin
Ruth Dodge
Eric Dolen and Marty Ross-Dolen
Jason and Lisa Dolin
Jeffrey and CeCe Dollin
Mortimer and Fern Dolman
Irene Donhowe
Mark and Monica Dornfeld
Ted and Shirlee Doron
Andrei and Marsha Doroshenko
James and Barbara Dowell
Sheila Dowling
Joshua and Dottie Dressler
Gregory Dritz
Madelon Dritz
Stanley and Cheryl Dritz
David and Lynne Driver
Albert Drobiz
Jerald Droll and Darryl Lang
David and Kathe Dropkin
Alex and Sandi Dubin
Leo and Vera Dubrovsky
Fran Duchene
Jules and Cyril Duga
Emils Dulkin and Sofia Sheynina
Alexander and Ilana Dvorkin
Moisey and Alla Dvorkin
Irvin and Maxine Dworkin
Kalman Dworkin
Leo Dworkin
Michael and Carole Dworkin
Susan Dworkin and George Williams
Cindy Ebner
Mark and Nicole Ebner
Murray and Sylvia Ebner
Robert and Deborah Ecker
Rhoda and Aaron Edelman
Jeff and Phyllis Edelstein
Linda Edie
David and Marsha Edison
Fannie Effron
Adam and Jill Eisenberg
Edward and Sharon Eisenberg
Barry and Nancy Eisenman
Harold and Anita Eisenstein
Richard and Christine Eisenstein
Rabbi Albert and Myra Elbaz
Deborah Eldred
Mikhail and Shifra Elkind
Florence Ellenbogen
Jason and Stephanie Elliott

Geri and Ed Ellman

Stephen Ellman
David and Emy Ellsley
Victor and Lori Elman
Rabbi Jeffrey and Karen Elson
Lori and Patrick Elwood
Lynn and Eric Emerman
Marsha Emerman
Todd and Maureen Emoff
Rob Emrich
Alvin and Alleen Engelman
Shirley Engelman
David and Lauren Engler
Philip and Shelley Engler
Guido Epelbaum
Rita Eppler and David Goss
Anita Epstein
Arthur and Paulayne Epstein
Avrom and Marcia Epstein
Harold and Joan Epstein
Rabbi Joel and Janice Keil Epstein
Mark and Jean Epstein
Michael Epstein
Michael and Janet Epstein
Morton Epstein
Nancy Epstein
Ronald and Bobbi Erd
Richard Erdey
Dr. Ron and Joyce Erkis
Mike and Sheryl Erlichman
Renato and Edith Ermann
Jason and Deena Ermine
Mark and Lisa Ermine
Sheldon and Marilyn Estreicher
Sanders and Sally Farber
Julienne Fardal
Andrew Farkas
Paul Farkas
Robert and Merrel Farrington
Monroe and Evelyn Feder
Leonid and Jane Fedner
Lidiya Fedner
Jo Ann Fedor
Stanton and Bette Feerer
James and Babette Feibel
Joanne Feibel
Jonathan and Lori Ann Feibel
Pearl* & Troy* Feibel PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Edward and Susann Feierman
Gail and Martin Feinberg
Gloria and Henry Feinberg
Kimberly Feinknopf Dorrian and Joe Dorrian
Robert Feinstein
Bryan Feldman and Melissa Zox-Feldman
Elliott Feldman
Gary and Lauren Feldman
Judy and Burt Feldman
Sam Feldman
Samuil and Klara Feldman
Toba Feldman
Greg and Pamela Feldman-Hill
Jon and Katie Feldstein
Laurence and Harriet Felsenthal
James and Gail Ferber
Steven and Patty Feuer
Barbie Feuer-Stern and Geoffrey Stern
Robert Fierman
Howard and Sondra Fink
Steven Fink and Nancy Kaufmann
Daniel and Patricia Finkelman
Jack and Melanne Finn
Ted and Lori Fireman
Steve and Janet Fireman
Sylvia Fireman
Jenna Fischberg
Mark and Samone Fischer
Jeffrey Fish
Nina Fish
Marc and Joan Fishel
Henry and Goldie Fisher
Joel Fisher
Robert Fisher and Roberta Garber
Shaaron Fisher
Ted and Judy Fisher
Anatoliy and Marina Fishilevich
David and Julie Fishman
Marilyn Fishman
Yefim and Lelya Fishman
Aliza Fisse
Michael Flamm and Jennifer McNally
Marvin Fletcher
Yuval and Nerit Flicker
Lael Fliegel
Michael and Carole Fliegel
Michael Fligner
Brian Flox and Janet Schalinske
Harold Flox
Irvin and Barbara Flox
Chari and Michael Fogel
Carol and Jeffrey Folkerth
Lindsay Folkerth
Michael and Barbara Folmar
Debra Folpe
Norman and Joan Folpe
Marnin Forman
Richard and Marcey Forman
Diane Forrest and Nick LaHowchic
David and Leslie Fox
Rachel Fox
Larry and Barb Frackman
Daniel Frank and Adena Tanenbaum

Harry C. Frank
Michael and Colleen Frank
Sylvan and Bonita Frank
Gerald and June Frankel
Oleg and Irina Fratkin
Tina Frazier
Peggy Freed
Roberta Freed
Ruth Freed
Melvin Freedberg
Stanley Freedberg
Dorothy and Robert Freedman
Lawrence and Florlyn Freedman
David and Karen Freel
Harvey and Evelyn Freeman
Zelda Freger
Charles and Linda Freidenberg
Terry Freidenberg
Bruce and Anita Freimark
Connie Freundlich
Samuel and Gigi Fried
Leon and Corey Friedberg
Philip and Shirley Friedland
Randal and Julie Friedlander
Alfred and Marcia Friedman
Barry and Susanne Friedman
Benny and Florence Friedman
Bernard Friedman
Cindy and Bill Friedman
Frank Friedman and Colette Chandler
Jerome Friedman
Norma Friedman
Roger and Marilyn Friedman
Scott and Rachel Friedman
Steven and Kimberly Friedman
Tod and Cheri Friedman
Todd Friedman
Tom and Linda Friedman
Thomas and Mary Fries
Linda and Jeffrey Fromson
Matthew Fuerst
Alex and Zina Furman
Franklin and Sandra Furman
Leonard and Florence Furman
Avi and Julie Gabbay
Marjorie Gaffin
Ron and Lynne Gaines
Giller and Sonia Gakh
Yevgeny and Tatyana Gakh
Irwin and Wendy Galan
Irwin and Marilyn Galinkin
Mark and Jenny Gams
Gail Gandal
Glen and Christine Gardner
Wendy and Robert Gardner
Marjorie Garek
Jules and Judy Garel
Don and Eydie Garlikov
Jennifer Garlikov
Constance Garringer
Dorothy Garson
Bruce Gartner
Zelda Garver
Howard Gatoff
Steven and Kim Geiger
Sherri Geldin
Martin and Dorothy Gelender
Leonid and Ella Gelfand
Craig Geller
Stanley and Rhoda Gelles
Audrey Gellman-Chomsky
Jacob and Fanya Gelman
Nelson and Carole Genshaft
Jason and Shari George
Beth and Tim Gerber
Jason and Nancy Gernstetter
Bernard Gerson
Thelma Gerson
Robert Gewirtz
Yakov and Faina Geyfman
Yousef and Rita Ghodisizadeh
Amos and Yeala Gilat
Aaron and Tracy Gilbert
Bruce and Lori Gilbert
Hilda Gilbert
Irwin and Bebe Gilbert
William and Rhoda Gilbert
Lawrence and Marilyn Gill
Gary and Esther Gillett
Rabbi David and Shulamit Ginsburg
Arkady Gips and Marina Platitsyn
Gary and Sandra Gitlitz
Robert and Elizabeth Gitter
Steven Glaser
Donald and Clara Glasper
Andrew Glassman and Julie Block-Glassman
Ruth Glassman
Bruce Glatter and Bob Germain
Jason and Kate Glazer
Nancy Glazer
Perry and Patricia Gletzer
Albert and Alyce Glick
Bradley and Jennifer Glick
Harvey and Audrey Glick
Max Glick
Sam Glick
Betty Glickler
DeeDee and Herb Glimcher
Ellen Glimcher
Michael and Denise Glimcher
Simon Glimcher
Mikhail and Galina Gokun


