ECE 394: Communication Networks
ECE 394: Communication Networks
ECE 394: Communication Networks
Date: 01-05-2014
Instruction:- Each carry one mark. Read the questions carefully, write the most appropriate answer
(A,B,C,D in capital) clearly in the box provided with ink. Overwriting or ambiguity will not be
considered for recheck.
[B] Ethernet
3. If ALOHA protocol is used to share a 56 kbps satellite channel with a frame length of 1000 bits,
the maximum throughput is . frames/second
[A] 10
[B] three
[C] four
5. MP3 can compress audio signals of different frequencies and produce ______ data rate.
[ A] 96 Kbps
D. All of these
Instructors Use
[B] B
[C] C
Recheck request:
7. The applied persistence of transmitting nodes is changed from 1/2 to 1/11. Then the medium
access time increases, which results in _______collision and loss.
[A] Less
[B] More
[C] No relation
[D] None
8. As the pause time increases for the mobile nodes in wireless LAN, what happens to user level
[A] No change in throughput
[B] Throughput will decrease
[C] Throughput will increase
[D] None
9. Set A has application data distribution constant, application data size (bytes) 6800 and RTS
threshold equal to 2347. Set B has application data distribution constant, Application data size
(bytes) 1472 and RTS threshold equal to 2347. Which set has low throughput.
[A] Set A
[B] Set B
[C] Both have same throughput
[D] None
10. ______IEEE standard devices operate in the license free 5.X GHz frequency band and can
achieve a maximum throughput of 54 M bit/sec by using orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM) modulation techniques to increase throughput.
[A] 802.11a
[B] 802.11b
[C] 802.11g
[D] None
11. Collisions in hubs are ______than switches and Ethernet delay for 100 Mbps link is _______as
compared to 10 Mbps link.
[A] Less, More [B] More, Small [C] Less, Small
[D] More, More
12. In routing, RIP packets are considered as overhead, as the number of RIP packets increases, the
overhead increases. As the periodic time is increased what happens to the overhead (%) of the
[A] Increases
[B] Decreases
[C] No change
[D] None
13. As the inter arrival time is decreasing exponentially traffic received will _______.
[A] Increase
[B] Decrease [C] No change [D] Can not be predictable
14. Which http status response is used for permanent redirection
[C] 401
15. In the wireshark application which filter is used for analyzing DHCP traffic and how long is a
mac address?
[A] dhcp, 32 bits
[B] tcp, 18 bits
[C] bootp, 48 bits
[D]dhcp, 24 bits