OS SS Guide 2024 - Updated100324
OS SS Guide 2024 - Updated100324
OS SS Guide 2024 - Updated100324
to Pure Religion Sunday
For more than 20 years, churches all around the world have rallied together each
year – on the second Sunday in November – to draw attention to God’s heart
for orphaned and vulnerable children and families and to invite their own local
congregations to respond in deep and meaningful ways. Through the power of
this focused and unified Sunday, churches have stood in solidarity with the heart
of God, the global Church around the world and the most vulnerable right there
in their own communities.
This is the powerful story we all have the opportunity to participate in again
this year - the story of God’s heart for and actions toward the orphaned and
vulnerable told throughout the narrative of Scripture and expressed through
centuries of faithful devotion and service by Christians all around the world. We
participate this year as a celebration of all that has been done while eagerly
anticipating all the ways God will continue to work through His Church.
The heart of Christian discipleship reflected in James 1:27 is that while caring
for “orphans and widows” and various expressions of vulnerability around
us (helpful) we would remain “unstained by the world,” or live lives that are
distinctively different from the rhythms and patterns of the world around us.
Pure Religion Sunday acts as a celebratory and catalyzing opportunity to inspire
and equip God’s people to live out this “pure religion” described in the book of
James and expressed throughout Scripture. This is the framework of Christian
discipleship - a holy and helpful vision for the Church, and more specifically, for
your church in your community.
Throughout this simple guide you will find helpful tools to explore unique and
creative ways your church can participate in “Pure Religion Sunday.” You will
get access to resources designed for you - the local Church - curated and
created through the work of the Pure Religion Project, a focused initiative of the
Christian Alliance for Orphans and the broader CAFO community designed to
help churches live out their calling to care for vulnerable children and families
while growing closer to Jesus as His disciples.
As you take your next steps forward, know our team stands ready to help serve
and support you in any ways we can. It’s our honor to walk alongside you as we
increasingly live out “pure religion” - together.
Director of Church Engagement and Mobilization
[email protected]
This guide is intended to be a primer as you plan and
prepare for your Pure Religion Sunday events! You’ll
find resources, stories, practical ideas and a sample
rollout plan to help equip you for the months ahead
– and beyond! Use any of the ideas throughout this
guide or feel much freedom to creatively come up
with your own.
Request a Coach
The Bible calls God’s people to advocate for the
weak and vulnerable. In Proverbs 31:8 it says,
And we also see the unique challenges that come with advocacy,
where problems feel complicated, solutions are varied and issues
of protection and privacy can often seem limiting when it comes
to connecting the needs of vulnerable children with others in the
This is one reason we launched a new approach to strengthen and
unite the voices of Champion Advocates just like you – to help grow
and guide the global movement of Christians working together to
be God’s answer, through the local church, to care for orphans,
vulnerable children and families.
(Note: Application windows are only open at certain times of the year, but
advocates from member organizations can apply any time. Click the button
to learn more.)
of Christians standing for the
orphaned and vulnerable.
Orphan Sunday came as a gift from the Church in Africa. While
attending a church service in Zambia, an American visitor
witnessed the local pastor’s passionate call to care for orphans, in
a community that had been ravaged by AIDS and poverty. During
that first-ever “Orphan Sunday,” as the service ended, one after
another the people stepped forward giving out of their own need,
offering their food, and some even taking off their own shoes and
placing them in the offering basket for orphans.
This is the earnest aim of the Pure Religion Project. We long to help
God’s people grow in this character, reflecting both the holiness of
God and His merciful, near-coming care. We aim especially to help
local churches live this out together — growing as communities
that are both unpolluted by the priorities and patterns of the world
and caring sacrificially for orphans and widows in their distress.
We’ve created a suite of resources including
graphics, videos and worship songs that
you can use to promote and plan your Pure
Religion Sunday events. These graphics
include posters, slides, social media graphics,
videos and more – available in English and
Spanish! Make it your own by adding your
logos, dates and content to fit your church
and community.
Click to access
Access Canva Resources
Become familiar with the Pure
Religion Project resources, including
the Leverage book which provides
instructions for before and after event
planning. Consider working with
other churches and organizations in
your community to share resources
and plan events together!
Download and customize promotional
graphics for your event and modify
them to fit your church and community!
Continue to promote and spread the
word about your event within your
church and community. Access the
free worship resources available
through the Worship Initiative
website as you begin planning your
Second Sunday in November
Pure Religion Sunday service.
Today, churches and individuals
worldwide are sharing about God’s
heart for the vulnerable.
Host an informational meeting, or
make appropriate connections, for
those who want to get involved and
learn more!
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Copyright 2024 | All Rights Reserved
A ministry resource provided by the Christian Alliance for Orphans