2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

A. J. Gold
David and Patricia Gold
Kenneth and Tobi Gold
Virginia Gold
Yitzchak Gold
Marjorie and Eli Goldach
Donald and Abby Goldbaum
Daniel and Sandra Goldberg
Dean and Debora Goldberg
Donald and Judith Goldberg
Ethel Goldberg
Gene Goldberg and Cheri Papier
Hollie Goldberg
Jason Goldberg
Lois Goldberg
Michael and Anita Goldberg
Nathan and Elaine Goldberg
Ross and Martha Goldberg
Scott and Lynne Goldberg
Rabbi William Goldberg
Andrea Goldblum
Fran and Ronald Golden
Keith Golden and Jodie Meizlish
Richard and Tammie Golden
Robert and Sherry Goldenberg
Mikhail Goldenshtern
Ozis and Khana Goldenshtern
Janet Golder
Joy Mosser Goldfarb and David Goldfarb
Lewis and Sharon Goldfarb
Shirley Goldhaber
Edward and Dorothy Goldin
Larry and Ruthellen Goldin
Matt and Betty Goldish
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Goldman
Dennis and Charlotte Goldman
Erica and Todd Goldman
Florence Goldman
Seena Goldman
Helene Goldmeier
Maynard and Miriam Goldmeier
Terry and David Goldmeier
Melody Goldsholle-Kennedy and Scott Kennedy
Alexsey and Yulia Goldshtein
Clara, Joseph & Dana Goldslager PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Bruce Goldsmith and Fran Sevel-Goldsmith
Lawrence and Audrey Goldsmith
Linda Goldsmith
Martin and Kathy Goldsmith
William Goldsmith
Jamie and Jenni Goldson
David and Amy Goldstein
Harry Goldstein
Marcia Goldstein
Morton Goldstein
Wendy Goldstein
Robert Goldstein
Sylvia E. Goldstein
Sanford and Bonnie Goldston
Stacy Golub
Michael and Joy Gonsiorowski
Arnold Good and Lisa Newmark
Debbie Goodman
Howard and Joan Goodman
Jane F. Goodman
Michael and Janice Goodman
Miriam Goodman
Mitchell and Mickey Goodman
N. Victor and Elaine Goodman
Steven and Sandra Goodman
Michael and Robin Goodstein
William and Rena Gordon
Tanya Gorelik
Izya and Innesa Gorenshtein
Aryeh and Marci Gorenstein
Joel and Dana Gorfinkel
Robert and Linda Gorman
Harry and Mary Gottesman
Martin and Jenny Gottesman
Sylvia Gottlieb
Ken and Marie Gould
Betya Goykhman
Fred and Harriet Grail
Marc and Wendy Granche
Barbara Grandstaff
Jeffrey and Isabelle Grayfer
Rafail and Bluma Grayfer
Elliott and Pat Grayson
Nikolay and Polina Grebelsky
Harold and Leslie Green
Harriet Green
Mark Green
Barnett and Suzanne Greenbaum
Robert Greenbaum
Ronald and Terri Greenbaum
Arthur and Molly Greenberg
Dan and Fran Greenberg
Josh and Amy Greenberg
Larry and Patti Greenberg
Martin Greenberg
Marvin and Maxine Greenberg
Robert Greenberg
Wesley and Rhoda Greenberg
David and Susan Greenberger
Jewel Greenberger
Ken and Lori Greenblott
Lois Greenblott
Phil and Merle Greene
Phyllis Greene
Karon and Gerald Greenfield
Paul and Laura Greenland


Jack and Rachel Greenspan

Edith Greentree
Joshua Greenwald
Herbert and Francine Greff
Joel and Stacey Greff
Michael and Nancy Greff
Scott and Elina Greiff
Shelley Grieve-Zerkel and Danny Zerkel
Michael Griffaton and Deborah Costa
David and Leslie Grimm
Ernie and Wendy Grindstaff
Jon Grischkan and Jennifer Slate Grischkan
Benjamin Grodner
Jonathan Groner and Cathy Levine
Judy Groner and Daniel Meyers
Caroline Ruth Gross
Jerome and Marjorie Gross
Rachel Gross-Brown
Andrew and Shylee Grossman
Barry and Denise Grossman
Beatrice Grossman
Jeffrey and Anita Grossman
JoAnne and Steve Grossman
Lillian Grossman and Steve Elliott
Marvin Grossman
Matthew and Abby Grossman
Stuart Grossman
Rachel Gruber
Marianne Guinioux
Jean-Michel Guldmann
Allen and Muriel Gundersheimer Jr.
Eitan and Shaula Gurari
Beatrice Gurevitz
David and Barbara Gurevitz
Richard and Elaine Gurian
Marjorie Gurvis
Bruce and Nancy Gurwin
Phillip and Florence Gurwin
Preston and Stephanie Gurwin
Scott and Pam Gurwin
Rose Ruth Gutentag
Paul Guth and Sherry Magnuson
Peter Guthoff
Barbara Guthoff-Volk
Lenny and Rochelle Gutter
Leslie and Gloria Gutter
Dr. June Gutterman
Daniel and Patty Guttman
Hattie Haas
Reva Haberman
Jerome Hackman and Linda Katz
Mark and Sandy Hackman
Marcia Hagler
Tom and Sue Hall
Michael and Joyce Hallet
Robert and Sunnie Hallet
Sonia Hallet
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Joshua and Carrie Halper
Seymour and Sharon Halpern
Nisha Hammel
Stephen and Carol Handler
Randy and Harriette Hansell
Abe and Donna Hara
Alfred and Sue Harmon
Deborah Harner
Jerry and Debbie Harr
Alvin Harris
Betty and Larry Harris
Janice Harris
Marshall and Annette Harris
Seth and Laurie Harris
Stephen and Marsha Harris
Yaffa and Michael Hassell
Lee and Herb Hatch
Kevin Hatfield
Ira Hattenbach
Rabbi Yosef and Tova Hauser
Rich and Arlene Headlee
Gordon and Donna Hecker
Ronald and Suzan Heiber
Bruce Heiden
Michael Heintz and Ilana Bromberg
Lawrence and Suzanne Heiny
Helen Heiser
Jeffrey and Martha Heiser
Steve and Karen Heiser
Philip and Sheryl Heit
Sam Helman
Fred and Sharon Henkin
Nicolette Henry
Eric and Judith Herbst
Richard and Jill Herman
Steve and Diane Herman
Jack and Gerri Herring
Robert and Diane Hersch
Michael S. Herschler
Robert and Marcia Hershfield
Alven and Barbara Herstig
Dotan and Shari Herszage
Gillian Herszage
Max Herszage
Shayna Herszage
David and Carey Herzberg
Lee Hess and Irene Levine
Len Hess
Leonard and Laura Heumann
Dawn Heyman
Jack and Lena Heyman
Kirk and Vicki Hilbrands
Rachel and Mark Hillman
Barry and Mary Himmel

Judy and Donald Hinckley

Debra and Michael Hirsch
Edward and Joyce Hirsch
Evan Hirsch
Steve and Sheila Hirsch
David Hirschfeld
Arlyne Hirsh
David and Suzie Hirsh
Peter and Pamela Hitchcock
Raymond and Gloria Hoch
Michael Hoechstetter
Eric and Anny Hoffman
Evelyn Hoffman
Neal Hoffman and Joyce Edelman
Martin and Geraldine Schottenstein Hoffman
Shelly and Bob Hoffman
Jonathan and Judy Hollander
Marc and Margie Hollander
Celeste and John Holschuh
Florence Holzer
Greg and Cheryl Hooker
Marvin and Trudy Horkin
Stanley and Sylvia Horowitz
Ina Horowitz-Whitmore and Max Whitmore
Jane Horowitz-Wright and Tom Wright
Norman Hosansky
Barbara House
Cheryl Howard
Dennis and Elaine Howard
Suzanne and Scott Hoxworth
Rabbi Gary and Marsha Huber
Marsha F. Hurwitz
Gilbert and Sondra Hurwood
Richard and Amy Hyman
Barry and Shelly Igdaloff
Ruth Igel
Anita Ingalls
Ginny and Adam Inlander
Ilya and Shifra Ioschikes
Artie and Alisa Isaac
Frederick and Judith Isaac
Jacquelin Isaac
Yelena Itunina
Ira and Phyllis Ives
Bobbie and Saul Izeman
Ethel Izeman
Andrew and Catherine Jacobs
Cheryl and Jackie Jacobs
Gerald and Francine Jacobs
Martin and Suzanne Jacobs
Ronald and Marsha Jacobs
Rabbi Idit Jacques
Dan and Ky Jaffe
Steve and Diane Jaffee
Stewart and Elaine Jaffy
Carl and Ann Janiak
Richard Janusz
Stewart and Beverlee Jobrack
Barbara and Robert Johnson
Jill Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson
Rita Johnston
Sheila Jones
Rob and Elaine Joseph
Jack and Bonnie Joseph
Jason and Amy Judd
Julie Kaber
Betya Kaganovskaya
Ben* & Charlotte* Kahn PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Dorothy Kahn
Herbert and Bonnie Kahn
Kathy and Joel Kahn
Miriam Kahn
Norman Kahn
Patty Kahn
Pauline* & Raymond* Kahn PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Ruth Kahn
Jeremy and Elizabeth Kalef
Lisa Kalson and Jonathan Beck
Rabbi Areyah and Esther Kaltmann
Susan Kalyn
Yakov and Irina Kamenetsky
Arthur and Elizabeth Kamlet
Betsy Kammerud
Ira and Debora Kane
Sheldon and Judy Kanfer
Lillian Kanter
Morton Kanter
Susan and Bernard Kanter
Bernard Kaplan
Charlotte Kaplan
Jeffrey and Mindy Kaplan
Marvin Kaplan
Marvin and Helga Kaplan
Peggy Kaplan
Rhea Kaplan
Robert and Beverly Kaplan
Ronald and Judy Kaplansky
Thomas and Merilynn Kaplin
Sam and Anna Kaplunovsky
Raymond and Karen Karlsberger
Stanley and Madeline Karn
Edgar and Sofiya Karpovich
David and Heather Karr
Helen Karr
Michelle Kaseff
David and Diana Kasmenn
David and Cari Kass
Jonathan and Melissa Kass
Linda and Frank Kass

Richard and Janet Kass

Sherrie Kass-Roth and Paul Roth
Gerald and Felice Kassoy
Norma and Murray Katcher
Alan and Sandy Katz
Alison Katz
Angela Katz
Bonnie Katz and Carl Tishler
Brian and Tammy Katz
Charles and Marjorie Katz
David and Esther Katz
Donald and Phyllis Katz
Howard Katz and Elizabeth VanSuch Katz
Larry and Dolly Katz
Marvin and Susan Katz
Myrtle Katz* PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Norman and Carolyn Katz
Patricia Katz
Rudolf and Alzhbeta Katz
Sam Katz
Steven Katz and Constance Barsky
Sue Katz
Rabbi Zvi and Chaya Katz
Katzinger's Delicatessen
Rabbi Yosef and Shanny Katzman
Alvin Kauffman
Morgan Kauffman
Ron and Renee Kauffman
Tim and Kari Kauffman
Brett and Katie Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Fredric and Christie Kaufman
Robert Kaufman and Lauren Krivo
Rolf and Elinor Kaufman
Ruth Kaufman
Bruce and Nancy Kay
Marvin and Lois Kay
David Kaye and Susan Bonowitz
Daniel and Naomi Kayne
Robert and Sue Kaynes
Robert and Clemy Keidan
Hal Keller and Laurie Kaps-Keller
Steven Keller and Joyce Garver Keller
James and Dana Kellerman
Robert and Cathy Kellerman
Joshua Kelner
Mamie and Martin Kelsten
Chris and Jill Kennelly
Joel and Gerry Kent
Isaac Keren
Josh and Alisa Kermisch
Rich Kerns
Gene Kerper
Kenn and Erica Kerper
Irvin and Friema Kerstein
Kenneth Kerstein
Lisa Kerstein
Leon and Susan Kessel
Elise Kestenbaum
Roman and Raisa Khidekel
Edward and Svetlana Khodorkovsky
Isaak and Rachel Khozin
Alla and Andrew Kier
Richard Kiley
Lyudmila Kimkhe
Lisa and Edward King
Meri and Ed King
Joel and Phyllis Kingsley
Stuart Kingsley
John and Inna Kinney
Lawrence and Evelyn Kirschner
Stephen and Susan Kirschner
Ilene Kitzen-Burkart
Amy Klaben and Jordan Finegold
Michael and Betty Klapper
Michael and Denise Klapper
Walter Klarin
Elliot and Joyce Klayman
Gale and Steve Klayman
Linda Bornstein Klayman
Craig Kleiman
Andrew Klein
Harry and Hazel Klein
Howard and Sheryl Klein
Jim and Julie Klein
Jim and Wendy Klein
Roberta Klein
Steve and Heidi Kleinman
Tamie Kleinman
Jack Kleyn
Andrew and Bettye Jane Klinger
Alan H and Alexandria Loew Klodell
Josh and Hillari Klynn
Robert and Marilyn Knable
Robert and Mara-Kaye Knapp
Jerome Knight
Raymond and Martine Knisley
Myrna Kobre
Stephen and Bernice Koff
Boris and Sofiya Kofman
Ken and Sue Kofsky
Galina and Vladimir Kogan
Henry and Nellie Kogan
Joseph Kohane and Amy Shevrin
Richard and Denise Kohn
Richard and Roberta Kohn
Ronald and Irene Kohr
Jim and Sylvia Kolbe
Mitchell and Jacqueline Kon
Erin and Joshua Kopp
Irwin and Dora Kopp

2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

Martin Kopp
Gordon and Jeri Korby
Peter and Elizabeth Korda
Asaf Koren
Amy Korenstein
Harold and Harriet Korn
David and Katherine Kornberg
Mark and Ruth Kotler
Marcy Kotting
Alice and Otto Kramer
Audrey and Batvin Kramer
Charles Kramer
Lee Kramer
Betsey and John Krause
Ed Krauss
Jodi Kraut
Max and Janet Kravitz
Larry Kreger
Julius and Ruth Kreier
Douglas and Kathy Kreiselman
George and Carol Krempley
David and Barbara Kristal
Jake and Faina Krivitsky
Robert Krivoshey and Goldie Shabad
Susan Kroll and Edward O'Neill
Mikhail and Marianna Krongauz
Brenda Kroos and Larry Renner
Jerry and Karel Kroos
Kevin and Sheila Kroos
Buddy and Tudy Krupnick
Gayle Kuhr
Gregory Kuperman and Eugenia Mazur
Judy Kurimai
David and Michele Kusma
Stacy and Pamela Kusma
Jack and Carol Laib
David Lamden and Jennifer Jordan
Richard and Frances Lamden
Kevin Landers
Mark and Jane Landon
Bob and Betsey Lane
Stephen and Leslie Lansky
Sam and Larisa Lantsman
Jackie Lantz
Howard and Liza Larky
David and Marjorie Lasky
Otto Laster
Claire Latker
Saul and Muriel Laub
Paul and Luann Lavin
Vadim Lavrov and Maysa Shneyder
Alan and Risa Lazaroff
Robert and Mary Lazarus
Bruce and Sherri Lazear
Jerrold and Susan Lazerwitz
Brian and Stephanie Leader
Timothy and Debbie Leasure
Michael and Katie Leaventon
Marc and Ranee Leder
Alan and Carol Lee
Brian and Jennifer Lee
Doug and Marcy Leeds
Roberta Leek
Bary and Roni Leeman
Milton and Marcy Leeman
Stacy Leeman and Gary Liebesman
Myron and Joyce Leff
Sanford Lefkowitz
David and Rabbi Deborah Lefton
Harry J. Lehman
Michael and Helene Lehv
Ellen Leidner and Richard Goldberg
Cynthia Leland
David Leland
Henry Leland
Thomas and Ellen Lemberger
Stan and Elaine Lemeshow
Michael Lepp
Marty Lerman
Irene Lerner
Linda and Marshall Lerner
Stan Lerner
Mark and Tatyana Lesman
Henry Leuchter
Alan and Marilyn Levenson
Arthur and Adele Levenstein
Victor and Dora Levenstein
Aaron and Beth Leventhal
Irving and Irene Levey
Jack and Shelley Levey
Mike and Heidi Levey
Frank Levi
Fred Levi
Michael Levi
Sam Levi
Yhezkel and Yael Levi
Dan and A. Irit Levin
Douglas and Susan Levin
Howard and Stacy Levin
Nancy Levin
Richard Levin and Ann Abramson Levin
Sheldon and Margot Levin
Alan Levine
David C. Levine
Debbie Levine
George and Renee Levine
Judith Levine
Kevin and Erika Levine
Larry and Holly Levine
Larry and Marla Levine
Mark and Karen Levine
Maury and Susan Levine

Richard and Dana Levine

Shirley Levine
Suzy Levine
Leon Levion
Jeff Levison and Tonia Shatz
Susan Levitin
Alan and Tamara Levy
Dale and Karen Levy
David and Cathy Levy
Elliot and Sharon Levy
Eugene and Arlene Levy
Jeff and Aliza Levy
Mark and Cynthia Levy
Mathew and Linda Levy
Simon Levy
Yale and Lauren Levy
Adam and Stephanie Lewin
Elaine Lewin
Martin and Randi Lewis
David and Vera Leybman
Alexander and Maina Leybovich
Steven and Barbara Lichtblau
Alan and Marcy Lichtcsien
Jason and Rachel Lichten
Irvin and Mitzi Lichtenstein
Sanford and Faye Lichtenstein
Leonid Liderman
Hal Lieberman and Jeanne Tranter
Jeff Lieberman
Richard Lieberman* PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Helen Liebman
Dr. Jerry and Judy Liepack
David and Merry Lynne Lincove
Stephen and Jessica Lind
Paul Linden, Ph D. and Peggy Berger
Rhoda Linder
Martin and Miriam Linsey
Timothy and Cynthia Lipetz
David and Pam Lippy
Prentice Lipsey
Sofiya Lipskerova
Yelena Lipskerova
Barry Liss
Maryama Litmanovskaya
Konstantin and Lyudmilla Litmanovskiy
Debbie Little
Michael and Melissa Littman
Mitchell Litwak
Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky and Amy Blumenthal
Jeannie Lobell
Skip and Mary Ann Loeb
Julian and Joan Loewenstein
Phil and Joan London
Alan and Ruth Longert
Burton and Debra Louis
David Louis
Harlan and Kelly Louis
Leonid and Tamara Lovchinsky
Charles and Jill Love
Sanford and Judy Lowe
John Lowenstein
Esther Lowy
Louis Lowy and Diane Handler-Lowy
Sam Lubin PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Barry and Susan Lubow
Cheryl Lubow
Janet Lucas
James Luck
Joel and Rebecca Luck
Michael and Lynne Luck
Elliott Luckoff
Frances Luckoff
Alla Lunina
Frederick and Carol Luper
Thomas and Nancy Lurie
Todd and Joan Lustig
Manfred and Rose Luttinger
Mark and Tamara Lux
David Lynn and Wendy Singer
Andy and Carrie Madison
David Madison
Fred and Adel Magaziner
Alla Magaziner-Tempesta and Roberto Tempesta
Pamela Maggied
Manfred and Carole Maier
Moshe and Malca Makias
Arnold M. Malech, Esq.
Kurt and Leslie Malkoff
Tami Mandel
Rose & Ben* Mandelkorn PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Cheryl and Ernie Mandell
David Manuta
Gregory and Sharon Manwarren
Kenneth and Sylvia Marantz
Stephen and Susan Marcus
Richard Marger
Freda and Joel Margolies
David and Marcy Margolis
Jay and Donna Margolis
Nathan and Barbara Margolis
Greg and Mary Margulies
Pamela Margulies
Roselyn Margulies
Ruth Margulis
Joan Marin
Leon and Bernice Mark
Joan Marks
Stewart and Janice Marks
Mary Ann Marlin

Jackie and Dan Marowitz

Or and Rabbi Sharon Mars
Melissa Martin
Richard and Susan Martin
Gregg and Carol Marx
Margot Marx
Matthew and Leslie Marx
Nathan and Sylvia Marx
David Maslekoff
Mark Massa
Mark and Sunny Masser
Bernard Master
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
William Matchneer Jr
Gene and Bettie Mathless
Janis Mathless
Steven Mathless
Betty Mattlin
Richard and Jane Mattlin
Martin and Karen Matusoff
Dan and Dina Maxwell
Gerald and Judith Maybruck
Lindsey Mayer
Monica Mayer
Sue and Ron Mayer
Joel and Connie Mayerson
Harold Mayper
Joel Mazel
Robert and Nada Mazurek
Cindy and Mark McCarty
James and Ann McElligott
Michael and Lauren McGarity
Chuck McKnight and Karen Chakoff-McKnight
Ben and Barbara McVay
Gary and Janet Meckler
Lowell and Marcia Meckler
Michael Meckler
Mitch Medow and Janet Sobel-Medow
Yuri and Olga Medvedkov
Myrtle Mehl
Alan and Cheryl Meisterman
Brent Meizlish and Pam Miller-Meizlish
Ethel Meizlish
Jack Meizlish
Richard and Sarah Meizlish
Sanford and Constance Meizlish
Victor and Esther Meksin
Dennis and Sheila Mellman
Jean Mellman
Myer and Selma Mellman
Sylvia Mellman
Sanford and Leslie Melmed
Smadar Melmed
Gayle Melnick-Perrill and Mark Perrill
Genya Melomed
Barbara Meluch
Andy and Ellen Mendel
Ehud and Sandi Mendel
Lawrence and Linda Mendel
Jerry and Joyce Mendell
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mendell
Marilyn Mendelman
Michal and Scott Mendelson
Oleg and Irene Mendyuk
Stanley and Robin Menker
Alex and Svetiana Mereminskiy
Bobbi and Ed Merrell
Jeff and Alison Merzel
Benjamin and Rachel Metz
Bertha Meyer
David and Melora Meyer
Hillel Meyer
Jeff and Debbie Meyer
Nancy and Bruce Meyer
Steven Meyer
Tearle and Nancy Meyer
Andrew Meyers and Carol Shkolnik
David Meyers
Elizabeth Meyers
Scott and Shelley Meyers
Mary Michaelson
Melissa and Marc Michalsky
Barbara Mickler
Abraham and Karen Mikalov
David and Bonnie Milenthal
Rick and Karen Milenthal
Jeffrey and Valerie Milgrom
Rabbi Henoch and Dr. Rochelle L. Millen
Barry Miller
Dan and Jan Miller
David and Marlene Miller
Jack and Anne Miller
Rabbi Jason and Elissa Miller
Laura Miller
Leslie and Alan Miller
Michael and Helen Miller
Myrna Miller
Suzanne Miller
Toni Miller Dunleavy
Barbara Mindel
Harold and Beatrice Mindlin
Herbert and Marilyn Minkin
Kathy Minkin
Marti Bernstecker
Harvey and Pat Mintz
Herbert and Ann Mirels
Denise Mirman
Joel Mirman
Joseph and Esther Lee Mirvis
William and Jeanetta Miser
Rosemarie Mitchell
Rico and Blanche Mittelman

Boris and Sophia Mityagin

Moshe and Judy Mizrachi
Irving and Judie Modes
Stuart and Tari Modes
Leonid and Marina Mogilevsky
Bill and Carol Mohr
Annette Molar
Dinorah and Michael Monge
Bonnie and Ken Montera
Shlima Mordskiy
David and Marcia Morgan
John and Naomi Mormol
Rabbi Henoch and Chaya Morris
William and Nanci Morris
Sandra and Thomas Morrow
Marc and Sandi Morton
Debra and Mauro Moscardino
Asher and Jeanne Moser
Elizabeth Moser
Larry Moses and Susan Steinman
Julie Moskowitz
Rhonda Moskowitz and Christopher Farrar
Myra Moss
Neil and Karen Moss
Frank and Susan Mott
Michael and Karen Mozenter
Greg and Alicia Munster
Kim Munster
Rita and Sigmund Munster
Jennifer Myerberg
Craig Myers
Scott and Trudy Myers
Beth and Brad Nacht
Stephen and Lynda Nacht
Sam and Lori Nahem
Eric Naiman and Mindy Agin Naiman
Terri and Ralph Napletana
Harold Narotsky
Gary and Amy Nathans
Harold and Charlotte Nathans
Jerry and Linda Nathan
Lee and Nancy Nathans
Rick Nathans
Brad and Kelly Needleman
Larry and Edith Needleman
Lucille Needleman
Marc and Anne Neiwirth
Daniel and Ani Nemzer
Gilbert and Judith Nestel
Adlai Neubauer
David Neubauer and Jean Krum
Richard and Ellen Jane Neustadt
Timothy and Cynthia Newcome
Daniel Newman and Ilana Klamka
Edward and Elaine Newman
Evan Newman
Howard and Pauline Newman
Jeff and Lisa Newman
Michael Newman and Janet Mendel
Robert Newman and Linda Leviton
Brittany Newmark and Yaakov Klein
Stacey Newpoff
Evsey and Margarita Neymotin
Anna Niazov
Dr. Allen Nichol and Barbara Lebovitz-Nichol
Betty Nichol
Ethel Novak
Helen Nutis
Ira and Laura Nutis
Allen and Elaine O'Donnell
Gertrude Odenheimer
Marilyn and Randall Ogg
Edward and Eileen Okel
Marianne Oliver
Elsie Oppenheimer Krause
Bernard Orlov
Erik and Harriet Osbeck
Sharon Osbeck
Beryl and Laurie Oser Jr
Joseph Oser and Kimberly Austin
Michael Oser
Dr. Samuel and Sondra Osipow
Brad Ostroff
Inessa Ostrova and Alex Nudelman
Zena and Edgard Padva
Steven and Annette Paine
Marvin and Sharon Paine
Jack and Betty Palestrant
Davyd and Elza Paleyev
Susan Palmer
Carolyn Papier
David and Judy Pariser
Roslyn Pariser
Stephen Pariser
Susan Parker
Alan and Robin Parks
Marc and Judy Parnes
David and Suzanne Parr
Irwin and Esther Pass
Bernard and Judith Pasternack
Raisa and Eugene Patlashenko
Yulia Patlashenko and Igor Efremenkov
Rick and Helene Paul
Richard and Nancy Pawliger
Reyza Paykina
Steve and Melissa Peale
Ken and Eleanor Pearlman
Jim and Sherry Peck
Jonathan and Elaine Pelz
Joshua Pepper
Janel Pequignot
Mel and Pearl Perel


2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

Isaak and Sarra Peresetsky
Helene Peselnick
Leonid and Soveta Pesin
Dale and Nancy Peters
George and Susie Petrak
Howard and Sue Petricoff
John and Jeannette Petten
Jonathan Petuchowski and Leslie Yenkin
Dan and Sandy Phalen
Thomas and Laura Philip
Sarah and Brian Phillips
Paul Pink and Bebe Lavin
Hannah and Howard Pirwitz
Boris and Irene Pittel
Gerard and Marjory Pizzuti
Larry and Heather Pliskin
Sarah Pobereskin
Joel and Julie Politi
Judy Politi
Wayne and Karen Poll
Larry Pollak
Ronald and Sandra Polster
L. Robert and Marsha Polster
Marvin Polster
Louis and Susan Pomerantz
Loretta Pomerantz
Howard and Karen Poriss
David and Miriam Portman
Frederic and Toby Portman
Tali Preisler
Pearson and Thea Press
Alan and Linda Pressman
Michael and Janet Price
Patti and Sid Price
Ann Pruzan
Jeffrey and Amy Pruzan
Yuri Pushkin
Anna Pushkina
Albert Pyzik and Iris Ailin-Pyzik
Steve and Jane Rabe
Scott and Patricia Rabinowitz
Gregory and Marina Rabkin
Stuart and Elaine Raby
Paul and Lauren Rackoff
Alan and Carol Radnor
Jo Ann Radwin-Zimmerman
Jan and Paula Radzynski
Seymour and Marlene Raiz
Gail Rajczyk
Carrie and Ty Ramsey
Ruth Rapenport
Ellen Rapkin and Duane Buck
Nancy Rapport
Cindy Ravitsky
Justo and Arlene Raya
Michael and Diane Rayden
Elaine Raynak
Azaliya Razuvaeva
Shirley Rechtman
Steve and Sheryl Regester
Jerry and Ina Regosin
Paul and Lenora Rehmar
I and Bonnie Reichgott
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot C. Reiff
Eleanor and Morton Reiser
Adam and Shara Reiss
Todd and Julie Remer
Sol Resnick
Marvin and Renee Resnik
Mike and Harriet Reynolds
Michael and Irene Reyzer
Gregory and Ida Reznik
Sam and Helen Ribbler
Tina Sisisky Rice
Sarah Rice
Elaine and Allan Rich
Jacob and Cyril Rich
Arlene Richman
Richard and Judy Ridgway
Hinda Riker
Mark and Claudia Rinkov
Rebecca Rischin
Dena Rives
Darryl and Harriette Robbins
Malcolm and Jo Robbins
Richard and Jean Robbins
Stan Robbins
Steven and Sandy Robeano
Richard and Elise Robinowitz
Abigail Robins
Alex Robins
Anna and Daniel Robins
Deborah Robins
Harlan Robins and Shawn Shear
Martin Robins
Ronald and Barbara Robins
Ronald and Mary Robins, Jr.
Stanton and Linda Robins
Ian and Pamela Rodier
Karen Rofsky, Bear Creek Coffee
Gary and Ellen Rogers
Lisa and Daniel Rogers
Art and Toby Rogovin
Eva Rogovin
Richard and Linda Rogovin
Michael and Judith Romanello
Deborah and Lawrence Romanoff
Ivan Romanoff
Mathew and Karen Romanoff
Morris and Ellen Romanoff
Reid and Ellen Romer
Jeffrey Rosa


Marvin and Janice Rosansky

Arthur and Gail Rose
Dick and Sandra Rose
David and Sandy Roseman
Beverly Roseman-Shapiro and Stewart Shapiro
Alex and Susan Rosen
Barry and Carrie Rosen
Chris and Brigette Rosen
Daniel and Nancy Rosen
David and Gayle Rosen
Helen Rosen
Herman Rosen
Leslie Rosen
Lisa Ebner Rosen
Mark and Leslie Rosen
Mark and Rosanne Rosen
Michael and Paulanne Rosen
Mindla Rosen
Randy and Joni Rosen
Rona Rosen
Sid and Alma Rosen
Albert and Edith Rosenberg
Barry Rosenberg
Edwin Rosenberg
Gerald and Christina Rosenberg
Howard Rosenberg and Laura Rosenberg
Mark and Joann Rosenberg
Neil Rosenberg
Tom and Karen Rosenberg
Sylvia Rosenberg
Mildred Rosenberger
Steve and Loretta Rosenberger
Ralph and Joan Rosenblum, Sr
Aaron Rosenfeld and Adele O'Conner
Dorothy Rosenfeld
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Mayer Rosenfeld* PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Meryle and Barb Rosenfeld
Alan and Margaret Rosenfield
Mark and Martha Rosenson
Andrew and Tricia Rosenstein
Susan Rosenstock
Sally Rosensweig
Barry and Janice Rosenthal
Janis Rosenthal
Marty and Debby Rosenthal
Rick and Susan Rosenthal
Steven and Maria Rosenthal
Wesley and Ina Sue Rosenthal
Rabbi Emily Rosenzweig
Linda and Jake Rosenzweig
George and Joyce Rosinger
Aron and Anita Ross
Bryan Ross and Betsy Lurie-Ross
Marc Ross and Rikki Santer
Lori and Marc Rossio
Carol Roston
Allan Roth
Beatrice Roth
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Benson and Arlene Roth
Jane Roth
Janice Roth
Maren Roth
William and Ann Roth
John and Lane Rothschild
Ralph and Ruth Rothschild
Michael and Susan Rothstein
Erica Routman
Norman Rovick
Yakov and Itta Roytman
Bradley and Tara Rozen
Decio and Nancy Rozenbojm
Annette Ruben
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Billy and Lainie Ruben
Fay L. Ruben
Florine C. Ruben
Harlan and Sara Ruben
Laurence and Molly Ruben
Robert and Cynthia Ruberg
Alan and Ann Rubin
Amir and Amy Rubin
Gerald and Sue Rubin
Scott Rubin and Karina Magaziner-Rubin
Jeffrey and Andrea Rubinstein
Boris and Fanya Rudkevich
Ronald and Suzy Rudolph
Joel and Marlene Rudy
Jason and Jill Russ
Gregory and Anne Russell
Hannah Russell
Jennifer and James Russell
Joseph Russell
Howard and Joanne Rutsky
Steve and Marlene Ruzicska
Boris and Ludmila Ryabinky
Mikhail Ryabinky
Mara Ryan
Terry and Rhoda Ryan
Jeffrey and Judith Rycus
Jeremy and Deborah Rycus
Richard and Joyce Sabgir
Edward and Lori Sachs
Marty and Barbara Saeman
Susannah Sagan and Andrew Katz
June Sahara and Susan Bader
Ron and Diane Saks
Leah Salis
Albert Salomon and April Mancuso-Salomon
Dan Saltsman

Allan and Paula Samansky

Henry and Helen Samuels
Larry S. Samuels
Philip and Betsy Samuels
Shelley Samuels
Lewis and Jennifer Sanderow
Becky and Matt Sanders
Robert and Tobie Sanders
Yezekial Sandler
Richard Sanford
Sanford and Marcia Sanford
Patricia and James Sapp
Alan and Gwen Sarko
Eloise Saslaw
Lou and Lisa Saslaw
Bruce and Ellen Sass
Kenneth and Debra Saul
David and Hayley Savage
Asya Savzyan
Susan and Charles Saxbe
Sheri and Nick Scaglione
Joseph R. Schaeffer, P.E.
Karl and Sue Schaeffer
Lori Schaeffer
Michael and Liz Schaeffer
Steven Schaeffer and Barbara Cooper-Schaeffer
Elliott and Judy Schaffer
Lawrence Schaffer
Rod and Deborah Schaffer
Jonathan and Marcy Schaffir
Deane and Cliff Schall
Michael Schecter and Michael Spaulding
Edmond and Dolly Schecter
Karl and Rebecca Schedler
Ira and Pam Scheer
Barbara Schehr
Jeffrey and Jody Scheiman
Allan and Sandy Scheiner
Michael and Carole Scherker
D.J. Scherzer and Rebecca Uram-Scherzer
David and Nancy Schick
Betty Schiff
Lynda Schiff
Michael and Patty Schiff
Molly Schiff
Scott and Stephanie Schiff
Andrew Schiffman
Gordon and Felice Schiffman
William Schiffman and Lynn Aronson
Burt and Ruth Schildhouse
Stuart and Susie Schilling
Helena Schlam
Richard and Linda Schlanger
Howard and Robin Schlein
Judith Schlesinger
Leonard and Phyllis Schlesinger
I. Howard Schlezinger
Joseph Schlonsky
Michael and Ginny Schlonsky
Bucky and Agi Schmelzer
Victor and Susan Schmelzer
Gloria Schneider
Harold and Judy Schneider
Jennifer and Karl Schneider
Lance and Sue Schneier
David and Cindy Schnitzer
Mickey Schoenbaum
Scott and Joan Schoenfeld
Chris and Samantha Schofield
Carline Schohan
Bernard and Naomi Schottenstein
Beverley Schottenstein
Charles Schottenstein
Edwin and Melva Schottenstein
Ellen Schottenstein
Frances Schottenstein
Gary and Terri Schottenstein
Howard and Linda Schottenstein
James and Yana Schottenstein
Lori Schottenstein
Melanie and Eric J. Schottenstein
Michael and Judy Schottenstein
Morris Schottenstein
Robert H. Schottenstein and Jeri Block
Rosalie Schottenstein
Steven and Rhonda Schottenstein
Douglas and Catherine Schram
Eric and Bonnie Schramm
Marc and Sharon Schramm
Lawrence Schreiber
Mark Schreiber
Martin and Susan Schreibman
Ashleigh Schufeldt
Linda Schulman
Sheldon and Fanny Schulte
Keith and Emily Schuss
Betsy and Mark Schuster
Irving Schuster
Martin and Barbra Schuster
Rodney Schuster
Richard and Darla Schwager
Andrew and Heidi Schwartz
Annette Schwartz
Barrie and Linda Schwartz
Carole Schwartz
David and Esther Schwartz
Dr. David and Judy Schwartz
Harvey Schwartz
Joel Schwartz and Karen Dietch
Larry Schwartz and Evelyn Becker
Miriam Schwartz & Family
Nancy Schwartz

Otto Schwartz
Renia Schwartz
Robert Schwartz and Nancy Krasa
Samuel and Gail Schwartz
Sheldon Schwartz
Candis and Henry Schwarz
Gail Schwarz
Jack Schwarz
Janet Schwarz
Dianne Schwendenman
Laurie Scoblionko
Alexandra Scurei
Bryan and Terri Searfos
Steven and Joy Seeskin
David Segal
Mark and Marie Segal
Michael and Sue Segal
Donna Seidel
Ben and Jeanette Seiferas
Saul Seigel
Joshua and Valerie Selekman
Carl and Susie Seletz
Joyce Selfman
Micki and Marty Seltzer
Bernard and Sandra Senser
Dr. Milton and Arlene Setnar
Teresa Setnar
Doris Shaevitz
Andrew and Elizabeth Shafran
Robert and Bev Shafran
Oren and Sharon Shai
Richard and Liba Shakarchi
Isaiah Shalwitz
Robert Shalwitz and Paula Krasnoff
Harry and Ronda Shamansky
Robert and Sue Shamansky
Anatoly and Tamara Shamson
Joseph and Dorothy Shanfeld
Alyce Shapiro
Arnold and Fran Shapiro
Bernard and Jolene Shapiro
Beth Shapiro
Charles Shapiro and Priscilla Bresler
Elise Shapiro
Ethel Shapiro
Karl Shapiro
Michael and Brenda Shapiro
Neal Shapiro
Rick and Caryn Shapiro
Robert and Barbara Shapiro
Robert and Sheila Shapiro
Scott Shapiro
Eileen Sharff
William Sharff
Ira and Pam Sharfin
Inna Sharkova
Svetlana Shats
Aaron Shatz
Alan and Sara Shatz
Lyudmila and Yuri Shaulov
Harriet and Edward Shea
Lawrence and Susan Shell
Ruth Shell
Stephen and Joan Shell
Marian Shemberg
Charles and Joyce Shenk
Betty Sher
Robert and Susan Sherman
Raisa Shershevsky
Yuriy and Alina Shevkin
Norman and Rosella Shiff
Baruch and Minna Shifman
Yael Shifman
Eugene Shifrin
Mitchell and Barbara Shifrin
Harold and Elaine Shindel
Judy Shirck
Idel Shirin
Jon and Lisa Shiroma
Fannie Shkolnik
Larry and Kathy Shkolnik
Ronald and Laurie Shkolnik
Steven and Bobbie Shkolnik
Todd Shkolnik
Aaron and Rebecca Shocket
Robert and Elinor Shook
Candi and Jay Shoor
Aaron Shore
William and Marcia Shore
David and Kim Shorr
Patricia Shorr
Miriam Shtir
Debbie and Norman Shub
James and Jackie Shulman
Steve and Anne Shulman
Larry and Ruth Shuman
Polina Shusterman
Yefim Shusterman
Yakov Shvartsman
Myron and Phyllis Shwartz
Frima Sidorenko
Daniel M. and Marcia Siegel
Ellen Siegel and Arthur Pollack
Jeff and Tobi Siegel
Peri and Neal Siegel
Ronald and Ruth Siegle
Roslyn Siegel
Sanford and Pauline Siegel
Steve and Jennifer Siegel
Joel Siegman
Barbara Silberstein
Bruce and Marcie Silberstein

2007 Annual Campaign Roll of Honor

Michael Silberstein
Howard Silver
Ann and Norm Silverman
Christine Silverman
Donna Silverman
Ray and Beth Silverstein
Ingrid Silvian
Mayya Simakovskaya
Yevgeniy Simakovskiy
Igor and Elizabeth Simakovsky
Alice Simon
Sharon Simon and Karl Rubin
Stanford Simon
Eugene Simons
Gloria and David Sinai
Sheldon and Corinne Sinai
Carol and Michael Singer
Gertrude and Sheril Singer
Larry and Carolyn Singer
Sherwin and Madeline Singer
John Skidmore and Edye Cook-Skidmore
Helen Skilken
B. Lee and Marilyn Skilken
Fannie* & Morris* Skilken PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
William Slabodnick
Joseph Slade, Judith Lee & Family
Reva Slaven
Alice Slonim
Elliot Slotnick and Marcia Katz
Jeff and Helene Slutsky
Marc and Edye Slutsky
Chuck Small
Mark and Suzanne Smilack
Ted and Donna Smiley
Dan Smith and Claire Rothchild
Andrew Smith and Lavea Brachman
Gary and Morna Smith
Irving and Helen Smith
Larry Smith
Lee and Alison Smith
Sheryl Smith
Stanley Smith
Lilya Smolyarko
Mitchell Snay and Liz Plotnick-Snay
Elie and Marie Sneward
Joe and Ruth Sniderman
Warren and Marlene Sobol
Frank Sobolewski
Mike and Lori Sobul
Jay and Kathy Sokol
Saul Sokol
Howard Sokolov
Diane Sokolove
Bruce and Joy Soll
Adam and Holly Solomon
Andrew and Heidi Solomon
Gary and Marilyn Solomon
Harvey and Dena Solomon
Herbert L. Solomon
Herbert and Charlene Solomon
Myriam Solomon and Philip Franta
Philip Solomon and Anna Archuleta
Sanford and Nanette Solomon
Ronald and Donna Solove
Albert and Barbara Soloway
Dorothy Son
Marion Soomsky
Harold and Agnes Soppel
Amy Sorkin
Beatrice Sowald
Heather Sowald and Robert Kaplan
Seymour and Mary Ann Spatt
Shelley Spatt
Debbie Spenthoff
Bernard and Helen Speyer
Alfred and Joyce Spiegler
Eric and Linda Spiller
Scott Spira and Cynthia Weiss-Spira
Ralph Spitzen
Joseph Spitzner and Marion Cohn-Spitzner
Arkadiy and Raisa Spivakov
Lorn and Lisa Spolter
Ronni Spratt
Laurence and Jean Spunt
Kevin and Karen Stahl
Steve and Julie Stahl
Tommy and Barbara Stahl
Carol and Bernhard Stamm
Edward and Maitzie Stan
Michael Stan and Sally Fingerett
Daniel and Heather Stanich
Sarah Stanich
Dana Stark
Barry and Linda Starr
James and Sheryl Starr
Sanford Starr
Wendie Goldstein Starr
Judy Starr-Lintner and Lewis Lintner
Ruth Stavsky
Seth and Lisa Stavsky
Gregg and Sharon Steele
Sally and John Stefano
Gerald and Sandi Steiman
Avi and Deena Stein
David Stein and Hilda Glazer
Dennis and Maria Stein
Jerry Stein
Lisa Stein
Michael and Susan Stein
Stanley and Eva Stein
Julie Stein-Makowsky

Rochelle and Jules Steinberg

Mark and Sandra Steiner
Rob and Carol Steiner
Stuart and Lola Steinhart
Kenneth Steinman and Robin Judd
Laurence and Bette Stempel
Ed Sterling
Dora Sterling
Amy Stern and Kevin Morrin
Ernest and Aurelia Stern
Jerry and Rozanne Stern
Joel Stern
John and Pam Stern
Norman and Jo Stern
Rudolph Stern Jr
Ruth Stern
Sanford and Hilda Stern
Seyman and Sadie Stern
Amy Sternstein
Jill Steuer and Joan Kasson
Helen Stewart
Nina Stiller
Robin Stock
Gregory and Pamela Stockfish
Lev Stolpner
Lawrence and Rosa Stolz
Alvin and Ruth Stone
David and Wendy Stone
Robert and Susan Stone
Theodore Stone
Carole Stover
Michael and Paula Strauss
Lillian Strouss
Sara Strunskaya
Joseph and Midge Stulberg
Mark and Janet Sturgeon
Charles and Debbie Sugarman
Roger Sugarman and Colleen Nissl-Sugarman
Harvey and Lisa Sukienik
Joseph and Judith Summer
Kenneth and Nancy Supowit
Isadore and Fayne Sussman
Andrew and Nancy Sutter
Eugene Svirsky
Elmer and Anne Swack
Brian Swed
Judith and Gerald Swedlow
Rabbi Sheldon and Dr. Linda Switkin
Rita Syrkin
Marvin and Debbie Szatmary
Charles* & Betty* Talis PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Michael and Hilary Talis
Nili Talis
Mitchell and Lynn Tallan
Michael and Michele Tamarkin
Paul and Karan Tanenbaum
Harriet Tannenbaum
Ron and Nancy Tannenbaum
Susan Tanur
Steve and Rhona Tanzer
Vadim Tarshis
Angela and Michael Tashayeva
Alice Taub
Peter and Cathy Taub
Harry and Cynthia Taubman
Michael and Barbara Taxier
Kathy Taylor
Steven Teich and Esther Chipps
Douglas Tenenbaum
Lee and Elaine Tenenbaum
Judith Tenenhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Max Tennebaum
Marlene and Andrew Tewner
Nancy Thoman
Marvin and Marilyn Thomas
John and Sharon Thornton
Alfred and Susan Tibor
Eva Tibor and Jay Brand
Rosalie Tieman
Barry and Nancy Tiemeier
Jeffrey and Bethanne Tilson
Katie Tilson
Jerome and Sharon Tinianow
Ralph and Eva Tinianow
Dennis and Fahn Tishkoff
Greg Tishkoff
Marc Tishkoff
Stuart and Nancy Tishkoff
Evan and Christa Tobin
Susan and Terry Tobin
Lyubov Tomasheivich
Scott and Susan Toothman
Barbara and Joel Topolosky
Harry and Mildred Topolosky
Randy and Rochelle Topolosky
Ruthetta Topolosky
Sheldon and Barbara Topolosky
Steven and Cheryl Topolosky
Pnina Gutterman Tranen
Joshua Gutterman Tranen
Michael and Merry Troper
David and Ida Trostyanetsky
Rabbi Tzvi and Ilana Tuchman
Brian and Audrey Tuckerman
Craig and Connie Tuckerman
Esther Tuckerman
Steven and Judy Tuckerman
David and Patty Tumen
Kathe and Richard Turiel
Dr. Rick Turkel
Diane and Albert Tyroler

Arthur and Judith Uhrman

Judi and Howard Ull
Matthew and Susan Ungar
Rabbi Michael Ungar
Patricia Starr Upchurch
Karie and Ralph Urban
Jerome and Adria Urell
Stephen and Denise Urell
Irina Urina
Cheryl Vaia and Herb Bresler
Svetlana Vaisberg
Boris and Susanna Vaksman
Yakov Valdman
Lorrie and David Valinsky
Julius Vargo
Elizabeth Veldey and Tom Temple
Gideon Vennor and Ruth Weinschenk-Vennor
Vitaly and Galina Verbitsky
Kenneth and Deborah Verhaeghe
Robert and Debbie Verona
Val and Marianna Vershinin
Judy and Robert Vigder
Lazar Viner and Viktoria Novikova
Debra Vinocur
Richard and Debbie Vogel
Michael Vokhgelt
Nick and Leslie Vollman
Sofya Volosova
Ileen Wachtel
Daniel and Corrine Wagner
Dana Waitze
Daniel and Rita Waitzman
Dorothy Waitzman
Jack Wallick* PACE Fund
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Joan Wallick
Julie Wallick
Dennis and Jenny Walsh
Deborah Walter
Stephen Wansky
Jeffrey and Kristin Warren
Mary Warren
Rich and Carrie Wartel
Alan and Daina Wasserstrom
Bertha Wasserstrom
Brad and Julie Wasserstrom
Bruce Wasserstrom
Eric and Jennifer Wasserstrom
Evelyn Wasserstrom
Harold and Bernice Wasserstrom
Harvey and Susan Wasserman
James and Nancy Wasserstrom
Jeff and Cheryl Wasserstrom
Jon and Jayne Wasserstrom
Leslie Wasserstrom
Reid and Fran Wasserstrom
Richard Wasserstrom
Rodney and Donna Wasserstrom
Sally Wasserstrom
Teresa Wasserstrom
Gerald and Stephanie Waterman
Enid Weaver
Brad, Halli and Emma Webb
Bob and Joy Weber
Michael and Barbara Weckstein
Chuck and Ellen Weiden
Alan and Beatrice Weiler
Robert and Missy Weiler
Skip and Linda Weiler
Steven and Mary Weiler
Wendy Weiler & Michael Dwyer
Ryan Weily
David and Marsha Weinbaum
Alan and Ireen Weinberg
Bruce Weinberg
Murray and Harriet Weinberg
Scott Weinblatt
Alan Weiner
Cheryl Weiner and Lee Pearlman
Jerry and Evelyn Weiner
Richard Weiner
Sam and Frances Weiner
David and Daniella Weinerman
Philip and Julie Weinerman
Rabbi Yaakov and Sara Weinrach
Abram Weinrib
Jennifer Weinstein
Paula and Mark Weinstein
Michael and Elizabeth Weinstock
Leah Weintraub and Greg Adams
Herbert and Judith Weisberg
Amy Weisberger
Steven and Judy Weisbrode
Josh and Kim Weisel
Laura Weisel
Michael Weisel
William Weisenberg
Adam and Laura Weiser
David and Rochell Weisfogel
Bob and Sally Weisman
Meyer and Ann Weisman
Scott and Tammy Weisman
Allan and Beanie Weiss
Carole Weiss
Eugene and Kim Weiss
Michael and Arlene Weiss
Robert Weiss
Jill Weissman and Shelby Furman
Marian Weissman
Peter and Ruth Weissman
Michael and Chanita Weisz
Rabbi Naphtali and Abby Weisz

Rhonda and Joseph Weithman

Gloria Wells
Norma Wells
Stuart and Eileen Weltz
Rephael Wenger and Shifra Tyberg
Rachel Wengrow
Howard and Gwen Werman
Joyce Wexler
Leslie and Abigail Wexner
Herbert and Roselee Weyl
Steve and Karlene Weyl
Amy Wharton
Arnold and Susan White
Herbert and Jackie White
Joyce White
Marvin and Babette Whitman
Norma and Walt Whitmyre
Martha Widlus
Morris and Esther Wilhelm
Jennifer Wilkinson
Larry and Faye Willen
Phyllis Williams
Richard and Joanne Williams
Kate Willis
Stephen and Pam Wilson
Steven and Lenni Wilson
Fredric and Jill Winer
Gerald and Sue Winer
Jim Winnegrad and Janice Manheim
Jeanne Winnick
Adam and Jessica Winter
Ruth Wohlstein
Barnet and Judith Wolf
Bob and Patti Wolf
David Wolf
Linda and Warren Wolf
Mark Wolfe
Amy Wolff
Paul and Kathy Wolfson
Betty Wolin
Adam and Jennifer Wolinetz
Barry and Kathi Wolinetz
Fred and Soni Wollins
Benson and Jerilyn Wolman
Janice and Herbert Wolman
Beatrice Wolper
Sidney and Marcia Wolpert
Donald and Mindy Worly
Yetta Worly
Joan Wurmbrand and Carol Fey
Aaron and Shirley Yablok
Barry Yaillen
Janet Yaillen
Gregory and Alla Yakover
Igor and Svetlana Yanovsky
Skip and Karen Yassenoff
Bernard and Myra Yavitch
Bernard and Miriam Yenkin
Bonnie Yerkes
Abraham and Varda Yishai
Jonathan and Kathleen York
Spencer and Diane Youell
Charles and Blanche Young
James and Jackie Young
Jon and Pamela Young
Louise Young
Sheldon and Bette Young
Steven and Inbar Young
William Young
Matt Youngner
Rabbi Howard and Linda Zack
Benjamin and Mary Beth Zacks
Gordon and Carol Sue Zacks
Jacques and Laura Zakin
Sonia Zamed
Steven and Claudia Zane
Traci and Matthew Zavarella
Barry and Cynthia Zeidman
Gordon and Jennie Zeidman
Chris and Sara Zeigler
Evan Zelden
Howard and Marcie Zeldin
Eileen Zell
Allan Zelman and Susan Tave Zelman
Leopold and Sonia Zelmanovich
Mikhail and Lidiya Zhuravlev
Daniel and Greta Zidel
Eric and Katrina Zidel
Marc and Lisa Ziegler
Phyllis Zierler
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Zimmerman
Rabbi Misha Zinkow and Rabbi Elka Abrahamson
Betty Ziskind
Mindie and Steve Zisser
Joseph and Kara Zitko
Margot Zitron
Ephraim and Danielle Zouela
Sherry Zox and Arnold Deutchman
Benjamin and Julie Zox
Florence Zox
William and Jeannie Zox
John and Laurel Zulliger
Larry and Leonore Zusman
Stuart and Rochelle Zweben
Gloria Zwelling
Howard Zwelling
Martin Zwelling
Rick and Sheila Zwelling


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